
class AcmePSKey {
    hidden [string] $_AlgorithmType;
    hidden [Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $_Algorithm;

    hidden [int] $_HashSize;
    hidden [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName] $_HashName;

    [string] $KeyId;

    AcmePSKey([Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $algorithm)
        $this.Initialize($algorithm, 256);

    AcmePSKey([Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $algorithm, [int] $hashSize)
        $this.Initialize($algorithm, $hashSize);

    AcmePSKey([PSCustomObject]$keySource) {
        $algo = $null;
        $hashSize = $keySource.HashSize;

        if($keySource.TypeName -iin @("RSA","RSAKeyExport")) {
            $keyParameters = [System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters]::new();

            $keyParameters.D = $keySource.D;
            $keyParameters.DP = $keySource.DP;
            $keyParameters.DQ = $keySource.DQ;
            $keyParameters.Exponent = $keySource.Exponent;
            $keyParameters.InverseQ = $keySource.InverseQ;
            $keyParameters.Modulus = $keySource.Modulus;
            $keyParameters.P = $keySource.P;
            $keyParameters.Q = $keySource.Q;

            $algo = [Security.Cryptography.RSA]::Create($keyParameters);
        elseif($keySource.TypeName -iin @("ECDsa","ECDsaKeyExport")) {
            $ecPoint = [System.Security.Cryptography.ECPoint]::new();

            $ecPoint.X = $keySource.X;
            $ecPoint.Y = $keySource.Y;

            $keyParameters = [System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters]::new();

            $keyParameters.Curve = [AcmePSKey]::GetECDsaCurve($hashSize);
            $keyParameters.D = $keySource.D;
            $keyParameters.Q = $ecPoint;

            $algo = [Security.Cryptography.ECDsa]::Create($keyParameters);
        else {
            throw "Unkown Key Export type '$($keySource.TypeName)'";

        $this.Initialize($algo, $hashSize);

    hidden Initialize([Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $algorithm, [int] $hashSize) {
        $this._HashSize = $hashSize;
        $this._HashName = [AcmePSKey]::GetHashName($hashSize);

        $this._Algorithm = $algorithm;

        if($this._Algorithm -is [Security.Cryptography.ECDsa]) {
            $this._AlgorithmType = "ECDsa";
        elseif($this._Algorithm -is [Security.Cryptography.RSA]) {
            $this._AlgorithmType = "RSA";
        else {
            throw "Unsupported Algorithm Type";

    hidden ThrowBadType() {
        throw "Algorithm Type was not in (RSA, ECDsa) but was $($this._AlgorithmType)";

    hidden static [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName] GetHashName($hashSize) {
        switch ($hashSize) {
            256 { return "SHA256";  }
            384 { return "SHA384";  }
            512 { return "SHA512";  }

        throw "Cannot use hash size to get hash name. Allowed sizes: 256, 348, 512";

    static [Security.Cryptography.ECCurve] GetECDsaCurve($hashSize) {
        switch ($hashSize) {
            256 { return [System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve+NamedCurves]::nistP256; }
            384 { return [System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve+NamedCurves]::nistP384; }
            512 { return [System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve+NamedCurves]::nistP521; }

        throw "Cannot use hash size to create curve. Allowed sizes: 256, 348, 512";

    [Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] GetAlgorithm() {
        return $this._Algorithm;

    [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName] GetHashName() {
        return $this._HashName;

    [PSCustomObject] ExportKey() {
        $keyExport = @{
            TypeName = $this._AlgorithmType;
            HashSize = $this._HashSize;

        $keyParameters = $this._Algorithm.ExportParameters($true);
        if($this._AlgorithmType -eq "ECDsa")
            $keyExport.D = $keyParameters.D;
            $keyExport.X = $keyParameters.Q.X;
            $keyExport.Y = $keyParameters.Q.Y;
        elseif($this._AlgorithmType -eq "RSA")
            $keyExport.D = $keyParameters.D;
            $keyExport.DP = $keyParameters.DP;
            $keyExport.DQ = $keyParameters.DQ;
            $keyExport.Exponent = $keyParameters.Exponent;
            $keyExport.InverseQ = $keyParameters.InverseQ;
            $keyExport.Modulus = $keyParameters.Modulus;
            $keyExport.P = $keyParameters.P;
            $keyExport.Q = $keyParameters.Q;

        return [PSCustomObject]$keyExport;

        JWS and JWK

    [string] JwsAlgorithmName() {
        if($this._AlgorithmType -eq "RSA") { return "RS$($this._HashSize)"; }
        if($this._AlgorithmType -eq "ECDsa") { return "ES$($this._HashSize)"; }

        return $this.ThrowBadType();

    [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary] ExportPublicJwk() {
            As per RFC 7638 Section 3, these are the *required* elements of the
            JWK and are sorted in lexicographic order to produce a canonical form

        $keyParams = $this._Algorithm.ExportParameters($false);

        if($this._AlgorithmType -eq "ECDsa") {
            $result = [ordered]@{
                "crv" = "P-$($this._HashSize)";
                "kty" = "EC"; #
                "x" = ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $keyParams.Q.X;
                "y" = ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $keyParams.Q.Y;
        elseif ($this._AlgorithmType -eq "RSA") {
            $result = [ordered]@{
                "e" = ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $keyParams.Exponent;
                "kty" = "RSA"; #
                "n" = ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $keyParams.Modulus;
        else {
            $result = $null;

        return $result;


    [byte[]] Sign([byte[]] $inputBytes)
        if($this._AlgorithmType -eq "ECDsa") {
            $result = $this._Algorithm.SignData($inputBytes, $this._HashName);
        elseif ($this._AlgorithmType -eq "RSA") {
            $result = $this._Algorithm.SignData($inputBytes, $this._HashName, [System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1);
        else {
            $result = $null;

        return $result;

    [byte[]] Sign([string] $inputString)
        return $this.Sign([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($inputString));

        Key authorization

    hidden [string] GetKeyAuthorizationThumbprint([string] $token, [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm] $hashAlgorithm)
        $jwkJson = $this.ExportPublicJwk() | ConvertTo-Json -Compress;
        $jwkBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($jwkJson);
        $jwkHash = $hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash($jwkBytes);

        $thumbprint = ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $jwkHash;
        return "$token.$thumbprint";

    [string] GetKeyAuthorization([string] $token)
        $sha256 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create();

        try {
            return $this.GetKeyAuthorizationThumbprint($token, $sha256);
        } finally {

    [string] GetKeyAuthorizationDigest([string] $token)
        $sha256 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create();

        try {
            $keyAuthorization = $this.GetKeyAuthorizationThumbprint($token, $sha256);
            $keyAuthZBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($keyAuthorization);

            $digest = $sha256.ComputeHash($keyAuthZBytes);
            return ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $digest;
        } finally {

class Certificate {
    static [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] CreateX509WithKey([byte[]] $acmeCertificate, [Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $algorithm) {
        $certificate = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($acmeCertificate);

        if($algorithm -is [Security.Cryptography.RSA]) {
            $certificate = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions]::CopyWithPrivateKey($certificate, $algorithm);
        elseif($algorithm -is [Security.Cryptography.ECDsa]) {
            $certificate = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.ECDsaCertificateExtensions]::CopyWithPrivateKey($certificate, $algorithm);
        else {
            throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("Cannot use $($algorithm.GetType().Name) to export pfx.");

        return $certificate

    static [byte[]] ExportPfxCertificate([byte[]] $acmeCertificate, [AcmePSKey] $key, [SecureString] $password) {
        return [Certificate]::ExportPfxCertificate($acmeCertificate, $key.GetAlgorithm(), $password);

    static [byte[]] ExportPfxCertificate([byte[]] $acmeCertificate, [Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $algorithm, [securestring] $password) {
        $certificate = [Certificate]::CreateX509WithKey($acmeCertificate, $algorithm);

        if($password) {
            return $certificate.Export([Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Pfx, $password);
        } else {
            return $certificate.Export([Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Pfx);

    # `X509Certificate2Collections.Export()` seems to iterate through the certificates in reverse order (LIFO)
    hidden static [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection] ConvertToCertificateCollection([Collections.ArrayList] $acmeCertificates) {
        $result = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection]::new();

        #The method assumes that the input was a chain, so creating a map should work.
        $map = @{};
        foreach($cert in $acmeCertificates) {
            if($cert.Issuer) {
                $map.Add($cert.Issuer, $cert);

        # Find the root-most certificate
        $currentCert = $acmeCertificates |
            Where-Object { !$_.Issuer -or $_.Issuer -eq $_.Subject -or !$map.ContainsKey($_.Issuer) } |
            Select-Object -First 1;


        # Get the next certificate by reading it from the certificate map defined above.
        while($map.ContainsKey($currentCert.Subject)) {
            $currentCert = $map[$currentCert.Subject];


        return $result;

    hidden static [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection] CreateCertificateCollection([byte[][]] $acmeCertificates, [Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $algorithm) {
        $certs = [Collections.ArrayList]::new();

        $certs.Add([Certificate]::CreateX509WithKey($acmeCertificates[0], $algorithm));

        for($i = 1; $i -lt $acmeCertificates.Length; $i++) {

        return [Certificate]::ConvertToCertificateCollection($certs);

    static [byte[]] ExportPfxCertificateChain([byte[][]] $acmeCertificates, [AcmePSKey] $key, [SecureString] $password) {
        return [Certificate]::ExportPfxCertificateChain($acmeCertificates, $key.GetAlgorithm(), $password);

    static [byte[]] ExportPfxCertificateChain([byte[][]] $acmeCertificates, [Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $algorithm, [securestring] $password) {

        $certificateCollection = [Certificate]::CreateCertificateCollection($acmeCertificates, $algorithm);

        if($password) {
            $unprotectedPassword = [PSCredential]::new("ACME-PS", $password).GetNetworkCredential().Password;

            return $certificateCollection.Export([Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Pfx, $unprotectedPassword);
        } else {
            return $certificateCollection.Export([Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Pfx);

    static [byte[]] GenerateCsr([string[]] $dnsNames, [string]$distinguishedName, [AcmePSKey] $key) {
        return [Certificate]::GenerateCsr($dnsNames, $distinguishedName, $key.GetAlgorithm(), $key.GetHashName());

    static [byte[]] GenerateCsr([string[]] $dnsNames, [string]$distinguishedName,
        [Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm] $algorithm,
        [Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName] $hashName)
        if(-not $dnsNames) {
            throw [ArgumentException]::new("You need to provide at least one DNSName", "dnsNames");
        if(-not $distinguishedName) {
            thtow [ArgumentException]::new("Provide a distinguishedName for the Certificate")

        $sanBuilder = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.SubjectAlternativeNameBuilder]::new();
        foreach ($dnsName in $dnsNames) {

        $certDN = [X500DistinguishedName]::new($distinguishedName);

        [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.CertificateRequest]$certRequest = $null;

        if($algorithm -is [Security.Cryptography.RSA]) {
            $certRequest = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.CertificateRequest]::new(
                    $certDN, $algorithm, $hashName, [Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1);
        elseif($algorithm -is [Security.Cryptography.ECDsa]) {
            $certRequest = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.CertificateRequest]::new(
                $certDN, $algorithm, $hashName);

        else {
            throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("Cannot use $($algorithm.GetType().Name) to create CSR.");

        return $certRequest.CreateSigningRequest();

class AcmeHttpResponse {
    AcmeHttpResponse() {}

    AcmeHttpResponse([System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage] $responseMessage) {
        $this.RequestUri = $responseMessage.RequestMessage.RequestUri;

        $this.StatusCode = $responseMessage.StatusCode;
        if($this.StatusCode -ge 400) {
            Write-Debug "StatusCode was > 400, Setting IsError true."
            $this.IsError = $true;

        $this.Headers = @{};
        foreach($h in $responseMessage.Headers) {
            Write-Debug "Add Header $($h.Key) with $($h.Value)"
            $this.Headers.Add($h.Key, $h.Value);

            if($h.Key -eq "Replay-Nonce") {
                Write-Debug "Found Replay-Nonce-Header $($h.Value[0])"
                $this.NextNonce = $h.Value[0];

        $contentType = if ($null -ne $responseMessage.Content) { $responseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentType } else { "N/A" };
        Write-Debug "Content-type is $contentType"
        if($contentType -imatch "application/(.*\+)?json") {
            $stringContent = $responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            $this.Content = $stringContent | ConvertFrom-Json;

            if ($this.StatusCode -ge 400) {
                $this.IsError = $true;

                $this.ErrorMessage = "Server returned Problem (Status: $($this.StatusCode))."

                if($this.Content) {
                    if($this.Content.type) {
                        $this.ErrorMessage += "`nType: $($this.Content.type)";
                    if($this.Content.detail) {
                        $this.ErrorMessage += "`n$($this.Content.detail)";
        elseif ($contentType -ieq "application/pem-certificate-chain") {
            $this.Content = [byte[]]$responseMessage.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
        else {
            try {
                $this.Content = $responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            } catch {
                $this.Content = "";

            if ($this.StatusCode -ge 400) {
                $this.IsError = $true;
                $this.ErrorMessage = "Unexpected server response (Status: $($this.StatusCode), ContentType: $contentType)."

    [string] $RequestUri;
    [int] $StatusCode;

    [string] $NextNonce;

    [hashtable] $Headers;

    [bool] $IsError;
    [string] $ErrorMessage;

class AcmeHttpException : System.Exception {
    AcmeHttpException([string]$_message, [AcmeHttpResponse]$_response)
        $this.Response = $_response;


class AcmeDirectory {
    AcmeDirectory([PSCustomObject] $obj) {
        $this.ResourceUrl = $obj.ResourceUrl

        $this.NewAccount = $obj.NewAccount;
        $this.NewAuthz = $obj.NewAuthz;
        $this.NewNonce = $obj.NewNonce;
        $this.NewOrder = $obj.NewOrder;
        $this.KeyChange = $obj.KeyChange;
        $this.RevokeCert = $obj.RevokeCert;

        $this.Meta = [AcmeDirectoryMeta]::new($obj.Meta);

    [string] $ResourceUrl;

    [string] $NewAccount;
    [string] $NewAuthz;
    [string] $NewNonce;
    [string] $NewOrder;
    [string] $KeyChange;
    [string] $RevokeCert;

    [AcmeDirectoryMeta] $Meta;

class AcmeDirectoryMeta {
    AcmeDirectoryMeta([PSCustomObject] $obj) {
        $this.CaaIdentites = $obj.CaaIdentities;
        $this.TermsOfService = $obj.TermsOfService;
        $this.Website = $obj.Website;
        $this.ExternalAccountRequired = $obj.ExternalAccountRequired;

    [string[]] $CaaIdentites;
    [string] $TermsOfService;
    [string] $Website;
    [bool] $ExternalAccountRequired;

class AcmeAccount {
    AcmeAccount() {}

    AcmeAccount([AcmeHttpResponse] $httpResponse, [string] $KeyId)
        $this.KeyId = $KeyId;

        $this.Status = $httpResponse.Content.Status;
        $this.Id = $httpResponse.Content.Id;
        $this.Contact = $httpResponse.Content.Contact;
        $this.InitialIp = $httpResponse.Content.InitialIp;
        $this.CreatedAt = $httpResponse.Content.CreatedAt;

        $this.OrderListUrl = $httpResponse.Content.Orders;
        $this.ResourceUrl = $KeyId;

    [string] $ResourceUrl;

    [string] $KeyId;

    [string] $Status;

    [string] $Id;
    [string[]] $Contact;
    [string] $InitialIp;
    [string] $CreatedAt;

    [string] $OrderListUrl;

class AcmeIdentifier {
    static [AcmeIdentifier] Parse([string] $textValue) {
        if($textValue -contains ":") {
            $_type, $_value = $textValue -split ":",2;
            return [AcmeIdentifier]::new($_type, $_value);

        return [AcmeIdentifier]::new($textValue);

    AcmeIdentifier([string] $value) {
        $this.Type = "dns";
        $this.Value = $value;

    AcmeIdentifier([string] $type, [string] $value) {
        $this.Type = $type;
        $this.Value = $value;

    AcmeIdentifier([PsCustomObject] $obj) {
        $this.type = $obj.type;
        $this.value = $obj.Value;

    [string] $Type;
    [string] $Value;

    [string] ToString() {
        return "$($this.Type.ToLower()):$($this.Value.ToLower())";

class AcmeChallenge {
    AcmeChallenge([PSCustomObject] $obj, [AcmeIdentifier] $identifier) {
        $this.Type = $obj.type;
        $this.Url = $obj.url;
        $this.Token = $obj.token;

        $this.Identifier = $identifier;

        $this.Status = $obj.status;
        $this.Error = $obj.error;

    [string] $Type;
    [string] $Url;
    [string] $Token;

    [string] $Status;
    [string] $Error;

    [AcmeIdentifier] $Identifier;

    [PSCustomObject] $Data;

class AcmeCsrOptions {
    AcmeCsrOptions() { }

    AcmeCsrOptions([PsCustomObject] $obj) {
        $this.DistinguishedName = $obj.DistinguishedName


class AcmeOrder {
    AcmeOrder([PsCustomObject] $obj) {
        $this.Status = $obj.Status;
        $this.Expires  = $obj.Expires;
        $this.NotBefore = $obj.NotBefore;
        $this.NotAfter = $obj.NotAfter;

        $this.Identifiers = $obj.Identifiers | ForEach-Object { [AcmeIdentifier]::new($_) };

        $this.AuthorizationUrls = $obj.AuthorizationUrls;
        $this.FinalizeUrl = $obj.FinalizeUrl;
        $this.CertificateUrl = $obj.CertificateUrl;

        $this.ResourceUrl = $obj.ResourceUrl;

        if($obj.CSROptions) {
            $this.CSROptions = [AcmeCsrOptions]::new($obj.CSROptions)
        } else {
            $this.CSROptions = [AcmeCsrOptions]::new()

    AcmeOrder([AcmeHttpResponse] $httpResponse)
        $this.CSROptions = [AcmeCsrOptions]::new();

    AcmeOrder([AcmeHttpResponse] $httpResponse, [AcmeCsrOptions] $csrOptions)

        if($csrOptions) {
            $this.CSROptions = $csrOptions;
        } else {
            $this.CSROptions = [AcmeCSROptions]::new()

    [string] $ResourceUrl;

    [string] $Status;
    [string] $Expires;

    [Nullable[System.DateTimeOffset]] $NotBefore;
    [Nullable[System.DateTimeOffset]] $NotAfter;

    [AcmeIdentifier[]] $Identifiers;

    [string[]] $AuthorizationUrls;
    [string] $FinalizeUrl;

    [string] $CertificateUrl;

    [AcmeCsrOptions] $CSROptions;

    [void] UpdateOrder([AcmeHttpResponse] $httpResponse) {
        $this.Status = $httpResponse.Content.Status;
        $this.Expires  = $httpResponse.Content.Expires;

        $this.NotBefore = $httpResponse.Content.NotBefore;
        $this.NotAfter = $httpResponse.Content.NotAfter;

        $this.Identifiers = $httpResponse.Content.Identifiers | ForEach-Object { [AcmeIdentifier]::new($_) };

        $this.AuthorizationUrls = $httpResponse.Content.Authorizations;
        $this.FinalizeUrl = $httpResponse.Content.Finalize;

        $this.CertificateUrl = $httpResponse.Content.Certificate;

        if($httpResponse.Headers.Location) {
            $this.ResourceUrl = $httpResponse.Headers.Location[0];
        } else {
            $this.ResourceUrl = $httpResponse.RequestUri;

    [string] GetHashString() {
        $orderIdentifiers = $this.Identifiers | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString() } | Sort-Object;
        $plainValues = "$($this.ResourceUrl)|$([string]::Join('|', $orderIdentifiers))";

        $sha256 = [System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256]::Create();
        try {
            $plainBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($plainValues);
            $hashBytes = $sha256.ComputeHash($plainBytes);
            $hashString = ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $hashBytes;

            return $hashString;
        } finally {

class AcmeAuthorization {
    AcmeAuthorization([AcmeHttpResponse] $httpResponse)
        $this.status = $httpResponse.Content.status;
        $this.expires = $httpResponse.Content.expires;

        $this.identifier = [AcmeIdentifier]::new($httpResponse.Content.identifier);
        $this.challenges = @($httpResponse.Content.challenges | ForEach-Object { [AcmeChallenge]::new($_, $this.identifier) });

        $this.wildcard = $httpResponse.Content.wildcard;
        $this.ResourceUrl = $httpResponse.RequestUri;

    [string] $ResourceUrl;

    [string] $Status;
    [System.DateTimeOffset] $Expires;

    [AcmeIdentifier] $Identifier;
    [AcmeChallenge[]] $Challenges;

    [bool] $Wildcard;

<# abstract #> class AcmeState {
    AcmeState() {
        if ($this.GetType() -eq [AcmeState]) {
            throw [System.InvalidOperationException]::new("This is intended to be abstract - inherit from it.");

    static [AcmeState] Parse([string] $stringValue) {
        $paths = [AcmeStatePaths]::new($stringValue);
        return [AcmeDiskPersistedState]::new($paths, $false, $true);

    <# abstract #> [string]        GetNonce()            { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [AcmeDirectory] GetServiceDirectory() { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [AcmePSKey]   GetAccountKey()       { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [AcmeAccount]   GetAccount()          { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }

    <# abstract #> [void] SetNonce([string] $value)   { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [void] Set([AcmeDirectory] $value) { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [void] Set([AcmePSKey] $value)   { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [void] Set([AcmeAccount] $value)   { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }

    <# abstract #> [AcmeOrder] FindOrder([string[]] $dnsNames)          { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [AcmeOrder] FindOrder([AcmeIdentifier] $identifiers) { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }

    <# abstract #> [void] AddOrder([AcmeOrder] $order)    { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [void] SetOrder([AcmeOrder] $order)    { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [void] RemoveOrder([AcmeOrder] $order) { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }

    <# abstract #> [AcmePSKey] GetOrderCertificateKey([AcmeOrder] $order)                        { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [void] SetOrderCertificateKey([AcmeOrder] $order, [AcmePSKey] $certifcateKey) { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }

    <# abstract #> [byte[]] GetOrderCertificate([AcmeOrder] $order)                      { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }
    <# abstract #> [void] SetOrderCertificate([AcmeOrder] $order, [byte[]] $certificate) { throw [System.NotImplementedException]::new(); }

    [bool] DirectoryExists() {
        if ($null -eq $this.GetServiceDirectory()) {
            Write-Warning "State does not contain a service directory. Run Get-ACMEServiceDirectory to get one."
            return $false;

        return $true;

    [bool] NonceExists() {
        $exists = $this.DirectoryExists();

        if($null -eq $this.GetNonce()) {
            Write-Warning "State does not contain a nonce. Run New-ACMENonce to get one."
            return $false;

        return $exists;

    [bool] AccountKeyExists() {
        $exists = $this.NonceExists();

        if($null -eq $this.GetAccountKey()) {
            Write-Warning "State does not contain an account key. Run New-ACMEAccountKey to create one."
            return $false;

        return $exists;

    [bool] AccountExists() {
        $exists = $this.AccountKeyExists();

        if($null -eq $this.GetAccount()) {
            Write-Warning "State does not contain an account. Register one by running New-ACMEAccount."
            return $false;

        return $exists;

class AcmeInMemoryState : AcmeState {
    [ValidateNotNull()] hidden [AcmeDirectory] $ServiceDirectory;
    [ValidateNotNull()] hidden [string] $Nonce;
    [ValidateNotNull()] hidden [AcmePSKey] $AccountKey;
    [ValidateNotNull()] hidden [AcmeAccount] $Account;

    hidden [hashtable] $Orders = @{};
    hidden [hashtable] $CertKeys = @{}

    AcmeInMemoryState() {

    [AcmeDirectory] GetServiceDirectory() { return $this.ServiceDirectory; }
    [string] GetNonce() { return $this.Nonce; }
    [AcmePSKey] GetAccountKey() { return $this.AccountKey; }
    [AcmeAccount] GetAccount() { return $this.Account; }

    [void] SetNonce([string] $value)   { $this.Nonce = $value; }
    [void] Set([AcmeDirectory] $value) { $this.ServiceDirectory = $value; }
    [void] Set([AcmePSKey] $value)   { $this.AccountKey = $value; }
    [void] Set([AcmeAccount] $value)   { $this.Account = $value; }

    [void] AddOrder([AcmeOrder] $order) {

    [void] SetOrder([AcmeOrder] $order) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        $this.Orders[$orderHash] = $order;

    [void] RemoveOrder([AcmeOrder] $order) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();

    [AcmePSKey] GetOrderCertificateKey([AcmeOrder] $order) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        if ($this.CertKeys.ContainsKey($orderHash)) {
            return $this.CertKeys[$orderHash];

        return $null;

    [void] SetOrderCertificateKey([AcmeOrder] $order, [AcmePSKey] $certificateKey) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        $this.CertKeys[$orderHash] = $certificateKey;

class AcmeStatePaths {
    [string] $BasePath;

    [string] $ServiceDirectory;
    [string] $Nonce;
    [string] $AccountKey;
    [string] $Account;

    [string] $OrderList;
    hidden [string] $Order;

    AcmeStatePaths([string] $basePath) {
        $this.BasePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($basePath).TrimEnd('/', '\');

        $this.ServiceDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($this.BasePath, "ServiceDirectory.xml");
        $this.Nonce = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($this.BasePath, "NextNonce.txt");
        $this.AccountKey = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($this.BasePath, "AccountKey.xml");
        $this.Account = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($this.BasePath, "Account.xml");

        $this.OrderList = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($this.BasePath, "Orders", "OrderList.txt");
        $this.Order = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($this.BasePath, "Orders", "Order-[hash].xml");

    [string] GetOrderFilename([string] $orderHash) {
        return $this.Order.Replace("[hash]", $orderHash);

    [string] GetOrderCertificateKeyFilename([string] $orderHash) {
        $orderFilename = $this.GetOrderFilename($orderHash);
        return [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($orderFilename, "key.xml");

    [string] GetOrderCertificateFilename([string] $orderHash) {
        $orderFilename = $this.GetOrderFilename($orderHash);
        return [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($orderFilename, "pem");

class AcmeDiskPersistedState : AcmeState {
    hidden [AcmeStatePaths] $Filenames;

    AcmeDiskPersistedState([AcmeStatePaths] $paths, [bool] $createState, [bool] $allowLateInit) {
        $this.Filenames = $paths;

        if(-not (Test-Path $this.Filenames.BasePath)) {
            if ($createState) {
                New-Item $this.Filenames.BasePath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop';
            } else {
                throw "$($this.Filenames.BasePath) does not exist.";

        $flagFile = "$($this.Filenames.BasePath)/.acme-ps-state";
        if(-not (Test-Path $flagFile)) {
            if($allowLateInit -or $createState) {
                New-Item $flagFile -ItemType File
            } else {
                throw "Could not find $flagFile identifying the state directory. You can create an empty file, to fix this.";
        } else {
            # Test, if the path seems writable.
            Set-Content -Path $flagFile -Value (Get-Date) -ErrorAction 'Stop';

    <# Getters #>
    [string] GetNonce() {
        $fileName = $this.Filenames.Nonce;

        if(Test-Path $fileName) {
            $result = Get-Content $fileName -Raw
            return $result;

        Write-Verbose "Could not find saved nonce at $fileName";
        return $null;

    [AcmeDirectory] GetServiceDirectory() {
        $fileName = $this.Filenames.ServiceDirectory;

        if(Test-Path $fileName) {
            if($fileName -like "*.json") {
                $result = [ACMEDirectory](Get-Content $fileName | ConvertFrom-Json)
            } else {
                $result = [AcmeDirectory](Import-Clixml $fileName)

            return $result;

        Write-Verbose "Could not find saved service directory at $fileName";
        return $null;

    [AcmePSKey] GetAccountKey() {
        $fileName = $this.Filenames.AccountKey;

        if(Test-Path $fileName) {
            $result = Import-AccountKey -Path $fileName;
            return $result;

        Write-Verbose "Could not find saved account key at $fileName."
        return $null;

    [AcmeAccount] GetAccount() {
        $fileName = $this.Filenames.Account;

        if(Test-Path $fileName) {
            $result = Import-AcmeObject -Path $fileName -TypeName "AcmeAccount";
            return $result;

        Write-Verbose "Could not find saved account key at $fileName."
        return $null;

    <# Setters #>
    [void] SetNonce([string] $value) {
        $fileName = $this.Filenames.Nonce;

        Write-Debug "Storing the nonce to $fileName"
        Set-Content $fileName -Value $value -NoNewLine;

    [void] Set([AcmeDirectory] $value) {
        $fileName = $this.Filenames.ServiceDirectory;

        Write-Debug "Storing the service directory to $fileName";
        $value | Export-AcmeObject $fileName -Force;

    [void] Set([AcmePSKey] $value) {
        $fileName = $this.Filenames.AccountKey;

        Write-Debug "Storing the account key to $fileName";
        $value | Export-AccountKey $fileName -Force;

    [void] Set([AcmeAccount] $value) {
        $fileName = $this.Filenames.Account;

        Write-Debug "Storing the account data to $fileName";
        $value | Export-AcmeObject $fileName;

    <# Orders #>
    hidden [AcmeOrder] LoadOrder([string] $orderHash) {
        $orderFile = $this.Filenames.GetOrderFilename($orderHash);
        if(Test-Path $orderFile) {
            $order = Import-AcmeObject -Path $orderFile -TypeName "AcmeOrder";
            return $order;

        return $null;

    [AcmeOrder] FindOrder([string[]] $names) {
        $orderListFile = $this.Filenames.OrderList;

        $first = $true;
        $lastMatch = $null;
        foreach($name in $names) {
            $match = Select-String -Path $orderListFile -Pattern "$name=" -SimpleMatch | Select-Object -Last 1
            if($first) { $lastMatch = $match; }
            if($match -ne $lastMatch) { return $null; }

            $lastMatch = $match;

        $orderHash = ($lastMatch -split "=", 2)[1];
        return $this.LoadOrder($orderHash);

    [AcmeOrder] FindOrder([AcmeIdentifier[]] $identifiers) {
        $names = $identifiers | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString() };
        return $this.FindOrder($names);

    [void] AddOrder([AcmeOrder] $order) {

    [void] SetOrder([AcmeOrder] $order) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        $orderFileName = $this.Filenames.GetOrderFilename($orderHash);

        if(-not (Test-Path $order)) {
            $orderListFile = $this.Filenames.OrderList;

            foreach ($id in $order.Identifiers) {
                if(-not (Test-Path $orderListFile)) {
                    New-Item $orderListFile -Force;

                $match = Select-String -Path $orderListFile -Pattern "$($id.ToString())=" -SimpleMatch | Select-Object -Last 1
                if($null -eq $match) {
                    "$($id.ToString())=$orderHash" | Add-Content $orderListFile;

        $order | Export-AcmeObject $orderFileName -Force;

    [void] RemoveOrder([AcmeOrder] $order) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        $orderFileName = $this.Filenames.GetOrderFilename($orderHash);

        if(Test-Path $orderFileName) {
            Remove-Item $orderFileName;

        $orderListFile = $this.Filenames.OrderList;
        Set-Content -Path $orderListFile -Value (Get-Content -Path $orderListFile | Select-String -Pattern "=$orderHash" -NotMatch -SimpleMatch)

    [AcmePSKey] GetOrderCertificateKey([AcmeOrder] $order) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        $certKeyFilename = $this.Filenames.GetOrderCertificateKeyFilename($orderHash);

        if(Test-Path $certKeyFilename) {
            return (Import-CertificateKey -Path $certKeyFilename);

        return $null;

    [void] SetOrderCertificateKey([AcmeOrder] $order, [AcmePSKey] $certificateKey) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        $certKeyFilename = $this.Filenames.GetOrderCertificateKeyFilename($orderHash);

        $certificateKey | Export-CertificateKey -Path $certKeyFilename

    [byte[]] GetOrderCertificate([AcmeOrder] $order) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        $certFilename = $this.Filenames.GetOrderCertificateFilename($orderHash);

        return Get-ByteContent -Path $certFilename;

    [void] SetOrderCertificate([AcmeOrder] $order, [byte[]] $certificate) {
        $orderHash = $order.GetHashString();
        $certFilename = $this.Filenames.GetOrderCertificateFilename($orderHash);

        Set-ByteContent -Path $certFilename -Content $certificate;

function ConvertFrom-UrlBase64 {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string] $InputText

    process {
        $base64 = $InputText.Replace('-','+');
        $base64 = $base64.Replace('_', '/');

        while($base64.Length % 4 -ne 0) {
            $base64 += '='

        return [Convert]::FromBase64String($base64);

function ConvertTo-OriginalType {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]

    process {
        $result = $inputObject -as ([type]$TypeName);
        if(-not $result) {
            throw "Could not convert inputObject to $TypeName";

        Write-Verbose "Converted input object to type $TypeName";
        return $result;

function ConvertTo-UrlBase64 {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName="FromString")]
        [string] $InputText,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName="FromByteArray")]
        [byte[]] $InputBytes

    process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FromString") {
            $InputBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($InputText);

        $encoded = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($InputBytes);

        $encoded = $encoded.TrimEnd('=');
        $encoded = $encoded.Replace('+', '-');
        $encoded = $encoded.Replace('/', '_');

        return $encoded;

function Export-AcmeObject {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


    process {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

        if((Test-Path $Path) -and -not $Force) {
            throw "$Path already exists."

        Write-Debug "Exporting $($InputObject.GetType()) to $Path"
        if($Path -like "*.json") {
            Write-Verbose "Exporting object to JSON file $Path"
            $InputObject | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $Path -Encoding utf8 -Force:$Force;
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Exporting object to CLIXML file $Path"
            Export-Clixml $Path -InputObject $InputObject -Force:$Force;

function Get-ByteContent {

    if(Test-Path $Path) {
        if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "6.0") {
            return Get-Content -Path $Path -AsByteStream;
        } else {
            return Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding Byte;

    return $null;

function Import-AcmeObject {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]



    process {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

        if($Path -like "*.json") {
            Write-Verbose "Importing object from JSON file $Path"
            $imported = Get-Content $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Importing object from CLIXML file $Path"
            $imported = Import-Clixml $Path;

        if($AsPSCustomObject.IsPresent) {
            return $imported;

        if($TypeName) {
            $result = $imported | ConvertTo-OriginalType -TypeName $TypeName
        } else {
            $result = $imported | ConvertTo-OriginalType

        return $result;

function Invoke-ACMEWebRequest {

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [uri] $Uri,

        [Parameter(Position = 1)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("GET", "POST", "HEAD")]

    Begin {
        $script:SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol;

        if($script:SecurityProtocol -ne [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault) {
            [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol `
                -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 `
                -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;
    End {
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $script:SecurityProtocol;

    Process {
        $httpRequest = [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage]::new($Method, $Uri);
        Write-Verbose "Sending HttpRequest ($Method) to $Uri";

        if($Method -in @("POST", "PUT")) {
            $httpRequest.Content = [System.Net.Http.StringContent]::new($JsonBody, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8);
            $httpRequest.Content.Headers.ContentType = "application/jose+json";

            Write-Debug "The content of the request is $JsonBody";

        try {
            $httpClient = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new();
            $httpResponse = $httpClient.SendAsync($httpRequest).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            $result = [AcmeHttpResponse]::new($httpResponse);
        } catch {
            $result = [AcmeHttpResponse]::new();
            $result.IsError = $true;
            $result.ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message;
            $result.Content = $_.Exception;

        return $result;

function New-AcmePSKey {
        "PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")]

        [ValidateSet(256, 384, 512)]
        $RSAHashSize = 256,

        $RSAKeySize = 2048,


        [ValidateSet(256, 384, 512)]
        $ECDsaHashSize = 256

    if($ECDsa.IsPresent -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ECDsa") {
        $ecdsaKey = [Security.Cryptography.ECDsa]::Create([AcmePSKey]::GetECDsaCurve($ECDsaHashSize));
        $acmepsKey = [AcmePSKey]::new($ecdsaKey, $ECDsaHashSize);
        Write-Verbose "Created new ECDsa certificate key with hash size $ECDsaHashSize";
    elseif ($RSA.IsPresent -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "RSA") {
        if($RSAKeySize -lt 2048 -or $RSAKeySize -gt 4096 -or ($RSAKeySize % 8) -ne 0) {
            throw "The RSAKeySize must be between 2048 and 4096 and must be divisible by 8";

        $rsaKey = [Security.Cryptography.RSA]::Create($RSAKeySize);
        $acmepsKey = [AcmePSKey]::new($rsaKey, $RSAHashSize);
        Write-Verbose "Created new RSA certificate key with hash size $RSAHashSize and key size $RSAKeySize";

    return $acmepsKey;

function New-ExternalAccountPayload {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExternalAccountBinding", Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExternalAccountBinding")]
        $ExternalAccountAlgorithm = 'HS256',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExternalAccountBinding", Mandatory = $true)]

    process {
        $macKeyBytes = ConvertFrom-UrlBase64 $ExternalAccountMACKey;
        $macAlgorithm = switch ($ExternalAccountAlgorithm) {
            "HS256" { [Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256]::new($macKeyBytes); break; }
            "HS384" { [Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384]::new($macKeyBytes); break; }
            "HS512" { [Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512]::new($macKeyBytes); break; }

        $eaHeader = @{
            "alg" = $ExternalAccountAlgorithm;
            "kid" = $ExternalAccountKID;
            "url" = $url;
        } | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | ConvertTo-UrlBase64
        $eaPayload = $State.GetAccountKey().ExportPublicJwk() | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | ConvertTo-UrlBase64;

        $eaHashContent = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($eaHeader).$($eaPayload)");
        $eaSignature = (ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $macAlgorithm.ComputeHash($eaHashContent));

        $externalAccountBinding = @{
            "protected" = $eaHeader;
            "payload" = $eaPayload;
            "signature" = $eaSignature;

        return $externalAccountBinding;

function New-SignedMessage {
        "PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Url,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [AcmePSKey] $SigningKey,

        [Parameter(Position = 2)]
        [string] $KeyId,

        [Parameter(Position = 3)]
        [string] $Nonce,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4)]
        [object] $Payload

    $headers = @{};
    $headers.Add("alg", $SigningKey.JwsAlgorithmName());
    $headers.Add("url", $Url);

    if($Nonce) {
        Write-Debug "Nonce $Nonce will be used";
        $headers.Add("nonce", $Nonce);

    if($KeyId) {
        Write-Debug "KeyId $KeyId will be used";
        $headers.Add("kid", $KeyId);

    if(-not ($KeyId)) {
        Write-Debug "No KeyId present, addind JWK.";
        $headers.Add("jwk", $SigningKey.ExportPublicJwk());

    if($null -eq $Payload -or $Payload -is [string]) {
        Write-Debug "Payload was string, using without Conversion."
        $messagePayload = $Payload;
    } else {
        Write-Debug "Payload was object, converting to Json";
        $messagePayload = $Payload | ConvertTo-Json -Compress;

    $jsonHeaders = $headers | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

    Write-Debug "Payload is now: $messagePayload";
    Write-Debug "Headers are: $jsonHeaders"

    $signedPayload = @{};

    $signedPayload.add("header", $null); # TODO what does this line exist?
    $signedPayload.add("protected", (ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputText $jsonHeaders));

    if($null -eq $messagePayload -or $messagePayload.Length -eq 0) {
        $signedPayload.add("payload", "");
    } else {
        $signedPayload.add("payload", (ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputText $messagePayload));

    $signedPayload.add("signature", (ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $SigningKey.Sign("$($signedPayload.Protected).$($signedPayload.Payload)")));

    $result = $signedPayload | ConvertTo-Json;
    Write-Debug "Created signed message`n: $result";

    return $result;

function Set-ByteContent {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]


    if(Test-Path $Path) {
        Clear-Content $Path;

    if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge "6.0") {
        $Content | Set-Content $Path -AsByteStream;
    } else {
        $Content | Set-Content $Path -Encoding Byte;

function Get-Account {
            Loads account data from the ACME service.
            If you do not provide additional parameters, this will search the account with the account key
            present in the state object. If an KeyId or Url is provided, they'll be used to load the account
            from that.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER AccountUrl
            The rescource url of the account to load.
        .PARAMETER KeyId
            The KeyId of the account to load.
            PS> Get-Account -State $myState -PassThru
            PS> Get-Account -State $myState -KeyId 12345

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FindAccount")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName="GetAccount")]
        [uri] $AccountUrl,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2, ParameterSetName="GetAccount")]
        [string] $KeyId

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FindAccount") {
        $requestUrl = $State.GetServiceDirectory().NewAccount;
        $payload = @{"onlyReturnExisting" = $true};
        $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $requestUrl -State $State -Payload $payload

        if($response.StatusCode -eq 200) {
            $KeyId = $response.Headers["Location"][0];

            $AccountUrl = $KeyId;
        } else {
            Write-Error "JWK seems not to be registered for an account."
            return $null;

    $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $AccountUrl -State $State -Payload @{}
    $result = [AcmeAccount]::new($response, $KeyId);

    return $result;

function New-Account {
            Registers your account key with a new ACME-Account.
            Registers the given account key with an ACME service to retreive an account that enables you to
            communicate with the ACME service.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the account to be returned to the pipeline.
        .PARAMETER AcceptTOS
            If you set this, you accepted the Terms-of-service.
        .PARAMETER ExistingAccountIsError
            If set, the script will throw an error, if the key has already been registered.
            If not set, the script will try to fetch the account associated with the account key.
        .PARAMETER EmailAddresses
            Contact adresses for certificate expiration mails and similar.
        .PARAMETER ExternalAccountKID
            The account KID assigned by the external account verification.
        .PARAMETER ExternalAccountAlgorithm
            The algorithm to be used to hash the external account binding.
        .PARAMETER ExternalAccountMACKey
            The key to hash the external account binding object (needs to be base64 or base64url encoded)
            PS> New-Account -AcceptTOS -EmailAddresses "" -AutomaticAccountHandling
            PS> New-Account $myServiceDirectory $myAccountKey $myNonce -AcceptTos -EmailAddresses @(...) -ExistingAccountIsError

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, DefaultParameterSetName="Default")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]




        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExternalAccountBinding", Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExternalAccountBinding")]
        $ExternalAccountAlgorithm = 'HS256',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExternalAccountBinding", Mandatory = $true)]

    $contacts = @($EmailAddresses | ForEach-Object { if($_.StartsWith("mailto:")) { $_ } else { "mailto:$_" } });

    $payload = @{

    $serviceDirectory = $State.GetServiceDirectory();
    $url = $serviceDirectory.NewAccount;

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "ExternalAccountBinding" -and $serviceDirectory.Meta.ExternalAccountRequired) {
        throw "The ACME service requires an external account to create a new ACME account. Provide `-ExternalAccount*` Parameters."

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq  "ExternalAccountBinding") {
        $externalAccountBinding = New-ExternalAccountPayload -State $State -ExternalAccountKID $ExternalAccountKID -ExternalAccountMACKey $ExternalAccountMACKey -ExternalAccountAlgorithm $ExternalAccountAlgorithm;
        $payload.Add("externalAccountBinding", $externalAccountBinding);

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("New-Account", "Sending account registration to ACME Server $Url")) {
        $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $url -State $State -Payload $payload -SuppressKeyId -ErrorAction 'Stop'

        if($response.StatusCode -eq 200) {
            if(-not $ExistingAccountIsError) {
                Write-Warning "JWK had already been registered for an account - trying to fetch account."

                $keyId = $response.Headers["Location"][0];

                return Get-Account -AccountUrl $keyId -KeyId $keyId -State $State -PassThru:$PassThru
            } else {
                Write-Error "JWK had already been registiered for an account."

        $account = [AcmeAccount]::new($response, $response.Headers["Location"][0]);

        if($PassThru) {
            return $account;

function Set-Account {
            Updates an ACME account
            Updates the ACME account, by sending the update information to the ACME service.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the updated account to be returned to the pipeline.
        .PARAMETER NewAccountKey
            New account key to be associated with the account.
        .PARAMETER DisableAccount
            If set, the account will be disabled and thus not be usable with the acme-service anymore.
            PS> Set-Account -State $myState -NewAccountKey $myNewAccountKey

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='High')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName="NewAccountKey")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName="DisableAccount")]

    switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "NewAccountKey" {
            $innerPayload = @{
                "account" = $State.GetAccount().KeyId;
                "oldKey" = $State.GetAccountKey().ExportPuplicKey()

            $payload = New-SignedMessage -Url $Url -SigningKey $NewAccountKey -Payload $innerPayload;
            $message = "Set new account key and store it into state?";

        "DisableAccount" {
            $payload = @{"status"= "deactivated"};
            $message = "Disable account? - This is irrevocable!"

        Default {

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Account", $message)) {
        $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $Url -State $State -Payload $payload -ErrorAction 'Stop';
        $keyId = $State.GetAccount().KeyId;

        $account = [AcmeAccount]::new($response, $keyId);

        if($null -ne $NewAccountKey) { $State.Set($NewAccountKey); }

        if($PassThru) {
            return $account;

function Export-AccountKey {
            Stores an account key to the given path.
            Stores an account key to the given path. If the path already exists an error will be thrown and the key will not be saved.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path where the key should be exported to. Uses json if path ends with .json. Will use clixml in other cases.
        .PARAMETER AccountKey
            The account key that will be exported to the Path. If AutomaticAccountKeyHandling is enabled it will export the registered account key.
        .PARAMETER Force
            Allow the command to override an existing account key.
            PS> Export-AccountKey -Path "C:\myExportPath.xml" -AccountKey $myAccountKey

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



    process {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';

        $AccountKey.ExportKey() | Export-AcmeObject $Path -Force:$Force

function Import-AccountKey {
            Imports an exported account key.
            Imports an account key that has been exported with Export-AccountKey. If requested, the key is registered for automatic key handling.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path where the key has been exported to.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            If set, the account key will be returned to the pipeline.
            PS> Import-AccountKey -State $myState -Path C:\AcmeTemp\AccountKey.xml

        # Specifies a path to one or more locations.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]

        [Parameter(Position = 0)]


    process {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';

        $imported = Import-AcmeObject $Path -AsPSCustomObject;

        $accountKey = [AcmePSKey]::new($imported);
        if($State) {

        if($PassThru -or -not $State) {
            return $accountKey;

function New-AccountKey {
            Creates a new account key, that will be used to sign ACME operations.
            Provide a path where to save the key, since being able to restore it is crucial.
            Creates and stores a new account key, that can be used for ACME operations.
            The key will be added to the state.
            Used to select RSA key type. (default)
        .PARAMETER RSAHashSize
            The hash size used for the RSA algorithm.
        .PARAMETER RSAKeySize
            The key size of the RSA algorithm.
        .PARAMETER ECDsa
            Used to select ECDsa key type.
        .PARAMETER ECDsaHashSize
            The hash size used for the ECDsa algorithm.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path where the keys will be stored.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
            The account key will be stored into the state, if present.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the new account key to be returned to the pipeline, even if state is set.
        .PARAMETER Force
            If there's already a key present in the state, you need to provide the force switch to override the
            existing account key.
            PS> New-AccountKey -State $myState
            PS> New-AccountKey -State $myState -RSA -HashSize 512
            PS> New-AccountKey -ECDsa -HashSize 384

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="RSA", SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]

        [ValidateSet(256, 384, 512)]
        $RSAHashSize = 256,

        $RSAKeySize = 2048,


        [ValidateSet(256, 384, 512)]
        $ECDsaHashSize = 256,

        [Parameter(Position = 0)]



    if ($ECDsa.IsPresent -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ECDsa") {
        $accountKey = New-AcmePSKey -ECDsa -ECDsaHashSize $ECDsaHashSize;
    elseif ($RSA.IsPresent -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "RSA") {
        $accountKey = New-AcmePSKey -RSA -RSAHashSize $RSAHashSize -RSAKeySize $RSAKeySize;

    if($State -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("AccountKey", "Add created account key to state.",
        "The created account key will now be added to the state object."))
        if($null -eq $State.GetAccountKey() -or $Force -or
            $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("The existing account key will be overriden. Do you want to continue?", "Replace account key"))

    if($PassThru -or -not $State) {
        return $accountKey;

function Get-Authorization {
            Fetches authorizations from acme service.
            Fetches all authorizations for an order or an single authorizatin by its resource url.
        .PARAMETER Order
            The order, whoose authorizations will be fetched
        .PARAMETER Url
            The authorization resource url to fetch the data.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
            PS> Get-Authorization $myOrder $myState
            PS> Get-Authorization https://acme.server/authz/1243 $myState

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "FromOrder")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "FromUrl")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

    process {
        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "FromOrder" {
                $Order.AuthorizationUrls | ForEach-Object { Get-Authorization -Url $_ $State }
            Default {
                $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $Url -State $State
                return [AcmeAuthorization]::new($response);

function Get-AuthorizationError {
            Fetches authorizations erros from acme service.
            Fetches all authorization errors for an order.
        .PARAMETER Order
            The order, whoose authorizations errors will be fetched (needs to be in invalid state)
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
            PS> Get-AuthorizationError $myOrder $myState

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = "FromOrder")]

    process {
        $Order = Update-Order -State $state -Order $Order -PassThru

        if ($Order.Status -ine "invalid") {

        $authorizations = $Order.AuthorizationUrls | ForEach-Object { Get-Authorization -Url $_ $State }
        $invalidAuthorizations = $authorizations | Where-Object { $_.Status -ieq "invalid" };
        $invalidAuthorizations | ForEach-Object { $_.Challenges | Where-Object { $_.Status -ieq "invalid" } }

function Export-Certificate {
            Exports an issued certificate as pfx with private and public key.
            Exports an issued certificate by downloading it from the acme service and combining it with the private key.
            The downloaded certificate will be saved with the order, to enable revocation.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER Order
            The order which contains the issued certificate.
        .PARAMETER UseAlternateChain
            Let's Encrypt provides certificates with alternate chains. Currently theres only one named, this switch will make it use the alternate.
        .PARAMETER CertificateKey
            The key which was used to create the orders CSR.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path where the certificate will be saved.
        .PARAMETER Password
            The password used to secure the certificate.
        .PARAMETER ExcludeChain
            The downloaded certificate might include the full chain, this switch will exclude the chain from exported certificate.
        .PARAMETER Force
            Allows the operation to override existing a certificate.
        .PARAMETER ForceCertificateReload
            DEPRECATED - The cmdlet will always try to reload the certificate from the acme service.
        .PARAMETER DisablePEMStorage
            The downloaded public certificate will not be stored with the order.
        .PARAMETER AdditionalChainCertificates
            Certificates in this Paramter will be appended to the certificate chain during export.
            Provide in PEM form (-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- [CertContent] -----END CERTIFICATE-----).
            PS> Export-Certificate -Order $myOrder -CertficateKey $myKey -Path C:\AcmeCerts\

        "PSAvoidOverwritingBuiltInCmdlets", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]







    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    if($null -eq $CertificateKey) {
        $CertificateKey = $State.GetOrderCertificateKey($Order);

        if($null -eq $CertificateKey) {
            throw 'Need $CertificateKey to be provided or present in $Order.';

    if(Test-Path $Path) {
        if(!$Force) {
            throw "$Path does already exist. Use -Force to overwrite file.";

    $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $Order.CertificateUrl -State $State;

    if($UseAlternateChain) {
        $alternateUrlMatch = ($response.Headers.Link | Select-String -Pattern '<(.*)>;rel="alternate"' | Select-Object -First 1);

        if($null -eq $alternateUrlMatch) {
            Write-Warning "Could not find alternate chain. Using available chain.";
        else {
            $alternateUrl = $alternateUrlMatch.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value;
            $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $alternateUrl -State $State;

    $certificate = $response.Content;

    if(-not $DisablePEMStorage) {
        $State.SetOrderCertificate($Order, $certificate);

    if($ExcludeChain) {
        $certContent = [Certificate]::ExportPfxCertificate($certificate, $CertificateKey, $Password)
    } else {
        $pemString = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($certificate);

        if($null -ne $AdditionalChainCertificates) {
            foreach($chainCert in $AdditionalChainCertificates) {
                $pemString = $pemString + "`n$chainCert";

        $certBoundary = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
        $certificates = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new();
        foreach($pem in $pemString.Split(@($certBoundary), [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)) {
            if(-not $pem -or -not $pem.Trim()) { continue; }

            $certBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($pem.Trim() + "`n$certBoundary");
            $certificates.Add($certBytes) | Out-Null;

        $certContent = [Certificate]::ExportPfxCertificateChain($certificates, $CertificateKey, $Password)

    Set-ByteContent -Path $Path -Content $certContent;

function Revoke-Certificate {
            Revokes the certificate associated with the order.
            Revokes the certificate associated with the order. This cmdlet needs the account key.
            ACME supports revoking the certificate via the certificate private key - currently this module
            does not support that way to revoke the certificate.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER CertificatePublicKey
            The certificate to be revoked. Either as base64url-string or byte[]. Needs to be DER encoded (vs. PEM - so no ---- Begin Certificate ----).
        .PARAMETER CertificatePrivateKey
            The key to sign the revocation request. If you provide the X509Certificate or Order parameter, this will be set automatically.
        .PARAMETER Order
            The order which contains the issued certificate.
        .PARAMETER X509Certificate
            The X509Certificate to be revoked, if it contains a private key, it will be used to sign the revocation request.
        .PARAMETER PFXCertificatePath
            The pfx file path containing the certificate to be revoked.
        .PARAMETER PFXCertificatePassword
            The pfx file might need a password. Provide it here.
            PS> Revoke-Certificate -State $myState -Order $myOrder
            PS> Revoke-Certificate -State $myState -PFXCertificatePath C:\Temp\myCert.pfx

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='High')]
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByCert")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByPrivateKey")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByPrivateKey")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByOrder")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByX509")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "ByPFXFile")]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ByPFXFile")]

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByPFXFile") {
        $x509Certificate = if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PFXCertificatePassword)) {
        } else {
            [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new($PFXCertificatePath, $PFXCertificatePassword);

        return Revoke-Certificate -State $State -X509Certificate $x509Certificate;

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByX509") {
        $certBytes = $X509Certificate.Export([Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert);

        if($X509Certificate.HasPrivateKey) {
            $privateKey = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions]::GetRSAPrivateKey($X509Certificate);

            if($null -eq $privateKey) {
                $privateKey = [Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.ECDsaCertificateExtensions]::GetECDsaPrivateKey($X509Certificate);

            if($null -eq $privateKey) {
                throw "Unsupported X509 certificate key type."

            $key = [AcmePSKey]::new($privateKey);

            return Revoke-Certificate -State $State -CertificatePublicKey $certBytes -CertificatePrivateKey $key;
        else {
            return Revoke-Certificate -State $State -CertificatePublicKey $certBytes;

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByOrder") {
        $certBytes = $State.GetOrderCertificate($Order);
        if($null -eq $certBytes) {
            throw "Cannot get certificate associated with order, revocation failed."

        $certBase64String = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($certBytes) -split "-----" |
            ForEach-Object { $_.Replace("`r","").Replace("`n","").Trim() } | Where-Object { $_ -like "MII*" } | Select-Object -First 1;

        $derBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($certBase64String);

        return Revoke-Certificate -State $State -CertificatePublicKey $derBytes;

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in @("ByCert", "ByPrivateKey")) {
        if ($CertificatePublicKey -is [string]) {
            $base64DERCertificate = $CertificatePublicKey;
        elseif($CertificatePublicKey -is [byte[]]) {
            $base64DERCertificate = ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $CertificatePublicKey;
        else {
            throw "CertificatePublicKey either needs to be string or byte[]";

        $url = $State.GetServiceDirectory().RevokeCert;
        $payload = @{ "certificate" = $base64DERCertificate; "reason" = 1 };

        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Certificate", "Revoking certificate.")) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByCert") {
                return Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $url -State $State -Payload $payload;
            } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByPrivateKey") {
                return Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $url -State $State -Payload $payload -SigningKey $CertificatePrivateKey

    throw "No ParameterSet matched.";

function Export-CertificateKey {
            Stores an certificate key to the given path.
            Stores an certificate key to the given path. If the path already exists an error will be thrown and the key will not be saved.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path where the key should be exported to. Uses json if path ends with .json. Will use clixml in other cases.
        .PARAMETER CertificateKey
            The certificate key that will be exported to the Path.
            PS> Export-CertificateKey -Path "C:\myExportPath.xml" -CertificateKey $myCertificateKey

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    process {
        if(Test-Path $Path) {
            throw "$Path already exists. This method will not override existing files"

        if($Path -like "*.json") {
            $CertificateKey.ExportKey() | ConvertTo-Json -Compress | Out-File $Path -Encoding utf8
            Write-Verbose "Exported certificate key as JSON to $Path";
        } else {
            $CertificateKey.ExportKey() | Export-Clixml -Path $Path
            Write-Verbose "Exported certificate key as CLIXML to $Path";

function Import-CertificateKey {
            Imports an exported certificate key.
            Imports an certificate key that has been exported with Export-CertificateKey. If requested, the key is registered for automatic key handling.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path where the key has been exported to.
            PS> Import-CertificateKey -Path C:\AcmeCertKeys\example.key.xml;

        # Specifies a path to one or more locations.
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

    if($Path -like "*.json") {
        $imported = Get-Content $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json;
    } else {
        $imported = Import-Clixml $Path;

    $certificateKey = [AcmePSKey]::new($imported);
    return $certificateKey;

function New-CertificateKey {
            Creates a new certificate key, that can will used to sign ACME operations.
            Provide a path where to save the key, since being able to restore it is crucial.
            Creates and stores a new certificate key, that can be used for ACME operations.
            The key will first be created, than exported and imported again to make sure, it has been saved.
            You can skip the export by providing the SkipExport switch.
            Used to select RSA key type. (default)
        .PARAMETER RSAHashSize
            The hash size used for the RSA algorithm.
        .PARAMETER RSAKeySize
            The key size of the RSA algorithm.
        .PARAMETER ECDsa
            Used to select ECDsa key type.
        .PARAMETER ECDsaHashSize
            The hash size used for the ECDsa algorithm.
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path where the keys will be stored.
        .PARAMETER SkipKeyExport
            Allows you to suppress the export of the certificate key.
            PS> New-CertificateKey -Path C:\myKeyExport.xml -AutomaticCertificateKeyHandling
            PS> New-CertificateKey -Path C:\myKeyExport.json -RSA -HashSize 512
            PS> New-CertificateKey -ECDsa -HashSize 384 -SkipKeyExport

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="RSA", SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]

        [ValidateSet(256, 384, 512)]
        $RSAHashSize = 256,

        $RSAKeySize = 2048,


        [ValidateSet(256, 384, 512)]
        $ECDsaHashSize = 256,



    if(-not $SkipKeyExport) {
        if(-not $Path) {
            throw "Path was null or empty. Provide a path for the key to be exported or specify SkipKeyExport";

    if ($ECDsa.IsPresent -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ECDsa") {
        $certificateKey = New-AcmePSKey -ECDsa -ECDsaHashSize $ECDsaHashSize;
    elseif ($RSA.IsPresent -or $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "RSA") {
        $certificateKey = New-AcmePSKey -RSA -RSAHashSize $RSAHashSize -RSAKeySize $RSAKeySize;

    if($SkipKeyExport) {
        Write-Warning "The certificate key will not be exported. Make sure you save the certificate key!.";
        return $certificateKey;

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("CertificateKey", "Store created key to $Path and reload it from there")) {
        Export-CertificateKey -CertificateKey $certificateKey -Path $Path -ErrorAction 'Stop' | Out-Null
        return Import-CertificateKey -Path $Path -ErrorAction 'Stop'

function Complete-Challenge {
            Signals a challenge to be checked by the ACME service.
            The ACME service will be called to signal, that the challenge is ready to be validated.
            The result of the operation will be returned.
        .PARAMETER Challenge
            The challenge, which is ready to be validated.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
            PS> Complete-Challange $myState $myChallange
            PS> $myChallenge | Complete-Challenge $myState

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

    process {
        $payload = @{};

        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Challenge", "Complete challenge by submitting completion to ACME service")) {
            $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $Challenge.Url -State $State -Payload $payload;

            return [AcmeChallenge]::new($response, $Challenge.Identifier);

function Get-Challenge {
            Gets the challange from the ACME service.
            Gets the challange of the specified type from the specified authorization and prepares it with
            data needed to complete the challange
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER Authorization
            The authorization for which the challange will be fetched.
        .PARAMETER Type
            The challange type to fetch. One of http-01,dns-01,tls-alpn-01
            PS> $myAuthorization | Get-Challange -State $myState -Type "http-01"

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)]
        [AcmeAuthorization] $Authorization,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
        [string] $Type

    process {
        $challenge = $Authorization.Challenges | Where-Object { $_.Type -eq $Type } | Select-Object -First 1
        if(-not $challenge) {
            throw "Could not find challenge of Type $Type";

        if(-not $challenge.Data) {
            $challenge | Initialize-Challenge $State

        return $challenge;

function Initialize-Challenge {
            Prepares a challange with the data explaining how to complete it.
            Provides the data how to resolve the challange into the challanges data property.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER Authorization
            The authorization of which all challanges will be initialized.
        .PARAMETER Challenge
            The challenge which should be initialized.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the command to return the data to the pipeline.
            PS> Initialize-Challange $myState -Challange $challange

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName="ByAuthorization")]
        [AcmeAuthorization] $Authorization,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1, ParameterSetName="ByChallenge")]
        [AcmeChallenge] $Challenge,


    process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ByAuthorization") {
            return ($Authorization.challenges | Initialize-Challenge $State -PassThru:$PassThru);

        $accountKey = $State.GetAccountKey();

        switch($Challenge.Type) {
            "http-01" {
                $fileName = $Challenge.Token;
                $relativePath = "/.well-known/acme-challenge/$fileName"
                $fqdn = "$($Challenge.Identifier.Value)$relativePath"
                $content = $AccountKey.GetKeyAuthorization($Challenge.Token);

                $Challenge.Data = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "Type" = $Challenge.Type;
                    "Token" = $Challenge.Token;
                    "Filename" = $fileName;
                    "RelativeUrl" = $relativePath;
                    "AbsoluteUrl" = $fqdn;
                    "Content" = $content;

            "dns-01" {
                $txtRecordName = "_acme-challenge.$($Challenge.Identifier.Value)";
                $content = $AccountKey.GetKeyAuthorizationDigest($Challenge.Token);

                $Challenge.Data =  [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "Type" = "dns-01";
                    "Token" = $Challenge.Token;
                    "TxtRecordName" = $txtRecordName;
                    "Content" = $content;

            "tls-alpn-01" {
                $content = $AccountKey.GetKeyAuthorization($Challenge.Token);

                $Challenge.Data =  [PSCustomObject]@{
                    "Type" = $Challenge.Type;
                    "Token" = $Challenge.Token;
                    "SubjectAlternativeName" = $Challenge.Identifier.Value;
                    "AcmeValidation-v1" = $content;

            Default {
                throw "Cannot show how to resolve challange of unknown type $($Challenge.Type)"

        if($PassThru) {
            return $Challenge;

function New-Nonce {
            Gets a new nonce.
            Issues a web request to receive a new nonce from the service directory
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the nonce to be returned to the pipeline.
            PS> New-Nonce -State $state

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $Url = $State.GetServiceDirectory().NewNonce;

    $response = Invoke-AcmeWebRequest $Url -Method Head
    $nonce = $response.NextNonce;

    if($response.IsError) {
        throw "$($response.ErrorMessage)`n$($response.Content)";
    if(-not $nonce) {
        throw "Could not retreive new nonce";

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Nonce", "Store new nonce into state")) {

    if($PassThru) {
        return $nonce;

function Complete-Order {
            Completes an order process at the ACME service, so the certificate will be issued.
            Completes an order process by submitting a certificate signing request to the ACME service.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER Order
            The order to be completed.
        .PARAMETER CertificateKey
            The certificate key to be used to create the certificate signing request.
        .PARAMETER SaveCertificateKey
            If present, the certificate will be saved with the order object. Use this, if the certificate key
            has not been exported, yet.
        .PARAMETER GenerateCertificateKey
            If present, the cmdlet will automatically create a certificate key and store it with the order object.
            Should the order already have an associated key, it will be used.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the order to be returned to the pipeline.
            PS> Complete-Order -State $myState -Order $myOrder -CertificateKey $myCertKey
            PS> Complete-Order -State $myState -Order $myOrder -GenerateCertificateKey

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName="CustomKey")]


        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName="AutoKey")]


    process {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';

        if($GenerateCertificateKey) {
            $OrderCertificateKey = $State.GetOrderCertificateKey($Order);

            if($null -eq $OrderCertificateKey) {
                $SaveCertificateKey = $true;
                $CertificateKey = New-CertificateKey -SkipKeyExport -WarningAction 'SilentlyContinue';
            } else {
                $CertificateKey = $OrderCertificateKey;

        if($null -eq $CertificateKey) {
            throw "You need to provide a certificate key or enable automatic generation.";

        if($SaveCertificateKey) {
            $State.SetOrderCertificateKey($Order, $CertificateKey);

        $dnsNames = $Order.Identifiers | ForEach-Object { $_.Value }
        if($Order.CSROptions -and -not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Order.CSROptions.DistinguishedName)) {
            $certDN = $Order.CSROptions.DistinguishedName;
        } else {
            $certDN = "CN=$($Order.Identifiers[0].Value)";

        $csr = [Certificate]::GenerateCsr($dnsNames, $certDN, $CertificateKey);
        $payload = @{ "csr"= (ConvertTo-UrlBase64 -InputBytes $csr) };

        $requestUrl = $Order.FinalizeUrl;

        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Order", "Finalizing order at ACME service by submitting CSR")) {
            $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $requestUrl -State $State -Payload $payload;


        if($PassThru) {
            return $Order;

function Find-Order {
            Finds a saved order in the state object and returns it.
            Uses the given strings (hostname or type:hostname) or identifiers to find the latest matching
            order in the given state object. If the order cannot be found, it'll return $null.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER DNSNames
            DNS names that all must appear in the order. If multiple orders would match, the latest one will
            be returned. Returns null, if none is found.
        .PARAMETER Identifiers
            Identifiers that all must appear in the order. If multiple orders woul match, the latest one will
            be returned. Returns null, if none is found.
            PS> Get-Order -Url ""

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "FromString")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "FromIdentifier")]

    if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FromString") {
        return $State.FindOrder($DNSNames)

    return $State.FindOrder($Identifiers);

function Get-Order {
            Fetches an order from acme service
            Uses the given url to fetch an existing order object from the acme service.
        .PARAMETER Url
            The resource url of the order to be fetched.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
            PS> Get-Order -Url ""

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = "FromUrl")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]

    $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $Url -State $State;
    return [AcmeOrder]::new($response);

function New-Identifier {
            Creates a new identifier.
            Creates a new identifier needed for orders and authorizations
        .PARAMETER Type
            The identifier type
        .PARAMETER Value
            The value of the identifer, e.g. the FQDN.
            PS> New-Identifier

        "PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "", Scope="Function", Target="*")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $Value,

        [Parameter(Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [string] $Type = "dns"

    process {
        return [AcmeIdentifier]::new($Type, $Value);

function New-Order {
            Creates a new order object.
            Creates a new order object to be used for signing a new certificate including all submitted identifiers.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER Identifiers
            The list of identifiers, which will be covered by the certificates subject alternative names.
        .PARAMETER NotBefore
            Earliest date the certificate should be considered valid.
        .PARAMETER NotAfter
            Latest date the certificate should be considered valid.
        .PARAMETER CertDN
            If set, this will be used as Distinguished Name for the CSR that will be send to the ACME service by Complete-Order.
            If not set, the first identifier will be used as CommonName (CN=Identifier).
            Make sure to provide a valid X500DistinguishedName.
            PS> New-Order -State $myState -Identifiers $myIdentifiers
            PS> New-Order -Identifiers (New-Identifier "dns" "")
            PS> New-Order -State "C:\Acme-State\" -Identifiers ""

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [AcmeIdentifier[]] $Identifiers,

        [System.DateTimeOffset] $NotBefore,

        [System.DateTimeOffset] $NotAfter,

        [string] $CertDN

    $payload = @{
        "identifiers" = @($Identifiers | Select-Object @{N="type";E={$_.Type}}, @{N="value";E={$_.Value}})

    if($NotBefore -and $NotAfter) {
        $payload.Add("notBefore", $NotBefore.ToString("o"));
        $payload.Add("notAfter", $NotAfter.ToString("o"));

    $requestUrl = $State.GetServiceDirectory().NewOrder;
    $csrOptions = [AcmeCsrOptions]::new()

    if(-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CertDN)) {
        try {
            [X500DistinguishedName]::new($CertDN) | Out-Null;
        } catch {
            throw "'$CertDN' is not a valid X500 distinguished name";

        $csrOptions.DistinguishedName = $CertDN;
    } else {
        $csrOptions.DistinguishedName = "CN=$($Identifiers[0].Value)";

    if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Order", "Create new order with ACME Service")) {
        $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $requestUrl -State $State -Payload $payload;

        $order = [AcmeOrder]::new($response, $csrOptions);

        return $order;

function Update-Order {
            Updates an order from acme service
            Updates the given order instance by querying the acme service.
            The result will be used to update the order stored in the state object
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER Order
            The order to be updated.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the updated order to be returned to the pipeline.
            PS> $myOrder | Update-Order -State $myState -PassThru

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


    process {
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Order", "Get updated order form ACME service and store it to state")) {
            $response = Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $Order.ResourceUrl -State $State;

            if($PassThru) {
                return $Order;

function Get-ServiceDirectory {
            Fetches the ServiceDirectory from an ACME Servers.
            This will issue a web request to either the url or to a well-known ACME server to fetch the service directory.
            Alternatively the directory can be loaded from a path, when it has been stored with Export-CliXML or as Json.
        .PARAMETER ServiceName
            The Name of an Well-Known ACME service provider.
        .PARAMETER DirectoryUrl
            Url of an ACME Directory.
        .PARAMETER Path
            Path to load the Directory from. The given file needs to be .json or .xml (CLI-Xml)
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER PassThru
            Forces the service directory to be returned to the pipeline.
            PS> Get-ServiceDirectory $myState
            PS> Get-ServiceDirectory "LetsEncrypt" $myState -PassThru
            PS> Get-ServiceDirectory -DirectoryUrl "" $myState

        [Parameter(Position=1, ParameterSetName="FromName")]
        $ServiceName = "LetsEncrypt-Staging",

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="FromUrl")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="FromPath")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]


    Begin {
        $KnownEndpoints = @{

        $script:SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol;
        if($script:SecurityProtocol -ne [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault) {
            [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol `
                -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 `
                -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;
    End {
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $script:SecurityProtocol;

    Process {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';

        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in @("FromName", "FromUrl")) {
            if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FromName") {
                $acmeBaseUrl = $KnownEndpoints[$ServiceName];
                if($null -eq $acmeBaseUrl) {
                    $knownNames = $KnownEndpoints.Keys -join ", "
                    Write-Error "The ACME-Service-Name $ServiceName is not known. Known names are $knownNames.";

                $serviceDirectoryUrl = "$acmeBaseUrl/directory"
            } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FromUrl") {
                $serviceDirectoryUrl = $DirectoryUrl

            $response = Invoke-WebRequest $serviceDirectoryUrl -UseBasicParsing;

            $result = [AcmeDirectory]::new(($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json));
            $result.ResourceUrl = $serviceDirectoryUrl;

        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FromPath") {
            if($Path -like "*.json") {
                $result = [ACMEDirectory](Get-Content $Path | ConvertFrom-Json)
            } else {
                $result = [AcmeDirectory](Import-Clixml $Path)


        if($PassThru) {
            return $result;

function Get-TermsOfService {
            Show the ACME service TOS
            Show the ACME service TOS
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
            PS> Get-TermsOfService -State $state

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]

    process {
        Start-Process $State.GetServiceDirectory().Meta.TermsOfService;

function Get-State {
            Initializes state from saved date.
            Initializes state from saved data.
            Use this if you already have an exported account key and an account.
        .PARAMETER Path
            Path to an exported service directory
            PS> Initialize-AutomaticHandlers C:\myServiceDirectory.xml C:\myKey.json

        [Parameter(Position = 0)]

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop';

    Write-Verbose "Loading ACME-PS state from $Path";
    $paths = [AcmeStatePaths]::new($Path);
    return [AcmeDiskPersistedState]::new($paths, $false, $true);

function New-State {
            Initializes a new state object.
            Initializes a new state object, that will be used by other functions
            to access the service directory, nonce, account and account key.
        .PARAMETER Path
            Directory where the state will be persisted.
            PS> New-State


    process {
        if(-not $Path) {
            Write-Warning "You did not provide a persistency path. State will not be saved automatically."
            return [AcmeInMemoryState]::new()
        } else {
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("State", "Create new state and save it to $Path")) {
                $paths = [AcmeStatePaths]::new($Path);
                return [AcmeDiskPersistedState]::new($paths, $true, $true);

function Invoke-SignedWebRequest {
            Sends a POST request to the given URL.
            Sends a POST request to the given URL. It'll use the account, account key and
            nonce provided in the state object to sign the request and add the anti-replay-nonce.
            The request will automatically retry, if there's a nonce-error unless indicated otherwise.
            Generally this CmdLet is used internally only, but it's available publically since, it might be usefull.
        .PARAMETER Url
            The url where the POST or POST-as-GET request should be sent.
        .PARAMETER State
            The state object, that is used in this module, to provide easy access to the ACME service directory,
            your account key, the associated account and the replay nonce.
        .PARAMETER Payload
            The payload of the request. Will be signed if present.
            Leave empty for POST-as-GET requests.
        .PARAMETER SuppressKeyId
            Do not include the KeyId parameter in the request.
        .PARAMETER SkipRetryOnNonceError
            Do not retry the request on nonce-errors.
        .PARAMETER SigningKey
            Will be used to sign the request to the acme server.
            PS (POST-as-GET)> Invoke-SignedWebRequest "https://acme.service/" $myState
            PS (POST-as-GET)> Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url "https://acme.service/" -State $myState -Payload $myPayload

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
        [string] $Url,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
        [AcmeState] $State,

        [Parameter(Position = 2)]
        [object] $Payload = "",

        [switch] $SuppressKeyId,

        [switch] $SkipRetryOnNonceError,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExistingSigningKey")]
        [AcmePSKey] $SigningKey

    process {
        $nonce = $State.GetNonce();
        if($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -ne "ExistingSigningKey") {
            $signingKey = $State.GetAccountKey();
            $account = $State.GetAccount();
            $keyId = $(if($account -and -not $SuppressKeyId) { $account.KeyId });

        $requestBody = New-SignedMessage -Url $Url -SigningKey $signingKey -KeyId $keyId -Nonce $nonce -Payload $Payload
        $response = Invoke-AcmeWebRequest $Url $requestBody -Method POST -ErrorAction 'Continue'

        if($response.NextNonce) {

            if($response.IsError -and -not $SkipRetryOnNonceError) {
                if($response.Content.Type -eq "urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce") {
                    Write-Verbose "Response indicated bad nonce. Trying again with new nonce.";
                    return Invoke-SignedWebRequest -Url $Url -State $State -Payload $Payload -SuppressKeyId:$SuppressKeyId.IsPresent -SkipRetryOnNonceError;

        if($response.IsError) {
            throw [AcmeHttpException]::new($response.ErrorMessage, $response)

        return $response;