
function New-Account {
            Registers your account key with a new ACME-Account.
            Registers the given account key with an ACME service to retreive an account that enables you to
            communicate with the ACME service.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the account to be returned to the pipeline.
        .PARAMETER AcceptTOS
            If you set this, you accepted the Terms-of-service.
        .PARAMETER ExistingAccountIsError
            If set, the script will throw an error, if the key has already been registered.
            If not set, the script will try to fetch the account associated with the account key.
        .PARAMETER EmailAddresses
            Contact adresses for certificate expiration mails and similar.
            PS> New-Account -AcceptTOS -EmailAddresses "" -AutomaticAccountHandling
            PS> New-Account $myServiceDirectory $myAccountKey $myNonce -AcceptTos -EmailAddresses @(...) -ExistingAccountIsError

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]




        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $Contacts = @($EmailAddresses | ForEach-Object { if($_.StartsWith("mailto:")) { $_ } else { "mailto:$_" } });

    $payload = @{

    $url = $State.GetServiceDirectory().NewAccount;

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("New-Account", "Sending account registration to ACME Server $Url")) {
        $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest $url $State $payload -SupressKeyId -ErrorAction 'Stop'

        if($response.StatusCode -eq 200) {
            if(-not $ExistingAccountIsError) {
                Write-Warning "JWK had already been registered for an account - trying to fetch account."

                $keyId = $response.Headers["Location"][0];

                return Get-Account -AccountUrl $keyId -KeyId $keyId -State $State -PassThru:$PassThru
            } else {
                Write-Error "JWK had already been registiered for an account."

        $account = [AcmeAccount]::new($response, $response.Headers["Location"][0]);

        if($PassThru) {
            return $result;