<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.AcmeCmdlet">
            Base class for all ACMESharp cmdlets implementing common logic.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate">
            <para type="synopsis">
              Gets the status and details of a Certificate stored in the Vault.
            <para type="description">
              This cmdlet retrieves the details of a Certificate defined in the Vault.
              It is also used to export various artificates associated with the Certificate
              to various formats.
            <para type="link">New-Certificate</para>
            <para type="link">Submit-Certificate</para>
            <para type="link">Update-Certificate</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.CertificateRef">
            <para type="description">
                A reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined Certificate request.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.ExportKeyPEM">
            <para type="description">
                Optionally, specifies a file path where the private key associated
                with the referenced Certificate will be saved in PEM format.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.ExportCsrPEM">
            <para type="description">
                Optionally, specifies a file path where the CSR associated
                with the referenced Certificate will be saved in PEM format.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.ExportCertificatePEM">
            <para type="description">
                Optionally, specifies a file path where the referenced Certificate
                will be saved in PEM format.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.ExportCertificateDER">
            <para type="description">
                Optionally, specifies a file path where the referenced Certificate
                will be saved in DER format.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.ExportIssuerPEM">
            <para type="description">
                Optionally, specifies a file path where the referenced Issuer
                Certificate will be saved in PEM format.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.ExportIssuerDER">
            <para type="description">
                Optionally, specifies a file path where the referenced Issuer
                Certificate will be saved in DER format.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.ExportPkcs12">
            <para type="description">
                Optionally, specifies a file path where the referenced Certificate
                and related artifacts will be saved into a PKCS#12 archive format.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.CertificatePassword">
            <para type="description">
                Optionally, specifies a password to use to secure an exported
                PKCS#12 archive file.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.Overwrite">
            <para type="description">
                This flag indicates that any existing files matching any of the
                requested export parameter paths will be overwritten. If not
                specified, existing files will cause this cmdlet to error.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetCertificate.PkiTool">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a PKI tool provider (i.e. CertificateProvider) to be used in
                all PKI related operations such as private key generation, CSR generation
                and certificate importing and exporting. If left unspecified a default
                PKI tool provider will be used.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.GetIdentifier">
            <para type="synopsis">Lists all, or retrieves details for, Identifiers submitted for
            <para type="description">
              Use this cmdlet to list all of the Identifier that have been previously
              defined and submitted to the ACME CA Server of the current Vault. You
              also use this cmdlet to specify specific Identifier references (ID or alias)
              to retrieve more specific details as they are captured in the Vault.
            <para type="link">New-Identifier</para>
            <para type="link">Update-Identifier</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetIdentifier.IdentifierRef">
            <para type="description">
                A reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined Identifier submitted
                to the ACME CA Server for verification.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.GetIdentifier.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge">
            <para type="synopsis">Completes a Challenge using a prescribed Handler.</para>
            <para type="description">
              Use this cmdlet to complete a Challenge associated with an Identifier
              defined in an ACMESharp Vault that has been submitted for verification
              to an ACME CA Server.
            <para type="link">Get-ChallengeHandlerProfile</para>
            <para type="link">Set-ChallengeHandlerProfile</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.IdentifierRef">
            <para type="description">
                A reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined Identifier submitted
                to the ACME CA Server for verification.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.HandlerProfileRef">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined Challenge
                Handler profile in the associated Vault that defines the Handler
                provider and associated instance parameters that should be used to
                resolve the Challenge.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.ChallengeType">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies the ACME Challenge type that should be handled. This type
                is expected to be found in the list of Challenges returned by the
                ACME CA Server for the associated Identifier.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.Handler">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies the Challenge Handler instance provider that will be used to
                handle the associated Challenge.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.HandlerParameters">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies the parameters that will be passed to the Challenge Handler
                instance that will be used to handle the associated Challenge.
            <para type="description">
                If this cmdlet is invoked *in-line*, then these are the only parameters
                that will be passed to the handler. If this cmdlet is invoked with a
                handler profile reference, then these parameters are merged with, and
                override, whatever parameters are already defined within the profile.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.CleanUp">
            <para type="description">
                When specified, executes the <i>clean up</i> operation associated with
                the resolved Challenge Handler. This is typcially invoked after the
                challenge has been previously successfully completed and submitted to
                the ACME server, and is used to remove any residual resources or traces
                of the steps that were needed during the challenge-handling process.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.RepeatDecoder">
            <para type="description">
                When specified, will force the decoding and regeneration of any ACME-defined
                heuristics and parameters for the given Challenge type.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.RepeatHandler">
            <para type="description">
                When specified, forces the resolved Handler to repeat the process of
                handling the given Challenge, even if the process has already been
                completed previously.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.UseBaseUri">
            <para type="description">
                Overrides the base URI associated with the target Registration and used
                for subsequent communication with the associated ACME CA Server.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.CompleteChallenge.Force">
            <para type="description">
                Forces an attempt to complete the challenge even when the state of the
                current Identifier authorization is in a failed or completed state.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.InstallCertificate">
            <para type="synopsis">Invokes an Installer to install a PKI certificate.</para>
            <para type="description">
              Use this cmdlet to invoke an instance of an Installer Provider defined
              by a profile stored in an ACMESharp Vault. The profile will specify
              the provider name as well as any parameters that will be applied during
              the instance creation and invocation. Alternatively, you can specify
              all the details captured in a profile "inline" during this cmdlet's
            <para type="link">Get-InstallerProfile</para>
            <para type="link">Set-InstallerProfile</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.InstallCertificate.CertificateRef">
            <para type="description">
                A reference (ID or alias) to a previously retrieved and resolved
                Certificated provided by an ACME CA Server.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.InstallCertificate.InstallerProfileRef">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined
                Installer profile in the associated Vault that defines the Installer
                provider and associated instance parameters that should be used to
                install the certificate.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.InstallCertificate.Installer">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies the Installer instance provider that will be used to
                install the associated certificate.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.InstallCertificate.InstallerParameters">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies the parameters that will be passed to the Installer
                instance that will be used to install the associated certificate.
            <para type="description">
                If this cmdlet is invoked *in-line*, then these are the only parameters
                that will be passed to the handler. If this cmdlet is invoked with a
                handler profile reference, then these parameters are merged with, and
                override, whatever parameters are already defined within the profile.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.InstallCertificate.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate">
            <para type="synopsis">
              Initiates a request to issue a request for previously authorized Identifier.
            <para type="description">
              This cmdlet is used to request a new certificate for a DNS Identifier
              that has already been verified by the ACME CA Server. It is also used
              to import, generate or define the certificate parameters and artifacts
              needed for the request, such as the private key and CSR details.
            <para type="link">New-Identifier</para>
            <para type="link">Complete-Challenge</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.IdentifierRef">
            <para type="description">
              A reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined and authorized
              Identifier verified by the ACME CA Server.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.KeyPemFile">
            <para type="description">
              Specifies an existing private key in PEM file format that should be
              used to generate the Certificate Request.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.CsrPemFile">
            <para type="description">
              Specifies an existing CSR in PEM file format containing all the
              details of the Certificate that should be used to generate the
              Certificate Request.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.Generate">
            <para type="description">
              Indicates that new Certificate Request parameters and artificats
              should be generated.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.CsrDetails">
            <para type="description">
              An optional set of certificate details to be included in the
              generated CSR.
            <para type="description">
              The common name will be set based on the DNS name of the associated
              Identifier, however all other details will be specified as set in
              this parameter. The following elements are defined, however not all
              of these may be supported or honored by the target ACME CA Server:
                  * Country; // C;
                  * StateOrProvince; // ST;
                  * Locality; // L;
                  * Organization; // O;
                  * OrganizationUnit; // OU;
                  * Description; // D;
                  * Surname; // S;
                  * GivenName; // G;
                  * Initials; // I;
                  * Title; // T;
                  * SerialNumber; // SN;
                  * UniqueIdentifier; // UID;
                  * AlternativeNames; // X509 SAN Extension (manually overridden)
            <para type="description">
              For any elements that except multiple values (such as SAN), specify
              a string of values separated by space, comma or semicolon
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.AlternativeIdentifierRefs">
            <para type="description">
              A collection of one or more references (ID or alias) to previously
              defined and authorized Identifiers verified by the ACME CA Server
              which will be included in the X509 extension for the list of
              Subject Alternative Names (SAN).
            <para type="description">
              There is no need to repeat the reference to the primary common name
              Identifier as it will be automatically included at the start of this list.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.Alias">
            <para type="description">
              An optional, unique alias to assign to the Certificate for future
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.Label">
            <para type="description">
              An optional, human-friendly label to assign to the Certificate for
              easy recognition.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.Memo">
            <para type="description">
              An optional, arbitrary text field to capture any notes or details
              associated with the Certificate.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewCertificate.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.NewIdentifier">
            <para type="synopsis">
              Creates and submits a new Identifier to be verified to the ACME CA Server.
            <para type="description">
              Currently, the only Identifier type supported is the DNS type.
            <para type="link">Get-Identifier</para>
            <para type="link">Update-Identifier</para>
            <para type="link">Complete-Challenge</para>
            <para type="link">Submit-Challenge</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewIdentifier.Dns">
            <para type="description">
              Specifies the DNS name to be submitted for verification.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewIdentifier.Alias">
            <para type="description">
              An optional, unique alias to assign to the Identifier for future
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewIdentifier.Label">
            <para type="description">
              An optional, human-friendly label to assign to the Identifier for
              easy recognition.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewIdentifier.Memo">
            <para type="description">
              An optional, arbitrary text field to capture any notes or details
              associated with the Identifier.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.NewIdentifier.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SetVault.PkiTool">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a PKI tool provider (i.e. CertificateProvider) to be used by
                default in all subsequent operations against this vault. In most cases
                this can be overridden on a call-by-call basis but typically, all
                PKI-related operations should be performed by a single PKI Tool provider
                because of the internal workings of the provider and interdependencies
                of the operations. Such operations include private key generation,
                CSR generation and certificate importing and exporting.
                If left unspecified a default PKI tool provider will be used.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitCertificate.CertificateRef">
            <para type="description">
                A reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined Certificate request.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitCertificate.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitCertificate.PkiTool">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a PKI tool provider (i.e. CertificateProvider) to be used in
                all PKI related operations such as private key generation, CSR generation
                and certificate importing and exporting. If left unspecified a default
                PKI tool provider will be used.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitChallenge">
            <para type="synopsis">
                Submits a completed Challenge for verification by ACME CA Server.
            <para type="description">
              After a Challenge has been handled and completed, it needs to be submitted to the
              ACME CA Server that issued the Challenge. This cmdlet submits the Challenge of a
              particular type to the ACME Server to be verified. If the ACME Server issued multiple
              Challenges and combinations that will satisfy the validation of ownership of an
              Identifier, you can use this cmdlet to submit each Challenge type completed.
            <para type="link">New-Identifier</para>
            <para type="link">Complete-Challenge</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitChallenge.IdentifierRef">
            <para type="description">
                A reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined Identifier submitted
                to the ACME CA Server for verification.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitChallenge.ChallengeType">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies the ACME Challenge type that should be submitted. This type
                is expected to be found in the list of Challenges returned by the
                ACME CA Server for the associated Identifier and it should already have
                been handled previously, either externally to the ACMESharp operations
                or via the Handler mechanisms within.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitChallenge.UseBaseUri">
            <para type="description">
                Overrides the base URI associated with the target Registration and used
                for subsequent communication with the associated ACME CA Server.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitChallenge.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.SubmitChallenge.Force">
            <para type="description">
                Forces an attempt to submit the challenge even when the state of the
                current Identifier authorization is in a failed or completed state.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate">
            <para type="synopsis">
              Updates the status and details of a Certificate stored in the Vault.
            <para type="description">
              Use this cmdlet to update characteristics of an Identifier that are
              defined locally, such as the Alias or Label.
            <para type="description">
              Also use this cmdlet to refresh the state and status of a Certificate
              including retrieving the certificate and intermediate signing certificate
              from the associated ACME CA Server.
            <para type="link">New-Certificate</para>
            <para type="link">Get-Certificate</para>
            <para type="link">Submit-Certificate</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.CertificateRef">
            <para type="description">
                A reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined Certificate request.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.UseBaseUri">
            <para type="description">
                Overrides the base URI associated with the target Registration and used
                for subsequent communication with the associated ACME CA Server.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.Repeat">
            <para type="description">
              When specified, this flag instructs the cmdlet to repeat the retrieval of
              the issued certificate and related artifacts (e.g. intermediate signing cert).
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.LocalOnly">
            <para type="description">
              Indicates that updates should be performed locally only, and no attempt
              should be made to retrieve the current status from the ACME CA Server.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.NewAlias">
            <para type="description">
              Optionaly, set or update the unique alias assigned to the Certificate
              for future reference. To remove the alias, use the empty string.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.Label">
            <para type="description">
              Optionally, set or update the human-friendly label to assigned to the
              Certificate for easy recognition.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.Memo">
            <para type="description">
              Optionall, set or update the arbitrary text field used to capture any
              notes or details associated with the Certificate.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateCertificate.PkiTool">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a PKI tool provider (i.e. CertificateProvider) to be used in
                all PKI related operations such as private key generation, CSR generation
                and certificate importing and exporting. If left unspecified a default
                PKI tool provider will be used.
        <member name="T:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier">
            <para type="synopsis">
              Updates the status and details of an Identifier stored in the Vault.
            <para type="description">
              Use this cmdlet to update characteristics of an Identifier that are
              defined locally, such as the Alias or Label.
            <para type="description">
              Also use this cmdlet to refresh the state and status of an Identifier
              by probing the associated ACME CA Server for Identifier details.
            <para type="link">New-Identifier</para>
            <para type="link">Get-Identifier</para>
            <para type="link">Complete-Challenge</para>
            <para type="link">Submit-Challenge</para>
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier.IdentifierRef">
            <para type="description">
                A reference (ID or alias) to a previously defined Identifier submitted
                to the ACME CA Server for verification.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier.ChallengeType">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies the ACME Challenge type that should be updated.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier.UseBaseUri">
            <para type="description">
                Overrides the base URI associated with the target Registration and used
                for subsequent communication with the associated ACME CA Server.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier.LocalOnly">
            <para type="description">
              Indicates that updates should be performed locally only, and no attempt
              should be made to retrieve the current status from the ACME CA Server.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier.NewAlias">
            <para type="description">
              Optionaly, set or update the unique alias assigned to the Identifier
              for future reference. To remove the alias, use the empty string.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier.Label">
            <para type="description">
              Optionally, set or update the human-friendly label to assigned to the
              Identifier for easy recognition.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier.Memo">
            <para type="description">
              Optionall, set or update the arbitrary text field used to capture any
              notes or details associated with the Identifier.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateIdentifier.VaultProfile">
            <para type="description">
                Specifies a Vault profile name that will resolve to the Vault instance to be
                used for all related operations and storage/retrieval of all related assets.
        <member name="P:ACMESharp.POSH.UpdateRegistration.NewAlias">
            <para type="description">
              Optionaly, set or update the unique alias assigned to the Certificate
              for future reference. To remove the alias, use the empty string.
        <member name="M:ACMESharp.POSH.Util.PoshHelper.BeforeExtAccess">
            This routine must be invoked from any CMDLET that relies on the Ext
            mechanism when running under POSH, but does not make use of Vault.
        <member name="F:ACMESharp.POSH.Util.PoshHelper.PROBLEM_DETAIL_TYPE_URN">
            Defines the well-defined ACME problem detail type URN prefix.
        <member name="F:ACMESharp.POSH.Util.PoshHelper.PROBLEM_DETAIL_TYPE_TO_ERROR_CATEGORY">
            Defines a mapping from well-defined ACME problem detail type URNs to
            POSH <see cref="T:System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory">error categories</see>.
            This list was compiled from:
        <member name="M:ACMESharp.POSH.Util.PoshHelper.CreateErrorRecord(ACMESharp.AcmeClient.AcmeWebException,System.Object)">
            Constructs an <see cref="T:System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord"/> from an <see cref="T:ACMESharp.AcmeClient.AcmeWebException"/>,
            populating as much detail as can be derived.
            <param name="ex"></param>
            <param name="targetObject"></param>