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By: | 8,054 downloads | Last Updated: 11/26/2019 | Latest Version: 1.0.354

This is an open source, community project that provides a powerful command-line interface for managing and monitoring your Armor Complete (secure public cloud) and Armor Anywhere (security as a service) environments and accounts via a PowerShell module with cmdlets that interact with the published RESTful APIs. Every code push is built using psa... More info

By: | 293 downloads | Last Updated: 3/30/2018 | Latest Version: 0.1.2

This script will save all versions of all scripts and modules published to the PowerShell Gallery by a given Author. The Author is specified in the manifest for each item, and is expected to be consistent for a given user. The script assumes that there is at least 1 version of every item that is listed. This can be verified by logging into the Po... More info