
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.AddCCSResourceTagCmdlet">
            Tag a resource.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.AddCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Arn">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.AddCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Tag">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.AddCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.TagResourceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.AddCCSResourceTagCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Arn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Arn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.AddCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignCmdlet">
            Describes the specific campaign.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Campaign'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.DescribeCampaignResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.DescribeCampaignResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignListCmdlet">
            Provides summary information about the campaigns under the specified Amazon Connect
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignListCmdlet.InstanceIdFilter_Operator">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignListCmdlet.InstanceIdFilter_Value">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignListCmdlet.NextToken">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'CampaignSummaryList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.ListCampaignsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.ListCampaignsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignStateCmdlet">
            Get state of a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignStateCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignStateCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'State'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.GetCampaignStateResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.GetCampaignStateResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignStateCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignStateBatchCmdlet">
            Get state of campaigns for the specified Amazon Connect account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignStateBatchCmdlet.CampaignId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSCampaignStateBatchCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.GetCampaignStateBatchResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.GetCampaignStateBatchResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet">
            Get the specific Connect instance config.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet.ConnectInstanceId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ConnectInstanceConfig'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.GetConnectInstanceConfigResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.GetConnectInstanceConfigResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ConnectInstanceId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ConnectInstanceId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSInstanceOnboardingJobStatusCmdlet">
            Get the specific instance onboarding job status.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSInstanceOnboardingJobStatusCmdlet.ConnectInstanceId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSInstanceOnboardingJobStatusCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ConnectInstanceOnboardingJobStatus'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.GetInstanceOnboardingJobStatusResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.GetInstanceOnboardingJobStatusResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSInstanceOnboardingJobStatusCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ConnectInstanceId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ConnectInstanceId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSResourceTagCmdlet">
            List tags for a resource.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Arn">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Tags'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.ListTagsForResourceResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.ListTagsForResourceResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.GetCCSResourceTagCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Arn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Arn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet">
            Creates a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account. This API is idempotent.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.AnswerMachineDetectionConfig_AwaitAnswerMachinePrompt">
            <para>Enable or disable await answer machine prompt</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.PredictiveDialerConfig_BandwidthAllocation">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.ProgressiveDialerConfig_BandwidthAllocation">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.OutboundCallConfig_ConnectContactFlowId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.ConnectInstanceId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.OutboundCallConfig_ConnectQueueId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.OutboundCallConfig_ConnectSourcePhoneNumber">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.AgentlessDialerConfig_DialingCapacity">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.PredictiveDialerConfig_DialingCapacity">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.ProgressiveDialerConfig_DialingCapacity">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.AnswerMachineDetectionConfig_EnableAnswerMachineDetection">
            <para>Enable or disable answering machine detection</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.Name">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.Tag">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.CreateCampaignResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.CreateCampaignResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.NewCCSCampaignCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSCampaignCmdlet">
            Deletes a campaign from the specified Amazon Connect account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSCampaignCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSCampaignCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.DeleteCampaignResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSCampaignCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSCampaignCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet">
            Deletes a connect instance config from the specified AWS account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet.ConnectInstanceId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.DeleteConnectInstanceConfigResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ConnectInstanceId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ConnectInstanceId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSConnectInstanceConfigCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet">
            Delete the Connect Campaigns onboarding job for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.ConnectInstanceId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.DeleteInstanceOnboardingJobResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ConnectInstanceId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ConnectInstanceId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSResourceTagCmdlet">
            Untag a resource.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Arn">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSResourceTagCmdlet.TagKey">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.UntagResourceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSResourceTagCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Arn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Arn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.RemoveCCSResourceTagCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.ResumeCCSCampaignCmdlet">
            Stops a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.ResumeCCSCampaignCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.ResumeCCSCampaignCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.ResumeCampaignResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.ResumeCCSCampaignCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.ResumeCCSCampaignCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSCampaignCmdlet">
            Starts a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSCampaignCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSCampaignCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.StartCampaignResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSCampaignCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSCampaignCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet">
            Onboard the specific Amazon Connect instance to Connect Campaigns.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.ConnectInstanceId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.EncryptionConfig_Enabled">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.EncryptionConfig_EncryptionType">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.EncryptionConfig_KeyArn">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ConnectInstanceOnboardingJobStatus'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.StartInstanceOnboardingJobResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.StartInstanceOnboardingJobResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ConnectInstanceId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ConnectInstanceId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StartCCSInstanceOnboardingJobCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StopCCSCampaignCmdlet">
            Stops a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StopCCSCampaignCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StopCCSCampaignCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.StopCampaignResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StopCCSCampaignCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.StopCCSCampaignCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.SuspendCCSCampaignCmdlet">
            Pauses a campaign for the specified Amazon Connect account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.SuspendCCSCampaignCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.SuspendCCSCampaignCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.PauseCampaignResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.SuspendCCSCampaignCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.SuspendCCSCampaignCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet">
            Updates the dialer config of a campaign. This API is idempotent.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.PredictiveDialerConfig_BandwidthAllocation">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.ProgressiveDialerConfig_BandwidthAllocation">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.AgentlessDialerConfig_DialingCapacity">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.PredictiveDialerConfig_DialingCapacity">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.ProgressiveDialerConfig_DialingCapacity">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.UpdateCampaignDialerConfigResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignDialerConfigCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignNameCmdlet">
            Updates the name of a campaign. This API is idempotent.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignNameCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignNameCmdlet.Name">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignNameCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.UpdateCampaignNameResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignNameCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignNameCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet">
            Updates the outbound call config of a campaign. This API is idempotent.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet.AnswerMachineDetectionConfig_AwaitAnswerMachinePrompt">
            <para>Enable or disable await answer machine prompt</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet.ConnectContactFlowId">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet.ConnectSourcePhoneNumber">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet.AnswerMachineDetectionConfig_EnableAnswerMachineDetection">
            <para>Enable or disable answering machine detection</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.UpdateCampaignOutboundCallConfigResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.UpdateCCSCampaignOutboundCallConfigCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.WriteCCSDialRequestBatchCmdlet">
            Creates dials requests for the specified campaign Amazon Connect account. This API
            is idempotent.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.WriteCCSDialRequestBatchCmdlet.DialRequest">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.WriteCCSDialRequestBatchCmdlet.Id">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.WriteCCSDialRequestBatchCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.PutDialRequestBatchResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.ConnectCampaignService.Model.PutDialRequestBatchResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.WriteCCSDialRequestBatchCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the Id parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^Id' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CCS.WriteCCSDialRequestBatchCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.