
Creates a new Excel workbook with predefined worksheets for Office 365 data.
The New-CT365DataEnvironment function creates a new Excel workbook with predefined worksheets.
The workbook contains a "Users" worksheet and a "Groups" worksheet, and additional worksheets based on the provided JobRole parameter.
.PARAMETER WorkbookName
The name of the workbook file to be created. It must be a .xlsx file.
The path where the workbook will be created. The provided path must exist.
An array of strings specifying additional worksheets to be created in the workbook.
Each string will be used as the name of a new worksheet.
New-CT365DataEnvironment -WorkbookName "myworkbook.xlsx" -FilePath "C:\temp" -JobRole "Manager","Employee"
This command creates an Excel workbook named "myworkbook.xlsx" in the "C:\temp" directory.
The workbook will contain the "Users" and "Groups" worksheets, as well as a "Manager" and "Employee" worksheet.
New-CT365DataEnvironment -WorkbookName "365DataEnvironment.xlsx" -FilePath "C:\365DevEnvironment" -JobRole "NY-ITManager","CA-AccountsPayable","FL-HumanResources"
This command creates an Excel workbook named "365DataEnvironment.xlsx" in the "C:\365DevEnvironment" directory.
The workbook will contain the "Users" and "Groups" worksheets, as well as a "NY-ITManager", "CA-AccountsPayable", and "FL-HumanResources" worksheet.
None. This cmdlet does not return any output.
The JobRole Parameter can be a single job role or a location and job role. If you are a company with only one location, you do not need to put a location in.

function New-CT365DataEnvironment {
    param (

            if (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container) {
            } else {
                throw "Folder path $_ does not exist, please confirm path does exist"



    begin {
        # Import Required Modules
        $ModulesToImport = "ImportExcel","PSFramework"
        Import-Module $ModulesToImport
        $Path = Join-Path -Path $filepath -ChildPath $workbookname
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Creating workbook $WorkbookName" -Target $WorkbookName
        #helper function
        function New-EmptyCustomObject {
            param (
            $customObject = [PSCustomObject]@{}
            $customObject | Select-Object -Property $PropertyNames

    process {
        # Define properties for custom objects
        $propertyDefinitions = @{
            Users = @(
                "FirstName", "LastName", "UserName", "Title", "Department",
                "StreetAddress", "City", "State", "PostalCode", "Country",
                "PhoneNumber", "MobilePhone", "UsageLocation", "License"
            Groups = @(
                "DisplayName", "PrimarySMTP", "Description", "Owner", "Type"
            JobRole = @(
                "DisplayName", "PrimarySMTP", "Description", "Type"
        # Define custom objects for each worksheet
        $usersObject  = New-EmptyCustomObject -PropertyNames $propertyDefinitions.Users
        $groupsObject = New-EmptyCustomObject -PropertyNames $propertyDefinitions.Groups

        # Export each worksheet to the workbook
        $usersObject  | Export-Excel -Path $Path -WorksheetName "Users" -ClearSheet
        $groupsObject | Export-Excel -Path $Path -WorksheetName "Groups" -Append 

        foreach($JobRoleItem in $JobRole){
            $RoleObject = New-EmptyCustomObject -PropertyNames $propertyDefinitions.JobRole
            $RoleObject | Export-Excel -Path $Path -WorksheetName $JobRoleItem -Append

    end {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Output -Message "Workbook $WorkbookName created successfully" -Target $WorkbookName