
# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-PartnerContracts
function Get-MSPartnerContracts
    Lists partner's customer organisations. Does not require permissions to MS Partner Center or admin rights.

    Lists partner's customer organisations using provisioning API. Does not require permissions to MS Partner Center or admin rights.

    .Parameter AccessToken
    The access token used to get the list of partner's customer organisations.

    PS C:\>Get-AADIntAccessTokenForAADGraph -SaveToCache
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntMSPartnerContracts

    CustomerName CustomerTenantId CustomerDefaultDomain ContractType
    ------------ ---------------- --------------------- ------------
    Company dad33f16-69d1-4e32-880e-9c2d21aa3e59 SupportPartnerContract
    Contoso 936b7883-4746-4b89-8bc4-c8128795cd7f ResellerPartnerContract
    Adatum 17427dcd-8d61-4c23-9c68-d1f34975b420 SupportPartnerContract



        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PartnerContractSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ContractType i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DomainName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ManagedTenantId i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        if($results.Results.PartnerContract.count -lt 1)
            $contracts = @($results.Results.PartnerContract)
            $contracts = $results.Results.PartnerContract

        $retVal = @()
        foreach($contract in $contracts)
            $attributes = [ordered]@{
                "CustomerName"          = $contract.Name
                "CustomerTenantId"      = $contract.TenantId
                "CustomerDefaultDomain" = $contract.DefaultDomainName
                "ContractType"          = $contract.ContractType
                #"ObjectId" = $contract.ObjectId
                #"PartnerContext" = $contract.PartnerContext

            $retVal += New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

        return $retVal

# Set-PartnerInformation
# Oct 18th 2018
function Set-PartnerInformation

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PartnerInformation xmlns:c="">
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "CompanyType" -Value $CompanyType)
                <c:Contracts i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "DapEnabled" -Value $DapEnabled)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "ObjectId" -Value $PartnerTenantId)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PartnerCompanyName" -Value $PartnerCompanyName)
                <c:PartnerCommerceUrl i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PartnerContracts i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PartnerHelpUrl i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PartnerRoleMap i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PartnerSupportEmails i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PartnerSupportTelephones i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PartnerSupportUrl i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-UserByUpn
function Remove-UserByUpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-AdministrativeUnit
function Remove-AdministrativeUnit

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Contact
function Get-Contact

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-AdministrativeUnit
function Get-AdministrativeUnit

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-ServicePrincipalCredentialsByAppPrincipalId
function Get-ServicePrincipalCredentialsByAppPrincipalId

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ReturnKeyValues i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-ServicePrincipal
function Remove-ServicePrincipal

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-ServicePrincipalBySpn
function Get-ServicePrincipalBySpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-Domain
function Remove-Domain

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-AdministrativeUnitResults
function Navigate-AdministrativeUnitResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-RoleMembers
function Remove-RoleMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleObjectId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:RoleMembers i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Subscriptions
function Get-Subscriptions
    Gets tenant's subscriptions

    Gets tenant's subscriptions

    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token


    SkuPartNumber : EMSPREMIUM
    WarningUnits : 0
    TotalLicenses : 250
    IsTrial : true
    NextLifecycleDate : 2018-11-13T00:00:00Z
    OcpSubscriptionId : 76909010-12ed-4b05-b3d7-ee1b42c21b4e
    ConsumedUnits : 23
    ObjectId : 58265dbe-24e0-4cdb-8b62-51197a4c1c13
    SkuId : b05e124f-c7cc-45a0-a6aa-8cf78c946968
    DateCreated : 2018-08-13T00:00:00Z
    Status : Enabled
    SuspendedUnits : 0
    AccountName : company

    WarningUnits : 25
    TotalLicenses : 25
    IsTrial : true
    NextLifecycleDate : 2018-10-27T15:47:40Z
    OcpSubscriptionId : 7c206b83-2487-49fa-b91e-3d676de02ccb
    ConsumedUnits : 22
    ObjectId : df58544b-5062-4d6c-85de-937f203bbe0f
    SkuId : c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df
    DateCreated : 2018-08-27T00:00:00Z
    Status : Warning
    SuspendedUnits : 0
    AccountName : company


        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ReturnValue i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # Get skus
        $skus = Get-AccountSkus -AccessToken $AccessToken

        # Loop through the results
        foreach($subs in $results.Subscription)


            # Get the SKU
            $sku = $skus | where SkuId -eq $attributes.SkuId
            $attributes.WarningUnits = $sku.WarningUnits
            $attributes.ConsumedUnits = $sku.ConsumedUnits
            $attributes.SuspendedUnits = $sku.SuspendedUnits
            $attributes.AccountName = $sku.AccountName

            # Loop through service status objects
            foreach($status in $subs.ServiceStatus.ServiceStatus)

                $attributes.ServiceStatus += New-Object psobject -Property $service_status

            # Return
            New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-PasswordPolicy
function Set-PasswordPolicy

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Policy xmlns:c="">
            <b:DomainName i:nil="$(([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DomainName)).toString().ToLower())">$DomainName</b:DomainName>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Groups
function Get-Groups

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:GroupSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:AccountSku i:nil="true"/>
                <c:GroupType i:nil="true"/>
                <c:HasErrorsOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:HasLicenseErrorsOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsAgentRole i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UserObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Subscription
function Get-Subscription

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-GroupMembers
function Remove-GroupMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:GroupMembers i:nil="true"/>
            <b:GroupObjectId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-ContactResults
function Navigate-ContactResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Domain
function Get-Domain

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-AdministrativeUnit
function Add-AdministrativeUnit

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AdministrativeUnit xmlns:c="">
                <c:Description i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DisplayName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ObjectId i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-ServicePrincipal
function Get-ServicePrincipal

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Get-AccountSkus
# Aug 12th 018
function Get-AccountSkus
    Gets tenant's SKUs

    Gets tenant's stock keeping units (SKUs)

    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token


    TargetClass : User
    SkuPartNumber : EMSPREMIUM
    WarningUnits : 58265dbe-24e0-4cdb-8b62-51197a4c1c13
    ServiceStatus : {@{ServiceName=EXCHANGE_S_FOUNDATION; TargetClass=Tenant; ServiceType=Exchange; ServicePlanId=113feb6c-3fe4-4440-bddc-54d774bf0318; ProvisioningStatus=Success}, @{ServiceName=ATA;
                    TargetClass=User; ServiceType=AzureAdvancedThreatAnalytics; ServicePlanId=14ab5db5-e6c4-4b20-b4bc-13e36fd2227f; ProvisioningStatus=Success}, @{ServiceName=ADALLOM_S_STANDALONE; T
                    argetClass=User; ServiceType=Adallom; ServicePlanId=2e2ddb96-6af9-4b1d-a3f0-d6ecfd22edb2; ProvisioningStatus=Success}, @{ServiceName=RMS_S_PREMIUM2; TargetClass=User; ServiceType=
                    RMSOnline; ServicePlanId=5689bec4-755d-4753-8b61-40975025187c; ProvisioningStatus=Success}...}
    AccountObjectId : 1b78d686-e37b-4c01-a1ec-c963fbae482a
    SuspendedUnits : 0
    ConsumedUnits : 23
    SkuId : b05e124f-c7cc-45a0-a6aa-8cf78c946968
    ActiveUnits : 250
    LockedOutUnits : 0
    AccountSkuId : company:EMSPREMIUM
    AccountName : company

    TargetClass : User
    WarningUnits : df58544b-5062-4d6c-85de-937f203bbe0f
    ServiceStatus : {@{ServiceName=PAM_ENTERPRISE; TargetClass=User; ServiceType=Exchange; ServicePlanId=b1188c4c-1b36-4018-b48b-ee07604f6feb; ProvisioningStatus=Success}, @{ServiceName=BPOS_S_TODO_3
                    ; TargetClass=User; ServiceType=To-Do; ServicePlanId=3fb82609-8c27-4f7b-bd51-30634711ee67; ProvisioningStatus=Success}, @{ServiceName=FORMS_PLAN_E5; TargetClass=User; ServiceType=
                    OfficeForms; ServicePlanId=e212cbc7-0961-4c40-9825-01117710dcb1; ProvisioningStatus=Success}, @{ServiceName=STREAM_O365_E5; TargetClass=User; ServiceType=MicrosoftStream; ServiceP
                    lanId=6c6042f5-6f01-4d67-b8c1-eb99d36eed3e; ProvisioningStatus=Success}...}
    AccountObjectId : 1b78d686-e37b-4c01-a1ec-c963fbae482a
    SuspendedUnits : 0
    ConsumedUnits : 22
    SkuId : c7df2760-2c81-4ef7-b578-5b5392b571df
    ActiveUnits : 0
    LockedOutUnits : 0
    AccountSkuId : company:ENTERPRISEPREMIUM
    AccountName : company


        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AccountId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # Loop through the results
        foreach($sku in $results.AccountSkuDetails)


            # FIx: There might be more than one!

            # Loop through service status objects
            foreach($status in $sku.ServiceStatus.ServiceStatus)

                $attributes.ServiceStatus += New-Object psobject -Property $service_status

            # Return
            New-Object psobject -Property $attributes

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-CompanyMultiNationalEnabled
function Set-CompanyMultiNationalEnabled

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "Enable" -Value $Enable)
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "ServiceType" -Value $ServiceType)


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-ServicePrincipalByAppPrincipalId
function Remove-ServicePrincipalByAppPrincipalId

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AppPrincipalId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-ServicePrincipalCredentials
function Get-ServicePrincipalCredentials

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Get-AccidentalDeletionInformation
# Oct 18th 2018
function Get-AccidentalDeletionInformation
    Get accidental deletion information

    Get accidental deletion information of Azure AD
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token.

    AccidentalDeletionThreshold DeletionPreventionType
    --------------------------- ----------------------
    500 EnabledForCount


        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ReturnValue i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Verify-Domain
function Verify-Domain

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:FederationSettings i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ForceTakeover i:nil="true"/>
            <b:DomainName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-RolesForUser
function Get-RolesForUser

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-DirSyncProvisioningErrors
function Navigate-DirSyncProvisioningErrors

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-DomainVerificationDns
function Get-DomainVerificationDns

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Mode i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-CompanyAllowedDataLocation
function Set-CompanyAllowedDataLocation

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ServiceType i:nil="true"/>
            <b:IsDefault i:nil="true"/>
            <b:InitialDomain i:nil="true"/>
            <b:Location i:nil="true"/>
            <b:Overwrite i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Has-ObjectsWithDirSyncProvisioningErrors
function Has-ObjectsWithDirSyncProvisioningErrors

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ReturnValue i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-CompanyDirSyncFeature
function Set-CompanyDirSyncFeature

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Get-PartnerInformation
# Oct 18th 2018
function Get-PartnerInformation

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ReturnValue i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Get-DomainFederationSettings
function Get-DomainFederationSettings

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # Return

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-DirSyncProvisioningErrors
function Get-DirSyncProvisioningErrors

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:DirSyncProvisioningErrorSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ErrorCategory i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ObjectType i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PropertyName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PropertyValue i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-ServicePrincipalBySpn
function Remove-ServicePrincipalBySpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ServicePrincipalName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-ServicePrincipalResults
function Navigate-ServicePrincipalResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-AdministrativeUnitMembers
function Add-AdministrativeUnitMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AdministrativeUnitMembers i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AdministrativeUnitObjectId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-RoleMembersByRoleName
function Remove-RoleMembersByRoleName

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:RoleMembers i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-UserResults
function Navigate-UserResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-RoleMemberResults
function Navigate-RoleMemberResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-ServicePrincipalCredentialsBySpn
function Get-ServicePrincipalCredentialsBySpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-CompanyAllowedDataLocation
function Get-CompanyAllowedDataLocation

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ReturnValue i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Reset-UserPasswordByUpn
function Reset-UserPasswordByUpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ForceChangePasswordOnly i:nil="true"/>
            <b:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ForceChangePassword i:nil="true"/>
            <b:NewPassword i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Contacts
function Get-Contacts

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ContactSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:HasErrorsOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-RoleScopedMemberResults
function Navigate-RoleScopedMemberResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Has-ObjectsWithDirSyncProvisioningErrors2
function Has-ObjectsWithDirSyncProvisioningErrors2

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ObjectType i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-RoleScopedMembers
function Add-RoleScopedMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleMembers i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AdministrativeUnitObjectId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:RoleObjectId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-UserLicensesByUpn
function Set-UserLicensesByUpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AddLicenses i:nil="true"/>
            <b:RemoveLicenses i:nil="true"/>
            <b:LicenseOptions i:nil="true"/>
            <b:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-RoleByName
function Get-RoleByName

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Add-RoleMembers
# Oct 19th 2018
function Add-RoleMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleMembers xmlns:c="">
                    <c:DisplayName i:nil="true"/>
                    <c:EmailAddress i:nil="true"/>
                    <c:IsLicensed i:nil="true"/>
                    <c:LastDirSyncTime i:nil="true"/>
                    $(Add-CElement -Parameter "ObjectId" -Value $RoleMemberObjectId)
                    <c:OverallProvisioningStatus i:nil="true"/>
                    $(Add-CElement -Parameter "RoleMemberType" -Value $RoleMemberType)
                    <c:StrongAuthenticationRequirements i:nil="true"/>
                    <c:ValidationStatus i:nil="true"/>
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "RoleObjectId" -Value $RoleObjectId)

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-User
function Set-User

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:User xmlns:c="">
                <c:AlternateEmailAddresses i:nil="true" xmlns:d=""/>
                <c:AlternateMobilePhones i:nil="true" xmlns:d=""/>
                <c:AlternativeSecurityIds i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "BlockCredential" -Value "$BlockCredential")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "City" -Value "$City")
                <c:CloudExchangeRecipientDisplayType i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "Country" -Value "$Country")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "Department" -Value "$Department")
                <c:DirSyncProvisioningErrors i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "DisplayName" -Value "$DisplayName")
                <c:Errors i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "Fax" -Value "$Fax")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "FirstName" -Value "$FirstName")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "ImmutableId" -Value "$ImmutableId")
                <c:IndirectLicenseErrors i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "IsBlackberryUser" -Value "$IsBlackberryUser")
                <c:IsLicensed i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LastDirSyncTime i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "LastName" -Value "$LastName")
                <c:LastPasswordChangeTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LicenseAssignmentDetails i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LicenseReconciliationNeeded i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Licenses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LiveId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MSExchRecipientTypeDetails i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MSRtcSipDeploymentLocator i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MSRtcSipPrimaryUserAddress i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "MobilePhone" -Value "$MobilePhone")
                <c:ObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "Office" -Value "$Office")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "OverallProvisioningStatus" -Value "$OverallProvisioningStatus")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PasswordNeverExpires" -Value "$PasswordNeverExpires")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PasswordResetNotRequiredDuringActivate" -Value "$PasswordResetNotRequiredDuringActivate")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PhoneNumber" -Value "$PhoneNumber")
                <c:PortalSettings i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PostalCode" -Value "$PostalCode")
                <c:PreferredDataLocation i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PreferredLanguage" -Value "$PreferredLanguage")
                <c:ProxyAddresses i:nil="true" xmlns:d=""/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "ReleaseTrack" -Value "$ReleaseTrack")
                <c:ServiceInformation i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SignInName" -Value "$SignInName")
                <c:SoftDeletionTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "State" -Value "$State")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "StreetAddress" -Value "$StreetAddress")
                <c:StrongAuthenticationMethods i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationPhoneAppDetails i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationProofupTime i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationRequirements i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationUserDetails i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "StrongPasswordRequired" -Value "$StrongPasswordRequired")
                <c:StsRefreshTokensValidFrom i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "Title" -Value "$Title")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UsageLocation" -Value "$UsageLocation")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UserLandingPageIdentifierForO365Shell" -Value "$UserLandingPageIdentifierForO365Shell")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UserPrincipalName" -Value "$UserPrincipalName")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UserThemeIdentifierForO365Shell" -Value "$UserThemeIdentifierForO365Shell")
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UserType" -Value "$UserType")
                <c:ValidationStatus i:nil="true"/>
                <c:WhenCreated i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-AdministrativeUnitMemberResults
function Navigate-AdministrativeUnitMemberResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Set-CompanySettings
# Oct 19th 2018
function Set-CompanySettings

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Settings xmlns:c="">
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "AllowAdHocSubscriptions" -Value $AllowAdHocSubscriptions)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "AllowEmailVerifiedUsers" -Value $AllowEmailVerifiedUsers)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "DefaultUsageLocation" -Value $DefaultUsageLocation)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "RmsViralSignUpEnabled" -Value $RmsViralSignUpEnabled)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SelfServePasswordResetEnabled" -Value $SelfServePasswordResetEnabled)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UsersPermissionToCreateGroupsEnabled" -Value $UsersPermissionToCreateGroupsEnabled)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UsersPermissionToCreateLOBAppsEnabled" -Value $UsersPermissionToCreateLOBAppsEnabled)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UsersPermissionToReadOtherUsersEnabled" -Value $UsersPermissionToReadOtherUsersEnabled)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "UsersPermissionToUserConsentToAppEnabled" -Value $UsersPermissionToUserConsentToAppEnabled)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "O365UserReleaseTrack" -Value $O365UserReleaseTrack)


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Roles
function Get-Roles

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ReturnValue i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-ServicePrincipal
function Add-ServicePrincipal

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AppPrincipalId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:Addresses i:nil="true"/>
            <b:TrustedForDelegation i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AccountEnabled i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ServicePrincipalNames i:nil="true"/>
            <b:Credentials i:nil="true"/>
            <b:DisplayName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-ServicePrincipal
function Set-ServicePrincipal

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ServicePrincipal xmlns:c="">
                <c:AccountEnabled i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Addresses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:AppPrincipalId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DisplayName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ServicePrincipalNames i:nil="true"/>
                <c:TrustedForDelegation i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-CompanyDirSyncFeatures
function Get-CompanyDirSyncFeatures

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Feature i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Get-Users
function Get-Users

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:UserSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SearchString" -Value $SearchString)
                <c:AccountSku i:nil="true"/>
                <c:AdministrativeUnitObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:BlackberryUsersOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:City i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Country i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Department i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DomainName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:EnabledFilter i:nil="true"/>
                <c:HasErrorsOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IndirectLicenseFilter i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LicenseReconciliationNeededOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ReturnDeletedUsers i:nil="true"/>
                <c:State i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Synchronized i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Title i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UnlicensedUsersOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UsageLocation i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # Return

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Convert-FederatedUserToManaged
function Convert-FederatedUserToManaged

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:NewPassword i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Role
function Get-Role

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Set-DomainFederationSettings
# Aug 12th 2018
function Set-DomainFederationSettings


        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "VerifiedDomain" -Value $VerifiedDomain)
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "Authentication" -Value "Federated")
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "DomainName" -Value $DomainName)
            <b:FederationSettings xmlns:c="">
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "ActiveLogonUri" -Value $ActiveLogOnUri)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "DefaultInteractiveAuthenticationMethod" -Value $DefaultInteractiveAuthenticationMethod)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "FederationBrandName" -Value $FederationBrandName)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "IssuerUri" -Value $IssuerUri)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "LogOffUri" -Value $LogOffUri)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "MetadataExchangeUri" -Value $MetadataExchangeUri)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "NextSigningCertificate" -Value $NextSigningCertificate)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "OpenIdConnectDiscoveryEndpoint" -Value $OpenIdConnectDiscoveryEndpoint)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PassiveLogOnUri" -Value $PassiveLogOnUri)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PasswordChangeUri" -Value $PasswordChangeUri)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PasswordResetUri" -Value $PasswordResetUri)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PreferredAuthenticationProtocol" -Value $PreferredAuthenticationProtocol)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PromptLoginBehavior" -Value $PromptLoginBehavior)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SigningCertificate" -Value $SigningCertificate)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SigningCertificateUpdateStatus" -Value $SigningCertificateUpdateStatus)
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SupportsMfa" -Value $SupportsMfa)



        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-Group
function Set-Group

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Group xmlns:c="">
                <c:AssignedLicenses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:CommonName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Description i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DirSyncProvisioningErrors i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DisplayName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:EmailAddress i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Errors i:nil="true"/>
                <c:GroupLicenseProcessingDetail i:nil="true"/>
                <c:GroupType i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsSystem i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LastDirSyncTime i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Licenses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ManagedBy i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ProxyAddresses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ValidationStatus i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Verify-Domain2
function Verify-Domain2

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:FederationSettings i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ForceTakeover i:nil="true"/>
            <b:DomainName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-Domain
function Set-Domain

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Domain xmlns:c="">
                <c:Authentication i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Capabilities i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsDefault i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsInitial i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Name i:nil="true"/>
                <c:RootDomain i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Status i:nil="true"/>
                <c:VerificationMethod i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Retry-UserProvisioning
function Retry-UserProvisioning

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-ServicePrincipalCredentials
function Remove-ServicePrincipalCredentials

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:KeyIds i:nil="true"/>
            <b:MsodsAsKeyStore i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Set-ADDirSyncEnabled
# May 8th 2019
function Set-ADSyncEnabled
    Enables or disables directory synchronization

    Enables or disables directory synchronization using provisioning API.
    Enabling / disabling the synchrnoization usually takes less than 10 seconds. Check the status using Get-AADIntCompanyInformation.

    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token

    .Parameter Enabled
    True or False

    Set-AADIntADSyncEnabled -Enabled $true



        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "EnableDirSync" -Value $EnableDirSync)

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Change-UserPrincipalName
function Change-UserPrincipalName

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ImmutableId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:NewUserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:NewPassword i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Get-RoleMembers
# Oct 19th 2018

function Get-GlobalAdmins
    Returns Global Admins

    Returns Global Admins
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token

    DisplayName UserPrincipalName
    ----------- -----------------
    Admin Two

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Return role members using well-known Global Admins role object id.
        return Get-RoleMembers -AccessToken $AccessToken -RoleObjectId "62e90394-69f5-4237-9190-012177145e10" | select @{N='DisplayName'; E={$_.DisplayName}},@{N='UserPrincipalName'; E={$_.EmailAddress}}

# Get-RoleMembers
# Oct 19th 2018
function Get-RoleMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleMemberSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MemberObjectTypes i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "RoleObjectId" -Value $RoleObjectId)

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # Return

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-AdministrativeUnits
function Get-AdministrativeUnits

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AdministrativeUnitSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UserObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Reset-UserPassword
function Reset-UserPassword

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ForceChangePasswordOnly i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ForceChangePassword i:nil="true"/>
            <b:NewPassword i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-PartnerContracts
function Navigate-PartnerContracts

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-User
function Remove-UserByObjectId

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-Contact
function Remove-Contact

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-GroupMembers
function Add-GroupMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:GroupMembers i:nil="true"/>
            <b:GroupObjectId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-ServicePrincipalByAppPrincipalId
function Get-ServicePrincipalByAppPrincipalId

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AppPrincipalId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Domains
function Get-Domains

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:SearchFilter i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-UserByUpn
function Get-UserByUpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-CompanySecurityComplianceContactInformation
function Set-CompanySecurityComplianceContactInformation

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:SecurityComplianceNotificationPhones i:nil="true"/>
            <b:SecurityComplianceNotificationEmails i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-UserByObjectID
function Get-UserByObjectId

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Get individual user
function Get-User
        if($ObjectId -ne $null)
            return Get-UserByObjectId -AccessToken $AccessToken -ObjectId $ObjectId -ReturnDeletedUsers $ReturnDeletedUsers
        elseif($UserPrincipalName -ne $null)
            return Get-UserByUpn -AccessToken $AccessToken -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName -ReturnDeletedUsers $ReturnDeletedUsers
        elseif($LiveID -ne $null)
            return Get-UserByLiveId -AccessToken $AccessToken -LiveId $LiveID

# Remove user
function Remove-User
        if($ObjectId -ne $null)
            return Remove-UserByObjectId -AccessToken $AccessToken -ObjectId $ObjectId -RemoveFromRecycleBin $RemoveFromRecycleBin
        elseif($UserPrincipalName -ne $null)
            return Remove-UserByUpn -AccessToken $AccessToken -UserPrincipalName $UserPrincipalName -RemoveFromRecycleBin $RemoveFromRecycleBin


# Get-ServicePrincipals
function Get-ServicePrincipals2

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ServicePrincipalSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # Return

# Add-ForeignGroupToRole
# Oct 19th 2018
function Add-ForeignGroupToRole

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "RoleObjectId" -Value $RoleObjectId)
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "ForeignCompanyObjectId" -Value $ForeignCompanyObjectId)
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "ForeignGroupObjectId" -Value $ForeignGroupObjectId)


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Restore-User
function Restore-User

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:NewUserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AutoReconcileProxyConflicts i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-CompanyPasswordSyncEnabled
function Set-CompanyPasswordSyncEnabled

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:EnablePasswordSync i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Restore-UserByUpn
function Restore-UserByUpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:NewUserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AutoReconcileProxyConflicts i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Msol-Connect
function Msol-Connect

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:UpdateAvailable i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-GroupMembers
function Get-GroupMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:GroupMemberSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:GroupObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MemberObjectTypes i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-ServicePrincipalCredentialsByAppPrincipalId
function Remove-ServicePrincipalCredentialsByAppPrincipalId

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:MsodsAsKeyStore i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AppPrincipalId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:KeyIds i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-DomainAuthentication
function Set-DomainAuthentication


        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "Authentication" -Value $Authentication)
            $(Add-BElement -Parameter "DomainName" -Value $DomainName)
                if($Authentication -eq "Federated")
                    '<b:FederationSettings xmlns:c="">'
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "ActiveLogonUri" -Value $ActiveLogOnUri)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "DefaultInteractiveAuthenticationMethod" -Value $DefaultInteractiveAuthenticationMethod)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "FederationBrandName" -Value $FederationBrandName)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "IssuerUri" -Value $IssuerUri)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "LogOffUri" -Value $LogOffUri)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "MetadataExchangeUri" -Value $MetadataExchangeUri)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "NextSigningCertificate" -Value $NextSigningCertificate)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "OpenIdConnectDiscoveryEndpoint" -Value $OpenIdConnectDiscoveryEndpoint)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PassiveLogOnUri" -Value $PassiveLogOnUri)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PasswordChangeUri" -Value $PasswordChangeUri)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PasswordResetUri" -Value $PasswordResetUri)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PreferredAuthenticationProtocol" -Value $PreferredAuthenticationProtocol)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "PromptLoginBehavior" -Value $PromptLoginBehavior)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SigningCertificate" -Value $SigningCertificate)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SigningCertificateUpdateStatus" -Value $SigningCertificateUpdateStatus)
                        $(Add-CElement -Parameter "SupportsMfa" -Value $SupportsMfa)
                    '<b:FederationSettings i:nil="true"/>'

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-RoleScopedMembers
function Remove-RoleScopedMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleMembers i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AdministrativeUnitObjectId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:RoleObjectId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Get-CompanyInformation
function Get-CompanyInformation
    Get company information

    Get company information as XML document using Provisioning API

    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token


    AllowAdHocSubscriptions : true
    AllowEmailVerifiedUsers : true
    AuthorizedServiceInstances : AuthorizedServiceInstances
    AuthorizedServices :
    City :
    CompanyDeletionStartTime :
    CompanyTags : CompanyTags
    CompanyType : CompanyTenant
    CompassEnabled :
    Country :
    CountryLetterCode : US
    DapEnabled :
    DefaultUsageLocation :
    DirSyncAnchorAttribute : mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid
    DirSyncApplicationType : 1651564e-7ce4-4d99-88be-0a65050d8dc3
    DirSyncClientMachineName : SERVER
    DirSyncClientVersion :
    DirSyncServiceAccount :
    DirectorySynchronizationEnabled : true
    DirectorySynchronizationStatus : Enabled
    DisplayName : Company Ltd
    InitialDomain :
    LastDirSyncTime : 2020-08-03T15:29:34Z
    LastPasswordSyncTime : 2020-08-03T15:09:07Z
    MarketingNotificationEmails :
    MultipleDataLocationsForServicesEnabled :
    ObjectId : 527e940d-2526-483b-82a9-d5b6bf6cc165
    PasswordSynchronizationEnabled : true
    PortalSettings : PortalSettings
    PostalCode :
    PreferredLanguage : en
    ReleaseTrack : FirstRelease
    ReplicationScope : NA
    RmsViralSignUpEnabled : true
    SecurityComplianceNotificationEmails :
    SecurityComplianceNotificationPhones :
    SelfServePasswordResetEnabled : true
    ServiceInformation : ServiceInformation
    ServiceInstanceInformation : ServiceInstanceInformation
    State :
    Street :
    SubscriptionProvisioningLimited : false
    TechnicalNotificationEmails : TechnicalNotificationEmails
    TelephoneNumber : 1324567890
    UIExtensibilityUris :
    UsersPermissionToCreateGroupsEnabled : true
    UsersPermissionToCreateLOBAppsEnabled : true
    UsersPermissionToReadOtherUsersEnabled : true
    UsersPermissionToUserConsentToAppEnabled : true
    WhenCreated : 2019-07-14T07:03:20Z


        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ReturnValue i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements -TenantId $TenantId)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)
        # Return

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-ServicePrincipalCredentialsBySpn
function Add-ServicePrincipalCredentialsBySpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ServicePrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:Credentials i:nil="true"/>
            <b:MsodsAsKeyStore i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Delete-ApplicationPassword
function Delete-ApplicationPassword

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PasswordId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Retry-GroupProvisioning
function Retry-GroupProvisioning

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-ServicePrincipalCredentialsBySpn
function Remove-ServicePrincipalCredentialsBySpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ServicePrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:KeyIds i:nil="true"/>
            <b:MsodsAsKeyStore i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-RolesForUserByUpn
function Get-RolesForUserByUpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Update-DirSyncProvisioningError
function Update-DirSyncProvisioningError

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-User
function New-User

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ForceChangePassword i:nil="true"/>
            <b:LicenseAssignment i:nil="true" xmlns:c=""/>
            <b:LicenseOptions i:nil="true" xmlns:c=""/>
            <b:Password i:nil="true"/>
            <b:User xmlns:c="">
                <c:AlternateEmailAddresses i:nil="true" xmlns:d=""/>
                <c:AlternateMobilePhones i:nil="true" xmlns:d=""/>
                <c:AlternativeSecurityIds i:nil="true"/>
                <c:BlockCredential i:nil="true"/>
                <c:City i:nil="true"/>
                <c:CloudExchangeRecipientDisplayType i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Country i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Department i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DirSyncProvisioningErrors i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Errors i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Fax i:nil="true"/>
                <c:FirstName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ImmutableId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IndirectLicenseErrors i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsBlackberryUser i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsLicensed i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LastDirSyncTime i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LastName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LastPasswordChangeTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LicenseAssignmentDetails i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LicenseReconciliationNeeded i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Licenses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LiveId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MSExchRecipientTypeDetails i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MSRtcSipDeploymentLocator i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MSRtcSipPrimaryUserAddress i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MobilePhone i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Office i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PasswordNeverExpires i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PasswordResetNotRequiredDuringActivate i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PhoneNumber i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PortalSettings i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PostalCode i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PreferredDataLocation i:nil="true"/>
                <c:PreferredLanguage i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ProxyAddresses i:nil="true" xmlns:d=""/>
                <c:ReleaseTrack i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ServiceInformation i:nil="true"/>
                <c:SignInName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:SoftDeletionTimestamp i:nil="true"/>
                <c:State i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StreetAddress i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationMethods i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationPhoneAppDetails i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationProofupTime i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationRequirements i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongAuthenticationUserDetails i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StrongPasswordRequired i:nil="true"/>
                <c:StsRefreshTokensValidFrom i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Title i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UsageLocation i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UserLandingPageIdentifierForO365Shell i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UserThemeIdentifierForO365Shell i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UserType i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ValidationStatus i:nil="true"/>
                <c:WhenCreated i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Change-UserPrincipalNameByUpn
function Change-UserPrincipalNameByUpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ImmutableId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:NewUserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:NewPassword i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-CompanyContactInformation
function Set-CompanyContactInformation

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:TechnicalNotificationEmails i:nil="true"/>
            <b:MarketingNotificationEmails i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-AdministrativeUnit
function Set-AdministrativeUnit

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AdministrativeUnit xmlns:c="">
                <c:Description i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DisplayName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ObjectId i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-RoleMembersByRoleName
function Add-RoleMembersByRoleName

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:RoleMembers i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-UserByLiveId
function Get-UserByLiveId

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-AdministrativeUnitMembers
function Get-AdministrativeUnitMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AdministrativeUnitMemberSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:AdministrativeUnitObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-AdministrativeUnitMembers
function Remove-AdministrativeUnitMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AdministrativeUnitMembers i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AdministrativeUnitObjectId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Retry-ContactProvisioning
function Retry-ContactProvisioning

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-AccidentalDeletionThreshold
function Set-AccidentalDeletionThreshold

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AccidentalDeletionThreshold i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-ForeignGroupFromRole
function Remove-ForeignGroupFromRole

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleObjectId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ForeignCompanyObjectId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ForeignGroupObjectId i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Set-UserLicenses
function Set-UserLicenses

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:AddLicenses i:nil="true"/>
            <b:RemoveLicenses i:nil="true"/>
            <b:LicenseOptions i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-RoleScopedMembers
function Get-RoleScopedMembers

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:RoleMemberSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>
                <c:MemberObjectTypes i:nil="true"/>
                <c:RoleObjectId i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Remove-Group
function Remove-Group

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-WellKnownGroup
function Add-WellKnownGroup

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:WellKnownGroupName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-UsersByStrongAuthentication
function Get-UsersByStrongAuthentication

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:UserSearchDefinition xmlns:c="">
                <c:SearchString i:nil="true"/>
                <c:AccountSku i:nil="true"/>
                <c:AdministrativeUnitObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:BlackberryUsersOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:City i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Country i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Department i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DomainName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:EnabledFilter i:nil="true"/>
                <c:HasErrorsOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IncludedProperties i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IndirectLicenseFilter i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LicenseReconciliationNeededOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ReturnDeletedUsers i:nil="true"/>
                <c:State i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Synchronized i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Title i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UnlicensedUsersOnly i:nil="true"/>
                <c:UsageLocation i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-Group
function Add-Group

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Group xmlns:c="">
                <c:AssignedLicenses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:CommonName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Description i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DirSyncProvisioningErrors i:nil="true"/>
                <c:DisplayName i:nil="true"/>
                <c:EmailAddress i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Errors i:nil="true"/>
                <c:GroupLicenseProcessingDetail i:nil="true"/>
                <c:GroupType i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsSystem i:nil="true"/>
                <c:LastDirSyncTime i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Licenses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ManagedBy i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ObjectId i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ProxyAddresses i:nil="true"/>
                <c:ValidationStatus i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-ServicePrincipalCredentials
function Add-ServicePrincipalCredentials

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Credentials i:nil="true"/>
            <b:MsodsAsKeyStore i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-GroupResults
function Navigate-GroupResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Navigate-GroupMemberResults
function Navigate-GroupMemberResults

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:PageToNavigate i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ListContext i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Reset-StrongAuthenticationMethodByUpn
function Reset-StrongAuthenticationMethodByUpn

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:UserPrincipalName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-ServicePrincipalCredentialsByAppPrincipalId
function Add-ServicePrincipalCredentialsByAppPrincipalId

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Credentials i:nil="true"/>
            <b:AppPrincipalId i:nil="true"/>
            <b:MsodsAsKeyStore i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-Group
function Get-Group

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-PasswordPolicy
function Get-PasswordPolicy

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:DomainName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Add-Domain
function New-Domain

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:Domain xmlns:c="">
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "Authentication" -Value $Authentication)
                <c:Authentication i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Capabilities i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsDefault i:nil="true"/>
                <c:IsInitial i:nil="true"/>
                $(Add-CElement -Parameter "Name" -Value $Name)
                <c:RootDomain i:nil="true"/>
                <c:Status i:nil="true"/>
                <c:VerificationMethod i:nil="true"/>

        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Get-HeaderInfo
function Get-HeaderInfo

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:ClientVersionHeader i:nil="true">
            <b:IdentityHeaderName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ContractVersionHeader i:nil="true"/>
            <b:TrackingHeaderName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:HeaderNameSpace i:nil="true"/>
            <b:TrackingHeader i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ContractVersionHeaderName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ContextHeader i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ReturnValue i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ClientVersionHeaderName i:nil="true"/>
            <b:ContextHeaderName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Autogenerated Sep 23rd 2018
# Verify-EmailVerifiedDomain
function Verify-EmailVerifiedDomain

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Create the body for getting users
            <b:DomainName i:nil="true"/>


        # Create the envelope and call the API
        $response=Call-ProvisioningAPI(Create-Envelope $AccessToken $command $request_elements)

        # Get the results
        $results = Parse-SOAPResponse($Response)

        # TODO: do something with results

# Gets SharePoint Service Information
function Get-SPOServiceInformation
    Get SharePoint Online service information.

    Get SharePoint Online service information.

    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntSPOServiceInformation

    CreatedOn : 6/26/2018 11:16:12 AM
    ServiceInformation_LastChangeDate : 9/27/2018 3:48:29 PM
    EnableOneDriveforSuiteUsers : False
    InstanceId : 13f137d4-1920-4174-8b37-d87acec0228a
    LastModifiedOn : 9/27/2018 3:52:16 PM
    OfficeGraphUrl :
    RootAdminUrl :
    RootIWSPOUrl :
    SPO_LegacyPublicWebSiteEditPage : Pages/Forms/AllItems.aspx
    SPO_LegacyPublicWebSitePublicUrl :
    SPO_LegacyPublicWebSiteUrl :
    SPO_MySiteHostUrl :
    SPO_MySiteHost_AboutMeUrl :
    SPO_MySiteHost_DocumentsUrl :
    SPO_MySiteHost_NewsFeedUrl :
    SPO_MySiteHost_ProjectSiteUrl :
    SPO_MySiteHost_SitesUrl :
    SPO_PublicWebSitePublicUrl :
    SPO_PublicWebSiteUrl : NotSupported
    SPO_RegionalRootSiteUrl :
    SPO_RootSiteUrl :
    SPO_TenantAdminUrl :
    SPO_TenantAdmin_CreateSiteCollectionUrl :
    SPO_TenantAdmin_ProjectAdminUrl :
    SPO_TenantAdmin_ViewSiteCollectionsUrl :
    SPO_TenantUpgradeUrl :
    ShowSites_InitialVisibility : True
    ShowSkyDrivePro_InitialVisibility : True
    ShowYammerNewsFeed_InitialVisibility : True
    VideoPortalServerRelativeUrl : /portals/hub/_layouts/15/videohome.aspx


         # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Set variables

        # Get service information and parse SPO data
        $ServiceInformation = Get-CompanyInformation -AccessToken $AccessToken
            $service_info=Parse-ServiceInformation $ServiceInformation.ServiceInformation
            foreach($name in $service_info.Keys)
                    foreach($attribute in $value)
        # Return
        return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $attributes


# Gets Office 365 service location
function Get-ServiceLocations
    Get service location information.

    Get service location information.

    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntServiceLocations | Sort Name | ft

    Region Instance Name State Country
    ------ -------- ---- ----- -------
    EU EUGB01 AadAllTenantsNotifications GB
    NA NA003 AADPremiumService US
    EU Prod03 Adallom GB
    NA NA001 AzureAdvancedThreatAnalytics US
    NA NA033 BDM US
    NA * BecWSClients US
    NA NA001 Deskless US
    EU EU003 DirectoryToCosmos GB
    EU EURP154-001-01 exchange IE
    EU emea04-02 ExchangeOnlineProtection NL
    NA NA001 Metro US
    EU EMEA-1E-S2 MicrosoftCommunicationsOnline NL
    NA NorthAmerica1 MicrosoftOffice US
    NA NA001 MicrosoftStream US
    NA NA001 MultiFactorService US
    NA NA001 OfficeForms US
    NA NA001 PowerAppsService US
    EU EU001 PowerBI IR
    NA NA001 ProcessSimple US
    EU PROD_EU_Org_Ring_140 ProjectWorkManagement NL
    EU EU RMSOnline NL
    EU SPOS1265 SharePoint NL
    NA NA002 SMIT US
    NA NA001 Sway US
    NA NA001 TeamspaceAPI US
    NA NA001 To-Do US
    NA NA003 YammerEnterprise US


         # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Get service information
        $ServiceInformation = Get-CompanyInformation -AccessToken $AccessToken

        # Loop through services and return a PS object
        foreach($service in $ServiceInformation.ServiceInstanceInformation.ServiceInstanceInformation)
            $attributes["Name"] = $service.ServiceInstance.Split("/")[0]
            $attributes["Instance"] = $service.ServiceInstance.Split("/")[1]
            $attributes["Country"] = $service.GeographicLocation.Country
            $attributes["Region"] = $service.GeographicLocation.Region
            $attributes["State"] = $service.GeographicLocation.State

            # Return
            New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $attributes

# Gets company tags
function Get-CompanyTags
    Get company tags.

    Get company tags, such as tenant version and update status.

    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    PS C:\>Get-AADIntCompanyTags


         # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Get service information
        $ServiceInformation = Get-CompanyInformation -AccessToken $AccessToken

        # Return

# Gets service plans
function Get-ServicePlans
    Get service plans.

    Get service plans assigned to tenant.

    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    PS C:\>Get-AADServicePlans | ft

    SKU ServicePlanId ServiceName ServiceType AssignedTimestamp CapabilityStatus ProvisioningStatus
    --- ------------- ----------- ----------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------
    ENTERPRISEPREMIUM b1188c4c-1b36-4018-b48b-ee07604f6feb PAM_ENTERPRISE Exchange 2018-09-27T15:47:45Z Enabled Success
                      76846ad7-7776-4c40-a281-a386362dd1b9 ProcessSimple 2018-09-27T15:47:25Z Deleted
                      c87f142c-d1e9-4363-8630-aaea9c4d9ae5 To-Do 2018-09-27T15:47:24Z Deleted
                      c68f8d98-5534-41c8-bf36-22fa496fa792 PowerAppsService 2018-09-27T15:47:25Z Deleted
                      9e700747-8b1d-45e5-ab8d-ef187ceec156 MicrosoftStream 2018-09-27T15:47:25Z Deleted
                      2789c901-c14e-48ab-a76a-be334d9d793a OfficeForms 2018-09-27T15:47:25Z Deleted
    ENTERPRISEPREMIUM 9f431833-0334-42de-a7dc-70aa40db46db LOCKBOX_ENTERPRISE Exchange 2018-08-27T05:46:50Z Enabled Success
    ENTERPRISEPREMIUM 3fb82609-8c27-4f7b-bd51-30634711ee67 BPOS_S_TODO_3 To-Do 2018-08-27T05:46:50Z Enabled Success
    ENTERPRISEPREMIUM 7547a3fe-08ee-4ccb-b430-5077c5041653 YAMMER_ENTERPRISE YammerEnterprise 2018-08-27T05:46:51Z Enabled Success


         # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -ClientID "1b730954-1685-4b74-9bfd-dac224a7b894" -Resource ""

        # Get service information
        $TenantInformation = Get-TenantDetails -AccessToken $AccessToken

        # Get SKUs
        $skus = Get-AccountSkus -AccessToken $AccessToken

        foreach($plan in $TenantInformation.assignedPlans)
            $attributes = @{}
            $attributes.AssignedTimestamp = $plan.assignedTimestamp
            $attributes.CapabilityStatus = $plan.capabilityStatus
            $attributes.ServicePlanId = $plan.servicePlanId
            # Get info from sku
            $skuInfo = Get-SkuAndServiceName -SKUs $skus -ServicePlanId $plan.servicePlanId
            $attributes.SKU = $skuInfo.SkuName
            $attributes.ServiceType = $skuInfo.ServiceType
            $attributes.ServiceName = $skuInfo.ServiceName
            $attributes.ProvisioningStatus = $skuInfo.ProvisioningStatus

            # If or not attached to any sku or if deleted, no info in SKU
                $attributes.ServiceType = $plan.service

            New-Object psobject -Property $attributes
