
Converts a Not DotNet PowerShell notebook to a dotnet interactive PowerShell notebook for Azure Data Studio
Converts a Not DotNet PowerShell notebook to a dotnet interactive PowerShell notebook for Azure Data Studio
.PARAMETER SourceNotebook
The path to the Source Notebook
.PARAMETER DestinationDirectory
The directory to create the DotNet Notebook (will be created if it doesnt exist)
.PARAMETER DestinationNotebook
Optional - The name of the Destination Notebook - will retain the original name by default
Convert-AdsNotDotNetToDotNet -SourceNotebook Number1.ipynb -DestinationDirectory Git:\dbatoolsnotebooks
Will convert the not dotnet notebook Number1.iynb to a dotnet interactive notebook and save in the Git:\dbatoolsnotebooks directory
Convert-AdsNotDotNetToDotNet -SourceNotebook Number1.ipynb -DestinationDirectory Git:\dbatoolsnotebooks -DestinationNotebook NotNumber1
Will convert the not dotnet notebook Number1.iynb to a dotnet interactive notebook and save in the Git:\dbatoolsnotebooks directory and rename it to NotNumber1
    Some Month in 2020 - Rob Sewell @SQLDbaWithBeard

function Convert-AdsNotDotNetToDotNet {

    if (Test-Path $SourceNotebook) {
        $SourceNotebookObject = Get-Item $SourceNotebook
        if($SourceNotebookObject.Extension -eq '.ipynb'){
            $Source = Get-Content $SourceNotebook | ConvertFrom-Json
        } else {
            Write-Warning "$SourceNotebook doesnt appear to be a notebook"
    else {
        Write-Warning "There doesn't appear to be anything here $SourceNotebook"

    if (Test-Path $DestinationDirectory) {
        Write-Verbose "Destination Directory $DestinationDirectory exists "
    else {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$DestinationDirectory", "Creating ")) {
            $null = New-Item $DestinationDirectory -ItemType Directory

    if ($ -eq 'powershell') {

    else {
        Write-Warning "This notebook $SourceNotebook does not appear to be a notdotnet PowerShell notebook "

    $ = '.net-powershell'
    $Source.metadata.kernelspec.display_name = '.NET (PowerShell)'
    $ = 'PowerShell'
    $Source.metadata.language_info | Add-Member -Name "version" -Value '7.0' -MemberType NoteProperty
    $Source.metadata.language_info.mimetype = 'text/x-powershell' 
    $Source.metadata.language_info | Add-Member -Name "pygments_lexer" -Value 'powershell' -MemberType NoteProperty


            $DestinationNotebook = $DestinationNotebook + '.ipynb'
        $Destination = $DestinationDirectory + '\' + $DestinationNotebook
    } else{
        $Destination = $DestinationDirectory + '\' +   $SourceNotebookObject.Name

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Destination", "Creating NotDotNet Notebook")) {
    $Source | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 |Set-Content $Destination