
        Performs initial module tasks and configurations
        This is the landing script for the entry point of this module
        this is automatically called from the build task in the main module folder
        This function has not been updated yet.

param (

[bool]$7zEXE = $false
[bool]$7zSFX = $false
$ScriptFilePath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$ScriptPath = Split-Path $ScriptFilePath

#See if 7zip is installed otherwise use the script directory
try {
    $P = (Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\7z*').GetValue("Path")
} catch {
    #If an alternate path is given lets use that. If not lets try to use the current script running command path.
    $P = if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AlternatePath) ) { $ScriptPath } else { $AlternatePath }
} finally {
    $7z = Join-Path $P -ChildPath "7z.exe"
    if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $7z) { [string]$7zEXE = $7z }

    $7za = Join-Path $P -ChildPath "7za.exe"
    if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $7za) { [string]$7zEXE = $7za }

    $7fx = Join-Path $P -ChildPath "7z.sfx"
    if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $7fx) { [string]$7zSFX = $7fx }

if ($false -eq $7zEXE) {
    $Output = ('Locations Searched: {0}7z.exe: {1}{0}7za.exe: {2}' -f "`r`n", $7z, $7za)
    throw ('7-zip not installed or in path. This file is required for all operations of this module{0}{1}' -f "`r`n", $Output)

$7zSettings = [ordered]@{
    Path7zEXE       = $7zEXE
    Path7zSFX       = $7zSFX
    ScriptDirectory = if ($null -ne $ScriptPath) { Split-Path -Path $ScriptPath -Parent } else { (Get-Location) }
    ScriptFilePath  = if ($null -ne $ScriptPath) { Split-Path -Path $ScriptPath } else { Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath 'UnknownScriptFileName.ps1' }
New-Variable -Name 7zSettings -Value $7zSettings -Scope Script -Force