
.VERSION 1.2.0
.GUID 6683d9ba-f92a-43d0-b84b-5b552fe9e123
.AUTHOR Dieter Koch
.COPYRIGHT (c) 2021-2023 Dieter Koch
- Initial release
- Made script accept values for paramter ComputerName from pipeline.
- Added parameter 'TimeRange' to allow more user-friendly input

 Contains a function to query the securtiy event log for event id 4625 and 4771 which are logged for failed logon attempts.

function Get-ALHADFailedLogonAttempt {
        Function to query the securtiy event log for event id 4625 and 4771 which are logged for failed logon attempts.
        Function to query the securtiy event log for event id 4625 and 4771 which are logged for failed logon attempts.
        The function can query one or multiple computers for one, multiple or any user in a given timeframe.
        This helps to identify the source of the invalid logon attempts because the events contain the source IP
        address of the logon attempt.
    .PARAMETER DomainName
        The AD domain name in which the Domain Controller will be queried, if no value
        is specified for the -Compuername parameter.
    .PARAMETER Identity
        One or more usernames (samAccountName) to search for. If ommited, events for all users ("*") are searched.
    .PARAMETER StartTime
        The datetime to start searching from. If ommited, it's set for the last two hours.
    .PARAMETER ComputerName
        One or more computernames to search for. If ommited, the script tries to get the domain controller
        with the PDC emulator role for the current domain or the domain specified with the -DomainName parameter.
        If specified, the script will try to lookup the DNS hostname of the ip address found in the event log record.
        Note that this can be misleading because the ip address shown in the event can be assigned to anohter system at the time
        of the check.
    .PARAMETER CheckLockoutStatus
        If specified, the script will check the current lockout status of the user account found in the event.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Credentials used to query the event log. If ommited, the credentials of the user running the script are used.
        Get events for all users in the last 2 hours from the domain ctonroller with the PDC emulator role.
        Get-ALHADFailedLogonAttempt -Identity 'mike' -StartTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-8)
        Get events for user with samAccountName 'mike' within the last 8 hours.
        Get-ALHADFailedLogonAttempt -StartTime (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -ComputerName dc1,dc2
        Get events for any user within last 24 hours from a computers (Domain Controller) dc1 and dc2.
        Get-ALHADFailedLogonAttempt -Identity 'user1','user2' -StartTime (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
        Get events for two users within the last 24 hours from Domain Controller running the PDC role.
        Get-Content -Path C:\Temp\Userlist.txt | Get-ALHADFailedLogonAttempt -StartTime (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
        Get events for users from pipeline input within the last 24 hours from Domain Controller running the PDC role.
        Author: Dieter Koch

    param (
        $DomainName = $env:USERDOMAIN,

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, HelpMessage = 'Enter one or more user names')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateTime")]
        $StartTime = (Get-Date).AddHours(-2),

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "TimeRange")]
        [ValidateSet("1h", "2h", "4h", "6h", "8h", "12h", "15h", "18h", "21h", "1d", "2d", "3d", "4d", "5d", "6d", "7d")]
        $TimeRange = "1d",

        $ComputerName = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetDomain((New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext('Domain', $DomainName))).PdcRoleOwner.Name,

        $ResolveDns = $false,

        $CheckLockoutStatus = $false,

        $Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty

    begin {
        $RequiredModules = "ActiveDirectory"

        foreach ($RequiredModule in $RequiredModules) {
            if (-not [bool](Get-Module -Name $RequiredModule)) {
                if (-not [bool](Get-Module -Name $RequiredModule -ListAvailable)) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Module $RequiredModule not found. Stopping function."

                Write-Verbose -Message "Importing $RequiredModule Module"
                Import-Module ActiveDirectory

        if ($null -eq $Credential -or $Credential.Username -eq '') {
            $CredentialsOfUser = "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME"
        else {
            $CredentialsOfUser = $Credential.Username

        $ComputerTotal = $ComputerName.Count
        $UserTotal = $Identity.Count

        $Event4625FailureReasons = @{
            '-1073741715' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC000006D'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE'
                StatusDescription = 'This is either due to a bad username or authentication information'
            '-1073741714' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC000006E'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION'
                StatusDescription = 'Unknown user name or bad password'
            '-1073741421' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC0000193'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED'
                StatusDescription = 'Account Expired'
            '-1073741428' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC000018C'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_TRUSTED_DOMAIN_FAILURE'
                StatusDescription = 'The logon request failed because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed'
            '-1073741730' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC000005E'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS'
                StatusDescription = 'There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request'
            '-1073741604' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC00000DC'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_INVALID_SERVER_STATE'
                StatusDescription = 'Indicates the Sam Server was in the wrong state to perform the desired operation'
            '-1073741276' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC0000224'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE'
                StatusDescription = 'User is required to change password at next logon'
            '-1073741422' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC0000192'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_NETLOGON_NOT_STARTED'
                StatusDescription = 'An attempt was made to logon, but the netlogon service was not started'
            '-1073740781' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0XC0000413'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED'
                StatusDescription = 'Logon Failure: The machine you are logging onto is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine'
            '-1073741260' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0xC0000234'
                StatusText        = 'STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT'
                StatusDescription = 'Account locked out'

        $Event4771FailureReasons = @{
            '18' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0x12'
                StatusText        = 'Clients credentials have been revoked'
                StatusDescription = 'Account disabled, expired, locked out, logon hours'
            '23' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0x17'
                StatusText        = 'Password has expired'
                StatusDescription = 'Password has expired'
            '24' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0x18'
                StatusText        = 'Pre-authentication information was invalid'
                StatusDescription = 'Usually means bad password'
            '37' = @{
                StatusCodeHex     = '0x25'
                StatusText        = 'Clock skew too big'
                StatusDescription = 'Clock skew too big'

        if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "TimeRange") {
            if ($TimeRange -match "^\d{1,2}[d]$") {
                $StartTime = (Get-Date).AddDays( - ($TimeRange -replace "d", ""))

            elseif ($TimeRange -match "^\d{1,2}[h]$") {
                $TimeRange -replace "h", ""
                $StartTime = (Get-Date).AddHours( - ($TimeRange -replace "h", ""))
            else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Not a valid timerange. Using default time range of 2h"
                $StartTime = (Get-Date).AddHours(-2)

        Write-Information -MessageData "Searching in domain : $DomainName" -InformationAction Continue
        Write-Information -MessageData "Checking security event log on cmputer(s) : $($Computername -join ';')" -InformationAction Continue
        Write-Information -MessageData "Search timeframe : $StartTime - $(Get-Date)" -InformationAction Continue
        Write-Information -MessageData "Running with credentials of user : $CredentialsOfUser" -InformationAction Continue
        Write-Information -MessageData "Searching for username(s) : $($Identity -join ';')" -InformationAction Continue
        Write-Information -MessageData "Resolving IP to hostname : $($ResolveDns.IsPresent)" -InformationAction Continue
        Write-Information -MessageData "Check current lockout status : $($CheckLockoutStatus.IsPresent)" -InformationAction Continue

    process {
        $StartTimeProc = Get-Date

        if ($input) {
            $UserTotal = $Input.Count

        foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) {
            $i = 0
            Write-Progress -Activity "Searching on computer $computer" -PercentComplete ($i / $ComputerTotal * 100) -Status "Progress ->" -CurrentOperation OuterLoop

            foreach ($user in $Identity) {
                $j = 0
                Write-Progress -Activity "Searching for user '$user'" -PercentComplete ($j / $UserTotal * 100) -Status "Progress ->" -CurrentOperation InnerLoop

                try {
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Searching for user '$user'"

                    $Events4625 = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $computer -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Security'; Id = 4625; StartTime = $StartTime } -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    $StartTimeQuery4625 = Get-Date
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Number events found for id 4625 before applying filter: $(($Events4625 | Measure-Object).Count)"

                    if ($(($Events4625 | Measure-Object).Count) -gt 0) {
                        if ($user -ne "*") {
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Filtering for user $user"
                            $Events4625 = $Events4625.where( { $_.Properties[5].Value -like "$user" } )
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Number events found for id 4625 after applying filter: $(($Events4625 | Measure-Object).Count)"

                        $Events4625 `
                        | Select-Object -Property TimeCreated, `
                        @{Name = 'UserName'; Expression = { $_.Properties[5].Value } }, `
                        @{Name = 'EventID'; Expression = { '4625' } } ,
                        @{Name = 'IpAddress'; Expression = { $_.Properties[19].Value } }, `
                        @{Name = 'ClientName'; Expression = { if ($ResolveDns.IsPresent) { ([]::GetHostByAddress($_.Properties[19].Value)).hostname } } },
                        @{Name = 'FailureCode'; Expression = { $_.Properties[7].Value } },
                        @{Name = 'FailureReason'; Expression = { $Event4625FailureReasons."$($_.Properties[7].Value)".StatusDescription } }, `
                        @{Name = 'CurrentlyLocked'; Expression = { if ($CheckLockoutStatus.IsPresent) { (Get-ADUser $_.Properties[5].Value -Properties LockedOut).LockedOut } } }, `
                        @{Name = 'Computer'; Expression = { $computer } }
                    $StartTimeFormat4625 = Get-Date

                    $Events4771 = Get-WinEvent -ComputerName $computer -FilterHashtable @{LogName = 'Security'; Id = 4771; StartTime = $StartTime } -Credential $Credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    $StartTimeQuery4771 = Get-Date
                    Write-Verbose -Message "Number events found for id 4771: $(($Events4771 | Measure-Object).Count)"

                    if ($(($Events4771 | Measure-Object).Count) -gt 0) {
                        if ($user -ne "*") {
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Filtering for user $user"
                            $Events4771 = $Events4771.where( { $_.Properties[0].Value -like "$user" } )
                            Write-Verbose -Message "Number events found for id 4771 after applying filter: $(($Events4771 | Measure-Object).Count)"

                        $Events4771 `
                        | Select-Object -Property TimeCreated, `
                        @{Name = 'UserName'; Expression = { $_.Properties[0].Value } }, `
                        @{Name = 'EventID'; Expression = { '4771' } },
                        @{Name = 'IpAddress'; Expression = { if ($_.Properties[6].Value -match "::ffff:") { $_.Properties[6].Value.Substring(7) } else { $_.Properties[6].Value } } }, `
                        @{Name = 'ClientName'; Expression = { if ($ResolveDns.IsPresent) { ([]::GetHostByAddress($_.Properties[6].Value)).hostname } else { '' } } },
                        @{Name = 'FailureCode'; Expression = { $_.Properties[4].Value } },
                        @{Name = 'FailureReason'; Expression = { $Event4771FailureReasons."$($_.Properties[4].Value)".StatusDescription } }, `
                        @{Name = 'CurrentlyLocked'; Expression = { if ($CheckLockoutStatus.IsPresent) { (Get-ADUser $_.Properties[5].Value -Properties LockedOut).LockedOut } else { '' } } }, `
                        @{Name = 'Computer'; Expression = { $computer } }
                    $StartTimeFormat4771 = Get-Date
                catch [System.Exception] {
                    if ($_.FullyQualifiedErrorID -eq 'NoMatchingEventsFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWinEventCommand') {
                        Write-Verbose -Message "No events returned in search"
                    else {
                catch {

    end {
        if ($($LockedOutUsers | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Information -MessageData "`n`nNo records found matching search criteria. Try extending the timeframe.`n" -InformationAction Continue
        else {
            $LockedOutUsers | Sort-Object -Property Username, TimeCreated

        Write-Verbose -Message "Elapsed time in seconds - TOTAL: $((((Get-Date) - $StartTimeProc).Totalseconds))"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Elapsed time in seconds - QUERY4625: $((($StartTimeQuery4625 - $StartTimeProc).Totalseconds))"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Elapsed time in seconds - FORMAT4625: $((($StartTimeFormat4625 - $StartTimeQuery4625).Totalseconds))"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Elapsed time in seconds - QUERY4771: $((($StartTimeQuery4771 - $StartTimeFormat4625).Totalseconds))"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Elapsed time in seconds - FORMAT4771: $((($StartTimeFormat4771 - $StartTimeQuery4771).Totalseconds))"

#region EndOfScript
# ______ _ __ _____ _ _
# | ____| | | / _| / ____| (_) | |
# | |__ _ __ __| | ___ | |_ | (___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_
# | __| | '_ \ / _` | / _ \| _| \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
# | |____| | | | (_| | | (_) | | ____) | (__| | | | |_) | |_
# |______|_| |_|\__,_| \___/|_| |_____/ \___|_| |_| .__/ \__|
# | |
# |_|
# created with help of
