
# This is where the strings go, that are written by
# Write-PSFMessage, Stop-PSFFunction or the PSFramework validation scriptblocks
    'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Executing.Invoke' = 'Performing updates to <c="em">{0}</c> against <c="sub">{1}</c>' # 'OrganizationalUnits - Create & Modify', $parameters.Server
    'Invoke-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' = 'Skipping updates to <c="em">{0}</c> as there is no configuration data available' # 'OrganizationalUnits - Create & Modify'
    'Invoke-AdmfForest.Executing.Invoke' = 'Performing updates to <c="em">{0}</c> against <c="sub">{1}</c>' # 'Sites', $parameters.Server
    'Invoke-AdmfForest.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' = 'Skipping updates to <c="em">{0}</c> as there is no configuration data available' # 'Sites'
    'Invoke-CallbackMenu.Context.Checked.Error' = 'Unexpected error when checking whether context {0} should be checked by default' # $context.Name
    'Invoke-PostCredentialProvider.Provider.ExecutionError' = 'An error happened when executing the post-script of credential provider {0}' # $ProviderName
    'Invoke-PostCredentialProvider.Provider.NotFound' = 'Credential Provider {0} could not be found!' # $ProviderName
    'Invoke-PreCredentialProvider.Provider.ExecutionError' = 'An error happened when executing the pre-script of credential provider {0}' # $ProviderName
    'Invoke-PreCredentialProvider.Provider.NotFound' = 'Credential Provider {0} could not be found!' # $ProviderName
    'New-AdmfContext.Context.AlreadyExists' = 'The context {1} already exists in the desginated path {0}. Use -Force to overwrite it, deleting all previous content.' # $resolvedPath, $Name
    'New-AdmfContext.Context.AlreadyExists2' = 'The context {1} already exists in the desginated context store "{0}". Use -Force to overwrite it, deleting all previous content.' # $Store, $Name
    'Resolve-DomainController.Connecting' = 'Resolving domain controller to use for connecting to {0}' # $target
    'Resolve-DomainController.Resolved' = 'Resolved domain controller to use. Operating against {0}' # $domainController.HostName
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Ambiguous' = 'Ambiguous context resolution for {0}. The following contexts would match: {1}' # $contextObject, ($foundContext.Name -join ", ")
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Applying' = 'Applying context: {0}' # $ContextObject.Name
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DCConfig' = 'Error parsing DC configuration file for context {0}' # $ContextObject.Name
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DomainConfig' = 'Error loading domain configuration | Context: {0} | Object Type: {1} | File: {2}' # $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' = 'Error loading forest configuration | Context: {0} | Object Type: {1} | File: {2}' # $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.PostImport' = 'Error executing post-import script for context {0}' # $ContextObject.Name
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.PreImport' = 'Error executing pre-import script for context {0}' # $ContextObject.Name
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.InvalidInput' = 'Invalid context input: {0} of type {1}. Either provide a name (as string) or a context object returned by Get-AdmfContext' # $contextObject, $contextObject.GetType().FullName
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' = 'Processing configuration file | Context: {0} | Object Type: {1} | File: {2}' # $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName
    'Set-AdmfContext.Context.NotFound' = 'Unable to find ccontext: {0}' # $contextObject
    'Set-AdmfContext.Interactive.Cancel' = 'Interactive prompt cancelled by user' #
    'Set-AdmfContext.Resolution.ExclusionConflict' = 'Unable to process contexts, as a conflict between contexts has been detected: {0}' # ($conflictingContexts.Name -join ", ")
    'Set-AdmfContext.Resolution.MissingPrerequisites' = 'Unable to process contexts, as a required prerequisite is missing: {0}' # ($missingPrerequisites -join ", ")
    'Test-AdmfDomain.Executing.Test' = 'Executing tests to verify <c="em">{0}</c> against <c="sub">{1}</c>' # 'OrganizationalUnits', $parameters.Server
    'Test-AdmfDomain.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' = 'Skipping tests to verify <c="em">{0}</c> as there is no configuration data available' # 'OrganizationalUnits'
    'Test-AdmfForest.Executing.Test' = 'Executing tests to verify <c="em">{0}</c> against <c="sub">{1}</c>' # 'Sites', $parameters.Server
    'Test-AdmfForest.Skipping.Test.NoConfiguration' = 'Skipping tests to verify <c="em">{0}</c> as there is no configuration data available' # 'Sites'
    'Validate.ContextStore.ExistsNot' = 'Context store already exists: {0}' # <user input>, <validation item>
    'Validate.Path' = 'Path does not exist: {0}' # <user input>, <validation item>
    'Validate.Path.Folder' = 'Path does not exist or is not a folder: {0}' # <user input>, <validation item>
    'Validate.Pattern.ContextName' = 'Not a legal context name: {0}. Only use letters, numbers, underscore, dot or dash' # <user input>, <validation item>
    'Validate.Pattern.ContextStoreName' = 'Not a legal context store name: {0}. Only use letters, numbers, underscore, dot or dash' # <user input>, <validation item>
    'Validate.Type.Gpo' = 'Input is not a GPO object: {0}' # <user input>, <validation item>