using module .\AWS.SAML.Browser.psm1
using module .\AWS.SAML.Settings.psm1
using module .\AWS.SAML.Utils.psm1
using module .\AWS.SAML.Profile.psm1

        Get AWS STS credentials for using in the CLI from a SAML based login.
        Get AWS STS credentials for using in the CLI from a SAML based login.
        C:\PS> Login-AWSSAML
        The SAML Login Initiation URL. If not passed you will be prompted and it will be saved for future use.
    .PARAMETER Browser
        Choose the browser to handle the login process. Options: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE Default: Chrome
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        When specified the credentials are saved as an AWS profile under the specified name for use in the CLI
    .PARAMETER SessionDuration
        When specified your role session lasts for the specified duration in seconds. By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds.

function New-AWSSAMLLogin {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Low')]
        [ValidateSet('Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Edge', 'IE')]
        [String]$Browser = 'Chrome',
        [Int]$SessionDuration = 3600
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('AWS SAML', 'login'))
            $InitURL = Get-AWSSAMLURL

        # Start Browser for Login
        $driver = Start-Browser -InitURL $InitURL -Browser $Browser -NoProfile:$NoBrowserProfile

        # Get SAML Assertion
        $samlAssertion = Get-SAMLAssertion -Driver $driver

        # Get Selected Role
        $consoleData = Get-ConsoleData -Driver $driver

        # Close Browser

        # Clear Screen

        # Get Role Details from SAML
        $arns = Get-SAMLRole -Assertion $samlAssertion -AccountID $consoleData.AccountID -Role $consoleData.Role

        # Get STS Credentials with SAML
        $sts = Use-STSRoleWithSAML -PrincipalArn $arns.PrincipalArn -RoleArn $arns.RoleArn -SAMLAssertion $samlAssertion -DurationInSeconds $SessionDuration

        # Store Credentials for use
            # Store in Profile
            Set-AWSProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName -AccessKeyId $sts.Credentials.AccessKeyId -SecretAccessKey $sts.Credentials.SecretAccessKey -SessionToken $sts.Credentials.SessionToken -AccountID $consoleData.AccountID -Role $consoleData.Role -SessionDuration $SessionDuration
            # Store in Environment Variable
            Add-AWSSTSCred -STS $sts

        # Output Console Data
        return [PSCustomObject]@{
            Account = $consoleData.Alias
            AccountID = $consoleData.AccountID
            User = $consoleData.Name
            Role = $consoleData.Role
            Expires = $sts.Credentials.Expiration

        Update saved profiles with new STS Credentials from SAML based login.
        Update saved profiles with new STS Credentials from SAML based login. Must have previously saved profiles using `New-AWSSAMLLogin -Profile <name>`
        C:\PS> Update-AWSSAMLLogin
        The SAML Login Initiation URL. If not passed you will be prompted if an existing Initiation URL is not found.
    .PARAMETER Browser
        Choose the browser to handle the login process. Options: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE Default: Chrome
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        When specified the credentials are saved as an AWS profile under the specified name for use in the CLI
    .PARAMETER SessionDuration
        When specified your role session lasts for the specified duration in seconds. By default, the value is set to 3600 seconds.

function Update-AWSSAMLLogin {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Low')]
        [ValidateSet('Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Edge', 'IE')]
        [String]$Browser = 'Chrome',
    if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('AWS SAML', 'update'))
            $InitURL = Get-AWSSAMLURL

        # Start Browser for Login
        $driver = Start-Browser -InitURL $InitURL -Browser $Browser -Headless

        # Get SAML Assertion
        # TODO: Implement timeout and relaunch of non headless browser for authentication issue detection
        $samlAssertion = Get-SAMLAssertion -Driver $driver

        # Close Browser

        # Renew each valid profile
            $profiles = Get-AWSProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName
            $profiles = Get-AWSProfile

        foreach ($profile in $profiles) {
            if($profile.AccountID -ne '' -and $profile.Role -ne ''){
                Write-Output "Updating Profile $($profile.Name)"

                # Get Role Details from SAML
                $arns = Get-SAMLRole -Assertion $samlAssertion -AccountID $profile.AccountID -Role $profile.Role
                    # Allow passed in duration to override profile settings
                        $SessionDuration = $profile.Duration

                    # Get STS Credentials with SAML
                    $sts = Use-STSRoleWithSAML -PrincipalArn $arns.PrincipalArn -RoleArn $arns.RoleArn -SAMLAssertion $samlAssertion -DurationInSeconds $SessionDuration

                    # Update Profile
                    Set-AWSProfile -ProfileName $profile.Name -AccessKeyId $sts.Credentials.AccessKeyId -SecretAccessKey $sts.Credentials.SecretAccessKey -SessionToken $sts.Credentials.SessionToken -AccountID $profile.AccountID -Role $profile.Role -SessionDuration $profile.Duration