
Function New-3PARHosts {

      Create a new host
      This function will create a new host. You need to have an active session with the array.
      Written by Erwan Quelin under Apache licence
      .PARAMETER Name
      Name of the host
      .PARAMETER Domain
      Create the host in the specified domain, or default domain if unspecified
      One or more WWN to set for the host
      .PARAMETER Persona
      ID of the persona to assign to the host. List of the available personas:
        1 : GENERIC
        2 : GENERIC_ALUA
        3 : GENERIC_LEGACY
        4 : HPUX_LEGACY
        5 : AIX_LEGACY
        6 : EGENERA
        7 : ONTAP_LEGACY
        8 : VMWARE
        9 : OPENVMS
        10 : HPUX
        11 : WindowsServer
      .PARAMETER forceTearDown
      If True, force to tear down low-priority VLUN exports
      New-3PARHosts -Name 'SRV01'
      Create new host SRV01 with default values
      New-3PARHosts -Name 'SRV01' -Persona 8
      Create new host SRV01 with persona 8 (VMware)
      New-3PARHosts -Name 'SRV01' -Persona 8 -FCWWNs '20000000c9695b70','10000000c9695b70'
      Create new host SRV01 with persona 8 (VMware) and the specified WWNs

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$True,HelpMessage = 'Host Name')]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = 'Domain')]
      [String]$domain = $null,
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = 'Host WWN')]
      [String[]]$FCWWNs = $null,
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = 'forceTearDown')]
      [Boolean]$forceTearDown = $false,
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage = 'Host Personna')]
      [int]$persona = $null

  Begin {
    # Test if connection exist

  Process {
    # Creation of the body hash
    $body = @{}

    # Name parameter
    $body["name"] = "$($name)"

    # Domain parameter
    If ($domain) {
          $body["domain"] = "$($domain)"

    # forceTearDown parameter
    If ($forceTearDown) {
          $body["forceTearDown"] = "$($forceTearDown)"

    # persona parameter
    If ($persona) {
      $body["persona"] = $persona

    # FCWWNs parameter
    If ($FCWWNs) {
      $body["FCWWNs"] = @()
      $WWN = @()
      Foreach ($FCWWN in $FCWWNs)
        $FCWWN = $FCWWN -replace ' '
        $FCWWN = $FCWWN -replace ':'

        If ($FCWWN.Length -ne 16) {
          write-host "$($FCWWN) WWN should contains only 16 characters" -foreground red
        $WWN += $FCWWN
      $body.FCWWNs = $WWN

    #init the response var
    $data = $null

    $data = Send-3PARRequest -uri '/hosts' -type 'POST' -body $body

    # Results
    Get-3PARHosts -Name $name

  End {
