
function New-Order {
            Creates a new order object.
            Creates a new order object to be used for signing a new certificate including all submitted identifiers.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER Identifiers
            The list of identifiers, which will be covered by the certificates subject alternative names.
        .PARAMETER NotBefore
            Earliest date the certificate should be considered valid.
        .PARAMETER NotAfter
            Latest date the certificate should be considered valid.
        .PARAMETER CertDN
            If set, this will be used as Distinguished Name for the CSR that will be send to the ACME service by Complete-Order.
            If not set, the first identifier will be used as CommonName (CN=Identifier).
            Make sure to provide a valid X500DistinguishedName.
            PS> New-Order -Directory $myDirectory -AccountKey $myAccountKey -KeyId $myKid -Nonce $myNonce -Identifiers $myIdentifiers
            PS> New-Order -Identifiers (New-Identifier "dns" "")

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [AcmeIdentifier[]] $Identifiers,

        [System.DateTimeOffset] $NotBefore,

        [System.DateTimeOffset] $NotAfter,

        [string] $CertDN

    $payload = @{
        "identifiers" = @($Identifiers | Select-Object @{N="type";E={$_.Type}}, @{N="value";E={$_.Value}})

    if($NotBefore -and $NotAfter) {
        $payload.Add("notBefore", $NotBefore.ToString("o"));
        $payload.Add("notAfter", $NotAfter.ToString("o"));

    $requestUrl = $State.GetServiceDirectory().NewOrder;
    $csrOptions = [AcmeCsrOptions]::new()

    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CertDN)) {
        try {
            [X500DistinguishedName]::new($CertDN) | Out-Null;
        } catch {
            throw "'$CertDN' is not a valid X500 distinguished name";
        $csrOptions.DistinguishedName = $CertDN;
    } else {
        $csrOptions.DistinguishedName = "CN=$($Identifiers[0].Value)";

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Order", "Create new order with ACME Service")) {
        $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest $requestUrl $State $payload;

        $order = [AcmeOrder]::new($response, $csrOptions);

        return $order;