
   The function returns scheme and token required for accessing API methods
   The function returns a schema and token that is necessary for subsequent authentication of all API interface endpoint requests.
   All other module functions require the entry of the Token parameter in the "Schema Token" format.
   The AccessKey must be configured in the attendance system database.
    Server API url
    The AccessKey to get an authentication token for accessing API data
   Get-Token -URL -AccessKey 56879065
   This command gets the authentication token for the specified accesskey

function Get-Token {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Process {
       $url = $url + "/Auth/Token"

       Write-Verbose -Message "Send request to API endpoint $URL with access key $AccessKey."
       $Token = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $url -Body @{ accesskey = $AccessKey }

       Write-Verbose -Message "Add property SchemeToken to return object."
       Add-Member -InputObject $Token -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SchemeToken -Value $($Token.Scheme + " " + $Token.Token) | Out-Null

       Write-Verbose -Message "Return object Token with SchemeToken: $($Token.SchemeToken)"
       Write-Output $Token