
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace APIManagementTemplate
    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, "APIManagementTemplate", ConfirmImpact = ConfirmImpact.None)]
    public class GeneratorCmdlet : PSCmdlet
        [Parameter(Mandatory = true,HelpMessage = "Name of the API Management instance")]
        public string APIManagement;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = true,HelpMessage = "The name of the Resource Group")]
        public string ResourceGroup;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "The Subscription id (guid)")]
        public string SubscriptionId;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Name of the Tenant i.e.")]
        public string TenantName = "";
        //see filter in
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Filter for what API's to exort i.e: path eq 'api/v1/currencyconverter' or endswith(path,'currencyconverter')")]
        public string APIFilters = null;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Export AuthorizationServers")]
        public bool ExportAuthorizationServers = true;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Export the API Management Instance")]
        public bool ExportPIManagementInstance = true;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Export the API Management Groups, not builtin")]
        public bool ExportGroups = true;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Export the API Management Products")]
        public bool ExportProducts = true;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "A Bearer token value")]
        public string Token = "";
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Set to 'true' when all environment-specific parameters are defined as properties")]
        public bool ParametrizePropertiesOnly = false;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Set to 'true' to replace the base-url of <set-backend-service> with a property")]
        public bool ReplaceSetBackendServiceBaseUrlWithProperty = false;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "If the parameter for the service name always should be called apimServiceName or depend on the name of the service")]
        public bool FixedServiceNameParameter = false;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "If an Application Insights instance should be created. Otherwise you need to provide the instrumentation key of an existing Application Insights instance as a parameter")]
        public bool CreateApplicationInsightsInstance = false;
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false, HelpMessage = "If set, result from rest interface will be saved to this folder")]
        public string DebugOutPutFolder = "";
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false,HelpMessage = "Filter API version")]
        public string ApiVersion = "";
        [Parameter(Mandatory = false, HelpMessage = "Piped input from armclient", ValueFromPipeline = true)]
        public string ClaimsDump;
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            AzureResourceCollector resourceCollector = new AzureResourceCollector();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DebugOutPutFolder))
                resourceCollector.DebugOutputFolder = DebugOutPutFolder;
            if (ClaimsDump == null)
                resourceCollector.token = String.IsNullOrEmpty(Token) ? resourceCollector.Login(TenantName) : Token;
            else if (ClaimsDump.Contains("Token copied"))
                Token = Clipboard.GetText().Replace("Bearer ", "");
                resourceCollector.token = Token;
                TemplateGenerator generator = new TemplateGenerator(APIManagement, SubscriptionId, ResourceGroup, APIFilters, ExportGroups, ExportProducts, ExportPIManagementInstance, ParametrizePropertiesOnly, resourceCollector, ReplaceSetBackendServiceBaseUrlWithProperty, FixedServiceNameParameter, CreateApplicationInsightsInstance, ApiVersion);
                JObject result = generator.GenerateTemplate().Result;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is AggregateException)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.AppendLine("Aggregation exception thrown, se following exceptions for more information");
                    AggregateException ae = (AggregateException)ex;
                    foreach (var e in ae.InnerExceptions)
                        sb.AppendLine($"Exception: {e.Message}");
                    throw new Exception($"Aggregation Exception thrown, {ae.Message}, first Exception message is: {ae.InnerExceptions.First().Message}, for more information read the output file.");
                    throw ex;