
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\Private\Functions.ps1"

# Request terminating errors by default
$PSDefaultParameterValues['*:ErrorAction'] = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop

$InteractiveSession = [System.Environment]::UserInteractive

    Adds SEPPmail Exchange Online connectors
    SEPPmail uses 2 Connectors to transfer messages between SEPPmail and Exchange Online
    This commandlet will create the connectors for you.

    The -SEPPmailFQDN must point to a SEPPmail Appliance with a valid certificate to establish the TLS connection.
    The parameter -TlsDomain is required, if the SEPPmailFQDN differs from the one in the SSL certificate.

    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailFQDN ''

function New-SM365Connectors
         SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
         ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'

             Mandatory = $true,
             HelpMessage = 'FQDN of the SEPPmail Appliance'
        [String] $SEPPmailFQDN,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'IP addresses or ranges of the SEPPmail appliances'
        [string[]] $TrustedIPs,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'Internal Mail Domains, the connector will take E-Mails from'
        [string[]] $SenderDomains,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'External Mail Domains, the connector will send E-Mails to'
        [string[]] $RecipientDomains,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'The subject of the SEPPmail SSL certificate (used for both in- and outbound connectors)'
        [string] $TlsDomain,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'The subject of the SEPPmail SSL certificate for the inbound connector'
        [string] $InboundTlsDomain,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'The subject of the SEPPmail SSL certificate for the outbound connector'
        [string] $OutboundTlsDomain,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'Which configuration version to use'
        [SM365.ConfigVersion] $Version = [SM365.ConfigVersion]::Default,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'Should the connectors be created active or inactive'
        [switch] $Enabled = $true

        {throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet"}

        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        # provide defaults for parameters, if not specified
        {$TlsDomain = $SEPPmailFQDN}

        {$InboundTlsDomain = $TlsDomain}

        {$OutboundTlsDomain = $TlsDomain}

        $allInboundConnectors = Get-InboundConnector
        $allOutboundConnectors = Get-OutboundConnector

        Write-Verbose "Testing for hybrid Setup"
        $HybridInboundConn = $allInboundConnectors |Where-Object {(($_.Name -clike 'Inbound from *') -or ($_.ConnectorSource -clike 'HybridWizard'))}
        $HybridOutBoundConn = $allOutboundConnectors |Where-Object {(($_.Name -clike 'Outbound to *') -or ($_.ConnectorSource -clike 'HybridWizard'))}

        if ($HybridInboundConn -or $HybridOutBoundConn)
            Write-Warning "!!! - Hybrid Configuration detected - we assume you know what you are doing. Be sure to backup your connector settings before making any change."

                Write-Verbose "Ask user to continue if Hybrid is found."
                Do {
                    try {
                        [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$hybridContinue = Read-Host -Prompt "Create SEPPmail connectors in hybrid environment ? (Y/N)"
                    catch {}
                until ($?)
                if ($hybridContinue -eq 'n') {
                    Write-Verbose "Exiting due to user decision."
                # should we error out here, since connector creation might be dangerous?
        } else {
            Write-Information "No Hybrid Connectors detected, seems to be a clean cloud-only environment" -InformationAction Continue

        $outbound = Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings -Version $Version
        $outbound.SmartHosts = $SEPPmailFQDN
        $outbound.TlsDomain = $OutboundTlsDomain
        $outbound.Enabled = $Enabled

        $inbound = Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings -Version $Version
        $inbound.TlsSenderCertificateName = $InboundTlsDomain
        $inbound.Enabled = $Enabled

        if (!$TrustedIPs)
            Write-Verbose "No IPs provided - trying to resolve $SEPPmailFQDN"
            [string[]] $ips = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($SEPPmailFQDN) | % { $_.IPAddressToString }

            Write-Verbose "Found following IP addresses: $ips"

        if($SenderDomains -and !($SenderDomains -eq '*'))
            $inbound.AssociatedAcceptedDomains = $SenderDomains
            $inbound.SenderDomains = $SenderDomains

            $outbound.RecipientDomains = $RecipientDomains

        Write-Verbose "Read existing SEPPmail Inbound Connector"
        $existingSMInboundConn = $allInboundConnectors | Where-Object Name -EQ $inbound.Name

        # only $false if the user says so interactively
        [bool] $createInbound = $true

        if ($existingSMInboundConn)
            Write-Warning "Found existing SEPPmail inbound Connector with name: `"$($existingSMInboundConn.Name)`", created `"$($existingSMInboundConn.WhenCreated)`" incoming SEPPmail is `"$($existingSMInboundConn.TlsSenderCertificateName)`""

                [string] $tmp = $null
                Do {
                    try {
                        [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$tmp = Read-Host -Prompt "Shall we delete and recreate the inbound connector (will only work if no rules use it)? (Y/N)"
                    catch {}
                until ($?)

                if ($tmp -eq 'y') {
                    $createInbound = $true

                    Write-Verbose "Removing existing SEPPmail Inbound Connector $($existingSMInboundConn.Name) !"
                    if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($existingSMInboundConn.Name), 'Removing existing SEPPmail inbound Connector')) {
                        $existingSMInboundConn | Remove-InboundConnector -Confirm:$false # user already confirmed action

                        if (!$?)
                        { throw $error[0] }
                else {
                    Write-Warning "Leaving existing SEPPmail Inbound Connector `"$($existingSMInboundConn.Name)`" untouched."
                    $createInbound = $false
                throw [System.Exception] "Inbound connector $($inbound.Name) already exists"
        {Write-Verbose "No existing Inbound Connector found"}

            # necessary assignment for splatting
            $param = $inbound.ToHashtable()

            Write-Verbose "Creating SEPPmail Inbound Connector $($param.Name)!"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($param.Name), 'Creating Inbound Connector'))
                Write-Debug "Inbound Connector settings:"
                $param.GetEnumerator() | % {
                    Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"
                New-InboundConnector @param | Out-Null

                {throw $error[0]}

        Write-Verbose "Read existing SEPPmail outbound connector"
        $existingSMOutboundConn = $allOutboundConnectors | Where-Object Name -EQ $outbound.Name

        # only $false if the user says so interactively
        [bool] $createOutbound = $true
        if ($existingSMOutboundConn)
            Write-Warning "Found existing SEPPmail outbound connector with name: `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.Name)`" created on `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.WhenCreated)`" pointing to SEPPmail `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.TlsDomain)`" "

                [string] $tmp = $null

                Do {
                    try {
                        [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$tmp = Read-Host -Prompt "Shall we delete and recreate the outbound connector (will only work if no rules use it)? (Y/N)"
                    catch {}
                until ($?)

                if ($tmp -eq 'y') {
                    $createOutbound = $true

                    Write-Verbose "Removing existing Outbound Connector $($existingSMOutboundConn.Name) !"
                    if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($existingSMOutboundConn.Name), 'Removing existing SEPPmail Outbound Connector')) {
                        $existingSMOutboundConn | Remove-OutboundConnector -Confirm:$false # user already confirmed action

                        if (!$?)
                        { throw $error[0] }
                else {
                    Write-Warning "Leaving existing SEPPmail outbound connector `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.Name)`" untouched."
                    $createOutbound = $false
                throw [System.Exception] "Outbound connector $($outbound.Name) already exists"
        {Write-Verbose "No existing Outbound Connector found"}

            # necessary assignment for splatting
            $param = $outbound.ToHashtable()

            Write-Verbose "Creating SEPPmail Outbound Connector $($param.Name)!"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($param.Name), 'Creating Outbound Connector'))
                Write-Debug "Outbound Connector settings:"
                $param.GetEnumerator() | %{
                    Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"

                New-OutboundConnector @param | Out-Null

                {throw $error[0]}


    Updates existing SEPPmail Exchange Online connectors
    SEPPmail uses 2 Connectors to transfer messages between SEPPmail and Exchange Online
    This commandlet will update the connectors for you.

    The -SEPPmailFQDN must point to a SEPPmail Appliance with a valid certificate to establish the TLS connection.
    The parameter -TlsDomain is required, if the SEPPmailFQDN differs from the one in the SSL certificate.

    New-SM365Connectors -SEPPmailFQDN ''

function Set-SM365Connectors
         SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
         ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'FQDN of the SEPPmail Appliance'
        [String] $SEPPmailFQDN,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'IP addresses or ranges of the SEPPmail appliances'
        [string[]] $TrustedIPs,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Internal Mail Domains, the connectors allow sending for'
        [string[]] $SenderDomains,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'External Mail Domains, the connectors allow sending to'
        [string[]] $RecipientDomains,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'The subject of the SEPPmail SSL certificate (used for both in- and outbound connectors)'
        [string] $TlsDomain,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'The subject of the SEPPmail SSL certificate for the inbound connector'
        [string] $InboundTlsDomain,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'The subject of the SEPPmail SSL certificate for the outbound connector'
        [string] $OutboundTlsDomain,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'Also sets all other connector settings to the SEPPmail default'
        [switch] $SetDefaults,

             Mandatory = $false,
             HelpMessage = 'Which configuration version to use'
        [SM365.ConfigVersion] $Version = [SM365.ConfigVersion]::Default,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Should the connectors be set to active or inactive'
        [switch] $Enabled = $true

        if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
        { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        # provide defaults for parameters, if not specified
        {$TlsDomain = $SEPPmailFQDN}

        {$InboundTlsDomain = $TlsDomain}

        {$OutboundTlsDomain = $TlsDomain}

        [SM365.InboundConnectorSettings] $inbound = $null
        [SM365.OutboundConnectorSettings] $outbound = $null

            if($Version -eq "None")
            {throw [System.Exception] "-SetDefaults but no -Version specified - this won't work!"}

            $inbound = Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings -Version $Version
            $outbound = Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings -Version $Version
            $inbound = Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings -Version "None"
            $outbound = Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings -Version "None"

        $inbound.Enabled = $Enabled
        $outbound.Enabled = $Enabled


        {$outbound.SmartHosts = $SEPPmailFQDN}

        {$outbound.TlsDomain = $OutboundTlsDomain}

        {$inbound.TlsSenderCertificateName = $InboundTlsDomain}

        {$inbound.SenderDomains = $SenderDomains}

        {$outbound.RecipientDomains = $RecipientDomains}

        Write-Verbose "Read existing SEPPmail Inbound Connector"
        $existingSMInboundConn = Get-InboundConnector $inbound.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        {throw [System.Exception] "No existing SEPPmail inbound connector found"}
                # make sure we only add to existing EFSkipIPs, if defaults are requested
                $existingSMInboundConn.EFSkipIPs | % {
                    if ($inbound.EFSkipIPs -notcontains $_)
                    { $inbound.EFSkipIPs.Add($_) }

                # make sure the appliance itself is registered in EFSkipIPs, if defaults are requested
                [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($existingSMInboundConn.TlsSenderCertificateName) | % {
                    if ($existingSMInboundConn.EFSkipIPs -notcontains $_.IPAddressToString) {
                        Write-Verbose "Appliance IP is not in EFSkipIPs - adding..."

            $param = $inbound.ToHashtable("Update")
            Write-Verbose "Updating SEPPmail Inbound Connector $($param.Name)!"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($inbound.Name, "Updating Inbound Connector")) {
                Write-Debug "Inbound Connector settings:"
                $param.GetEnumerator() | % {
                    Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"

                Set-InboundConnector @param

                {throw [System.Exception] $error[0]}

        Write-Verbose "Read existing SEPPmail outbound connector"
        $existingSMOutboundConn = Get-OutboundConnector $outbound.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        {throw [System.Exception] "No existing SEPPmail outbound connector found"}
            $param = $outbound.ToHashtable("Update")
            Write-Verbose "Updating SEPPmail Outbound Connector $($param.Name)!"
            if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($outbound.Name, "Updating Outbound Connector")) {
                Write-Debug "Outbound Connector settings:"
                $param.GetEnumerator() | % {
                    Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"

                Set-OutboundConnector @param

                {throw [System.Exception] $error[0]}


    Create SEPPmail transport rules
    Creates rules to direct the mailflow between Exchange Online and SEPPmail.
    PS C:\> New-SM365Rules
    Creates the needed ruleset to integrate SEPPmail with Exchange online

function New-SM365Rules
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
                   ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
                   HelpMessage='Should the new rules be placed before or after existing ones (if any)')]
        [SM365.PlacementPriority] $PlacementPriority = [SM365.PlacementPriority]::Top,

                   HelpMessage='Which configuration version to use')]
        [SM365.ConfigVersion] $Version = [SM365.ConfigVersion]::Default,

            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Should the rules be created active or inactive'
        [switch] $Enabled = $true

        if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
        { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        $outboundConnectors = Get-OutboundConnector | ?{ $_.Name -match "^\[SEPPmail\]" }
            throw [System.Exception] "No SEPPmail outbound connector found. Run `"New-SM365Connectors`" to add the proper SEPPmail connectors"

            Write-Verbose "Read existing custom transport rules"
            $existingTransportRules = Get-TransportRule | Where-Object Name -NotMatch '^\[SEPPmail\].*$'
            [int] $placementPrio = @(0, $existingTransportRules.Count)[!($PlacementPriority -eq "Top")] <# Poor man's ternary operator #>
            if ($existingTransportRules)
                if($InteractiveSession -and !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("PlacementPriority") <# Prio already set, so no need to ask #>)
                    Write-Warning 'Found existing custom transport rules.'
                    Write-Warning '--------------------------------------------'
                    foreach ($etpr in $existingTransportRules) {
                        Write-Warning "Rule name `"$($etpr.Name)`" with state `"$($etpr.State)`" has priority `"$($etpr.Priority)`""
                    Write-Warning '--------------------------------------------'
                    Do {
                        try {
                            [ValidateSet('Top', 'Bottom', 'Cancel', 't', 'T', 'b', 'B', 'c', 'C', $null)]$existingRulesAction = Read-Host -Prompt "Where shall we place the SEPPmail rules ? (Top(Default)/Bottom/Cancel)"
                        catch {}
                    until ($?)

                    switch ($existingRulesAction) {
                        'Top' { $placementPrio = '0' }
                        't' { $placementPrio = '0' }
                        'Bottom' { $placementPrio = ($existingTransportRules).count }
                        'b' { $placementPrio = ($existingTransportRules).count }
                        'Cancel' { return }
                        'c' { return }
                        default { $placementPrio = '0' }
                Write-Verbose 'No existing custom rules found'
            Write-Verbose "Placement priority is $placementPrio"

            Write-Verbose "Read existing SEPPmail transport rules"
            $existingSMTransportRules = Get-TransportRule | Where-Object Name -Match '^\[SEPPmail\].*$'
            [bool] $createRules = $true
            if ($existingSMTransportRules)
                    Write-Warning 'Found existing [SEPPmail] Rules.'
                    Write-Warning '--------------------------------------------'
                    foreach ($eSMtpr in $existingSMTransportRules) {
                        Write-Warning "Rule name `"$($eSMtpr.Name)`" with state `"$($eSMtpr.State)`" has priority `"$($eSMtpr.Priority)`""
                    Write-Warning '--------------------------------------------'
                    Do {
                        try {
                            [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$recreateSMRules = Read-Host -Prompt "Shall we delete and recreate them ? (Y/N)"
                        catch {}
                    until ($?)
                    if ($recreateSMRules -like 'y') {
                    else {
                        $createRules = $false
                    throw [System.Exception] "SEPPmail Transport rules already exist"

                Get-SM365TransportRuleSettings -Version $Version | %{
                    $setting = $_

                    $setting.Priority = $placementPrio
                    $setting.Enabled = $Enabled

                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($setting.Name, "Create transport rule"))
                        $param = $setting.ToHashtable()

                        Write-Debug "Transport rule settings:"
                        $param.GetEnumerator() | % {
                            Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"

                        New-TransportRule @param
        catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"



    Updates existing SEPPmail transport rules to default values
    The -Version parameter can be used to update to a specific ruleset version
    matching your SEPPmail appliance.
    Set-SM365Rules -Version Default

function Set-SM365Rules
         SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
         ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'
                   HelpMessage='Which configuration version to use')]
        [SM365.ConfigVersion] $Version = [SM365.ConfigVersion]::Default,

                   HelpMessage='Should missing rules be created')]
        [switch] $FixMissing

        if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
        { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        if(!(Get-TransportRule | ?{$_.Name -match "^\[SEPPmail\]"}))
        {throw [System.Exception] "No SEPPmail transport rules found. Please run `"New-SM365Rules`" to create them."}

            Get-SM365TransportRuleSettings | %{
                $setting = $_
                $rule = Get-TransportRule $setting.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                if ($rule -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($setting.Name, "Update transport rule"))
                    $parameters = $setting.ToHashtable("Update")

                    Write-Debug "Transport rule settings:"
                    $parameters.GetEnumerator() | % {
                        Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"

                    Set-TransportRule @parameters
                elseif($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($setting.Name, "Create missing transport rule"))
                    $parameters = $setting.ToHashtable()

                    Write-Debug "Transport rule settings:"
                    $parameters.GetEnumerator() | % {
                        Write-Debug "$($_.Key) = $($_.Value)"

                    New-TransportRule @parameters
        catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"



    Removes the SEPPmail inbound and outbound connectors
    Convenience function to remove the SEPPmail connectors

function Remove-SM365Connectors


    if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
    { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

    Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

    $inbound = Get-SM365InboundConnectorSettings -Version "None"
    $outbound = Get-SM365OutboundConnectorSettings -Version "None"

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($outbound.Name, "Remove SEPPmail connector"))
    {Remove-OutboundConnector $outbound.Name}

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($inbound.Name, "Remove SEPPmail connector"))
    {Remove-InboundConnector $inbound.Name}

    Removes the SEPPmail transport rules
    Convenience function to remove the SEPPmail transport rules

function Remove-SM365Rules {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
                   ConfirmImpact = 'Medium'


    if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
    { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

    Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

    $settings = Get-SM365TransportRuleSettings -Version "None"
    foreach($setting in $settings)
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($setting.Name, "Remove transport rule"))
            $rule = Get-TransportRule $setting.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            {$rule | Remove-TransportRule -Confirm:$false}
            {Write-Verbose "Rule $($setting.Name) does not exist"}

    Backs up all existing connectors to individual json files
    Convenience function to perform a backup of all existing connectors
    Backup-SM365Connectors -OutFolder "C:\temp"

function Backup-SM365Connectors
             Mandatory = $true,
             HelpMessage = 'Folder in which the backed up configuration will be stored'
        [String] $OutFolder

        if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
        { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        if(!(Test-Path $OutFolder))
        {New-Item $OutFolder -ItemType Directory}

        Get-InboundConnector | %{
            $n = $_.Name
            $n = $n -replace "[\[\]*\\/?:><`"]"

            $p = "$OutFolder\inbound_connector_$n.json"

            Write-Verbose "Backing up $($_.Name) to $p"
            ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $_ | Out-File $p

        Get-OutboundConnector | % {
            $n = $_.Name
            $n = $n -replace "[\[\]*\\/?:><`"]"

            $p = "$OutFolder\outbound_connector_$n.json"
            Write-Verbose "Backing up $($_.Name) to $p"
            ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $_ | Out-File $p

    Backs up all existing transport rules to individual json files
    Convenience function to perform a backup of all existing transport rules
    Backup-SM365Rules -OutFolder "C:\temp"

function Backup-SM365Rules
             Mandatory = $true,
             HelpMessage = 'Folder in which the backed up configuration will be stored'
        [String] $OutFolder

        if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
        { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        if(!(Test-Path $OutFolder))
        {New-Item $OutFolder -ItemType Directory}

        Get-TransportRule | %{
            $n = $_.Name
            $n = $n -replace "[\[\]*\\/?:><`"]"

            $p = "$OutFolder\rule_$n.json"
            Write-Verbose "Backing up $($_.Name) to $p"
            ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $_ | Out-File $p

    Produce a status Report for M365 Exchange Online
    Before any change to the message flow is done, this report retreives the most needed information to decide how to integrate SEPPmail into Exchange Online

function New-SM365ExOReport {
    Param (
        # Define output Filapath
        [Parameter(   Mandatory = $true,
                    HelpMessage = 'Path of the HTML report on disk'

        if (!(Test-SM365ConnectionStatus))
        { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }

        Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue

        try {
            if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Target", "Operation")) {
                #"Whatis is $Whatif and `$pscmdlet.ShouldProcess is $($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess) "
                #For later Use
            $Top = "<p><h1>Exchange Online Report</h1><p>"
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Accepted Domains"
            $hA = '<p><h2>Accepted Domains</h2><p>'
            $A = Get-AcceptedDomain |select-object Domainname,DomainType,Default,EmailOnly,ExternallyManaged,OutboundOnly|Convertto-HTML -Fragment
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Audit Log and Dkim Settings"
            $hB = '<p><h2>Audit Log Settings</h2><p>'
            $B = Get-AdminAuditLogConfig |Select-Object Name,AdminAuditLogEnabled,LogLevel,AdminAuditLogAgeLimit |Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            $hC = '<p><h2>DKIM Settings</h2><p>'
            $C = Get-DkimSigningConfig|Select-Object Domain,Status|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "Collecting Phishing and Malware Policies"
            $hD = '<p><h2>Phishing and Malware Policies</h2><p>'
            $D = Get-AntiPhishPolicy|Select-Object Identity,isDefault,IsValid|Convertto-HTML -Fragment
            $E = Get-MalwareFilterPolicy|Select-Object Identity,Action,IsDefault|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "ATP Information"
            $hF = '<p><h2>ATP Information</h2><p>'
            $F = Get-ATPTotalTrafficReport|Select-Object Organization,Eventtype,Messagecount|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "Get-HybridMailflow"
            $hG = '<p><h2>Hybrid Mailflow Information</h2><p>'
            $G = Get-HybridMailflow|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            #Write-Verbose " Get-HybridMailflowDatacenterIPs"
            #Get-HybridMailflowDatacenterIPs|Select-Object -ExpandProperty DatacenterIPs|Format-Table
            #$H = Get-IntraOrganizationConfiguration|Select-Object OnlineTargetAddress,OnPremiseTargetAddresses,IsValid|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "Get-IntraorgConnector"
            $hI = '<p><h2>Intra Org Connector Settings</h2><p>'
            $I = Get-IntraOrganizationConnector|Select-Object Identity,TargetAddressDomains,DiscoveryEndpoint,IsValid|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "Get-MigrationConfig"
            $hJ = '<p><h2>Migration Configuration Settings</h2><p>'
            $J = Get-MigrationConfig|Select-Object Identity,Features,IsValid|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "Get-MigrationStatistics"
            $hK = '<p><h2>Migration Statistics</h2><p>'
            $K = Get-MigrationStatistics|Select-Object Identity,Totalcount,FinalizedCount,MigrationType,IsValid|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "InboundConnectors"
            $hL = '<p><h2>Inbound Connectors</h2><p>'
            $L = Get-InboundConnector |Select-Object Identity,OrganizationalUnitRootInternal,TlsSenderCertificateName,ConnectorType,ConnectorSource,EFSkipLastIP,EFUsers,IsValid|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "OutboundConnectors"
            $hM = '<p><h2>Outbound Connectors</h2><p>'
            $M = Get-OutboundConnector|Select-Object Identity,TlsDomain,OriginatingServer,TlsSettings,ConnectorType,ConnectorSource,EFSkipLastIP,EFUsers,IsValid|Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            Write-Verbose "TransportRules"
            $hN = '<p><h2>Existing Transport Rules</h2><p>'
            $N = Get-TransportRule | select-object Name,IsValid,Priority,FromScope,SentToScope,Comments |Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            # Get MX Record Report for each domain
            $hO = '<p><h2>MX Record for each Domain</h2><p>'
            $O = $Null
            $oTemp = Get-AcceptedDomain
            Foreach ($AcceptedDomain in $oTemp.DomainName) {
                $O += (Get-MxRecordReport -Domain $AcceptedDomain|Select-Object -Unique|Select-Object HighestPriorityMailhost,HighestPriorityMailhostIpAddress,Domain|Convertto-HTML -Fragment)

            # Find out possible Sending Limits for LFT
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Send and Receive limits for SEPPmail LFT configuration"
            $hP = '<p><h2>Send and Receive limits (for SEPPmail LFT configuration)</h2><p>'
            $P = Get-TransportConfig |Select-Object MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize |Convertto-HTML -Fragment

            $HeaderLogo = [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -path $PSScriptRoot\..\HTML\SEPPmailLogo.jpg -encoding byte ))
            $LogoHTML = @"
<img src="data:image/jpg;base64,$($HeaderLogo)" style="left:150px alt="Exchange Online System Report">

            $style = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\HTML\SEPPmailReport.css
            Convertto-HTML -Body "$LogoHTML $Top $hA $a $hB $b $hC $c $hd $d $e $hF $f $hG $g $hI $i $hJ $j $hK $k $hL $l $hM $m $hN $n $hO $o $hP $P" -Title "SEPPmail365 Exo Report" -Head $style|Out-File -FilePath $filePath

        catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    end {
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