
Function Invoke-ADGrouper {
        Adjust AD group membership based on yaml config files
        Adjust AD group membership based on yaml config files
        YAML schema:
        'Target Group': # Target security group we are populating
          Purge: # Whether to remove existing accounts in the groupthat aren't included in this definition. Defaults to false
          Recurse: # Whether to recurse membership when source is a group. Defaults to true
          Expand: # Whether to expand to individual accounts within the group, or use the group explicitly. Defaults to true
          Exclude: # Accounts to exclude from this group
            BadUser: # Exclude account
            BadGroup: # Exclude account with overriden Recurse
              - Recurse: False
          ExcludeQuery: # One or more LDAP queries whose resulting accounts are excluded from the target group
            - '(b=a)'
          Include: # Accounts to include in this group
            GoodGroup: # Include account with global settings
            GoodGroup2: # Include account with overriden Expand and Recurse
            - Expand: False
            - Recurse: False
          IncludeQuery: # One or more LDAP queries whose resulting accounts are included in the target group
            - '(a=b)'
            - '(c=d)'
        Active Directory
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        Yaml dynamic group definition
        Path to yaml containing dynamic group definition
        Invoke-ADGrouper $Yaml -Whatif
        # See what Invoke-ADGrouper would do with yaml, without doing it
        Invoke-ADGrouper -Path \\Path\To\example.yaml -Confirm:$False -Force
        # Run example.yaml through Invoke-ADGrouper without confirmation

    [cmdletbinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'yaml',
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'yaml',
                   ValueFromPipeline = $True)]

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = 'file',
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]

        $RejectAll = $false
        $ConfirmAll = $false
        $ToProcess = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'file')
            foreach($File in $Path)
                $ToProcess.AddRange( @(Get-Content $File -Raw) )
        Write-Verbose ($ToProcess | Out-String)
        $ToExpand = $ToProcess | Get-ADDynamicGroup
        $ToChange = Expand-ADDynamicGroup -InputObject $ToExpand
        foreach($Change in $ToChange)
            $Todo = "[{0}] [{1}] to/from [{2}]" -f $Change.Action, $Change.Account, $Change.Group
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Group changed '$Todo'",  "Group change '$Todo'?", "Changing group membership" ))
                if($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Are you REALLY sure you want to change '$Todo'?", "Removing '$Todo'", [ref]$ConfirmAll, [ref]$RejectAll))
                    switch ($Change.Action)
                        'Add' {
                            Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Change.Group -Members $Change.Account
                        'Remove' {
                            Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $Change.Group -Members $Change.Account