
#set the directory where you want to save the reports
$report_directory = "~\Documents\ATAPReports"
#enter which report you want to execute
$report_name = "Microsoft Windows 10"
#saves old working directory
$old_pwd = $pwd

#to access the report file later, "Microsoft" has to be cut out of the String
if($report_name.Contains("Microsoft")) {
    $report = $report_name.Substring(10, ($report_name.Length-10))
else {
    $report = $report_name

#starts generating the HTML report
Save-ATAPHtmlReport $report_name -Path $report_directory -MITRE

#enters the report_directory and searchs for the newest report of the kind set above
Set-Location $report_directory
if ($null -eq (Get-ChildItem -Name)) {
    Write-Output 'Error no report could be generated.'
elseif((Get-ChildItem -Name).GetType().Name -eq 'String') {
    $file = Get-ChildItem -Name
    #opens the report with the standard appplication set in windows
    Start-Process -FilePath $file
    #goes back to the old working directory
    Set-Location $old_pwd
elseif((Get-ChildItem -Name).GetType().Name -eq 'Object[]') {
    $i = ((Get-ChildItem -Name).Length)-1
    $file = $report_directory + "\" + (Get-ChildItem -Name)[$i]
    while(!$file.Contains($report)) {
        $i = $i - 1
        $file = $report_directory + "\" + (Get-ChildItem -Name)[$i]
    #opens the report with the standard appplication set in windows
    Start-Process -FilePath $file
    #goes back to the old working directory
    Set-Location $old_pwd