
Function New-AGMLibGCPInstanceMultiMount ([string]$instancelist,[switch]$textoutput) 
    Uses a pre-prepared CSV list of GCP Instance data to create many new GCP Instances

    New-AGMLibGCPInstanceMultiMount -instancelist recoverylist.csv

    This will load the contents of the file recoverylist.csv and use it to run multiple New-AGMLibGCPInstance jobs

    New-AGMLibGCPInstanceMultiMount -instancelist recoverylist.csv -textoutput

    This will load the contents of the file recoverylist.csv and use it to run multiple New-AGMLibGCPInstance jobs
    Rather than wait for all jobs to be attemped before reporting status, a report will be displayed after each job is attempted.

    This routine needs a well formatted CSV file. Here is an example of such a file:

    If you specify both appname and appid then appid will be used. The appname is mandatory so you know the name of the source VM.

    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
    $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion
    if ($sessiontest.errormessage)
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "AGM session has expired. Please login again using Connect-AGM"
    if (!($instancelist))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please supply a csv file correctly formatted as per the help for this function using: -instancelist xxxx.csv"

    if ( Test-Path $instancelist )
        $recoverylist = Import-Csv -Path $instancelist
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "GCP Instance list: $instancelist could not be opened."

    # first we quality check the CSV
    if ($recoverylist.srcid -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: srcid" ;return }
    if ($recoverylist.projectname -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: projectname" ;return }
    if ($recoverylist.machinetype -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: machinetype" ;return }
    if ($recoverylist.instancename -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: instancename" ;return }
    if ($recoverylist.nic0network -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: nic0network" ;return }
    if ($recoverylist.nic0subnet -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: nic0subnet" ;return }
    if ($ -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: zone" ;return }
    if (($recoverylist.appname -eq $null) -and ($recoverylist.appid -eq $null))  {  Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find either appid or appname columns" ; return }

    # dry run for srcid and appname
    $row =1
    foreach ($app in $recoverylist)
        if ($app.srcid -eq "") { write-host  "The following mandatory value is missing: srcid in row $row" ; return }
        $row += 1
    $row =1
    foreach ($app in $recoverylist)
        if ($app.appname -eq "")  { write-host "The following mandatory value is missing: appname row $row" ; return}
        $row += 1

    write-host ""
    if (!($textoutput))
        $printarray = @()
    foreach ($app in $recoverylist)
        $mountcommand = 'New-AGMLibGCPInstance -srcid ' +$app.srcid +' -zone ' +$ +' -projectname ' +$app.projectname +' -machinetype ' +$app.machinetype +' -instancename ' +$app.instancename +' -nic0network "' +$app.nic0network +'" -nic0subnet "' +$app.nic0subnet +'"'
        if ($app.appid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -appid "' +$app.appid +'"' }
        if ($app.appname) {  $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -appname "' +$app.appname +'"' }
        if ($app.networktags) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -networktags "' +$app.networktags +'"' } 
        if ($app.serviceaccount) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -serviceaccount "' +$app.serviceaccount +'"'} 
        if ($app.labels) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -labels "' +$app.labels +'"' } 
        if ($app.nic0externalip) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic0externalip ' +$app.nic0externalip } 
        if ($app.nic0internalip) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic0internalip ' +$app.nic0internalip } 
        if ($app.nic1network) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic1network "' +$app.nic1network +'"'} 
        if ($app.nic1subnet) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic1subnet "' +$app.nic1subnet +'"'} 
        if ($app.nic1internalip) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic1internalip ' +$app.nic1internalip } 
        if ($app.nic1externalip) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic1externalip ' +$app.nic1externalip } 
        if ($app.nic2network) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic2network "' +$app.nic2network +'"'} 
        if ($app.nic2subnet) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic2subnet "' +$app.nic2subnet +'"'} 
        if ($app.nic2internalip) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic2internalip ' +$app.nic2internalip } 
        if ($app.nic2externalip) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic2externalip ' +$app.nic2externalip } 
        if ($app.nic3network) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic3network "' +$app.nic3network +'"'} 
        if ($app.nic3subnet) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic3subnet "' +$app.nic3subnet +'"'} 
        if ($app.nic3internalip) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic3internalip ' +$app.nic3internalip } 
        if ($app.nic3externalip) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -nic3externalip ' +$app.nic3externalip } 
        if ($app.poweronvm) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -poweronvm ' + $app.poweronvm } 
        if ($app.retainlabel) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -retainlabel ' + $app.retainlabel } 

        $runcommand = Invoke-Expression $mountcommand 
        if ($runcommand.errormessage)
            if ($textoutput)
                write-host "The following command encountered this error: " $runcommand.errormessage 
                write-host ""
            else {
                $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                    appname = $app.appname
                    appid = $app.appid
                    instancename = $app.instancename
                    result = "failed"
                    message = $runcommand.errormessage.Trim() 
                    command =  $mountcommand }
        elseif ($runcommand.err_message)
            if ($textoutput)
                write-host "The following command encountered this error: " $runcommand.err_message 
                write-host ""
            else {
                $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                    appname = $app.appname
                    appid = $app.appid
                    instancename = $app.instancename
                    result = "failed"
                    message = $runcommand.err_message.Trim()
                    errorcode = $runcommand.err_code 
                    command =  $mountcommand }
        elseif ($runcommand.jobstatus)
            if ($textoutput)
                write-host "The following command started this job: " $runcommand.jobstatus
                write-host ""
                $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                    appname = $app.appname
                    appid = $app.appid
                    instancename = $app.instancename
                    result = "started"
                    message = $runcommand.jobstatus 
                    command =  $mountcommand }
            if ($textoutput)
                write-host "The following command may not have started: " $runcommand
                write-host ""
            else {
                $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                    appname = $app.appname
                    appid = $app.appid
                    result = "unknown"
                    command =  $mountcommand }
    if (!($textoutput))