

A Powershell-based bot framework for ChatOps. PowerShell modules are loaded into PoshBot and instantly become available as bot commands. PoshBot currently supports connecting to Slack to provide you with awesome ChatOps goodness. Bot commands can optionally be secured via permissions, roles, and groups to control who can execute what.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PoshBot -RequiredVersion 0.6.0

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PoshBot -Version 0.6.0

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



(c) 2017 Brandon Olin. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Brandon Olin


PoshBot ChatOps Bot


Get-PoshBot Get-PoshBotConfiguration Get-PoshBotStatefulData New-PoshBotAce New-PoshBotBackend New-PoshBotConfiguration New-PoshBotFileUpload New-PoshBotInstance New-PoshBotScheduledTask New-PoshBotSlackBackend New-HelloPlugin New-PoshBotCardResponse New-PoshBotTextResponse Remove-PoshBotStatefulData Save-PoshBotConfiguration Set-PoshBotStatefulData Start-PoshBot Stop-Poshbot


Release Notes

## [0.6.0] 2017-07-18
### Added
- New builtin command 'Update-Plugin' which updates an existing plugin to a newer version and optionally removes all previous versions.
- New command [Get-CommandStatus] to show running commands.

### Fixed
- Better error handling logic when parsing command help.
- Use [Configuration] module when reading in bot configuration with [Get-PoshBotConfiguration] so PSCredentials can be deserialized correctly.
- Improved user name/id resolution to avoid Slack API rate limits.
- Fixed regression when using the [PoshBot.BotFrom()] custom attribute with an empty parameter.
- PR46 - Adjust help filter in [Get-CommandHelp] command to match exact first and display results if exactly one command was matched. Continue with
 existing behaviour if more than one command is returned. (via @RamblingCookieMonster)

## [0.5.0] 2017-06-14
### Added
- Any regex group matches are now passed in the [Arguments] parameter to the function/command.
- Ability to specify a version of a loaded plugin command to execute.
 Use `plugin:command:version` or `command:version` syntax to execute the command from a specific version of the plugin.
- Support for one time scheduled commands. Commands can now be scheduled to execute once after the specified start date/time.
- Improved the help usage text for commands.
- The [!help] command now matches against command aliases as well.

### Fixed
- Help syntax now reflects the command name (as known in PoshBot) instead of PowerShell function name.

### Changed
- Command usage help is now displayed differently according to the command's trigger type.
 For [Command] trigger types, the command/function's parameters are show, for [Regex] trigger
 types, the trigger regex expression is shown.

## [0.4.1] 2017-06-06
### Fixed
- Bug when displaying command help with !help command

## [0.4.0] 2017-06-05
### Added
- Asynchronous command execution
- Message reactions to indicate a command is executing, succeeded, or failed.
- Scheduled command functionality. Commands can now be scheduled for execution every N days/hours/minutes/seconds.

### Fixed
- Bug preventing plugin commands from being executed in PS jobs. Commands were previously being executed in the same session as the bot.
- Replaced error with warning when one of the bot configuration file is not found.

## [0.3.1] 2017-05-17
### Fixed
- When parsing the command from the message returned from the chat network, deal with null or empty text strings correctly.
- Resolve PSScriptAnalyzer warnings

## [0.3.0] 2017-05-16
### Added
- PR31: Functions to get/set/remove stateful data within plugin command (via @RamblingCookieMonster)
- Ability to override command name via the [PoshBot.BotCommand] attribute.
- Ability to set aliases for a command via the [PoshBot.BotCommand] attribute.
- Ability to use [array] and [switch] parameter values for commands.
- Code block support to custom text response via New-PoshBotTextResponse.
- File upload support via new custom response function New-PoshBotFileUpload.

## [0.2.3] Unreleased
### Fixed
- Respect changes to [Admin] role that are saved to storage.

### Added
- New global variable $global:PoshBotContext inserted into PowerShell job so commands have extra context detailing how the command was triggered.

## [0.2.2] 2017-04-17
### Fixed
- Command tokenization issues on Nano Server.
- #24: Nano Server compatability

## [0.2.1] 2017-04-14
### Fixed
- #23: Issue with retrieving module command attribute type names on Nano server.

## [0.2.0] 2017-04-06
### Added
- Commands to create and assign adhoc permissions

## [0.1.3] Unreleased
### Added
- New builtin command [Find-Plugin] to find available plugins in the desired PowerShell repository

## [0.1.2] - 2017-03-24
### Fixed
- Bot command names are now set to the value of the CommandName property of [PoshBot.BotCommand()] if defined. Previously, this didn't work and the bot command names always used the function name
- Fixed a bug in the builtin command [Install-Plugin] where if specified, the specific version of a plugin to install produced an error

## [0.1.1] - 2017-03-23
### Fixed error in !install-plugin command when installing plugins that had a dependency on the PoshBot module.

## [0.1.0] - 2017-03-21
### Added
- Initial documentation for mkdocs
- New function to create scheduled task to run PoshBot
- New builtin command to get recent command execution history
- Commands to remove plugins/roles/groups
- Support for multiple plugin versions

### Changed
- Standadized builtin bot command parameter names
- Move demo commands (WolframAlpha, Giphy) into seperate plugin repos
- Move network plugin into seperate repo

### Fixed
- Fix StopUpstreamCommandsException exception from being thrown in Install-Plugin command

## [0.0.1] - 2016-12-18
### Added
- Initial commit


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.13.0 11,893 5/3/2020
0.12.0 648 3/6/2020
0.11.8 2,026 8/31/2019
0.11.7 327 8/9/2019
0.11.6 1,684 4/3/2019
0.11.5 490 2/28/2019
0.11.4 588 1/18/2019
0.11.3 581 11/7/2018
0.11.2 292 10/12/2018
0.11.1 186 10/2/2018
0.11.0 296 9/9/2018
0.10.2 1,119 5/5/2018
0.10.1 231 4/6/2018
0.10.0 791 12/14/2017
0.9.0 115 12/7/2017
0.8.0 448 10/2/2017
0.7.1 223 9/3/2017
0.7.0 45 8/30/2017
0.6.0 (current version) 274 7/18/2017
0.5.0 180 6/15/2017
0.4.1 72 6/6/2017
0.4.0 33 6/6/2017
0.3.1 97 5/18/2017
0.3.0 33 5/17/2017
0.2.2 133 4/18/2017
0.2.1 50 4/15/2017
0.2.0 72 4/7/2017
0.1.3 57 3/25/2017
0.1.2 29 3/25/2017
0.1.1 36 3/24/2017
0.1.0 61 3/23/2017
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