
# Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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Function New-AGMLibSAPHANAMultiMount ([string]$instancelist,[switch]$textoutput,[decimal]$limit) 
    Uses a pre-prepared CSV list of SAP HANA databases to create many new SAP HANA mounts

    New-AGMLibSAPHANAMultiMount -instancelist recoverylist.csv

    This will load the contents of the file recoverylist.csv and use it to run multiple New-AGMLibSAPHANAMount jobs

    This routine needs a well formatted CSV file.
    You can create a sample file by running New-AGMLibSAPHANAMount and using the option at the end to generate CSV output.
    Here is an example of such a file:

    835132,"act","144091747698","Image_0160795","749871","act","actbackup","/mount","label1","2022-11-07 17:00:39","nfs","false","108758","706611"
    If you specify both appname and appid then appid will be used. The appname is mandatory so you know the name of the source VM. The imagename field is NOT mandatory.

    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
    $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion
    if ($sessiontest.errormessage)
    if (!($instancelist))
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Please supply a csv file correctly formatted as per the help for this function using: -instancelist xxxx.csv"

    if ( Test-Path $instancelist )
        $recoverylist = Import-Csv -Path $instancelist
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "SAP HANA list: $instancelist could not be opened."

    # first we quality check the CSV
    if ($recoverylist.mountapplianceid -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: mountapplianceid" ;return }
    if ($recoverylist.dbsid -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: dbsid" ;return }
    if ($recoverylist.userstorekey -eq $null) { Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "The following mandatory column is missing: userstorekey" ;return }
    if (($recoverylist.appname -eq $null) -and ($recoverylist.appid -eq $null))  {  Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not find either appid or appname columns" ; return }

    # dry run for srcid and appname
    $row =1
    foreach ($app in $recoverylist)
        if ($app.mountapplianceid -eq "") { write-host  "The following mandatory value is missing: mountapplianceid in row $row" ; return }
        $row += 1
    $row =1
    foreach ($app in $recoverylist)
        if ($app.appname -eq "")  { write-host "The following mandatory value is missing: appname row $row" ; return}
        $row += 1
    if (!($limit))
        $limit = 5

    write-host ""
    if (!($textoutput))
        $printarray = @()
    if ( $((get-host).Version.Major) -gt 6 )
        if ($AGMToken)
            $recoverylist | ForEach-Object -parallel {
                $mountcommand = 'New-AGMLibSAPHANAMount -mountapplianceid ' +$_.mountapplianceid +' -targethostid ' +$_.targethostid +' -dbsid ' +$_.dbsid +' -userstorekey ' +$_.userstorekey +' -mountpointperimage ' +$_.mountpointperimage 
                if ($_.appid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -appid "' +$_.appid +'"' }
                if ($_.appname) {  $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -appname "' +$_.appname +'"' }
                if ($_.imagename) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -imagename "' +$_.imagename +'"' } 
                if ($_.label) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -label "' +$_.label +'"'} 
                if ($_.recoverypoint) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -recoverypoint "' +$_.recoverypoint +'"' } 
                if ($_.mountmode) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -mountmode ' +$_.mountmode } 
                if ($_.mapdiskstoallesxhosts) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -mapdiskstoallesxhosts ' +$_.mapdiskstoallesxhosts } 
                if ($_.sltid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -sltid "' +$_.sltid +'"' }
                if ($_.slpid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -slpid "' +$_.slpid +'"'} 
                $agmip = $using:agmip 
                $AGMToken = $using:AGMToken 
                $AGMSESSIONID = $using:AGMSESSIONID
                Invoke-Expression $mountcommand 
                Start-Sleep -seconds 15
            } -throttlelimit $limit
            $recoverylist | ForEach-Object -parallel {
                $mountcommand = 'New-AGMLibSAPHANAMount -mountapplianceid ' +$_.mountapplianceid +' -targethostid ' +$_.targethostid +' -dbsid ' +$_.dbsid +' -userstorekey ' +$_.userstorekey +' -mountpointperimage ' +$_.mountpointperimage
                if ($_.appid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -appid "' +$_.appid +'"' }
                if ($_.appname) {  $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -appname "' +$_.appname +'"' }
                if ($_.imagename) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -imagename "' +$_.imagename +'"' } 
                if ($_.label) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -label "' +$_.label +'"'} 
                if ($_.recoverypoint) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -recoverypoint "' +$_.recoverypoint +'"' } 
                if ($_.mountmode) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -mountmode ' +$_.mountmode } 
                if ($_.mapdiskstoallesxhosts) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -mapdiskstoallesxhosts ' +$_.mapdiskstoallesxhosts } 
                if ($_.sltid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -sltid "' +$_.sltid +'"' }
                if ($_.slpid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -slpid "' +$_.slpid +'"'} 
                $agmip = $using:agmip 
                $AGMSESSIONID = $using:AGMSESSIONID
                Invoke-Expression $mountcommand 
                Start-Sleep -seconds 15
            } -throttlelimit $limit
        foreach ($app in $recoverylist)
            $mountcommand = 'New-AGMLibSAPHANAMount -mountapplianceid ' +$_.mountapplianceid +' -targethostid ' +$_.targethostid +' -dbsid ' +$_.dbsid +' -userstorekey ' +$_.userstorekey +' -mountpointperimage ' +$_.mountpointperimage
            if ($_.appid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -appid "' +$_.appid +'"' }
            if ($_.appname) {  $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -appname "' +$_.appname +'"' }
            if ($_.imagename) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -imagename "' +$_.imagename +'"' } 
            if ($_.label) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -label "' +$_.label +'"'} 
            if ($_.recoverypoint) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -recoverypoint "' +$_.recoverypoint +'"' } 
            if ($_.mountmode) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -mountmode ' +$_.mountmode } 
            if ($_.mapdiskstoallesxhosts) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -mapdiskstoallesxhosts ' +$_.mapdiskstoallesxhosts } 
            if ($_.sltid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -sltid "' +$_.sltid +'"' }
            if ($_.slpid) { $mountcommand = $mountcommand + ' -slpid "' +$_.slpid +'"'} 

            $runcommand = Invoke-Expression $mountcommand 
            if ($runcommand.errormessage)
                if ($textoutput)
                    write-host "The following command encountered this error: " $runcommand.errormessage 
                    write-host ""
                else {
                    $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                        appname = $app.appname
                        appid = $app.appid
                        result = "failed"
                        message = $runcommand.errormessage.Trim() 
                        command =  $mountcommand }
            elseif ($runcommand.err_message)
                if ($textoutput)
                    write-host "The following command encountered this error: " $runcommand.err_message 
                    write-host ""
                else {
                    $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                        appname = $app.appname
                        appid = $app.appid
                        result = "failed"
                        message = $runcommand.err_message.Trim()
                        errorcode = $runcommand.err_code 
                        command =  $mountcommand }
            elseif ($runcommand.jobstatus)
                if ($textoutput)
                    write-host "The following command started this job: " $runcommand.jobstatus
                    write-host ""
                    $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                        appname = $app.appname
                        appid = $app.appid
                        result = "started"
                        message = $runcommand.jobstatus 
                        command =  $mountcommand }
                if ($textoutput)
                    write-host "The following command may not have started: " $runcommand
                    write-host ""
                else {
                    $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                        appname = $app.appname
                        appid = $app.appid
                        result = "unknown"
                        command =  $mountcommand }
        if (!($textoutput))