
using module .\AWS.SAML.Settings.psm1

function Get-ChromeDriverNeeded{

    $version = Get-ChromeVersion
    return Get-ChromeDriverPathByVersion -ChromeVersion $version

function Get-ChromeVersion {
    switch ($true) {
        $IsMacOS {
            # Example response: Google Chrome 80.0.3987.163
            $response = & '/Applications/Google Chrome' --version
            return $response.trim(' ').split(' ')[-1]
        $IsLinux {
            throw 'Chrome Driver Management Not Implemented for Linux Yet!'
        $IsWindows {
            # Get File Path
            $ChromeFile = (Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe').'(Default)'

            return (Get-Item $ChromeFile).VersionInfo.ProductVersion
        Default {
            Throw 'Not able to detect the platform being used. Make sure you are using an updated version of PowerShell.'

function Get-ChromeDriverPathByVersion {

    $neededDriverVersion = Get-ChromeDriverVersionByChromeVersion -ChromeVersion $ChromeVersion
    $versionsAvailable = Get-ChromeDriverVersions
    $DriverFolder = Get-ChromeDriverFolder

    # Check for the driver and download if needed
    if($neededDriverVersion -notin $versionsAvailable){
        Install-ChromeDriver -ChromeVersion $ChromeVersion

    # Get Driver Details
    $file = (Get-ChildItem "$DriverFolder\$neededDriverVersion\").Name
    return "$DriverFolder\$neededDriverVersion\$file"

function Get-ChromeDriverVersions {

    # Get Driver Details
    $DriverFolder = Get-ChromeDriverFolder
    Return (Get-ChildItem $DriverFolder).Name

function Install-ChromeDriver{

    # Get Driver Details
    $DriverFolder = Get-ChromeDriverFolder
    $DriverVersion = Get-ChromeDriverVersionByChromeVersion -ChromeVersion $ChromeVersion

    # Download File
    $DownloadFile = Invoke-ChromeDriverDownload -DriverFolder $DriverFolder -DriverVersion $DriverVersion
    Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $DownloadFile -DestinationPath "$DriverFolder\$DriverVersion"

    # Additional File Prep
        # Mark as Executable
        Push-Location "$DriverFolder\$DriverVersion"
        & 'chmod' 755 chromedriver

    Remove-Item $DownloadFile

function Invoke-ChromeDriverDownload {

    $DriverName = Get-ChromeDriverName

    $DownloadURI = "$DriverVersion/$DriverName"
    $DownloadFile = "$($DriverFolder)\$DriverVersion`_$DriverName"

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadURI -OutFile $DownloadFile
    return $DownloadFile

function Get-ChromeDriverVersionByChromeVersion {
    $version = Select-ChromeVersionForDriver -ChromeVersion $ChromeVersion

    $URL = "$version"
    return Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $URL

function Get-ChromeDriverFolder {
    $directory = "$(Get-SaveDir)\ChromeDrivers"

    # Create the folder if it doesn't exist
    if(!(Test-Path $directory)){
        New-Item -ItemType Directory $directory

    return $directory

function Select-ChromeVersionForDriver {
    $versions = $ChromeVersion.Split('.')

    return "$($versions[0]).$($versions[1]).$($versions[2])"

function Get-ChromeDriverName {

    switch ($true) {
        $IsMacOS { return '' }
        $IsLinux { return '' }
        $IsWindows { return '' }
        Default { Throw 'Not able to detect the platform being used. Make sure you are using an updated version of PowerShell.' }