
ACME protocol client for obtaining certificates using Let's Encrypt (or other ACME compliant CA)

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Posh-ACME -RequiredVersion 4.20.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Posh-ACME -Version 4.20.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2018 Ryan Bolger. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Ryan Bolger


LetsEncrypt ssl tls certificates acme Linux Mac


Complete-PAOrder Export-PAAccountKey Get-KeyAuthorization Get-PAAccount Get-PAAuthorization Get-PACertificate Get-PAOrder Get-PAPlugin Get-PAPluginArgs Get-PAServer Install-PACertificate Invoke-HttpChallengeListener New-PAAccount New-PACertificate New-PAOrder New-PAAuthorization Publish-Challenge Remove-PAAccount Remove-PAOrder Remove-PAServer Revoke-PAAuthorization Revoke-PACertificate Save-Challenge Send-ChallengeAck Set-PAAccount Set-PAOrder Set-PAServer Submit-ChallengeValidation Submit-OrderFinalize Submit-Renewal Unpublish-Challenge


Desktop Core


This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

## 4.20.0 (2023-12-12)

* New DNS plugin [PowerDNS](https://www.powerdns.com/powerdns-authoritative-server)
* Fixed duplicate identifiers in the `Domain` parameter causing errors with some ACME servers. Identifiers will now be deduplicated prior to being saved and sent to the ACME server. (#517)
* Added `WSHDelayAfterStart` param to the WebSelfHost plugin which adds a configurable delay between when the challenge listener starts up and when it asks the ACME server to validate the challenges. (#518)
* Orders where the MainDomain is longer than 64 characters will not include a CN value in the Subject field of the certificate request sent to the ACME server. CNs longer than 64 characters were already being rejected by some CAs like Let's Encrypt because the x509 spec doesn't allow for it. [More Info](https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/simplifying-issuance-for-very-long-domain-names/207924)


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
4.23.0 35,486 5/4/2024
4.22.0 46,024 4/13/2024
4.21.0 75,075 3/8/2024
4.20.0 (current version) 170,908 12/13/2023
4.19.0 125,441 8/26/2023
4.18.0 50,471 6/28/2023
4.17.1 48,826 3/29/2023
4.17.0 26,532 2/21/2023
4.16.0 59,218 11/23/2022
4.15.1 46,064 9/9/2022
4.15.0 9,273 8/27/2022
4.14.0 120,865 4/13/2022
4.13.1 21,804 3/14/2022
4.13.0 4,845 3/7/2022
4.12.0 36,558 1/14/2022
4.11.0 32,172 11/24/2021
4.10.0 32,399 10/6/2021
4.9.0 12,944 9/21/2021
4.8.1 7,307 9/12/2021
4.8.0 4,719 9/10/2021
4.7.1 11,068 8/28/2021
4.7.0 3,291 8/24/2021
4.6.0 129,062 7/26/2021
4.5.0 64,752 5/29/2021
4.4.0 23,081 5/3/2021
4.3.2 41,966 3/14/2021
4.3.1 1,112 3/12/2021
4.3.0 18,435 2/24/2021
4.2.0 28,502 2/1/2021
4.1.0 18,991 1/18/2021
4.0.0 39,855 12/19/2020
3.20.0 44,114 11/25/2020
3.19.0 6,266 11/20/2020
3.18.1 11,396 11/12/2020
3.18.0 6,364 11/8/2020
3.17.0 24,987 10/9/2020
3.16.0 19,379 8/31/2020
3.15.1 20,830 7/8/2020
3.15.0 4,873 6/22/2020
3.14.0 16,807 5/7/2020
3.13.0 16,530 4/11/2020
3.12.0 36,158 12/10/2019
3.11.0 4,960 11/12/2019
3.10.0 7,716 11/6/2019
3.9.0 1,226 10/26/2019
3.8.0 11,841 9/27/2019
3.7.0 1,056 9/18/2019
3.6.0 3,251 8/20/2019
3.5.0 32,234 6/21/2019
3.4.0 1,953 4/30/2019
3.3.0 968 3/24/2019
3.2.1 589 3/4/2019
3.2.0 1,380 1/22/2019
3.1.1 514 12/22/2018
3.1.0 109 12/16/2018
3.0.1 330 11/30/2018
3.0.0 359 11/13/2018
2.9.1 418 10/26/2018
2.9.0 356 10/6/2018
2.8.0 475 9/12/2018
2.7.1 333 8/30/2018
2.7.0 287 8/12/2018
2.6.0 115 8/1/2018
2.5.0 295 7/12/2018
2.4.0 408 6/1/2018
2.3.0 37 5/29/2018
2.2.0 78 5/24/2018
2.1.1 63 5/19/2018
2.1.0 39 5/18/2018
2.0.1 228 5/13/2018
2.0 42 5/12/2018
1.1 85 5/2/2018
1.0 26 4/28/2018
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