
# Chocolatey Automatic Package Updater Module
This PowerShell module implements functions that can be used to automate [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org) package updates.
To learn more about Chocolatey automatic packages, please refer to the relevant [documentation](https://github.com/chocolatey/choco/wiki/AutomaticPackages).
## Features
- Use only PowerShell to create automatic update script for given package.
- Automatically downloads installers and provides/validates checksums for x32 and x64 versions.
- Verifies URLs, nuspec versions, remote Chocolatey existence etc.
- Can use global variables to change functionality.
- Sugar functions for Chocolatey package maintainers.
- Update single package or any subset of previously created AU packages with a single command.
- Multithread support when updating multiple packages.
- Send full command output to specified email in the case of errors.
## Installation
Use one of the following methods:
- Chocolatey: [`cinst au`](https://chocolatey.org/packages/au).
- PowerShell 5+: [`Install-Module au`](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/AU).
- [Download](https://github.com/majkinetor/au/releases/latest) latest 7z package or latest build [artifact](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/majkinetor/au/build/artifacts).
AU module requires minimally PowerShell version 4: `$host.Version -gt '4.0'`
**NOTE**: All module functions work from within specific root folder. The folder contains all of your Chocolatey packages.
## Creating the package updater script
- In the package directory, create the script `update.ps1`.
- Import the module: `import-module au`.
- Implement two global functions:
  - `global:au_GetLatest`
  Function returns HashTable with the latest remote version along with other arbitrary user data which you can use elsewhere (for instance in search and replace). The returned version is then compared to the one in the nuspec file and if remote version is higher, the files will be updated. This HashTable is available via global variable `$Latest`.
  - `global:au_SearchReplace`
  Function returns HashTable containing search and replace data for any package file in the form:
        file_path1 = @{
            search1 = replace1
            searchN = replaceN
        file_path2 = @{ ... }
  The function can use `$Latest` hashtable to get any type of information obtained when `au_GetLatest` was executed. Besides this info, the script can access `$global:nuspec_version`.
  **NOTE**: The search and replace works on lines, multiple lines can not be matched with single regular expression.
- Call the `Update-Package` (alias `update`) function from the `AU` module to update the package.
This is best understood via the example - take a look at the real life package [installer script](https://github.com/majkinetor/chocolatey/blob/master/dngrep/tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1) and its [AU updater](https://github.com/majkinetor/chocolatey/blob/master/dngrep/update.ps1).
With this set, you can update individual packages by calling appropriate `update.ps1` from within package directory:
PS C:\chocolatey\dngrep> .\update.ps1
dngrep - checking updates
nuspec version:
remote version:
New version found
Automatic checksum started
Downloading dngrep 32 bit
  from 'https://github.com/dnGrep/dnGrep/releases/download/v2.8.16.0/dnGREP.2.8.16.x86.msi'
Download of dnGREP.2.8.16.x86.msi (3.36 MB) completed.
Package downloaded and hash calculated for 32 bit version
Downloading dngrep 64 bit
  from 'https://github.com/dnGrep/dnGrep/releases/download/v2.8.16.0/dnGREP.2.8.16.x64.msi'
Download of dnGREP.2.8.16.x64.msi (3.39 MB) completed.
Package downloaded and hash calculated for 64 bit version
Updating files
    updating version: ->
    (^[$]url32\s*=\s*)('.*') = $1'https://github.com/dnGrep/dnGrep/releases/download/v2.8.16.0/dnGREP.2.8.16.x86.msi'
    (^[$]url64\s*=\s*)('.*') = $1'https://github.com/dnGrep/dnGrep/releases/download/v2.8.16.0/dnGREP.2.8.16.x64.msi'
    (^[$]checksum32\s*=\s*)('.*') = $1'CE4753735148E1F48FE0E1CD9AA4DFD019082F4F43C38C4FF4157F08D346700C'
    (^[$]checksumType32\s*=\s*)('.*') = $1'sha256'
    (^[$]checksum64\s*=\s*)('.*') = $1'025BD4101826932E954AACD3FE6AEE9927A7198FEEFFB24F82FBE5D578502D18'
    (^[$]checksumType64\s*=\s*)('.*') = $1'sha256'
Attempting to build package from 'dngrep.nuspec'.
Successfully created package 'dngrep.'
Package updated
### Checks
The `update` function does the following checks:
- The `$Latest.Version` will be checked to match a valid nuspec pattern.
- Any hash key that starts with the word `Url`, will be checked for existence and MIME textual type, since binary is expected here.
- If the remote version is higher then the nuspec version, the Chocolatey site will be checked for existence of this package version (this works for unpublished packages too). This allows multiple users to update packages without a conflict.
- The regex patterns in `au_SearchReplace` will be checked for existence.
If any of the checks fails, package will not get updated. This feature releases you from the worries about how precise is your pattern scan in `au_GetLatest` function and how often original site changes as if something like that happens package wont get updated or pushed with incorrect data.
For some packages, you may want to disable some of the checks by specifying additional parameters of the `update` function (not all can be disabled):
| Parameter | Description |
| --------- | ------------ |
| `NoCheckUrl` | Disable URL checks |
| `NoCheckChocoVersion` | Disable the Chocolatey site check |
| `ChecksumFor none` | Disable automatic checksum |
### Automatic checksums
When new version is available, the `update` function will by default download both x32 and x64 versions of the installer and calculate the desired checksum. It will inject this info in the `$global:Latest` HashTable variable so you can use it via `au_SearchReplace` function to update hashes. The parameter `ChecksumFor` can contain words `all`, `none`, `32` or `64` to further control the behavior.
You can disable this feature by calling update like this:
    update -ChecksumFor none
You can define the hash algorithm by returning corresponding `ChecksumTypeXX` hash keys in the `au_GetLatest` function:
    return @{ ... ChecksumType32 = 'sha512'; ... }
If the checksum is actually obtained from the vendor's site, you can provide it along with its type (SHA256 by default) by returning corresponding `ChecksumXX` hash keys in the `au_GetLatest` function:
    return @{ ... Checksum32 = 'xxxxxxxx'; ... }
If the `ChecksumXX` hash key is present, the AU will change to checksum verification mode - it will download the installer and verify that its checksum matches the one provided. If the key is not present, the AU will calculate hash with using the given `ChecksumTypeXX` algorithm (which is by default 'sha512').
**NOTE**: This feature works by monkey patching the `Get-ChocolateyWebFile` helper function and invoking the `chocolateyInstall.ps1` afterwards for the package in question. This means that it downloads the files using whatever method is specified in the package installation script.
### Force update
You can force the update even if no new version is found by using the parameter `Force` (or global variable `$au_Force`). This can be useful for troubleshooting, bug fixing, recalculating the checksum after the package was created and already pushed to Chocolatey or if URLs to installer changed without adequate version change.
The version of the package will be changed so that it follows 'chocolatey fix standard' where current date is added in the 'revision' of the package version in the format 'yyyyMMdd'. More precisely,
- choco 'fix version' always go in the 'Revision' part of the package version.
- existing 'fixed versions' are changed to contain the current date if the revision does not exist or if it already contains choco fix.
- if 'Revision' part is present in the package version and it is not in the 'choco fix format', just keep existing one but notify about it.
PS C:\chocolatey\cpu-z.install> $au_Force = $true; .\update.ps1
cpu-z.install - checking updates
nuspec version: 1.77
remote version: 1.77
No new version found, but update is forced
Automatic checksum started
Updating files
    updating version using Chocolatey fix notation: 1.77 ->
### Global variables
To avoid changing the `./update.ps1` when troubleshooting or experimenting you can set up any `update` parameter via global variables. The names of global variables are the same as the names of parameters with the prefix `au_`. As an example, the following code will change the update behavior so that URL is not checked for existence and MIME type and update is forced:
    $au_NoCheckUrl = $au_Force = $true
This is the same as if you added the parameters to `update` function inside the `./update.ps1` script:
    update -NoCheckUrl -Force
however, its way easier to setup global variable with manual intervention on multiple packages.
**NOTE**: Only if parameters are not set on function call, the global variables will take over if they are set.
### Reusing the AU updater with metapackages
Metapackages can reuse an AU updater of its dependency by the following way:
- In the dependent updater, instead of calling the `update` directly, use construct:
    if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne '.') { update ... }
- In the metapackage updater dot source the dependent updater and override `au_SearchReplace`.
This is best understood via example - take a look at the [cpu-z](https://github.com/majkinetor/chocolatey/blob/master/cpu-z/update.ps1) AU updater which uses the updater from the [cpu-z.install](https://github.com/majkinetor/chocolatey/blob/master/cpu-z.install/update.ps1) package on which it depends. It overrides the `au_SearchReplace` function and the `update` call but keeps the `au_GetLatest`.
## Updating all packages
You can update all packages and optionally push them to the Chocolatey repository with a single command. Function `Update-AUPackages` (alias `updateall`) will iterate over `update.ps1` scripts and execute each in a separate thread, using the specified number of threads (10 by default). If it detects that a package is updated it will optionally try to push it to the Chocolatey repository.
For the push to work, specify your Choocolatey API key in the file `api_key` in the script's directory (or its parent directory) or set the environment variable `$Env:api_key`. If none provided cached nuget key will be used.
This function is designed for scheduling. You can pass it a number of options, save as a script and call it via task scheduler. For example, you can get notified about possible errors during packages update procedure - if the update procedure fails for any reasons there is an option to send an email with results as an attachment in order to investigate the problem.
You can use the following script as a prototype - `update_all.ps1`:
    param($Name = $null)
    cd $PSScriptRoot
    $options = @{
        Timeout = 10
        Threads = 10
        Push = $false
        Mail = @{
            To = 'meh@gmail.com'
            Server = 'smtp.gmail.com'
            UserName = 'meh@gmail.com'
            Password = '**************'
            Port = 587
            EnableSsl= $true
    Update-AUPackages -Name $Name -Options $options | Export-CliXML update_info.xml
Use function parameter `Name` to specify package names via glob, for instance `updateall [a-d]*` would update only packages which names start with the letter 'a' trough 'd'. Add `Push` among options to push sucesifully built packages to the chocolatey repository. The result may look like this:
    PS C:\chocolatey> .\update_all.ps1
    Updating all automatic packages
    copyq is updated to 2.6.1 and pushed
    dngrep had errors during update
        Can't validate URL 'https://github.com/dnGrep/dnGrep/releases/download/v2.8.16.0/dnGREP.2.8.16.x64.msi'
        Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The operation has timed out"
    eac has no updates
    pandoc has no updates
    plantuml has no updates
    yed had errors during update
        Can't validate URL 'https://www.yworks.com'
        Invalid content type: text/html
    Finished 6 packages after .3 minutes.
    1 packages updated and 1 pushed.
    2 total errors; 2 update, 0 push.
    Mail with errors sent to meh@gmail.com
The email attachment is a `$info` object that keeps all the information about that particular run, such as what happened to each package during update, how long the operation took etc. It can be loaded with `Import-CliXml result_info.xml` and inspected.
Take a look at the [real life example](https://gist.github.com/majkinetor/181b18886fdd363158064baf817fa2ff) of the `update_all.ps1` script.
To make a local scheduled task, use the following code in the directory where your `update_all.ps1` script is found to install it:
    $At = '03:00'
    schtasks /create /tn "Update-AUPackages" /tr "powershell -File '$pwd\update_all.ps1'" /sc daily /st $At
### Custom script
It is possible to specify a custom user script in Update-AUPackages `Options` parameter (key `Options.Script`) that will be called before and after the update. The script receives two arguments: `$Phase` and `$Arg`. Currently phase can be one of the words `start` or `end`. Arg contains the list of packages to be updated in the 'start' phase and `Info` object in the 'end' phase which contains all the details about the current run. Use `$Arg | Get-Members` to see what kind of information is available.
The purpose of this script is to attach custom logic at the end of the process (save results to gist, push to git or svn, send notifications etc.)
## Other functions
Apart from the functions used in the updating process, there are few suggars for regular maintenance of the package:
- Test-Package
Quickly `cpack` and install the package from the current directory.
- Push-Package (alias `pp`)
Push the latest package using your API key.
- Get-AuPackages (alias `gau` or `lsau`)
Returns the list of the packages which have `update.ps1` script in its directory and which name doesn't start with '_'.