
Function Expand-ADDynamicGroup {
        Expand dynamic security group definition to describe actions to take
        Expand dynamic security group definition to describe actions to take
        Takes the output of Get-ADDynamicGroup and expands this into an array of actions with the following properties:
            Group # The target group we will take this action on
            Account # The account we will act on for this target group
            Action # The action we will take on thie target group and account pair
            Type # If IncludeType parameter is specified, whether the account is a group or a user
            Definition # The raw input we parsed from Get-ADDynamicGroup
        Active Directory
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Dynamic group definition generated by Get-ADDynamicGroup
    .PARAMETER IncludeType
        If specified, parse the AD type for each AD account to be added or removed from the target group
        Get-ADDynamicGroup $Yaml | Expand-ADDynamicGroup
        Get-ADDynamicGroup $Yaml | Expand-ADDynamicGroup -IncludeType

        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline= $True)]
        function Get-Params {
            param($Target, $Account)
            $Props = Get-PropertyOrder $Account
            $ThisRecurse = if($Props -contains 'Recurse') {$Account.Recurse} else {$Target.Recurse}
            $ThisExpand = if($Props -contains 'Expand') {$Account.Expand} else {$Target.Expand}

                Identity = $Account.Account
                Recurse = $ThisRecurse
                Expand = $ThisExpand
        Write-Verbose "Expanding $($InputObject | Out-String)"
        foreach($Group in $InputObject)
            $Excludes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
            $Includes = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
            foreach($ADObject in @( $Group.Exclude | Where {$_.Account}))
                $Type = $null
                $Type = Get-ADObjectClass -sAMAccountName $ADObject.Account
                    $Params = Get-Params -Target $Group -Account $ADObject
                    Write-Verbose "Expanding removal of $($ADObject.account) with type [$Type] and expand [$($Group.Expand)]"
                    [void]$Excludes.AddRange( @(Expand-Account @Params -Type $Type ) )
                    Write-Warning "No type found for $($ADObject.Account) exclude, skipping"
            foreach($ADObject in @( $Group.Include | Where {$_.Account}))
                $Type = $null
                $Type = Get-ADObjectClass -sAMAccountName $ADObject.Account
                    $Params = Get-Params -Target $Group -Account $ADObject
                    Write-Verbose "Expanding inclusion of $($ADObject.account) with type [$Type], expand [$($Params.Expand)], recurse [$($Params.Recurse)]"
                    [void]$Includes.AddRange( @(Expand-Account @Params -Type $Type) )
                    Write-Warning "No type found for $($ADObject.Account) include, skipping"
            foreach($Query in @( $Group.IncludeQuery | Where {$_}) )
                $DiscoveredAccounts = $null
                [string[]]$DiscoveredAccounts = Get-ADSIObject -Query $Query | Select -ExpandProperty sAMAccountName | Where {$_}
                if($DiscoveredAccounts.count -gt 0)
                    Write-Verbose "Including $($DiscoveredAccounts.count) accounts from query [$Query]"
                    [void]$Includes.AddRange( $DiscoveredAccounts )
                    Write-Verbose "No accounts found for IncludeQuery [$Query]"              
            foreach($Query in @( $Group.ExcludeQuery | Where {$_}) )
                $DiscoveredAccounts = $null
                [string[]]$DiscoveredAccounts = Get-ADSIObject -Query $Query | Select -ExpandProperty sAMAccountName | Where {$_}
                if($DiscoveredAccounts.count -gt 0)
                    Write-Verbose "Excluding $($DiscoveredAccounts.count) accounts from query [$Query]"
                    [void]$Excludes.AddRange( $DiscoveredAccounts )
                    Write-Verbose "No accounts found for ExcludeQuery [$Query]"              
            $Excludes = $Excludes | Sort -Unique
            $Includes = $Includes | Where {$Excludes -notcontains $_} | Select -Unique
            $Existing = Expand-Account -Type Group -Identity $Group.TargetGroup -Expand
            $ToRemove = $Existing | Where {$Includes -notcontains $_} | Sort -Unique
            $ToAdd = $Includes | Where {$Existing -notcontains $_} | Sort -Unique
            if($Group.Purge -and $null -notlike $ToRemove)
                foreach($Account in $ToRemove)
                        PSTypeName = 'adgrouper.action'
                        Group = $Group.TargetGroup
                        Account = $Account
                        Action = 'Remove'
                        Type = Get-ADObjectClass -sAMAccountName $Account -IncludeType $IncludeType
                        Definition = $Group
            foreach($Account in $ToAdd)
                    PSTypeName = 'adgrouper.action'
                    Group = $Group.TargetGroup
                    Account = $Account
                    Action = 'Add'
                    Type = Get-ADObjectClass -sAMAccountName $Account -IncludeType $IncludeType
                    Definition = $Group