
function Set-AdmfContext {
        Applies a set of configuration contexts.
        Applies a set of configuration contexts.
        This merges the settings from all selected contexts into one configuration set.
    .PARAMETER Context
        Name of context or full context object to apply.
    .PARAMETER Interactive
        Show an interactive context selection prompt.
        This is designed for greater convenience when managing many forests.
        The system automatically uses Set-AdmfContext with this parameter when directly testing or invoking against a new domain without first selecting a context to apply.
        ADMF remembers the last contexts assigned to a specific server/domain.
        By setting this parameter, it will re-use those contexts, rather than show the prompt again.
        This parameter is used by the system to prevent prompting automatically on each call.
    .PARAMETER DefineOnly
        Do not actually switch configuration sets.
        Just register the selected Contexts to the target domain, after validating the selection.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to work with.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use for this operation.
    .PARAMETER DnsDomain
        The DNS Name of the domain to target.
        Removes the need for AD Resolution of the domain, potentially speeding up the -DefineOnly workflow.
    .PARAMETER NoDomain
        If used against a target without a domain, it will skip AD connect and instead use the server name for Context caching purposes.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions.
        This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts.
        PS C:\> Set-AdmfContext -Interactive
        Interactively pick to select the contexts to apply to the user's own domain.
        PS C:\> Set-AdmfContext -Interactive -Server
        Interactively pick to select the contexts to apply to the domain.
        PS C:\> Set-AdmfContext -Context Default, Production, Europe -Server
        Configures the contexts Default, Production and Europe to be applied to

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'name')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ParameterSetName = 'name')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'interactive')]
        $Server = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN,

        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
    begin {
        #region Utility Functions
        function Set-Context {
            param (
            Write-PSFMessage -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Applying' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name -Target $ContextObject
            $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
            $stopParam = @{
                EnableException = $EnableException
                Cmdlet          = $Cmdlet
                Target          = $ContextObject
                StepsUpward     = 1
            #region PreImport
            if (Test-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\preImport.ps1") {
                try { $null = & "$($ContextObject.Path)\preImport.ps1" @parameters }
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.PreImport' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name -ErrorRecord $_
            #endregion PreImport
            #region Forest
            $forestFields = @{
                'exchangeschema'           = Get-Command Register-FMExchangeSchema
                'schema'                   = Get-Command Register-FMSchema
                'schemaDefaultPermissions' = Get-Command Register-FMSchemaDefaultPermission
                'servers'                  = Get-Command Register-FMServer
                'sitelinks'                = Get-Command Register-FMSiteLink
                'sites'                    = Get-Command Register-FMSite
                'subnets'                  = Get-Command Register-FMSubnet
            foreach ($key in $forestFields.Keys) {
                if (-not (Test-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\$key")) { continue }
                foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\$key\" -Recurse | Where-Object Extension -In ".json", '.psd1')) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName
                    try {
                        foreach ($dataSet in (Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Output | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include $($forestFields[$key].Parameters.Keys))) {
                            if ($forestFields[$key].Parameters.Keys -contains 'ContextName') {
                                $dataSet['ContextName'] = $ContextObject.Name
                            & $forestFields[$key] @dataSet -ErrorAction Stop
                    catch {
                        Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            if (Test-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\schemaldif") {
                $filesProcessed = @()
                #region Process Ldif Configuration
                foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\schemaldif\" -Recurse | Where-Object Extension -In ".json", '.psd1')) {
                    $jsonData = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe
                    foreach ($jsonEntry in $jsonData) {
                        $targetPath = Join-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\schemaldif" $jsonEntry.Path
                        if ($filesProcessed -contains $targetPath) { continue }
                        try { $ldifItem = Get-Item -Path $targetPath -ErrorAction Stop -Force }
                        catch {
                            Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Schema (ldif)', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
                        $ldifParam = @{
                            Path        = $ldifItem.FullName
                            Name        = $ldifItem.BaseName
                            ContextName = $ContextObject.Name
                        if ($jsonEntry.Name) { $ldifParam.Name = $jsonEntry.Name }
                        if ($jsonEntry.Weight) { $ldifParam['Weight'] = $jsonEntry.Weight }
                        if ($jsonEntry.MissingObjectExemption) { $ldifParam['MissingObjectExemption'] = $jsonEntry.MissingObjectExemption }
                        try {
                            Register-FMSchemaLdif @ldifParam -ErrorAction Stop
                            $filesProcessed += $ldifItem.FullName
                        catch {
                            Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'schemaldif', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
                #endregion Process Ldif Configuration
                #region Process Ldif Files without configuration
                foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\schemaldif\" -Recurse -Filter "*.ldf")) {
                    # Skip files already defined in json
                    if ($filesProcessed -contains $file.FullName) { continue }
                    try { Register-FMSchemaLdif -Name $file.BaseName -Path $file.FullName -ContextName $ContextObject.Name -ErrorAction Stop }
                    catch {
                        Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'schemaldif', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
                #endregion Process Ldif Files without configuration
            # Forest Level
            $forestLevelPath = Resolve-DataFile -Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\forest_level"
            if ($forestLevelPath) {
                $file = Get-Item -Path $forestLevelPath
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'ForestLevel', $file.FullName
                try {
                    $dataSet = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop
                    Register-FMForestLevel -Level $dataSet.Level -ContextName $ContextObject.Name
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'ForestLevel', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            #region NTAuthStore
            if (Test-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\ntAuthStore") {
                foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\ntAuthStore" -Recurse -File)) {
                    switch ($file.Extension) {
                        { $_ -in '.json', '.psd1' } {
                            Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'NTAuthStore', $file.FullName
                            try {
                                $jsonData = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop
                                if ($jsonData.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq 'Authorative') {
                                    Register-FMNTAuthStore -Authorative:$jsonData.Authorative
                            catch {
                                Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'NTAuthStore', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
                        '.cer' {
                            Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'NTAuthStore', $file.FullName
                            try {
                                $cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::CreateFromCertFile($file.FullName)
                                Register-FMNTAuthStore -Certificate $cert
                            catch {
                                Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'NTAuthStore', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            #endregion NTAuthStore
            #region Certificates
            if (Test-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\certificates") {
                foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\forest\certificates" -Recurse -File)) {
                    switch ($file.Extension) {
                        { $_ -in '.json', '.psd1' } {
                            Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Certificates', $file.FullName
                            try {
                                $jsonData = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop
                                foreach ($deletion in $jsonData.Delete) { Register-FMCertificate -Remove $deletion.Thumbprint -Type $deletion.Type }
                                foreach ($addition in $jsonData.Add) { Register-FMCertificate -Certificate ($addition.Certificate | ConvertFrom-PSFClixml) -Type $addition.Type }
                                foreach ($authority in $jsonData.Authority) { Register-FMCertificate -Type $authority.Type -Authorative $authority.Authorative }
                            catch {
                                Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Certificates', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
                        '.cer' {
                            Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Certificates', $file.FullName
                            try {
                                switch -regex ($file.Name) {
                                    '^NTAuthCA' { $type = 'NTAuthCA' }
                                    '^RootCA' { $type = 'RootCA' }
                                    '^SubCA' { $type = 'SubCA' }
                                    '^CrossCA' { $type = 'CrossCA' }
                                    '^KRA' { $type = 'KRA' }
                                    default { throw "Bad filename, cannot divine certificate type: $($file.Name)" }
                                $cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::CreateFromCertFile($file.FullName)
                                Register-FMCertificate -Certificate $cert -Type $type
                            catch {
                                Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Certificates', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            #endregion Certificates
            #endregion Forest
            #region Domain
            $domainFields = @{
                'organizationalunits' = Get-Command Register-DMOrganizationalUnit
                'accessrules'         = Get-Command Register-DMAccessRule
                'accessrulemodes'     = Get-Command Register-DMAccessRuleMode
                'acls'                = Get-Command Register-DMAcl
                'builtinsids'         = Get-Command Register-DMBuiltInSID
                'exchange'            = Get-Command Register-DMExchange
                'gplinks'             = Get-Command Register-DMGPLink
                'gpowners'            = Get-Command Register-DMGPOwner
                'gppermissions'       = Get-Command Register-DMGPPermission
                'gppermissionfilters' = Get-Command Register-DMGPPermissionFilter
                'gpregistrysettings'  = Get-Command Register-DMGPRegistrySetting
                'groups'              = Get-Command Register-DMGroup
                'groupmemberships'    = Get-Command Register-DMGroupMembership
                'names'               = Get-Command Register-DMNameMapping
                'objects'             = Get-Command Register-DMObject
                'psos'                = Get-Command Register-DMPasswordPolicy
                'serviceaccounts'     = Get-Command Register-DMServiceAccount
                'users'               = Get-Command Register-DMUser
                'wmifilter'           = Get-Command Register-DMWmiFilter
            foreach ($key in $domainFields.Keys) {
                if (-not (Test-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\domain\$key")) { continue }
                foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\domain\$key\" -Recurse | Where-Object Extension -In '.json', '.psd1')) {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName
                    try {
                        foreach ($dataSet in (Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Output | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include $($domainFields[$key].Parameters.Keys))) {
                            if ($domainFields[$key].Parameters.Keys -contains 'ContextName') {
                                $dataSet['ContextName'] = $ContextObject.Name
                            & $domainFields[$key] @dataSet -ErrorAction Stop
                    catch {
                        Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DomainConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            # Group Policy
            $exportDataPath = Resolve-DataFile -Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\domain\grouppolicies\exportData"
            if ($exportDataPath) {
                $file = Get-Item $exportDataPath
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Group Policy', $file.FullName
                try {
                    $dataSet = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include DisplayName, Description, ID, ExportID, WMiFilter
                    foreach ($policyEntry in $dataSet) {
                        Register-DMGroupPolicy @policyEntry -Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\domain\grouppolicies\$($policyEntry.ID)" -ContextName $ContextObject.Name
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DomainConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Group Policy', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            # Object Categories
            foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\domain\objectcategories" -Filter '*.psd1' -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
                try {
                    $dataSet = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $file.FullName
                    $dataSet.TestScript = $dataSet.TestScript.Invoke() | Write-Output # Remove automatic scriptblock nesting
                    Register-DMObjectCategory @dataSet -ContextName $ContextObject.Name
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DomainConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Object Categories', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            # Domain Data
            foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\domain\domaindata" -Filter '*.psd1' -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
                try {
                    $dataSet = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $file.FullName
                    $dataSet.Scriptblock = $dataSet.Scriptblock.Invoke() | Write-Output # Remove automatic scriptblock nesting
                    Register-DMDomainData @dataSet -ContextName $ContextObject.Name
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DomainConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'Domain Data', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            # Domain Level
            $domainLevelPath = Resolve-DataFile -Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\domain\domain_level"
            if ($domainLevelPath) {
                $file = Get-Item -Path $domainLevelPath
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'DomainLevel', $file.FullName
                try {
                    $dataSet = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop
                    Register-DMDomainLevel -Level $dataSet.Level -ContextName $ContextObject.Name
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DomainConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'DomainLevel', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            # Content Mode
            $contentModePath = Resolve-DataFile -Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\domain\content_mode"
            if ($contentModePath) {
                $file = Get-Item -Path $contentModePath
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'ContentMode', $file.FullName
                try {
                    $dataSet = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop
                    if ($dataSet.Mode) { Set-DMContentMode -Mode $dataSet.Mode }
                    if ($dataSet.Include) {
                        $includes = @((Get-DMContentMode).Include)
                        foreach ($entry in $dataSet.Include) { $includes += $entry }
                        Set-DMContentMode -Include $includes
                    if ($dataSet.Exclude) {
                        $excludes = @((Get-DMContentMode).Exclude)
                        foreach ($entry in $dataSet.Exclude) { $excludes += $entry }
                        Set-DMContentMode -Exclude $excludes
                    if ($dataSet.UserExcludePattern) {
                        $userExcludePatterns = @((Get-DMContentMode).UserExcludePattern)
                        foreach ($entry in $dataSet.UserExcludePattern) { $userExcludePatterns += $entry -replace '%GUID%', '(\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\}{0,1})' }
                        Set-DMContentMode -UserExcludePattern $userExcludePatterns
                    if ($dataSet.Keys -contains 'RemoveUnknownWmiFilter') {
                        Set-DMContentMode -RemoveUnknownWmiFilter $dataSet.RemoveUnknownWmiFilter
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DomainConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, 'ContentMode', $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            #endregion Domain
            #region DC
            $dcConfigPath = Resolve-DataFile -Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\dc\dc_config"
            if ($dcConfigPath) {
                try {
                    $dcData = Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $dcConfigPath -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.DCConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name -ErrorRecord $_
                if ($null -ne $dcData.NoDNS) { Set-PSFConfig -FullName 'DCManagement.Defaults.NoDNS' -Value $dcData.NoDNS }
                if ($null -ne $dcData.NoReboot) { Set-PSFConfig -FullName 'DCManagement.Defaults.NoReboot' -Value $dcData.NoReboot }
                if ($dcData.DatabasePath) { Set-PSFConfig -FullName 'DCManagement.Defaults.DatabasePath' -Value $dcData.DatabasePath }
                if ($dcData.LogPath) { Set-PSFConfig -FullName 'DCManagement.Defaults.LogPath' -Value $dcData.LogPath }
                if ($dcData.SysvolPath) { Set-PSFConfig -FullName 'DCManagement.Defaults.SysvolPath' -Value $dcData.SysvolPath }
            $dcFields = @{
                'shares'        = Get-Command Register-DCShare
                'fsaccessrules' = Get-Command Register-DCAccessRule
            foreach ($key in $dcFields.Keys) {
                if (-not (Test-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\dc\$key")) { continue }
                foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem "$($ContextObject.Path)\dc\$key\" -Recurse | Where-Object Extension -In ".json", '.psd1') {
                    Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Loading' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName
                    try {
                        foreach ($dataSet in (Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -LiteralPath $file.FullName -Unsafe -ErrorAction Stop | Write-Output | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include $($dcFields[$key].Parameters.Keys))) {
                            if ($dcFields[$key].Parameters.Keys -contains 'ContextName') {
                                $dataSet['ContextName'] = $ContextObject.Name
                            & $dcFields[$key] @dataSet -ErrorAction Stop
                    catch {
                        Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.ForestConfig' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name, $key, $file.FullName -ErrorRecord $_
            #endregion DC
            #region PostImport
            if (Test-Path "$($ContextObject.Path)\postImport.ps1") {
                try { $null = & "$($ContextObject.Path)\postImport.ps1" @parameters }
                catch {
                    Stop-PSFFunction @stopParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Error.PostImport' -StringValues $ContextObject.Name -ErrorRecord $_
            #endregion PostImport
        #endregion Utility Functions
        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
        $selectedContexts = @{ }
        # Common parameters for Stop-PSFFunction
        $commonParam = @{
            EnableException = $EnableException
            Continue        = $true
            Cmdlet          = $PSCmdlet
        if ($NoDomain) {
            $domain = [pscustomobject]@{ DNSRoot = $Server }
            return # Ends the current block and moves on to process
        if ($DnsDomain) {
            $domain = [pscustomobject]@{ DNSRoot = $DnsDomain }
            return # Ends the current block and moves on to process
        $adParameters = $parameters.Clone()
        if (-not $adParameters.Credential) { $adParameters.Remove('Credential') }
        try { $domain = Get-ADDomain @adParameters -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Domain.AccessError' -StringValues $Server -EnableException $EnableException -ErrorRecord $_ -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
    process {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        #region Explicitly specified contexts
        foreach ($contextObject in $Context) {
            if ($contextObject -is [string]) {
                $foundContext = Get-AdmfContext -Name $contextObject
                if (-not $foundContext) { Stop-PSFFunction @commonParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.NotFound' -StringValues $contextObject }
                if ($foundContext.Count -gt 1) { Stop-PSFFunction @commonParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.Ambiguous' -StringValues $contextObject, ($foundContext.Name -join ", ") }
                $selectedContexts[$foundContext.Name] = $foundContext
            if ($contextObject.PSObject.Typenames -eq 'ADMF.Context') {
                $selectedContexts[$contextObject.Name] = $contextObject
            Stop-PSFFunction @commonParam -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Context.InvalidInput' -StringValues $contextObject, $contextObject.GetType().FullName
        #endregion Explicitly specified contexts
        #region Interactively chosen contexts
        if ($Interactive) {
            if ($ReUse -and $script:assignedContexts["$($domain.DNSRoot)"]) {
                foreach ($contextObject in $script:assignedContexts["$($domain.DNSRoot)"]) {
                    $selectedContexts[$contextObject.Name] = $contextObject
            try {
                foreach ($contextObject in (Invoke-CallbackMenu @parameters)) {
                    $selectedContexts[$contextObject.Name] = $contextObject
            catch {
                Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Interactive.Cancel' -EnableException $EnableException -ErrorRecord $_
        #endregion Interactively chosen contexts
    end {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        #region Handle errors in selection
        $missingPrerequisites = $selectedContexts.Values.Prerequisites | Where-Object { $_ -notin $selectedContexts.Values.Name }
        if ($missingPrerequisites) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Resolution.MissingPrerequisites' -StringValues ($missingPrerequisites -join ", ") -EnableException $EnableException -Category InvalidData
        $conflictingContexts = $selectedContexts.Values.MutuallyExclusive | Where-Object { $_ -in $selectedContexts.Values.Name }
        if ($conflictingContexts) {
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Set-AdmfContext.Resolution.ExclusionConflict' -StringValues ($conflictingContexts.Name -join ", ") -EnableException $EnableException -Category InvalidData
        #endregion Handle errors in selection
        # Do nothing if the currently loaded contexts are equal to the selected ones
        if (
            $script:loadedContexts.Name -and
            $selectedContexts.Values.Name -and
            -not (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $selectedContexts.Values.Name -DifferenceObject $script:loadedContexts.Name)
        ) {
            # When switching from one domain to a new one, make sure that the selection is cached, even if it is the same selection.
            # Otherwise, the second domain will keep reprompting for contexts
            if (-not $script:assignedContexts["$($domain.DNSRoot)"]) { $script:assignedContexts["$($domain.DNSRoot)"] = $selectedContexts.Values }
        # In Define Only Mode: Register Context to domain and terminate peacefully
        if ($DefineOnly) {
            $script:assignedContexts["$($domain.DNSRoot)"] = $selectedContexts.Values | Sort-Object Weight
        # Kill previous configuration
        $script:loadedContexts = @()
        Set-PSFTaskEngineCache -Module ADMF -Name currentlyImportingContexts -Value $selectedContexts.Values
        foreach ($contextObject in ($selectedContexts.Values | Sort-Object Weight)) {
            if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
            Set-Context @parameters -ContextObject $contextObject -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -EnableException $EnableException
            if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) { return }
        $script:assignedContexts["$($domain.DNSRoot)"] = $selectedContexts.Values | Sort-Object Weight
        $script:loadedContexts = @($selectedContexts.Values | Sort-Object Weight)
        Set-PSFTaskEngineCache -Module ADMF -Name currentlyImportingContexts -Value @()