
function Write-ARAHCallMessage {
    Writes information about an API invocation to the PFS Logging.
    Writes information about an API invocation to the PFS Logging.
    .PARAMETER APICallParameter
    HashTable with all parameters forwarded from Invoke-ARAH to Invoke-RestMethod
    Write-ARAHCallMessage $restAPIParameter
    Logs the given parameter to the PSFLogging with Tag "APICALL"
    Get-PSFMessage -Tag "APICALL" |Select-Object -Last 1 -Property TargetObject,Message|Format-List
    Retrieves the last API call.
    Logs are compressed by default. For troubleshooting set it to uncrompressed with
    Set-PSFConfig -Module 'ARAH' -Name 'logging.compressRequests' -Value $false

    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
    try {
        $compress=Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'ARAH.logging.compressRequests' -Fallback $true
        $modifiedAPICallParameter = $APICallParameter.Clone()
        if ($modifiedAPICallParameter.Body -is [String]) {
           $modifiedAPICallParameter.Body = $modifiedAPICallParameter.Body | ConvertFrom-Json
        $modifiedAPICallParameter.Method = "$($modifiedAPICallParameter.Method)".ToUpper()
        $callStack = (Get-PSCallStack | Select-Object -SkipLast 1 -ExpandProperty Command | Select-Object -Skip 1  )
        $callStackString = $callStack -join ">"
        Write-PSFMessage "CallStack: $callStackString"
        $apiLogString = ($modifiedAPICallParameter | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 7 -Compress:$compress)
        # Remove confidental data
        $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '"Bearer (\w{5})\w*"', '"Bearer $1******************"'
        $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("password":\s*").*"', '$1***********"'
        $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("refresh_token":\s*").*"', '$1***********"'
        $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("code":\s*").*"', '$1***********"'
        $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("X-Sds-Auth-Token":\s*").*"', '$1***********"'
        $apiLogString = $apiLogString -replace '("Authorization":\s*"Basic ).*"', '$1[BASE64_ENCODED [CLIENT_ID]:[CLIENT_SECRET]]"'
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug "$apiLogString" -Tag "APICALL" -Target "$callStackString"
    catch {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Critical "Could not log API Call $_"