
Function Set-AGMLibApplianceParameter([string]$applianceid,[string]$param,[string]$value) 
    Sets parameters on appliances.
    Using this means you do not have to access the appliance directly to change the parameter
    When you set the value, the previous and new values will be reported.
    If an error occurs this will be reported.

    Set-AGMLibApplianceParameter -applianceid 1234 -param maxsnapslots -value 10
    Sets the maxsnapslots param to a value of 10 on the appliance with ID 1234

    A function to set parameters


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
    $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion
    if ($sessiontest.errormessage)
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "AGM session has expired. Please login again using Connect-AGM"
    # first we need an applianceid
    if (!($applianceid))
        $appliancegrab = Get-AGMAppliance
        if ($ -eq 0)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find any appliances with Get-AGMAppliance"
        if ($ -eq 1)
            $applianceid = $
        if ($ -gt 1)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Appliance Selection"
            write-host ""
            $i = 1
            foreach ($appliance in $
                Write-Host -Object "$i`: $appliance"
            While ($true) 
                Write-host ""
                $listmax = $
                [int]$appselection = Read-Host "Please select an appliance (1-$listmax)"
                if ($appselection -lt 1 -or $appselection -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]"
            $applianceid =  $[($appselection - 1)]
    if (!($param)) 
        [string]$param = Read-Host "Which param do you wish to set"
    if (!($value)) 
        [string]$value = Read-Host "Desired value for $param"

    $oldvaluegrab = Get-AGMAPIApplianceInfo -applianceid $applianceid -command "getparameter" -arguments "param=$param"
    $set = Set-AGMAPIApplianceTask -applianceid $applianceid -command "setparameter" -arguments "param=$param&value=$value"
    $newvaluegrab = Get-AGMAPIApplianceInfo -applianceid $applianceid -command "getparameter" -arguments "param=$param"
    $oldvalue = $oldvaluegrab.$param
    $newvalue = $newvaluegrab.$param
    if ($set.err_message)
        write-host ""
        write-host "$param changed from $oldvalue to $newvalue"
        write-host ""