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Function Confirm-AGMLibComputeEngineProject([string]$projectid) 
    Matches snapshots in compute engine to snapshots in Backup and DR using the GoogleCloud PowerShell module

    Confirm-AGMLibComputeEngineProject -projectid backuppproject1
    This function reads in all Compute Engine snapshots found in the nominated Google Cloud project and then matches them to those reported by Backup and DR
    If an image does not have a reported ID then no matching image was found by Backup and DR. This means either the image is not being tracked by Backup and DR or is being tracked by a different instance of Backup and DR (a different Management Console and Backup Appliance)

    A function to detect if there are snapshots in the specified project that are not being tracked by Backup and DR or by a different instance of Backup and DR. It effectively comapares the output of these two commands:
    Get-GceSnapshot -project $projectid > This shows all the snapshots known to Compute Engine in this project
    Get-AGMImage -filtervalue apptype=GCPInstance > This shows all the snapshots known to Backup and DR

    Note that if the GoogleCloud PowerShell module is not installed this function cannot run.


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
    $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion
    if ($sessiontest.errormessage)
    # we depend on Google Cloud module being present
        Import-Module GoogleCloud -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        $retVal = $false
    $moduletest = get-module -name GoogleCloud 
    if (!($moduletest.Version))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "GoogleCloud module was not found using Get-Module command"
    if (!($projectid))
        $projectid = Read-Host "Project ID"
    $snapshotgrab =  Get-GceSnapshot -Project $projectid
    if (!($snapshotgrab.Id))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find any compute engine snapshots using: Get-GceSnapshot -Project $projectid"
    $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue apptype=GCPInstance | select-object id,backupname
    if (!($
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find any compute engine snapshots on the Management Console using Get-AGMImage -filtervalue apptype=GCPInstance"

    $AGMArray = @()
    Foreach ($snap in $snapshotgrab)
        $id = ""
        $applianceid = ""
        $imagename = ""
        if (($snap.labels).length -gt 0)
            $applianceid = $snap.labels.values.split("-")[0]
            $imagename = $snap.labels.values.split("-")[2]
            if (($imagename).length -gt 0)
                $id =  ($imagegrab | where-object {($_.backupname -eq $imagename)}).id
        $AGMArray += [pscustomobject]@{
            id = $id
            project = $projectid
            appliance = $applianceid
            imagename = $imagename
            snapshotname = $snap.Name
            status = $snap.Status