
.VERSION 1.0.8
.GUID 6f529bee-9368-4255-854b-1dde3fc76e86
.AUTHOR Dieter Koch
.COPYRIGHT (c) Dieter Koch. All rights reserved.
Initial Release
- Fixed handling of $null value on input data
- Fixed handling of $null parameter value for parameter 'Data'
- Added html tags <thead> and <tbody> to html tabl code.
- Changed how a html table becomes sortable (just adding class and later use javascript to add click event)
- Fixed issue in applying CellFormat correctly
- Fixed issue in applying <tbody> and <thead> tags corretly in array of strings (instead of a single big string)
- Fixed TableRowCount in case it's one ('.Count' only works for arrays, not for a single object)
- Replaced linebreaks with "<br/>" html tag for title, subtitle, infotext and footer
- Fixed issue in calling Set-ALHCellColor

Contains a function to create a html table fragment

function Out-ALHHtmlReport {
        A PowerShell function to create a html table fragment.
        This functions takes an object or an array of objects and creates a html table fragment out of it.
        Additionally it allows to format cells in the table based on filter expressions. It also can make a table sortable and filterable.
        The returned ALHHtmlReport object can then be used as input in function 'Out-HtmlDoc' function to create a complete html document.
        An objet or an array of objects which will be displayed in the html table.
    .PARAMETER Title
        A title for the report (html table).
    .PARAMETER Subtitle
        A subtitle for the report (html table).
    .PARAMETER Infotext
        This text will be shown above the table.
    .PARAMETER Footer
        This text will be shown below the table.
    .PARAMETER CellFormat
        A hashtable specifying the parameters and values for the function Set-ALHCelLColor to format
        the html table cells based on filter expressions.
    .PARAMETER AddSort
        If specified, the table will be made sortable.
    .PARAMETER AddFilter
        If specified, the table will be filterable.
        Get-Process | Select-Object -Propert Name,ID | Out-ALHHtmlReport -Title "Process on my computer" -Subtitle "Process list" -Infotext "A list of processes running a my computer" -Footer "Process list at $(Get-Date)" -AddSort -AddFilter
        Author: Dieter Koch

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "default")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)][AllowNull()]








    process {
        $CRLF = "`r`n"
        $MyALHHtmlReport = New-Object -TypeName ALHHtmlReport

        if ($null -ne $Data) {
            if ($Data -is [array]) {
                $DataProperties = Get-Member -InputObject $Data[0] -MemberType Property, AliasProperty, NoteProperty, ScriptProperty, CodeProperty
            else {
                $DataProperties = Get-Member -InputObject $Data -MemberType Property, AliasProperty, NoteProperty, ScriptProperty, CodeProperty

        Write-Verbose -Message "Collected object member properties: $($DataProperties -join ", ")"

        $MyTableId = "Table_$(New-Guid)"
        Write-Verbose -Message "Created unique table name: '$MyTableId'"

        $htmlTable = $Data | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment

        Write-Verbose -Message "Applying conditional cell format..."
        foreach ($Format in $CellFormat) {
            $FilterString = "$($Format.ColumnName) $($Format.Operator) `"$($Format.Value)`""
            $htmlTable = Set-ALHCellColor -InputObject $htmlTable -Filter $FilterString -Color $($Format.Color) -Row:$($Format.Row)

        $htmlTable = foreach ($line in $htmlTable) {
            $line -replace "<table>", "<table id=`"$MyTableId`">"

        if ($AddSort.IsPresent) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Adding class 'sortable' to table so it becomes sortable later..."
            $htmlTable = foreach ($line in $htmlTable) {
                $line -replace "<table id=`"$MyTableId`">", "<table id=`"$MyTableId`" class=`"sortable`">"

        if ($AddFilter.IsPresent) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "Making table filterable..."
            $i = 0

            $FilterInput = foreach ($DataProperty in $DataProperties) {
                "<input type=`"text`" id=`"myInput_$MyTableId`_$i`" onkeyup=`"filterTable('$MyTableId', $i)`" placeholder=`"Filter Column $i...`" title=`"Filter_Col_$i`">$CRLF"

        Write-Verbose -Message "Adding <thead> and <tbody> element tags..."
        $htmlTable = $htmlTable -replace "(<tr><th)", "<thead><tr><th"
        $htmlTable = $htmlTable -replace "(</th></tr>)", "</th></tr></thead><tbody>"
        $htmlTable = $htmlTable -replace "(</table>)", "</tbody></table>"

        $MyALHHtmlReport.HtmlTable = $htmlTable
        $MyALHHtmlReport.HtmlTableFilter = $FilterInput
        $MyALHHtmlReport.HtmlTableCellFormat = $CellFormat
        $MyALHHtmlReport.Sort = $AddSort.IsPresent
        $MyALHHtmlReport.Filter = $AddFilter.IsPresent
        $MyALHHtmlReport.Title = $Title -replace "`r`n", "`r`n<br/>"
        $MyALHHtmlReport.Subtitle = $SubTitle -replace "`r`n", "`r`n<br/>"
        $MyALHHtmlReport.InfoText = $InfoText -replace "`r`n", "`r`n<br/>"
        $MyALHHtmlReport.Footer = $Footer -replace "`r`n", "`r`n<br/>"
        $MyALHHtmlReport.TableRowCount = $($Data | Measure-Object).Count

        Write-Verbose -Message "Done"

#region EndOfScript
# ______ _ __ _____ _ _
# | ____| | | / _| / ____| (_) | |
# | |__ _ __ __| | ___ | |_ | (___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_
# | __| | '_ \ / _` | / _ \| _| \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
# | |____| | | | (_| | | (_) | | ____) | (__| | | | |_) | |_
# |______|_| |_|\__,_| \___/|_| |_____/ \___|_| |_| .__/ \__|
# | |
# |_|
# created with help of
