
function New-POSHOriginResource {
            Returns a POSHOrigin resource containing the options specified.
            Returns a POSHOrigin resource containing the options specified.
        .PARAMETER ResourceType
            The module name and DSC resource name this POSHOrigin resource represents.
        .PARAMETER Name
            The name of the resource
        .PARAMETER Options
            Hashtable of options for the resource
        .PARAMETER Force
            Force recreation of the resource even if the resource was found in the resource cache
            Returns a POSHOrigin resource with the necessary options to create a new folder
            The alias 'resource' is usually used instead of the full cmdlet name New-POSHOriginResource.
            resource 'poshorigin:poshfolder' 'folder01' @{
                description = 'this is an exmaple folder'
                ensure = 'present'
                path = 'c:\'

        [parameter(mandatory, position = 0)]
            If ($_ -match '.+:.+') {
            } else {
                throw "The resource type must be in the format of <ModuleName>:<ResourceType>"
        [parameter(mandatory, position = 1)]
        [parameter(mandatory, position = 2)]


    $fullName = "[" + $ResourceType.Split(':')[1] + "]" + $Name

    Write-Verbose -Message " Creating resource $fullName"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Force') -or (-not $resourceCache.ContainsKey($fullName))) {

        if (-not $resourceCache.ContainsKey($fullName)) {
            $script:resourceCache.Add($fullName, $fullName)

        $defaults = @{}
        if ($Options.ContainsKey('Defaults')) {

            # Get parent directory of script that called this function
            # and resolve path to defaults file specified in resource
            $parentDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Parent
            $resolvedPath = Join-Path -Path $parentDir -ChildPath $options.Defaults
            $resolvedPath = Resolve-Path -Path $resolvedPath
            $resourceName = "[$ResourceType]$Name"
            Write-Verbose -Message (" " + $msgs.npor_resolved_defaults -f $resourceName, $resolvedPath)

            # Load defaults file
            $item = Get-Item -Path $resolvedPath
            $defaults = _ParsePsd1 -data ($item.FullName)

        # Merge this resource with the defaults specified
        $merged = _MergeHashtables -Primary $Options -Secondary $defaults -Verbose

        # Strip out the 'defaults' parameter

        # If 'DependsOn' is a single string, change it to a string[]
        if ($merged.DependsOn -and $merged.DependsOn -is [string]) {
            $t = $merged.DependsOn
            $merged.DependsOn = @()
            $merged.DependsOn += $t

        # IF 'DependsOn' is an empty string, make it null
        if ($merged.DependsOn -eq [string]::Empty) {
            $merged.DependsOn = @()

        # Add an empty 'Dependson' parameter is none is specified
        if (-Not ($merged.GetEnumerator() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -icontains 'DependsOn') {
            $merged.DependsOn = @()
        # Set the 'Name' parameter to the name given in the resource declaration
        # only if the resource options don't explicitly have a name parameter
        if (-Not $merged.ContainsKey('Name')) {
            $merged.Name = $Name

        $wrapper = @{
            Name = $Name
            FullName = $fullName
            Description = $merged.Description
            Resource = $ResourceType
            DependsOn = $merged.DependsOn
            Options = $merged
        $obj = _ConvertFrom-Hashtable -hashtable $wrapper -combine -recurse
        return $obj
    } else {
        Write-Warning -Message "Resource $fullName is already defined and will not be defined again. Use the -Force switch to recreate the resource."