
Function New-7zSfx {
        Create a new 7-Zip self extracting archive
        Create self-extracting archives using 7-Zip
        New-7zsfx app-sfx app.exe,app.exe.config app.exe
        Simply create a self-extracting exe from an executable file app.exe
        with its configuration file app.exe.config:
        This might be omitted in later revisions as this sets off my
        sense of DSC flow and its old in its concept. Since WinRM and
        DSC self expanding objects are a non starter. I have included
        this for now but im reviewing security articles to determine
        use in different environments.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact='Low')]
        # The name of the exe-file to produce, without extension
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

        # The files to include in the archive
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]

        # The command to run when the sfx archive is started
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]

        # Title for messages

        # Begin Prompt message

        # Title of extraction dialog

        # Text in dialog

        # Button text of cancel button

        # A list of additional options, of the form "key=value"

        # Include subdirectories

        # Additional switches to pass to 7za when creating the archive
        [string]$Switches = ''

    Begin {

        # Escape a variable for the config file
        Function Esc([string]$t) {
            # Prefix \ and " with \, replace CRLF with \n and TAB with \t
            Return $t.Replace('\', '\\').Replace('"', '\"').Replace("`r`n", '\n').Replace("`t", '\t')

        # Get the base name of the specified path in Name
        if (-not [IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($Path)) {
            $Path = Join-Path "." $Path
        # Then join the directory name with the file name exluding the extension
        [string]$Name = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Path)) ([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($Path))

        [string]$tmpfile = "$Name.sfx.tmp"
        [Collections.ArrayList]$cfg = @()

        [string]$exefile = "$Name.exe"
        if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf "$exefile") { Remove-Item "$exefile" -Force }


    Process {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Create Executable Archive')) {

            $null = New-7zArchive -ArchivePath $tmpfile -FilesToInclude $Include -FilesToExclude @() -ArchiveType 7z -Recurse:$Recurse -Switches $Switches

            # Copy sfx + archive + config to exe via bytestream

            #SFX Configuration File Header
            #Title - title for messages
            [void]$cfg.Add('Title="{0}"' -f $Title)
            #RunProgram - Command for executing. Default value is "setup.exe". Substring %%T will be replaced with path to temporary folder, where files were extracted
            [void]$cfg.Add('RunProgram="{0}"' -f $(Esc($CommandToRun)))
            #BeginPrompt - Begin Prompt message
            if ($BeginPrompt -ne "")       { [void]$cfg.Add('BeginPrompt="{0}"' -f $(Esc($BeginPrompt))) }
            #ExtractTitle - title of extraction dialog
            if ($ExtractTitle -ne "")      { [void]$cfg.Add('ExtractTitle="{0}"' -f $(Esc($ExtractTitle))) }
            #ExtractDialogText - text in dialog
            if ($ExtractDialogText -ne "") { [void]$cfg.Add('ExtractDialogText="{0}"' -f $(Esc($ExtractDialogText))) }
            #ExtractCancelText - button text of cancel button
            if ($ExtractCancelText -ne "") { [void]$cfg.Add('ExtractCancelText="{0}"' -f $(Esc($ExtractCancelText))) }

            #Progress - Value can be "yes" or "no". Default value is "yes".
            #Directory - Directory prefix for "RunProgram". Default value is ".\\"
            #ExecuteFile - Name of file for executing
            #ExecuteParameters - Parameters for "ExecuteFile"
            if ($null -ne $ConfigOptions) {
                $ConfigOptions | ForEach-Object {
                    [string[]]$parts = $_.Split('=')
                    if ($parts.Count -lt 2) {
                        throw "Invalid configuration option '$($_)': missing '='"
                    } else {
                        [void]$cfg.Add('{0}="{1}"' -f $($parts[0]), $(Esc($parts[1])))

            #SFX Configuration File Ending Suffix

            Write-Verbose ('Creating sfx "{0}"...' -f $exefile)
            Write-Debug ($cfg | Join-String -Separator '`r`n')

            [string]$cfgfile = ( '{0}.sfx.cfg' -f $Name )

            Set-Content "$cfgfile" -Value $cfg
            Get-Content "$($7zSettings.Path7zSfx)","$cfgfile","$tmpfile" -AsByteStream -Raw | Set-Content "$exefile" -AsByteStream


    End {

        Remove-Item "$tmpfile"
        Remove-Item "$cfgfile"