
Function Set-AGMCredential ([string]$name,[string]$zone,[string]$id,[string]$credentialid,[string]$clusterid,[string]$applianceid,$filename,[string]$projectid) 
    Updates a cloud credential

    Set-AGMCredential -credentialid 1234 -name cred1 -zone australia-southeast1-c -clusterid 144292692833 -filename keyfile.json
    To update just the JSON file to the same appliances for credential ID 1234

    Set-AGMCredential -credentialid 1234 -name cred1 -zone australia-southeast1-c -filename keyfile.json
    To update the JSON file and also the name and default zone for credential ID 1234

    A function to update cloud credentials. You need to supply the


    if ($id) { $credentialid = $id }
    if (!($credentialid))
        [string]$credentialid = Read-Host "Credential ID"
    if ($applianceid) { [string]$clusterid = $applianceid}

    if (!($filename))
        $filename = Read-Host "JSON key file"
    if ( Test-Path $filename )
        $jsonkey = Get-Content -Path $filename -raw
        $jsonkey = $jsonkey.replace("\n","\\n")
        $jsonkey = $jsonkey.replace("`n","\n ")
        $jsonkey = $jsonkey.replace('"','\"')
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The file named $filename could not be found."

    if (!($projectid))
        $jsongrab = Get-Content -Path $filename | ConvertFrom-Json
        if (!($jsongrab.project_id))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The file named $filename does not contain a valid project ID."
        } else {
            $projectid = $jsongrab.project_id

    #if user doesn't specify name and zone, then learn them
    $credentialgrab = Get-AGMCredential -credentialid $credentialid
    if (!($
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The credential ID $credentialid could not be found."
    } else {
        if (!($name))
            $name = $
        if (!($zone))
            $zone = $credentialgrab.region
            $clusterid = $credentialgrab.sources.clusterid -join ","

    # convert credential ID into some nice JSON
    $sources = ""
    foreach ($cluster in $clusterid.Split(","))
        $sources = $sources +',{"clusterid":"' +$cluster +'"}'
    # this removes the leading comma
    $sources = $sources.substring(1)

    # we constuct our JSON first to run test
    $json = '{"name":"' +$name +'","cloudtype":"GCP","region":"' +$zone +'","endpoint":"","credential":"'
    $json = $json + $jsonkey
    $json = $json +'","orglist":[],"projectid":"' +$projectid +'",'
    $json = $json +'"sources":[' +$sources +']}'

    # if the test fails we error out
    $testcredential = Post-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /cloudcredential/testconnection -body $json
    if ($testcredential.errors)
    $json = '{"id":"' +$credentialid +'","name":"' +$name +'","cloudtype":"GCP","region":"' +$zone +'","endpoint":"","credential":"'
    $json = $json + $jsonkey
    $json = $json +'","orglist":[],'
    $json = $json +'"sources":[' +$sources +']}'

    Put-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /cloudcredential/$credentialid -body $json

function Set-AGMImage([string]$imagename,[string]$backupname,[string]$imageid,[string]$label,[string]$expiration)
    Changes a nominated image

    Set-AGMImage -imagename Image_2133445 -label "testimage"
    Labels Image_2133445 with the label "testimage"

    Set-AGMImage -imagename Image_2133445 -expiration "2021-09-01"
    Sets the expiration date for Image_2133445 to 2021-09-01

    A function to change images.


    if ((!($label)) -and (!($expiration)))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please specify either a new label with -label, or a new expiration date with -expiration"

    if (($label) -and ($expiration))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please specify either a new label with -label, or a new expiration date with -expiration. Please don't specify both."

    if ($backupname) { $imagename = $backupname }
    if ((!($imagename)) -and (!($imageid)))
        $imagename = Read-Host "ImageName"
    if ($imageid)
        $id = $imageid

    if ($imagename)
        $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename
        if ($
            $id = $
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $imagename"

    if ($label)  
        $body = @{label=$label} 
        $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json
    if ($expiration)  
        $unixexpiration = Convert-ToUnixDate $expiration
        $json = '{"@type":"backupRest","expiration":' +$unixexpiration + '}'
    Put-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /backup/$id -body $json

Function Set-AGMSLA ([string]$id,[string]$slaid,[string]$appid,[string]$logicalgroupid,[string]$dedupasync,[string]$expiration,[string]$logexpiration,[string]$scheduler) 
    Enables or disables an SLA
    Note that if both an SLA ID and an App ID are supplied, the App ID will be ignored.

    Set-AGMSLA -slaid 1234 -dedupasync disable
    Disables dedupasync for SLA ID 1234.

    Set-AGMSLA -slaid 1234 -expiration disable
    Disables expiration for SLA ID 1234.

    Set-AGMSLA -logicalgroupid 1235 -expiration disable
    Disables expiration for Logical Group ID 1235

    Set-AGMSLA -appid 5678 -expiration disable
    Disables expiration for App ID 5678.

    Set-AGMSLA -appid 5678 -logexpiration disable
    Disables log expiration for App ID 5678.

    Set-AGMSLA -slaid 1234 -scheduler enable
    Enables the scheduler for SLA ID 1234.

    Set-AGMSLA -slaid 1234 -scheduler disable
    Disables the scheduler for SLA ID 1234.

    A function to modify an SLA


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if ($id)
        $slaid = $id

    if (($appid) -and (!($slaid)))
        $slaid = (Get-AGMSLA -filtervalue appid=$appid).id
        if (!($slaid))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find an SLA ID for App ID $appid Please use Get-AGMSLA to find the correct SLA ID or Get-AGMApplication to find the correct App ID"

    if ($logicalgroupid)
        $logicalgroupgrab = (Get-AGMLogicalGroup $logicalgroupid).sla
        if (!($logicalgroupgrab))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find any SLA ID for Logical Group ID $logicalgroupid Please use Get-AGMLogicalGroup to find the correct managed Group ID"
        $slpid = $
        $sltid = $

    if ( (!($slaid)) -and (!($logicalgroupid)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "No SLA ID or App ID or Logical Group ID was supplied. Please either supply an appid like: -appid 1234 or an SLA ID like -slaid 5678 or logical groupID like -logicalgroupid"

    $body = New-Object -TypeName psobject

    if ($dedupasync.ToLower() -eq "enable"){
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name dedupasyncoff -Value "false"
    if ($dedupasync.ToLower() -eq "disable"){
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name dedupasyncoff -Value "true"

    if ($expiration.ToLower() -eq "enable"){
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name expirationoff -Value "false"
    if ($expiration.ToLower() -eq "disable"){
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name expirationoff -Value "true"

    if ($logexpiration.ToLower() -eq "enable"){
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logexpirationoff -Value "false"
    if ($logexpiration.ToLower() -eq "disable"){
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name logexpirationoff -Value "true"

    if ($scheduler.ToLower() -eq "enable"){
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name scheduleoff -Value "false"
    if ($scheduler.ToLower() -eq "disable"){
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name scheduleoff -Value "true"
    if ($logicalgroupid)
        $slp = @{id=$slpid}
        $slt = @{id=$sltid}
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name slp -Value $slp
        $body | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name slt -Value $slt

    $jsonbody = $body | ConvertTo-Json

    if (!($logicalgroupid))
        Put-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /sla/$slaid -body $jsonbody
    } else {
        Put-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /logicalgroup/$logicalgroupid/sla -body $jsonbody