
# Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

function Remove-AGMApplication ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$appid)
    Deletes a nominated application

    You will be prompted for an Application ID

    Remove-AGMApplication 2133445
    Deletes Application ID 2133445

    A function to delete applications


    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /application/$appid -method delete

function Remove-AGMAppliance ([string]$applianceid,[string]$id)
    Removes a nominated appliance

    You will be prompted for an Appliance ID
    You could learn the Appliance IDs with Get-AGMAppliance. Use the ID field

    Remove-AGMAppliance -id 2133445
    Removes Appliance ID 2133445

    A function to remove appliances


    if ($id) { $applianceid = $id}
    if (!($applianceid))
        $applianceid = Read-Host "Appliance ID"
    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cluster/$applianceid -method delete

function Remove-AGMCredential([string]$credentialid,[string]$id,[string]$applianceid,[string]$clusterid)
    Deletes a nominated Cloud Credential

    Remove-AGMCredential -id 12345 clusterid 5678
    Deletes credential ID 12345 from clusterid ID 5678

    A function to delete cloud credentials


    if ($credentialid) { $id = $credentialid}
    if ($applianceid) { $clusterid = $applianceid}
    if (!($id))
        $id = Read-Host "Credential ID"
    if (!($clusterid))
        $clusterid = Read-Host "Cluster IDs (comma separated)"
    # add each cluster ID to sources
    $sources = @(
        foreach ($cluster in $clusterid.Split(","))
            clusterid = $cluster
    # create source body and convert to JSON
    $body = @{ sources = $sources }
    $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json
    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /cloudcredential/$id -method delete -body $json

function Remove-AGMHost ([string]$id,[string]$clusterid)
    Deletes a nominated host

    You will be prompted for an host ID

    Remove-AGMHost -id 2133445 -clusterid 1415071155
    Deletes Host ID 2133445 from cluster ID 1415071155

    Remove-AGMHost -id 2133445 -clusterid "1415071155,1425071155"
    Deletes Host ID 2133445 from cluster ID 1415071155 and cluster ID 1425071155
    If you don't enclose in double quotes you will get errors

    A function to delete Hosts


    if (!($id)) 
        [string]$id = Read-Host "Host ID"
    if (!($clusterid)) 
        [string]$clusterid = Read-Host "Cluster ID (comma separated list)"

    # add each cluster ID to sources
    $sources = @(
        foreach ($cluster in $clusterid.Split(","))
            clusterid = $cluster
    # create source body and convert to JSON
    $body = @{ sources = $sources }
    $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json

    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /host/$id -method delete -body $json

Function Remove-AGMHostPort ([string]$clusterid,[string]$applianceid,[string]$hostid,[string]$iscsiname) 
    Removes Host ports

    Remove-AGMHost -applianceid 143112195179 -hostid "12345" iscsiname "iqn1"

    Removes iSCSI port name iqn1 to host ID 105008 on appliance ID 143112195179

    To learn applianceid, use this command: Get-AGMAppliance and use the clusterid as applianceid. If you have multiple applianceIDs, comma separate them
    To learn hostid, use this command: Get-AGMHost

    A function to remove Host ports


    if ($applianceid) { [string]$clusterid = $applianceid}

    if (!($clusterid))
        $clusterid = Read-Host "Appliance ID"
    if (!($hostid))
        [string]$hostid = Read-Host "Host ID"
    if (!($iscsiname))
        [string]$iscsiname = Read-Host "iSCSI Name"
    # cluster needs to be like: sources":[{"clusterid":"144488110379"},{"clusterid":"143112195179"}]
    $sources = @()
    foreach ($cluster in $clusterid.Split(","))
        $sources += [ordered]@{ clusterid = $cluster }
    $iscsiobject = @( $iscsiname )
    $body = [ordered]@{}
    $body += @{ sources = $sources;
        iscsi_name = $iscsiobject 
    $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json

    Post-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /host/$hostid/port -method delete -body $json 

function Remove-AGMImage ([string]$imagename,[string]$backupname)
    Expires a nominated image

    You will be prompted for Image Name

    Remove-AGMImage Image_2133445
    Expires Image_2133445

    A function to expire images


    if ($backupname) { $imagename = $backupname }
    if (!($imagename)) 
        $imagename = Read-Host "ImageName"
    $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename
    if ($
        $id = $
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $imagename"
    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$id/expire?force=false 

Function Remove-AGMMigrate ([string]$imageid) 
    Removes a migration job

    You will be prompted for ImageID

    Remove-AGMMigrate -imageid 56072427

    Removes migration for Image ID 56072427

    A function to remove migration jobs


    if (!($imageid))
        $imageid = Read-host "Image ID"
    if (!($imageid))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "No Image ID was supplied"
    $body = [ordered]@{}
    $body += @{ action = "migratecancel" }
    $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json

    Post-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /backup/$imageid/migrate  -body $json

function Remove-AGMOrg ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id)
    Deletes a nominated org

    You will be prompted for org ID

    Remove-AGMOrg 2133445
    Deletes OrgID 2133445

    A function to delete orgs


    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /org/$id -method "delete"

function Remove-AGMRole ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id)
    Deletes a nominated role

    You will be prompted for role ID

    Remove-AGMRole 2133445
    Deletes RoleID 2133445

    A function to delete roles


    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /role/$id -method "delete"

function Remove-AGMSLA ([string]$id,[string]$slaid,[string]$appid)
    Deletes a nominated SLA

    You will be prompted for an SLA ID

    Remove-AGMSLA -id 2133445
    Deletes SLAID 2133445

    Remove-AGMSLA -slaid 2133445
    Deletes SLAID 2133445

    Remove-AGMSLA -appid 1234
    Deletes the SLA for AppID 1234

    A function to delete SLAs


    if ($id)
        $slaid = $id

    if ( ($appid) -and (!($slaid)) )
        $slaid = (Get-AGMSLA -filtervalue appid=$appid).id

    if (!($slaid))
        [string]$slaid = Read-Host "SLA ID to remove"

    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /sla/$slaid -method "delete"

function Remove-AGMUser([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$id)
    Deletes a nominated user

    You will be prompted for user ID

    Remove-AGMUser 2133445
    Deletes UserID 2133445

    A function to delete users


    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /user/$id -method "delete"

function Remove-AGMJob([string]$jobname)
    Cancels a nominated job

    You will be prompted for job Name

    Remove-AGMJob Job_2133445
    Cancels Job_2133445

    A function to cancel jobs


    if (!($jobname))
        $jobname = Read-Host "JobName"
    if ($jobname)
        $jobgrab = Get-AGMJob -filtervalue jobname=$jobname
        if ($
            $id = $
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $jobname"
    $body = @{status="cancel"}
    $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json
    $cancelgrab = Put-AGMAPIData -endpoint /job/$id -body $json
    if ($cancelgrab.errormessage)
    elseif ($cancelgrab.changerequesttext)
        $cancelgrab | select-object jobname, changerequesttext, status


function Remove-AGMMount([string]$imagename,[switch][alias("d")]$delete,[switch][alias("p")]$preservevm,[switch][alias("f")]$force)
    Unmounts a nominated image

    You will be prompted for image Name

    Remove-AGM -imagename Image_2133445
    Unmounts Image_2133445 but does not delete it

    Remove-AGM -imagename Image_2133445 -d
    Unmounts Image_2133445 and deletes it from Actifio and from the cloud if a mount is a GCP VM created from Persistent Disk Snapshot

    Remove-AGM -imagename Image_2133445 -p
    For Google Cloud Persistent Disk (PD) mounts
    Unmounts Image_2133445 and deletes it on Actifio Side but preserves it on Google side.

    A function to unmount images

    -delete (-d) Is used to unmount and delete an image. If not specified then an unmount is done, but the image is retained on the Actifio Side
    -force (-f) Removes the mount even if the host-side command to remove the mounted application fails. This can leave artifacts on the Host and should be used with caution
    -preservevm (-p) This applies to GCE Instances created from PD Snapshot. When used the Actifio Image of the mount is removed, but on the GCP side the new VM is retained.


    if (!($imagename))
        $imagename = Read-Host "ImageName"
    if ($imagename)
        $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename
        if ($
            $id = $
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $imagename"

    if ($delete)
    if ($force)
    if ($preservevm)

    $body = @{delete=$deleterequest;force=$forcerequest;preservevm=$preservevmrequest}
    $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json

    Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$id/unmount -body $json