
function Invoke-AdmfDomain
        Brings a domain into compliance with the desired state.
        Brings a domain into compliance with the desired state.
        It implements a wide variety of settings against the targeed domain,
        whether it be OUs, groups, users, gpos, acls or many more items.
        Note on order:
        - OU Creation and Updating should be done first, but DELETING ous (OUHard) should be one of the last operations performed.
        - Acl & Access operations should be performed last
        - Managing group policy yields best results in this order:
          1. Create new GPO
          2. Create Links, only disabling undesired links
          3. Delete unneeded GPO
          4. Delete undesired links
          This is due to the fact that "unneeded GPO" are detected by being linked into managed GPOs.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to work with.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use for this operation.
    .PARAMETER Options
        The various operations that are supported.
        By default "default" operations are executed against the targeted domain.
        - Acl : The basic permission behavior of an object (e.g.: Owner, Inheritance)
        - GPLink : Manages the linking of group policies.
        - GPPermission : Managing permissions on group policy objects.
        - GroupPolicy : Deploying and updating GPOs.
        - GroupMembership : Assigning group membership
        - Group : Creating groups
        - OUSoft : Creating & modifying OUs, but not deleting them
        - OUHard : Creating, Modifying & Deleting OUs. This exists in order to be able to create
                   new OUs, then move all objects over and only when done deleting undesired OUs.
                   Will NOT delete OUs that contain objects.!
        - PSO : Implementing Finegrained Password Policies
        - Object : Custom AD object
        - User : Managing User objects
        - GPLinkDisable : Creating GP Links, but only disabling undesired links.
                          This is needed in order to detect undesired GPOs to delete:
                          Those linked when they shouldn't be!
        - GroupPolicyDelete : Deploy, update and delete Group Policy objects.
    .PARAMETER Confirm
        If this switch is enabled, you will be prompted for confirmation before executing any operations that change state.
        If this switch is enabled, no actions are performed but informational messages will be displayed that explain what would happen if the command were to run.
        PS C:\> Invoke-AdmfDomain
        Brings the current domain into compliance with the desired state.

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    Param (


        $Options = 'Default'
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
        try { $dcServer = Resolve-DomainController @parameters }
        catch { throw }
        $parameters.Server = $dcServer
        Invoke-PSFCallback -Data $parameters -EnableException $true -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential, WhatIf, Confirm, Verbose, Debug
        $parameters.Server = $dcServer
        [ADMF.UpdateDomainOptions]$newOptions = $Options
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::OUSoft)
                if (Get-DMOrganizationalUnit)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'OrganizationalUnits - Create & Modify', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMOrganizationalUnit @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'OrganizationalUnits - Create & Modify' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::Group)
                if (Get-DMGroup)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'Groups', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMGroup @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'Groups' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::User)
                if (Get-DMUser)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'Users', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMUser @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'Users' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::GroupMembership)
                if (Get-DMGroupMembership)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'GroupMembership', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMGroupMembership @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'GroupMembership' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::PSO)
                if (Get-DMPasswordPolicy)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'PasswordPolicies', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMPasswordPolicy @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'PasswordPolicies' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::GroupPolicy)
                if (Get-DMGroupPolicy)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'GroupPolicies - Create & Modify', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMGroupPolicy @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'GroupPolicies - Create & Modify' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::GPPermission)
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Not implemented yet: <c='em'>Group Policy Permissions</c>"
                # Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'GroupPolicyPermissions', $parameters.Server
                # Invoke-DMGPPermission @parameters
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::GPLinkDisable)
                if (Get-DMGPLink)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'GroupPolicyLinks - Create, Update & Disable unwanted Links', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMGPLink @parameters -Disable
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'GroupPolicyLinks - Create, Update & Disable unwanted Links' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::GroupPolicyDelete)
                if (Get-DMGroupPolicy)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'GroupPolicies - Delete', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMGroupPolicy @parameters -Delete
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'GroupPolicies - Delete' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::GPLink)
                if (Get-DMGPLink)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'GroupPolicyLinks - Delete unwanted Links', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMGPLink @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'GroupPolicyLinks - Delete unwanted Links' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::OUHard)
                if (Get-DMOrganizationalUnit)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'OrganizationalUnits - Delete', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMOrganizationalUnit @parameters -Delete
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'OrganizationalUnits - Delete' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::Object)
                if (Get-DMObject)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'Objects', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMObject @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'Objects' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::Acl)
                if (Get-DMAcl)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'Acls', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMAcl @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'Acls' }
            if ($newOptions -band [UpdateDomainOptions]::AccessRule)
                if (Get-DMAccessRule)
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' -StringValues 'AccessRules', $parameters.Server
                    Invoke-DMAccessRule @parameters
                else { Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -String 'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' -StringValues 'AccessRules' }
        catch { throw }