
Function Get-AGMAPIData ([String]$filtervalue,[String]$keyword, [string]$search,[int]$timeout,[string]$endpoint,[string]$extrarequests,[switch][alias("h")]$head,[switch][alias("o")]$options,[switch]$itemoverride,[switch]$duration,[string]$datefields,[int]$limit,[string]$sort)
    Send a Get API call to an AGM

    The Get-AGMAPIData connects to AGM to issue a Get
    Normally this function is not called directly, but by another function, such as Get-AGMUser.
    However power users can use this function to simplify their own scripts if they so choose.

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    Get-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application -filtervalue appname~smalldb -datefields "syncdate" -limit 1 -sort id:desc
    Use the /application endpoint which is used to display applications and display applications with a name like smalldb,
    but limit the output to one object and sort by id descending.
    This sort means that if an application is returned it will be the most recently created one.


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if (!($endpoint))
        $endpoint = Read-Host "AGM End point"

    if ($endpoint[0] -ne "/")
        $endpoint = "/" + $endpoint

    if (!($extrarequests))
        $extrarequests = ""

    if ($filtervalue) 
        $fv = ""
        $andsep = $filtervalue.Split("&") -notmatch '^\s*$'
        foreach ($line in $andsep) 
            # remove any whitespace at the end
            $trimm = $line.TrimEnd()
            $secondwordequals = $trimm.Split("=") | Select-Object -skip 1
            $secondwordnotequal = $trimm.Split("!") | Select-Object -skip 1
            $secondwordgreater = $trimm.Split(">") | Select-Object -skip 1
            $secondwordlesser = $trimm.Split("<") | Select-Object -skip 1
            $secondwordfuzzy = $trimm.Split("~") | Select-Object -skip 1
            if ($secondwordequals)
                $firstword = $trimm.Split("=") | Select-Object -First 1
                if ($datefields)
                    foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                        if ($field -eq $firstword)
                            $secondwordequals = Convert-ToUnixDate $secondwordequals
                $fv = $fv + "&filter=" + $firstword + ":==" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($secondwordequals)
            elseif ($secondwordnotequal)
                $firstword = $trimm.Split("!") | Select-Object -First 1
                if ($datefields)
                    foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                        if ($field -eq $firstword)
                            $secondwordgreater = Convert-ToUnixDate $secondwordgreater
                $fv = $fv + "&filter=" + $firstword + ":!=" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($secondwordnotequal)
            elseif ($secondwordgreater)
                $firstword = $trimm.Split(">") | Select-Object -First 1
                if ($datefields)
                    foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                        if ($field -eq $firstword)
                            $secondwordgreater = Convert-ToUnixDate $secondwordgreater
                $fv = $fv + "&filter=" + $firstword + ":>=" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($secondwordgreater)
            elseif ($secondwordlesser)
                $firstword = $trimm.Split("<") | Select-Object -First 1
                if ($datefields)
                    foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                        if ($field -eq $firstword)
                            $secondwordlesser = Convert-ToUnixDate $secondwordlesser
                $fv = $fv + "&filter=" + $firstword + ":<=" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($secondwordlesser)
            elseif ($secondwordfuzzy)
                $firstword = $trimm.Split("~") | Select-Object -First 1
                if ($datefields)
                    foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                        if ($field -eq $firstword)
                            $secondwordfuzzy = Convert-ToUnixDate $secondwordfuzzy
                $fv = $fv + "&filter=" + $firstword + ":=|" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($secondwordfuzzy)
        $fv = ""

    if ($keyword)
        $kw = ""
        $andsep = $keyword.Split("&") -notmatch '^\s*$'
        foreach ($line in $andsep) 
            # remove any whitespace at the end
            $trimm = $line.TrimEnd()
            if ($trimm)
                $kw = $kw + "&keyword=" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($trimm)
        $kw = ""

    if ($sort)
        $commasplit = $sort.Split(",") 
        foreach ($line in $commasplit)
            $order = $line.Split(":") | Select-Object -skip 1
            if (!($order))
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please specify a sort order of asc or desc after a full colon, e.g. appname:asc or appname:desc"
            (($order -ne "asc") -and ($order -ne "desc"))
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please specify a sort order of asc or desc after a full colon, e.g. appname:asc or appname:desc"
            if (!($sortreq))
                $sortreq = "&sort=" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($line)
                $sortreq = $sortreq + "," + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($line)
        $sortreq = ""

    if ($search)
        $searchitem = "&search=" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($search)
        $searchitem = ""

    # default of 20 seconds is enforced regardless
    if (!($timeout))
        $timeout = 20

    # we always start at apistart of 0 which is the first result
    $apistart = 0 
    # if somehow the default actmaxapilimit set at connect-act is gone, we set it again
    if ( $agmmaxapilimit -eq "" )
        $agmmaxapilimit = 0
    # the api limit per command should be either 4096 or if the user set actmaxapilimit to a number 1-4095 then use that value
    if (( $agmmaxapilimit  -gt 0 ) -and ( $agmmaxapilimit  -le 4096 ))
        $maxlimitpercommand = $agmmaxapilimit
        $maxlimitpercommand = 4096

    # if user askedd for a limit lets use it
    if (($limit) -and ($limit -ne 0))
        $maxlimitpercommand = $limit

    $method = "get"
    if ($options)
        $method = "options"
    # time to send out endpoint
    $done = 0
            $url = "https://$AGMIP/actifio" + "$endpoint"  + "?offset=" + "$apistart" + "&limit=$maxlimitpercommand" + "$fv" + "$searchitem" + "$kw" + "$sortreq" + "$extrarequests"
            # write-host "we are going to use this method: $method with this url: $url"
            if ($IGNOREAGMCERTS)
                if ($head)
                    $resp = Invoke-WebRequest -SkipCertificateCheck -Method "head" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                } else {
                    $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Method $method -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                if ($head)
                    if ($AGMToken)
                        $resp = Invoke-WebRequest -Method "head" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $AGMToken"; "backupdr-management-session" = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                    else {
                        $resp = Invoke-WebRequest -Method "head" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                    if ($AGMToken)
                        $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $AGMToken"; "backupdr-management-session" = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                    else {
                        $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                if ( $((get-host).Version.Major) -gt 5 )
                    $RestError = $_
                    if ($_.Exception.Response)
                        $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
                        $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
                        $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
                        $RestError = $reader.ReadToEnd();
                        Get-AGMErrorMessage  -messagetoprint  "No response was received from $AGMIP Timeout is set to $timeout seconds"
            if ($RestError)
                Test-AGMJSON $RestError 
            if ( (!($resp.items)) -or ($itemoverride -eq $true) )
                if ($options)
                    $grab = $resp | ConvertTo-JSON -depth 8 | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable 
                    if ($grab.Values)
                        $grab1 = $grab.Values.filterablefields  | Sort-Object -property field
                        $grab2 = foreach ($line in $grab1) { write-host $line.field "(" $line.type ")" }
                    # time stamp conversion
                    if ($datefields)
                        foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                            if ($resp.$field)
                                $resp.$field = Convert-FromUnixDate $resp.$field
                    if ($duration)
                        if ($resp.duration)
                            $resp.duration = Convert-AGMDuration $resp.duration
                if ($datefields)
                    if ($resp.items)
                        foreach($line in $resp.items)
                            foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                                if ($line.$field)
                                    $line.$field = Convert-FromUnixDate $line.$field
                if ($duration)
                    if ($resp.items)
                        foreach($line in $resp.items)
                            if ($line.duration)
                                $line.duration = Convert-AGMDuration $line.duration
        # count the results and add 4096 to apistart. If we got less than 4096 we are done and can finish by settting done to 1
        $objcount = $resp.count
        # if less than 4096 we are either finished or hit the max and we can drop out
        if ( $objcount -lt 4096)
            $done = 1
        # we add 4096 by default for the next grab of data
        $apistart = $apistart + 4096
        $nextlimit = $apistart + 4096
        if ( $apistart -eq $agmmaxapilimit)
            $done = 1
        # we now need to consider if the maxlimit should be trimmed
        if (($agmmaxapilimit -gt 4096) -and ( $nextlimit -gt $agmmaxapilimit))
            $maxlimitpercommand = $agmmaxapilimit - $apistart
    while ($done -eq 0)

# errors can either have JSON and be easy to format or can be text, we need to sniff
Function Test-AGMJSON()
    Checks if data returned by AGM is JSON or not.

    When AGM returns data it is normally in JSON which PowerShell 7 loves to munch on.
    But sometimes data is not JSON or needs some special handling so this function checks what we got and handles it.

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    if ($args) 
            $isthisjson = $args | Test-Json -ErrorAction Stop
            $validJson = $true
            $validJson = $false
        if (!$validJson) 
            Write-Host "$args"
            $testoutput = $args | ConvertFrom-JSON 
            # error messages from can Sky have multiple lines, which PS doesn't want to print, so we strip them out to get all the text
            if ($testoutput.err_message)
                $testoutput.err_message = $testoutput.err_message -replace "`n",","
            if ($testoutput.err_code -eq 10011)
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM" 

function Get-AGMErrorMessage ([string]$messagetoprint,[int]$errcode)
    Prints a message in a format that makes it looks like an error

    When AGM returns an error you will get an errormessage and often an errorcode.
    But if the module itself generates an error we want it to look like a proper error with the same format.
    This also makes it easy to script, by looking for errormessage in returned data.

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    $acterror = @()
    $acterrorcol = "" | Select-Object errormessage
    $acterrorcol.errormessage = "$messagetoprint"
    $acterror = $acterror + $acterrorcol

Function Post-AGMAPIData ([int]$timeout,[string]$endpoint,[string]$body,[string]$method,[string]$datefields)
    Send a Post API call to an AGM

    The Post-AGMAPIData connects to AGM to issue a Post
    Normally this function is not called directly, but by another function.
    However power users can use this function to simplify their own scripts if they so choose.

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org -body '{ "description": "Melbourne test team","name": "MelTeam1" }' -datefields "modifydate,createdate"
    In this example we send some JSON to the /org endpoint which requests a new org with the relevant name and description.
    This will create an org and return data relevant to that new org. Note the returned data will be formatted JSON.

    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org/53688920 -method "delete"
    This deletes Org ID 53688920


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if (!($endpoint))
        $endpoint = Read-Host "AGM End point"

    if ($endpoint[0] -ne "/")
        $endpoint = "/" + $endpoint

    # default of 20 seconds may be too short
    if (!($timeout))
        $timeout = 20

    # we need to set the method
    if (!($method))
        $method = "post"

    if (!($body))
        $body = '{ "accept": "*/*" }'   

        $url = "https://$AGMIP/actifio" + "$endpoint"  
        # write-host "we are going to use this method: $method with this url: $url"
        if ($IGNOREAGMCERTS)
            $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Method $method -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" ; accept = "application/json" } -body $body -ContentType "application/json" -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
            if ($AGMToken) 
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $AGMToken"; "backupdr-management-session" = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" ; accept = "application/json" } -body $body -ContentType "application/json" -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" ; accept = "application/json" } -body $body -ContentType "application/json" -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
        if ( $((get-host).Version.Major) -gt 5 )
            $RestError = $_
            if ($_.Exception.Response)
                $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
                $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
                $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
                $RestError = $reader.ReadToEnd();
                Get-AGMErrorMessage  -messagetoprint  "No response was received from $AGMIP Timeout is set to $timeout seconds"
    if ($RestError)
       Test-AGMJSON $RestError 
        if ($resp)   
            # time stamp conversion
            if ($datefields)
                foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                    if ($resp.$field)
                        $resp.$field = Convert-FromUnixDate $resp.$field

Function Put-AGMAPIData ([int]$timeout,[string]$endpoint,[string]$body)
    Send a Put API call to an AGM

    The Put-AGMAPIData connects to AGM to issue a Put
    Normally this function is not called directly, but by another function.
    However power users can use this function to simplify their own scripts if they so choose.

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    Put-AGMAPIData -endpoint /job/12345 -body '{ "status": "cancel" }'
    This sends a Put API to the /job endpoint requesting that job ID 12345 be cancelled.


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if (!($endpoint))
        $endpoint = Read-Host "AGM End point"

    if ($endpoint[0] -ne "/")
        $endpoint = "/" + $endpoint

    # default of 20 seconds may be too short
    if (!($timeout))
        $timeout = 20
    if (!($body))
        $body = '{ "accept": "*/*" }' 
        $url = "https://$AGMIP/actifio" + "$endpoint"  
        # write-host "we are going to use this method: $method with this url: $url"
        if ($IGNOREAGMCERTS)
            $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Method put -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -body $body -ContentType "application/json" -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
            if ($AGMToken)
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method put -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $AGMToken"; "backupdr-management-session" = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -body $body -ContentType "application/json" -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method put -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -body $body -ContentType "application/json" -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
        if ( $((get-host).Version.Major) -gt 5 )
            $RestError = $_
            if ($_.Exception.Response)
                $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
                $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
                $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
                $RestError = $reader.ReadToEnd();
                Get-AGMErrorMessage  -messagetoprint  "No response was received from $AGMIP Timeout is set to $timeout seconds"
    if ($RestError)
        Test-AGMJSON $RestError 
        if ($resp)   
            # time stamp conversion
            if ($datefields)
                foreach ($field in $datefields.Split(","))
                    if ($resp.$field)
                        $resp.$field = Convert-FromUnixDate $resp.$field

Function Convert-FromUnixDate ($UnixDate) 
    Converts time stamps from Epoch to IS08601

    By default AGM returns all date stamps as Epoch (seconds offset from Jan 1, 1970).
    Fields can look like this: syncdate=1594697898434000
    Humans prefer dates that are human readable and really cool humans prefer ISO8601 format.

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    Convert-FromUnixDate 1594697896759000

    Convert 1594697896759000 to ISO8601 readable date format

    $length = $UnixDate | measure-object -character | Select-Object -expandproperty characters
    if ($length -eq 16)
        if ($AGMTimezone -eq "local")
            [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddSeconds($UnixDate.ToString().SubString(0,10))).ToLocalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        if ($AGMTimezone -eq "utc") 
            [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddSeconds($UnixDate.ToString().SubString(0,10))).ToUniversalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')

Function Convert-ToUnixDate ([datetime]$InputEpoch) 
    Converts time stamps from IS08601 to Epoch

    By default AGM prefers to munch on date stamps that are in Epoch (seconds offset from Jan 1, 1970).
    Humans prefer dates that are human readable so this function lets everyone be happy.

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    if ($AGMTimezone -eq "local")
        [datetime]$Epoch = [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime([datetime]'1/1/1970')
        $Ctime = (New-TimeSpan -Start $Epoch -End $InputEpoch).TotalSeconds
        $Ctime = $Ctime * 1000000
        $Ctime -as [decimal]
    if ($AGMTimezone -eq "utc") 
        [datetime]$Epoch = '1970-01-01 00:00:00'
        $Ctime = (New-TimeSpan -Start $Epoch -End $InputEpoch).TotalSeconds
        $Ctime = $Ctime * 1000000
        $Ctime -as [decimal]

Function Convert-AGMDuration ($duration)
    Creates a human readable duration timestamps

    Duration is returned by AGM as seconds. So we turn that into HHH:MM:SS

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    $convertedtime =  [timespan]::fromseconds($duration/1000000)
    [string]$totalhours = $convertedtime.days * 24 + $convertedtime.hours

    if ($totalhours -eq "0")
        $totalhours = "00" 
    $totalhours + $convertedtime.ToString("\:mm\:ss")

#### Appliance Delegation

Function Get-AGMAPIApplianceInfo ([String]$applianceid,[string]$command,[string]$arguments,[int]$timeout)
    Fetch info output from Appliances

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if (!($timeout))
         $timeout = 20

    if (!($applianceid))
        [string]$applianceid = Read-Host "applianceid"
    if (!($command))
        [string]$command = Read-Host "Command"
        $url = "https://$AGMIP/actifio/appliancedelegation/$applianceid/api/info/" + "$command" 
        if  ($arguments)
            $url = $url +"?" +$arguments
        if ($IGNOREAGMCERTS)
            $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Method "Get" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
            if ($AGMToken)
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $AGMToken"; "backupdr-management-session" = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
        if ( $((get-host).Version.Major) -gt 5 )
            $RestError = $_
            if ($_.Exception.Response)
                $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
                $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
                $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
                $RestError = $reader.ReadToEnd();
                Get-AGMErrorMessage  -messagetoprint  "No response was received from $AGMIP Timeout is set to $timeout seconds"
    if ($RestError)
        Test-AGMJSON $RestError 
    elseif ($resp.result)

Function Get-AGMAPIApplianceReport ([String]$applianceid,[string]$command,[string]$arguments,[int]$timeout)
    Fetch report output from Appliances

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if (!($timeout))
         $timeout = 20

    if (!($applianceid))
        [string]$applianceid = Read-Host "applianceid"
    if (!($command))
        [string]$command = Read-Host "Endpoint"
        $url = "https://$AGMIP/actifio/appliancedelegation/$applianceid/api/report/" + "$command" 
        if  ($arguments)
            $url = $url +"?" +$arguments
        if ($IGNOREAGMCERTS)
            $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Method "Get" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
            if ($AGMToken)
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $AGMToken"; "backupdr-management-session" = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Get" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
        if ( $((get-host).Version.Major) -gt 5 )
            $RestError = $_
            if ($_.Exception.Response)
                $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
                $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
                $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
                $RestError = $reader.ReadToEnd();
                Get-AGMErrorMessage  -messagetoprint  "No response was received from $AGMIP Timeout is set to $timeout seconds"
    if ($RestError)
        Test-AGMJSON $RestError 
    elseif ($resp.result)

Function Set-AGMAPIApplianceTask ([String]$applianceid,[string]$command,[string]$arguments,[int]$timeout)
    Fetch info output from Appliances

    Written by Anthony Vandewerdt

    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if (!($timeout))
         $timeout = 20

    if (!($applianceid))
        [string]$applianceid = Read-Host "applianceid"
    if (!($command))
        [string]$command = Read-Host "Command"
        $url = "https://$AGMIP/actifio/appliancedelegation/$applianceid/api/task/" + "$command" 
        if  ($arguments)
            $url = $url +"?" +$arguments
        if ($IGNOREAGMCERTS)
            $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -SkipCertificateCheck -Method "Post" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
            if ($AGMToken)
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Post" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Bearer $AGMToken"; "backupdr-management-session" = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" }  -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
                $resp = Invoke-RestMethod -Method "Post" -Headers @{ Authorization = "Actifio $AGMSESSIONID" } -Uri "$url" -TimeoutSec $timeout 
        if ( $((get-host).Version.Major) -gt 5 )
            $RestError = $_
            if ($_.Exception.Response)
                $result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
                $reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
                $reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
                $RestError = $reader.ReadToEnd();
                Get-AGMErrorMessage  -messagetoprint  "No response was received from $AGMIP Timeout is set to $timeout seconds"
    if ($RestError)
        Test-AGMJSON $RestError 
    elseif ($resp.result)