

Microsoft Azure PowerShell - Batch service cmdlets for Azure Resource Manager in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core.

For information on Batch, please visit the following:

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Az.Batch -RequiredVersion 2.0.1

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name Az.Batch -Version 2.0.1

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Microsoft Corporation


Azure ResourceManager ARM Batch


Remove-AzBatchAccount Get-AzBatchAccount Get-AzBatchAccountKey New-AzBatchAccount New-AzBatchAccountKey Set-AzBatchAccount New-AzBatchApplicationPackage Get-AzBatchJobStatistic Remove-AzBatchApplication Remove-AzBatchApplicationPackage Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage Get-AzBatchApplication Set-AzBatchApplication New-AzBatchApplication Get-AzBatchCertificate Remove-AzBatchCertificate New-AzBatchCertificate Stop-AzBatchCertificateDeletion Disable-AzBatchComputeNodeScheduling Enable-AzBatchComputeNodeScheduling Get-AzBatchRemoteLoginSetting Remove-AzBatchComputeNode Reset-AzBatchComputeNode Restart-AzBatchComputeNode Set-AzBatchComputeNodeUser Get-AzBatchNodeFile Get-AzBatchNodeFileContent Get-AzBatchRemoteDesktopProtocolFile Remove-AzBatchNodeFile Disable-AzBatchJobSchedule Enable-AzBatchJobSchedule Set-AzBatchJobSchedule Stop-AzBatchJobSchedule Disable-AzBatchJob Enable-AzBatchJob New-AzBatchJob Remove-AzBatchJob Set-AzBatchJob Stop-AzBatchJob Get-AzBatchJob Get-AzBatchJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus Disable-AzBatchAutoScale Enable-AzBatchAutoScale Get-AzBatchPoolStatistic Get-AzBatchPoolUsageMetric Get-AzBatchPool Get-AzBatchSupportedImage New-AzBatchPool Remove-AzBatchPool Set-AzBatchPool Start-AzBatchPoolResize Stop-AzBatchPoolResize Test-AzBatchAutoScale Get-AzBatchLocationQuota Get-AzBatchSubtask Get-AzBatchTask New-AzBatchTask Remove-AzBatchTask New-AzBatchComputeNodeUser Remove-AzBatchComputeNodeUser Enable-AzBatchTask Set-AzBatchTask Stop-AzBatchTask Get-AzBatchComputeNode Get-AzBatchJobSchedule New-AzBatchJobSchedule Remove-AzBatchJobSchedule Get-AzBatchTaskCount Get-AzBatchPoolNodeCount Start-AzBatchComputeNodeServiceLogUpload New-AzBatchResourceFile


Core Desktop


Release Notes

* Renamed 'CoreQuota' on 'BatchAccountContext' to 'DedicatedCoreQuota'. There is also a new 'LowPriorityCoreQuota'.
 - This impacts **Get-AzBatchAccount**.
* **New-AzBatchTask** '-ResourceFile' parameter now takes a collection of 'PSResourceFile' objects, which can be constructed using the new **New-AzBatchResourceFile** cmdlet.
* New **New-AzBatchResourceFile** cmdlet to help create 'PSResourceFile' objects. These can be supplied to **New-AzBatchTask** on the '-ResourceFile' parameter.
 - This supports two new kinds of resource file in addition to the existing 'HttpUrl' way:
   - 'AutoStorageContainerName' based resource files download an entire auto-storage container to the Batch node.
   - 'StorageContainerUrl' based resource files download the container specified in the URL to the Batch node.
* Removed 'ApplicationPackages' property of 'PSApplication' returned by **Get-AzBatchApplication**.
 - The specific packages inside of an application now can be retrieved using **Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage**. For example: 'Get-AzBatchApplication -AccountName myaccount -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -ApplicationId myapplication'.
* Renamed 'ApplicationId' to 'ApplicationName' on **Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage**, **New-AzBatchApplicationPackage**, **Remove-AzBatchApplicationPackage**, **Get-AzBatchApplication**, **New-AzBatchApplication**, **Remove-AzBatchApplication**, and **Set-AzBatchApplication**.
 - 'ApplicationId' now is an alias of 'ApplicationName'.
* Added new 'PSWindowsUserConfiguration' property to 'PSUserAccount'.
* Renamed 'Version' to 'Name' on 'PSApplicationPackage'.
* Renamed 'BlobSource' to 'HttpUrl' on 'PSResourceFile'.
* Removed 'OSDisk' property from 'PSVirtualMachineConfiguration'.
* Removed **Set-AzBatchPoolOSVersion**. This operation is no longer supported.
* Removed 'TargetOSVersion' from 'PSCloudServiceConfiguration'.
* Renamed 'CurrentOSVersion' to 'OSVersion' on 'PSCloudServiceConfiguration'.
* Removed 'DataEgressGiB' and 'DataIngressGiB' from 'PSPoolUsageMetrics'.
* Removed **Get-AzBatchNodeAgentSku** and replaced it with  **Get-AzBatchSupportedImage**.
 - **Get-AzBatchSupportedImage** returns the same data as **Get-AzBatchNodeAgentSku** but in a more friendly format.
 - New non-verified images are also now returned. Additional information about 'Capabilities' and 'BatchSupportEndOfLife' for each image is also included.
* Added ability to mount remote file-systems on each node of a pool via the new 'MountConfiguration' parameter of **New-AzBatchPool**.
* Now support network security rules blocking network access to a pool based on the source port of the traffic. This is done via the 'SourcePortRanges' property on 'PSNetworkSecurityGroupRule'.
* When running a container, Batch now supports executing the task in the container working directory or in the Batch task working directory. This is controlled by the 'WorkingDirectory' property on 'PSTaskContainerSettings'.
* Added ability to specify a collection of public IPs on 'PSNetworkConfiguration' via the new 'PublicIPs' property. This guarantees nodes in the Pool will have an IP from the list user provided IPs.
* When not specified, the default value of 'WaitForSuccess' on 'PSSTartTask' is now 'True' (was 'False').
* When not specified, the default value of 'Scope' on 'PSAutoUserSpecification' is now 'Pool' (was 'Task' on Windows and 'Pool' on Linux).


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
3.6.1 731,550 5/21/2024
3.6.0 1,344,685 4/30/2024
3.5.0 14,411,192 8/1/2023
3.4.0 5,644,044 4/4/2023
3.3.0 3,903,428 1/10/2023
3.2.1 5,681,221 8/9/2022
3.2.0 9,044,775 4/26/2022
3.1.1 4,847,534 11/2/2021
3.1.0 23,339,767 6/23/2020
3.0.0 745,032 5/19/2020
2.0.2 4,549,246 12/17/2019
2.0.1 (current version) 1,317,926 11/4/2019
2.0.0-preview 153 9/25/2019
1.1.2 1,039,975 10/15/2019
1.1.1 520,611 8/27/2019
1.1.0 1,493,787 4/23/2019
1.0.1-preview 173 3/4/2019
1.0.0 425,775 12/18/2018
0.7.0 12,105 12/4/2018
0.6.1 10,577 11/21/2018
0.5.0 9,675 11/6/2018
0.4.0 11,039 10/23/2018
0.3.0 10,996 10/9/2018
0.2.2 4,701 9/24/2018
0.1.0 327 8/28/2018
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