
The AWS Tools for PowerShell Core lets developers and administrators manage their AWS services from the PowerShell Core scripting environment.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name AWSPowerShell.NetCore -RequiredVersion

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name AWSPowerShell.NetCore -Version

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More



Copyright 2012-2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Package Details


  • Inc


AWS cloud






This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

### (2018-04-25)
 * The CmdletsToExport property in the module manifest has been temporarily set to '*-*' instead of the individual cmdlet names to work around a limitation publishing modules that contain over 4000 cmdlets to the PowerShell Gallery. The net effect of this change is to disable tab completion for cmdlet names unless the module is explicitly imported. We are investigating approaches to work around or fix this issue and will re-instate the list of cmdlets as soon as possible.
 * AWS Secrets Manager
   * Added cmdlets to support the new AWS Secrets Manager service that enables you to store, manage, and retrieve, secrets. Cmdlets for the service have the noun prefix SEC and can be listed with the command *Get-AWSCmdletName -Service SEC*.
 * AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority
   * Added cmdlets to support the new AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Private Certificate Authority (CA), a managed private CA service that helps you easily and securely manage the lifecycle of your private certificates. ACM Private CA provides you a highly-available private CA service without the upfront investment and ongoing maintenance costs of operating your own private CA. ACM Private CA extends ACM's certificate management capabilities to private certificates, enabling you to manage public and private certificates centrally. Cmdlets for the service have the noun prefix PCA and can be listed with the command *Get-AWSCmdletName -Service PCA*.
 * Firewall Management Service
   * Added cmdlets to support the Firewall Management Service, a new AWS service that makes it easy for customers to centrally configure WAF rules across all their resources (ALBs and CloudFront distributions) and across accounts. Cmdlets for the service have the noun prefix FMS and can be listed with the command *Get-AWSCmdletName -Service FMS*.
 * AWS Certificate Manager
   * Updated the New-ACMCertificate and added new cmdlet Update-ACMCertificateOption (UpdateCertificateOption API) to support disabling Certificate Transparency logging on a per-certificate basis.
   * Added support for new service features for requesting and exporting private certificates. This API enables you to collect batch amounts of metric data and optionally perform math expressions on the data. With one GetMetricData call you can retrieve as many as 100 different metrics and a total of 100,800 data points.
 * Amazon CloudWatch
   * Added cmdlet Get-CWMetricData to support the new GetMetricData API.
 * Amazon DynamoDB
   * Added cmdlets restore-DDBTableToPointInTime (RestoreTableToPointInTime API) and Update-DDBContinuousBackup (UpdateContinuousBackups API) t o support Point-in-time recovery (PITR) continuous backups of your DynamoDB table data. With PITR, you do not have to worry about creating, maintaining, or scheduling backups. You enable PITR on your table and your backup is available for restore at any point in time from the moment you enable it, up to a maximum of the 35 preceding days. PITR provides continuous backups until you explicitly disable it.
 * AWS Identity and Access Management
   * Updated the New-IAMRole cmdlet with parameter -MaxSessionDuration, and added cmdlet Update-IAMRole (UpdateRole API) to support the new longer role sessions.
 * AWS Cloudwatch Logs
   * Fixed bad links to the service API references in the help details for the service's cmdlets.
 * Amazon Inspector
   * Fixed bad links to the service API references in the help details for the service's cmdlets.
 * Alexa for Business
   * Added cmdlets to support new operations related to creating and managing address books of contacts for use in A4B managed shared devices.
 * AWS CloudFormation
   * Updated cmdlets to support use of a customized AdministrationRole to create security boundaries between different users.
 * Amazon CloudFront
   * Added cmdlets to support Field-Level Encryption to further enhance the security of sensitive data, such as credit card numbers or personally identifiable information (PII) like social security numbers. CloudFront's field-level encryption further encrypts sensitive data in an HTTPS form using field-specific encryption keys (which you supply) before a POST request is forwarded to your origin. This ensures that sensitive data can only be decrypted and viewed by certain components or services in your application stack. Field-level encryption is easy to setup. Simply configure the fields that have to be further encrypted by CloudFront using the public keys you specify and you can reduce attack surface for your sensitive data.
 * Amazon Elasticsearch
   * Updated cmdlets to support Amazon Cognito authentication support to Kibana.
 * AWS Config Service
   * Added support for multi-account multi-region data aggregation features. Customers can create an aggregator (a new resource type) in AWS Config that collects AWS Config data from multiple source accounts and regions into an aggregator account. Customers can aggregate data from individual account(s) or an organization and multiple regions. In this release, AWS Config adds several API's for multi-account multi-region data aggregation.
 * AWS Device Farm
   * Added support for Private Device Management feature. Customers can now manage their private devices efficiently - view their status, set labels and apply profiles on them. Customers can also schedule automated tests and remote access sessions on individual instances in their private device fleet.
   * Added cmdlets to support new service features for VPC endpoints.
 * Amazon WorkMail
   * Added cmdlets to support granting users and groups with "Full Access", "Send As" and "Send on Behalf" permissions on a given mailbox.
 * AWS Glue
   * Updated cmdlets to support timeout values for ETL jobs. With this release, all new ETL jobs have a default timeout value of 48 hours. AWS Glue also now supports the ability to start a schedule or job events trigger when it is created.
 * Amazon Cloud Directory
   * Added cmdlets to support new APIs to fetch attributes within a facet on an object or multiple facets or objects.
 * AWS Batch
   * Added support for specifying timeout when submitting jobs or registering job definitions.
 * AWS Systems Manager
   * Added cmdlets Get-SSMInventoryDeletionList (DescribeInventoryDeletions API) and Remove-SSMInventory (DeleteInventory API).
 * AWS X-Ray
   * Added cmdlets Get-XREncryptionConfig (GetEncryptionConfig API) and Write-XREncryptionConfig (PutEncryptionConfig API) to support managing data encryption settings. Use Write-XREncryptionConfig to configure X-Ray to use an AWS Key Management Service customer master key to encrypt trace data at rest.


  • AWSPowerShell.NetCore.nuspec
  • AWSAliases.ps1
  • AWSPowerShell.Format.ps1xml
  • AWSPowerShell.NetCore.dll
  • AWSPowerShell.NetCore.dll-Help.xml
  • AWSPowerShell.NetCore.psd1
  • AWSPowerShell.TypeExtensions.ps1xml
  • AWSPowerShellCompleters.psm1
  • AWSPowerShellLegacyAliases.psm1
  • AWSSDK.AlexaForBusiness.dll
  • AWSSDK.APIGateway.dll
  • AWSSDK.ApplicationAutoScaling.dll
  • AWSSDK.ApplicationDiscoveryService.dll
  • AWSSDK.AppStream.dll
  • AWSSDK.AppSync.dll
  • AWSSDK.Athena.dll
  • AWSSDK.AutoScaling.dll
  • AWSSDK.AutoScalingPlans.dll
  • AWSSDK.AWSHealth.dll
  • AWSSDK.AWSMarketplaceCommerceAnalytics.dll
  • AWSSDK.AWSMarketplaceMetering.dll
  • AWSSDK.AWSSupport.dll
  • AWSSDK.Batch.dll
  • AWSSDK.Budgets.dll
  • AWSSDK.CertificateManager.dll
  • AWSSDK.Cloud9.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudDirectory.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudFormation.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudFront.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudHSM.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudHSMV2.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudSearch.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudSearchDomain.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudTrail.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudWatch.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudWatchEvents.dll
  • AWSSDK.CloudWatchLogs.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodeBuild.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodeCommit.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodeDeploy.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodePipeline.dll
  • AWSSDK.CodeStar.dll
  • AWSSDK.CognitoIdentity.dll
  • AWSSDK.CognitoIdentityProvider.dll
  • AWSSDK.Comprehend.dll
  • AWSSDK.ConfigService.dll
  • AWSSDK.Connect.dll
  • AWSSDK.Core.dll
  • AWSSDK.CostAndUsageReport.dll
  • AWSSDK.CostExplorer.dll
  • AWSSDK.DatabaseMigrationService.dll
  • AWSSDK.DataPipeline.dll
  • AWSSDK.DAX.dll
  • AWSSDK.DeviceFarm.dll
  • AWSSDK.DirectConnect.dll
  • AWSSDK.DirectoryService.dll
  • AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2.dll
  • AWSSDK.EC2.dll
  • AWSSDK.ECR.dll
  • AWSSDK.ECS.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElastiCache.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticBeanstalk.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticFileSystem.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticLoadBalancing.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticMapReduce.dll
  • AWSSDK.Elasticsearch.dll
  • AWSSDK.ElasticTranscoder.dll
  • AWSSDK.FMS.dll
  • AWSSDK.GameLift.dll
  • AWSSDK.Glue.dll
  • AWSSDK.Greengrass.dll
  • AWSSDK.GuardDuty.dll
  • AWSSDK.IdentityManagement.dll
  • AWSSDK.ImportExport.dll
  • AWSSDK.Inspector.dll
  • AWSSDK.IoT.dll
  • AWSSDK.IoTAnalytics.dll
  • AWSSDK.IotData.dll
  • AWSSDK.IoTJobsDataPlane.dll
  • AWSSDK.KeyManagementService.dll
  • AWSSDK.Kinesis.dll
  • AWSSDK.KinesisAnalytics.dll
  • AWSSDK.KinesisFirehose.dll
  • AWSSDK.KinesisVideo.dll
  • AWSSDK.KinesisVideoArchivedMedia.dll
  • AWSSDK.KinesisVideoMedia.dll
  • AWSSDK.Lambda.dll
  • AWSSDK.Lex.dll
  • AWSSDK.LexModelBuildingService.dll
  • AWSSDK.Lightsail.dll
  • AWSSDK.MachineLearning.dll
  • AWSSDK.MarketplaceEntitlementService.dll
  • AWSSDK.MediaConvert.dll
  • AWSSDK.MediaLive.dll
  • AWSSDK.MediaPackage.dll
  • AWSSDK.MediaStore.dll
  • AWSSDK.MediaStoreData.dll
  • AWSSDK.MigrationHub.dll
  • AWSSDK.Mobile.dll
  • AWSSDK.MQ.dll
  • AWSSDK.MTurk.dll
  • AWSSDK.OpsWorks.dll
  • AWSSDK.OpsWorksCM.dll
  • AWSSDK.Organizations.dll
  • AWSSDK.Pinpoint.dll
  • AWSSDK.Polly.dll
  • AWSSDK.Pricing.dll
  • AWSSDK.RDS.dll
  • AWSSDK.Redshift.dll
  • AWSSDK.Rekognition.dll
  • AWSSDK.ResourceGroups.dll
  • AWSSDK.ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI.dll
  • AWSSDK.Route53.dll
  • AWSSDK.Route53Domains.dll
  • AWSSDK.S3.dll
  • AWSSDK.SageMaker.dll
  • AWSSDK.SageMakerRuntime.dll
  • AWSSDK.SecretsManager.dll
  • AWSSDK.SecurityToken.dll
  • AWSSDK.ServerlessApplicationRepository.dll
  • AWSSDK.ServerMigrationService.dll
  • AWSSDK.ServiceCatalog.dll
  • AWSSDK.ServiceDiscovery.dll
  • AWSSDK.Shield.dll
  • AWSSDK.SimpleEmail.dll
  • AWSSDK.SimpleNotificationService.dll
  • AWSSDK.SimpleSystemsManagement.dll
  • AWSSDK.SimpleWorkflow.dll
  • AWSSDK.Snowball.dll
  • AWSSDK.SQS.dll
  • AWSSDK.StepFunctions.dll
  • AWSSDK.StorageGateway.dll
  • AWSSDK.TranscribeService.dll
  • AWSSDK.Translate.dll
  • AWSSDK.WAF.dll
  • AWSSDK.WAFRegional.dll
  • AWSSDK.WorkDocs.dll
  • AWSSDK.WorkMail.dll
  • AWSSDK.WorkSpaces.dll
  • AWSSDK.XRay.dll

Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
4.1.591 1,000 5/31/2024
4.1.590 1,535 5/30/2024
4.1.589 1,872 5/29/2024
4.1.588 2,223 5/28/2024
4.1.587 5,157 5/24/2024
4.1.586 1,435 5/23/2024
4.1.585 1,679 5/22/2024
4.1.584 1,657 5/21/2024
4.1.583 1,622 5/20/2024
4.1.582 2,579 5/17/2024
4.1.581 1,616 5/16/2024
4.1.580 1,834 5/15/2024
4.1.579 1,875 5/14/2024
4.1.578 2,673 5/13/2024
4.1.577 2,943 5/10/2024
4.1.576 1,205 5/10/2024
4.1.575 1,817 5/8/2024
4.1.574 1,996 5/7/2024
4.1.573 1,959 5/6/2024
4.1.572 2,575 5/3/2024
4.1.571 1,443 5/2/2024
4.1.570 1,674 5/1/2024
4.1.569 1,394 4/30/2024
4.1.568 1,866 4/29/2024
4.1.567 2,912 4/26/2024
4.1.566 1,493 4/25/2024
4.1.565 1,839 4/24/2024
4.1.564 1,809 4/23/2024
4.1.563 1,889 4/22/2024
4.1.562 2,933 4/19/2024
4.1.561 1,658 4/18/2024
4.1.560 1,575 4/17/2024
4.1.559 1,978 4/16/2024
4.1.558 4,439 4/12/2024
4.1.557 1,571 4/11/2024
4.1.556 1,926 4/10/2024
4.1.555 5,831 4/9/2024
4.1.554 1,627 4/8/2024
4.1.553 2,900 4/5/2024
4.1.552 1,837 4/4/2024
4.1.551 1,648 4/3/2024
4.1.550 1,706 4/2/2024
4.1.549 1,586 4/1/2024
4.1.548 2,260 3/29/2024
4.1.547 1,090 3/28/2024
4.1.546 1,639 3/27/2024
4.1.545 1,656 3/26/2024
4.1.544 2,041 3/25/2024
4.1.543 3,591 3/22/2024
4.1.542 1,671 3/21/2024
4.1.541 1,791 3/20/2024
4.1.540 1,815 3/19/2024
4.1.539 1,759 3/18/2024
4.1.538 2,706 3/15/2024
4.1.537 12,348 3/14/2024
4.1.536 3,916 3/13/2024
4.1.535 7,860 3/12/2024
4.1.534 2,556 3/11/2024
4.1.533 28,198 3/8/2024
4.1.532 19,270 3/7/2024
4.1.531 8,998 3/6/2024
4.1.530 7,995 3/5/2024
4.1.529 2,436 3/4/2024
4.1.528 4,823 3/1/2024
4.1.527 8,295 2/29/2024
4.1.526 4,615 2/28/2024
4.1.525 2,153 2/27/2024
4.1.524 2,288 2/26/2024
4.1.523 168,682 2/23/2024
4.1.522 80,190 2/22/2024
4.1.521 21,626 2/21/2024
4.1.520 15,708 2/20/2024
4.1.519 13,277 2/19/2024
4.1.518 39,618 2/16/2024
4.1.517 4,366 2/15/2024
4.1.516 82,657 2/14/2024
4.1.515 1,846 2/13/2024
4.1.514 1,633 2/12/2024
4.1.513 2,553 2/9/2024
4.1.512 4,860 2/8/2024
4.1.511 15,779 2/7/2024
4.1.510 10,973 2/6/2024
4.1.509 11,864 2/5/2024
4.1.508 5,814 2/2/2024
4.1.507 1,772 2/1/2024
4.1.506 1,796 2/1/2024
4.1.505 1,799 1/30/2024
4.1.504 1,638 1/29/2024
4.1.503 15,110 1/26/2024
4.1.502 7,583 1/26/2024
4.1.501 7,106 1/25/2024
4.1.500 1,929 1/24/2024
4.1.499 19,478 1/22/2024
4.1.498 66,271 1/19/2024
4.1.497 1,255 1/18/2024
4.1.496 3,117 1/17/2024
4.1.495 6,382 1/16/2024
4.1.494 6,847 1/14/2024
4.1.493 1,063 1/12/2024
4.1.492 1,682 1/11/2024
4.1.491 58,813 1/10/2024
4.1.490 10,983 1/8/2024
4.1.489 3,679 1/5/2024
4.1.488 4,215 1/4/2024
4.1.487 5,211 1/3/2024
4.1.486 13,432 12/29/2023
4.1.485 3,682 12/28/2023
4.1.484 1,596 12/27/2023
4.1.483 1,667 12/26/2023
4.1.482 4,094 12/22/2023
4.1.481 3,473 12/21/2023
4.1.480 3,949 12/20/2023
4.1.479 2,208 12/19/2023
4.1.478 5,151 12/18/2023
4.1.477 64,361 12/15/2023
4.1.476 1,782 12/14/2023
4.1.475 63,499 12/13/2023
4.1.474 6,852 12/12/2023
4.1.473 40,015 12/11/2023
4.1.472 45,212 12/8/2023
4.1.471 8,786 12/7/2023
4.1.470 2,998 12/7/2023
4.1.469 13,558 12/6/2023
4.1.468 8,725 12/5/2023
4.1.467 34,817 12/2/2023
4.1.466 6,352 12/1/2023
4.1.465 2,727 11/30/2023
4.1.464 557 11/29/2023
4.1.463 2,497 11/28/2023
4.1.462 10,615 11/28/2023
4.1.461 9,903 11/28/2023
4.1.460 1,776 11/27/2023
4.1.459 5,743 11/23/2023
4.1.458 1,889 11/22/2023
4.1.457 1,778 11/21/2023
4.1.456 81,889 11/18/2023
4.1.455 6,217 11/17/2023
4.1.454 80,281 11/15/2023
4.1.453 2,655 11/14/2023
4.1.452 1,952 11/14/2023
4.1.451 10,230 11/10/2023
4.1.450 15,934 11/9/2023
4.1.449 10,416 11/9/2023
4.1.448 980 11/8/2023
4.1.447 6,848 11/7/2023
4.1.446 76,974 11/6/2023
4.1.445 6,914 11/3/2023
4.1.444 4,132 11/2/2023
4.1.443 2,488 11/1/2023
4.1.442 2,151 11/1/2023
4.1.441 2,580 10/30/2023
4.1.440 872,094 10/27/2023
4.1.439 80,786 10/26/2023
4.1.438 174,536 10/26/2023
4.1.437 213,829 10/24/2023
4.1.436 1,518 10/23/2023
4.1.435 2,699 10/21/2023
4.1.434 1,535 10/20/2023
4.1.433 2,081 10/18/2023
4.1.432 2,077 10/17/2023
4.1.431 3,236 10/16/2023
4.1.430 35,255 10/12/2023
4.1.429 46,002 10/6/2023
4.1.428 9,826 10/5/2023
4.1.427 5,973 10/4/2023
4.1.426 14,807 10/3/2023
4.1.425 12,069 10/2/2023
4.1.424 39,728 9/28/2023
4.1.423 9,889 9/27/2023
4.1.422 9,673 9/26/2023
4.1.421 17,387 9/25/2023
4.1.420 280,117 9/22/2023
4.1.419 34,030 9/20/2023
4.1.418 7,483 9/19/2023
4.1.417 7,651 9/18/2023
4.1.416 146,237 9/15/2023
4.1.415 2,910 9/15/2023
4.1.414 6,793 9/13/2023
4.1.413 5,076 9/12/2023
4.1.412 5,390 9/11/2023
4.1.411 33,588 9/8/2023
4.1.410 6,282 9/8/2023
4.1.409 11,352 9/6/2023
4.1.408 6,610 9/5/2023
4.1.407 134,866 9/1/2023
4.1.406 86,153 8/31/2023
4.1.405 94,015 8/30/2023
4.1.404 107,449 8/29/2023
4.1.403 28,526 8/28/2023
4.1.402 365,015 8/25/2023
4.1.401 131,134 8/25/2023
4.1.400 160,721 8/23/2023
4.1.399 125,712 8/23/2023
4.1.398 125,940 8/21/2023
4.1.397 450,126 8/18/2023
4.1.396 108,757 8/17/2023
4.1.395 115,535 8/16/2023
4.1.394 97,373 8/15/2023
4.1.393 48,705 8/14/2023
4.1.392 41,363 8/11/2023
4.1.391 40,166 8/10/2023
4.1.390 107,525 8/9/2023
4.1.389 41,579 8/8/2023
4.1.388 4,930 8/7/2023
4.1.387 73,752 8/4/2023
4.1.386 51,702 8/3/2023
4.1.385 53,071 8/2/2023
4.1.384 21,805 8/1/2023
4.1.383 2,158 7/31/2023
4.1.382 2,979 7/28/2023
4.1.381 1,169 7/28/2023
4.1.380 332 7/27/2023
4.1.379 1,537 7/26/2023
4.1.378 1,791 7/25/2023
4.1.377 1,634 7/24/2023
4.1.376 2,813 7/21/2023
4.1.375 1,371 7/20/2023
4.1.374 1,154 7/20/2023
4.1.373 608 7/19/2023
4.1.372 1,531 7/18/2023
4.1.371 1,426 7/17/2023
4.1.370 3,477 7/13/2023
4.1.369 4,318 7/11/2023
4.1.368 3,389 7/7/2023
4.1.367 1,597 7/6/2023
4.1.366 1,513 7/5/2023
4.1.365 3,109 7/3/2023
4.1.364 2,482 6/30/2023
4.1.363 1,532 6/29/2023
4.1.362 1,748 6/28/2023
4.1.361 1,841 6/27/2023
4.1.360 1,614 6/26/2023
4.1.359 2,666 6/23/2023
4.1.358 1,392 6/22/2023
4.1.357 1,595 6/21/2023
4.1.356 1,900 6/21/2023
4.1.355 2,101 6/19/2023
4.1.354 2,567 6/16/2023
4.1.353 1,609 6/15/2023
4.1.352 3,447 6/14/2023
4.1.351 1,566 6/12/2023
4.1.350 2,908 6/9/2023
4.1.349 1,417 6/8/2023
4.1.348 2,198 6/7/2023
4.1.347 2,320 6/6/2023
4.1.346 3,181 6/6/2023
4.1.345 3,220 6/2/2023
4.1.344 1,244 6/1/2023
4.1.343 1,415 5/31/2023
4.1.342 1,603 5/30/2023
4.1.341 3,901 5/26/2023
4.1.340 1,333 5/25/2023
4.1.339 1,585 5/24/2023
4.1.338 1,601 5/23/2023
4.1.337 1,556 5/22/2023
4.1.336 2,927 5/19/2023
4.1.335 1,515 5/18/2023
4.1.334 4,591 5/16/2023
4.1.333 1,884 5/15/2023
4.1.332 4,277 5/11/2023
4.1.331 1,725 5/10/2023
4.1.330 1,685 5/9/2023
4.1.329 1,658 5/8/2023
4.1.328 2,807 5/6/2023
4.1.327 1,547 5/5/2023
4.1.326 1,806 5/3/2023
4.1.325 1,943 5/2/2023
4.1.324 2,070 5/1/2023
4.1.323 2,385 4/29/2023
4.1.322 2,040 4/27/2023
4.1.321 2,101 4/26/2023
4.1.320 1,904 4/25/2023
4.1.319 1,013 4/25/2023
4.1.318 4,292 4/21/2023
4.1.317 1,572 4/21/2023
4.1.316 2,357 4/19/2023
4.1.315 4,224 4/17/2023
4.1.314 2,829 4/14/2023
4.1.313 1,536 4/13/2023
4.1.312 1,774 4/12/2023
4.1.311 1,733 4/11/2023
4.1.310 1,866 4/10/2023
4.1.309 2,845 4/7/2023
4.1.308 1,371 4/6/2023
4.1.307 2,085 4/5/2023
4.1.306 1,964 4/4/2023
4.1.305 2,169 4/3/2023
4.1.304 6,938 3/31/2023
4.1.303 1,849 3/30/2023
4.1.302 2,245 3/29/2023
4.1.301 1,720 3/28/2023
4.1.300 1,634 3/27/2023
4.1.299 3,503 3/24/2023
4.1.298 1,715 3/23/2023
4.1.297 1,641 3/22/2023
4.1.296 2,154 3/21/2023
4.1.295 1,914 3/20/2023
4.1.294 3,637 3/17/2023
4.1.293 1,720 3/16/2023
4.1.292 2,204 3/15/2023
4.1.291 1,741 3/14/2023
4.1.290 1,925 3/13/2023
4.1.289 3,515 3/10/2023
4.1.288 1,669 3/9/2023
4.1.287 2,097 3/8/2023
4.1.286 1,764 3/7/2023
4.1.285 2,207 3/6/2023
4.1.284 3,151 3/3/2023
4.1.283 1,758 3/2/2023
4.1.282 2,055 3/1/2023
4.1.281 1,828 2/28/2023
4.1.280 1,896 2/27/2023
4.1.279 2,443 2/24/2023
4.1.278 1,770 2/23/2023
4.1.277 2,101 2/22/2023
4.1.276 1,907 2/22/2023
4.1.275 2,100 2/20/2023
4.1.274 2,602 2/17/2023
4.1.273 1,631 2/17/2023
4.1.272 2,322 2/16/2023
4.1.271 1,858 2/15/2023
4.1.270 1,995 2/13/2023
4.1.269 2,669 2/10/2023
4.1.268 2,058 2/9/2023
4.1.267 2,077 2/8/2023
4.1.266 2,207 2/7/2023
4.1.265 2,049 2/6/2023
4.1.264 2,773 2/3/2023
4.1.263 1,806 2/2/2023
4.1.262 1,989 2/1/2023
4.1.261 2,067 1/31/2023
4.1.260 2,280 1/30/2023
4.1.259 2,748 1/27/2023
4.1.258 1,935 1/26/2023
4.1.257 2,057 1/25/2023
4.1.256 1,847 1/24/2023
4.1.255 1,792 1/23/2023
4.1.254 2,786 1/20/2023
4.1.253 1,540 1/20/2023
4.1.252 2,232 1/18/2023
4.1.251 1,901 1/17/2023
4.1.250 4,374 1/13/2023
4.1.249 1,651 1/12/2023
4.1.248 2,038 1/11/2023
4.1.247 1,733 1/10/2023
4.1.246 1,636 1/9/2023
4.1.245 2,668 1/6/2023
4.1.244 1,468 1/5/2023
4.1.243 1,710 1/4/2023
4.1.242 1,520 1/3/2023
4.1.241 3,354 12/30/2022
4.1.240 869 12/29/2022
4.1.239 890 12/28/2022
4.1.238 1,140 12/27/2022
4.1.237 2,451 12/23/2022
4.1.236 1,146 12/22/2022
4.1.235 1,271 12/22/2022
4.1.234 1,706 12/20/2022
4.1.233 1,637 12/19/2022
4.1.232 2,721 12/16/2022
4.1.231 1,596 12/15/2022
4.1.230 1,901 12/14/2022
4.1.229 1,788 12/13/2022
4.1.228 1,957 12/12/2022
4.1.227 3,484 12/9/2022
4.1.226 1,945 12/8/2022
4.1.225 1,480 12/8/2022
4.1.224 175 12/8/2022
4.1.223 504 12/7/2022
4.1.222 1,931 12/7/2022
4.1.221 2,120 12/5/2022
4.1.220 3,165 12/2/2022
4.1.219 1,603 12/1/2022
4.1.218 2,026 11/30/2022
4.1.217 1,975 11/29/2022
4.1.216 1,258 11/29/2022
4.1.215 2,288 11/28/2022
4.1.214 5,845 11/23/2022
4.1.213 2,194 11/22/2022
4.1.212 1,568 11/22/2022
4.1.211 3,910 11/19/2022
4.1.210 1,875 11/17/2022
4.1.209 1,947 11/16/2022
4.1.208 1,751 11/15/2022
4.1.207 2,023 11/14/2022
4.1.206 3,109 11/11/2022
4.1.205 2,178 11/10/2022
4.1.204 2,229 11/9/2022
4.1.203 1,869 11/8/2022
4.1.202 2,403 11/7/2022
4.1.201 4,226 11/4/2022
4.1.200 2,538 11/3/2022
4.1.199 1,957 11/2/2022
4.1.198 2,153 11/1/2022
4.1.197 2,966 10/31/2022
4.1.196 5,191 10/28/2022
4.1.195 2,393 10/27/2022
4.1.194 2,528 10/26/2022
4.1.193 2,555 10/25/2022
4.1.192 2,373 10/24/2022
4.1.191 2,840 10/21/2022
4.1.190 2,444 10/20/2022
4.1.189 2,846 10/19/2022
4.1.188 2,245 10/18/2022
4.1.187 2,919 10/17/2022
4.1.186 5,046 10/14/2022
4.1.185 2,562 10/13/2022
4.1.184 12,961 10/7/2022
4.1.183 2,386 10/6/2022
4.1.182 2,640 10/5/2022
4.1.181 2,770 10/4/2022
4.1.180 2,544 10/3/2022
4.1.179 4,133 9/30/2022
4.1.178 2,101 9/29/2022
4.1.177 5,473 9/27/2022
4.1.176 2,633 9/26/2022
4.1.175 3,914 9/23/2022
4.1.174 2,286 9/22/2022
4.1.173 2,818 9/21/2022
4.1.172 2,726 9/20/2022
4.1.171 2,803 9/19/2022
4.1.170 4,723 9/16/2022
4.1.169 2,965 9/15/2022
4.1.168 3,001 9/14/2022
4.1.167 2,938 9/13/2022
4.1.166 3,248 9/12/2022
4.1.165 5,417 9/9/2022
4.1.164 2,429 9/8/2022
4.1.163 2,912 9/7/2022
4.1.162 2,718 9/6/2022
4.1.161 6,613 9/2/2022
4.1.160 2,399 9/1/2022
4.1.159 2,262 8/31/2022
4.1.158 2,233 8/31/2022
4.1.157 2,373 8/29/2022
4.1.156 2,837 8/26/2022
4.1.155 1,918 8/25/2022
4.1.154 2,798 8/24/2022
4.1.153 2,665 8/23/2022
4.1.152 2,882 8/22/2022
4.1.151 4,945 8/19/2022
4.1.150 2,542 8/18/2022
4.1.149 3,106 8/17/2022
4.1.148 3,430 8/16/2022
4.1.147 3,496 8/15/2022
4.1.146 41,138 8/12/2022
4.1.145 3,214 8/11/2022
4.1.144 3,381 8/10/2022
4.1.143 3,067 8/9/2022
4.1.142 3,067 8/8/2022
4.1.141 8,620 8/4/2022
4.1.140 2,725 8/3/2022
4.1.139 3,189 8/2/2022
4.1.138 2,930 8/1/2022
4.1.137 4,535 7/29/2022
4.1.136 2,899 7/28/2022
4.1.135 3,011 7/27/2022
4.1.134 3,060 7/26/2022
4.1.133 2,881 7/25/2022
4.1.132 4,698 7/22/2022
4.1.131 2,724 7/21/2022
4.1.130 2,216 7/21/2022
4.1.129 2,670 7/19/2022
4.1.128 2,588 7/18/2022
4.1.127 4,851 7/15/2022
4.1.126 2,517 7/14/2022
4.1.125 2,692 7/13/2022
4.1.124 2,473 7/12/2022
4.1.123 2,492 7/11/2022
4.1.122 4,889 7/8/2022
4.1.120 2,700 7/6/2022
4.1.119 3,095 7/5/2022
4.1.118 5,127 7/1/2022
4.1.117 2,542 6/30/2022
4.1.116 2,288 6/29/2022
4.1.115 2,619 6/28/2022
4.1.114 2,721 6/27/2022
4.1.113 4,448 6/24/2022
4.1.112 2,079 6/23/2022
4.1.111 2,554 6/22/2022
4.1.110 2,573 6/21/2022
4.1.109 2,311 6/20/2022
4.1.108 4,601 6/17/2022
4.1.107 2,694 6/16/2022
4.1.106 3,036 6/15/2022
4.1.105 2,855 6/14/2022
4.1.104 2,083 6/13/2022
4.1.103 4,026 6/10/2022
4.1.102 1,752 6/9/2022
4.1.101 2,748 6/8/2022
4.1.100 2,510 6/7/2022
4.1.99 2,451 6/6/2022
4.1.98 5,350 6/2/2022
4.1.97 2,045 6/1/2022
4.1.96 2,328 5/31/2022
4.1.95 4,790 5/27/2022
4.1.94 2,373 5/26/2022
4.1.93 1,547 5/25/2022
4.1.92 1,924 5/24/2022
4.1.91 2,478 5/23/2022
4.1.90 4,133 5/20/2022
4.1.89 2,379 5/19/2022
4.1.88 2,902 5/18/2022
4.1.87 2,798 5/17/2022
4.1.86 2,337 5/16/2022
4.1.85 3,763 5/13/2022
4.1.84 2,474 5/12/2022
4.1.83 2,318 5/11/2022
4.1.82 2,500 5/10/2022
4.1.81 2,456 5/9/2022
4.1.80 3,882 5/6/2022
4.1.79 1,583 5/6/2022
4.1.78 2,827 5/4/2022
4.1.77 1,419 5/4/2022
4.1.76 2,018 5/2/2022
4.1.75 5,264 4/29/2022
4.1.74 2,380 4/28/2022
4.1.73 2,273 4/27/2022
4.1.72 2,101 4/26/2022
4.1.71 2,588 4/25/2022
4.1.70 4,876 4/22/2022
4.1.69 2,382 4/21/2022
4.1.68 2,324 4/20/2022
4.1.67 2,708 4/19/2022
4.1.66 4,457 4/15/2022
4.1.65 1,381 4/14/2022
4.1.64 1,642 4/13/2022
4.1.63 2,173 4/12/2022
4.1.62 2,168 4/11/2022
4.1.61 3,621 4/8/2022
4.1.60 1,494 4/8/2022
4.1.59 2,271 4/6/2022
4.1.58 2,125 4/5/2022
4.1.57 2,065 4/4/2022
4.1.56 4,051 4/1/2022
4.1.55 2,272 3/31/2022
4.1.54 2,386 3/31/2022
4.1.53 2,805 3/29/2022
4.1.52 2,200 3/28/2022
4.1.51 3,617 3/25/2022
4.1.50 2,208 3/24/2022
4.1.49 2,005 3/24/2022
4.1.48 2,467 3/22/2022
4.1.47 2,177 3/22/2022
4.1.46 4,141 3/18/2022
4.1.45 3,254 3/17/2022
4.1.44 2,185 3/16/2022
4.1.43 2,305 3/14/2022
4.1.42 3,960 3/11/2022
4.1.41 2,158 3/10/2022 2,200 3/10/2022 2,393 3/9/2022
4.1.38 2,373 3/7/2022
4.1.37 4,087 3/4/2022
4.1.36 2,313 3/4/2022
4.1.35 2,249 3/3/2022
4.1.34 3,253 3/1/2022
4.1.33 3,089 2/28/2022
4.1.32 3,668 2/26/2022
4.1.31 3,613 2/25/2022 2,701 2/23/2022 3,993 2/22/2022 2,653 2/21/2022 4,715 2/18/2022 2,535 2/17/2022 2,663 2/16/2022 5,050 2/15/2022 5,519 2/11/2022 2,457 2/11/2022 5,135 2/9/2022 3,411 2/8/2022 2,100 2/8/2022 29,446 1/27/2022 69,399 1/5/2022 102,795 11/19/2021 128,269 10/2/2021 226,654 6/25/2021 54,835 6/1/2021 66,125 4/23/2021 12,903 4/15/2021 31,327 3/23/2021 45,719 2/26/2021 34,321 2/3/2021 35,256 1/5/2021 14,661 12/23/2020 46,638 11/17/2020 11,774 11/7/2020 26,618 10/7/2020 88 10/1/2020 47,058 8/19/2020 86,036 6/11/2020 103,376 3/13/2020 42,797 2/5/2020 12,493 1/22/2020 28,973 12/13/2019 19,370 11/25/2019 441 11/25/2019 4,346 11/21/2019
3.3.618.0 89,212 11/4/2019
3.3.604.0 18,181 10/11/2019
3.3.590.0 18,471 9/23/2019
3.3.563.1 30,304 8/9/2019
3.3.563.0 1,101 8/9/2019
3.3.553.0 14,219 7/19/2019
3.3.542.0 15,893 6/28/2019
3.3.522.0 23,101 5/31/2019
3.3.509.0 11,411 5/14/2019
3.3.498.0 57,900 4/25/2019
3.3.485.0 11,974 3/28/2019
3.3.462.0 11,373 2/25/2019
3.3.450.0 9,854 2/6/2019
3.3.428.0 16,891 12/15/2018
3.3.422.0 2,877 12/6/2018
3.3.390.0 14,098 10/22/2018
3.3.365.0 8,475 9/21/2018
3.3.343.0 13,541 8/23/2018
3.3.335.0 20,597 8/13/2018
3.3.330.0 988 8/6/2018
3.3.313.0 3,629 7/9/2018 6,228 5/18/2018 (current version) 2,207 4/25/2018 4,590 3/26/2018 1,687 3/2/2018 1,246 2/13/2018 1,246 1/25/2018 192 1/23/2018 515 1/16/2018 277 1/12/2018 495 1/2/2018 741 12/19/2017 377 12/13/2017 372 12/8/2017 363 12/2/2017 275 11/28/2017 176 11/25/2017 496 11/14/2017 322 11/9/2017 387 11/1/2017 199 10/30/2017 365 10/24/2017 412 10/17/2017 512 10/9/2017 641 9/29/2017 536 9/22/2017 797 9/17/2017 403 9/10/2017 871 8/25/2017 575 8/17/2017 841 8/4/2017 488 7/28/2017 790 7/7/2017 584 6/23/2017 296 6/19/2017 386 6/9/2017 276 6/5/2017 147 6/2/2017 171 5/31/2017 216 5/26/2017 328 5/19/2017 290 5/12/2017 279 5/5/2017 253 5/1/2017 245 4/24/2017 327 4/12/2017 125 4/11/2017 164 4/7/2017 806 4/1/2017 179 3/29/2017 235 3/24/2017 160 3/22/2017 206 3/17/2017 132 3/16/2017 161 3/13/2017 221 3/7/2017 232 2/28/2017 374 2/24/2017 138 2/23/2017 155 2/20/2017 124 2/17/2017 125 2/15/2017 190 2/10/2017 151 2/8/2017 254 1/27/2017 125 1/26/2017 136 1/25/2017 369 1/18/2017 118 1/17/2017 153 1/13/2017 149 1/9/2017 142 1/5/2017 151 12/30/2016 196 12/23/2016 120 12/22/2016 213 12/20/2016 278 12/16/2016 205 12/9/2016 111 12/8/2016 122 12/7/2016 162 12/3/2016 343 11/23/2016 130 11/22/2016 138 11/19/2016 126 11/17/2016 145 11/14/2016 710 10/26/2016 186 10/20/2016 116 10/19/2016 128 10/17/2016 126 10/14/2016 131 10/12/2016 148 10/7/2016 161 9/30/2016 133 9/28/2016 162 9/22/2016 111 9/21/2016 146 9/19/2016 155 9/8/2016 265 8/23/2016
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