
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.AddPDResourceTagCmdlet">
            Adds a tag to a resource.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.AddPDResourceTagCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a resource.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.AddPDResourceTagCmdlet.Tag">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.AddPDResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.TagResourceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.AddPDResourceTagCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceArn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceArn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.AddPDResourceTagCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDArchitectureRecommendationCmdlet">
            Gets recommendations about architecture designs for improving resiliency for an application,
            based on a recovery group.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDArchitectureRecommendationCmdlet.RecoveryGroupName">
            <para>The name of a recovery group.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDArchitectureRecommendationCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDArchitectureRecommendationCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDArchitectureRecommendationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetArchitectureRecommendationsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetArchitectureRecommendationsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDArchitectureRecommendationCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the RecoveryGroupName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^RecoveryGroupName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellCmdlet">
            Gets information about a cell including cell name, cell Amazon Resource Name (ARN),
            ARNs of nested cells for this cell, and a list of those cell ARNs with their associated
            recovery group ARNs.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellCmdlet.CellName">
            <para>The name of the cell.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetCellResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetCellResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CellName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CellName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellListCmdlet">
            Lists the cells for an account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Cells'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListCellsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListCellsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellReadinessSummaryCmdlet">
            Gets readiness for a cell. Aggregates the readiness of all the resources that are
            associated with the cell into a single value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellReadinessSummaryCmdlet.CellName">
            <para>The name of the cell.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellReadinessSummaryCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellReadinessSummaryCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellReadinessSummaryCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetCellReadinessSummaryResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetCellReadinessSummaryResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCellReadinessSummaryCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CellName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CellName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCrossAccountAuthorizationListCmdlet">
            Lists the cross-account readiness authorizations that are in place for an account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCrossAccountAuthorizationListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCrossAccountAuthorizationListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDCrossAccountAuthorizationListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'CrossAccountAuthorizations'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListCrossAccountAuthorizationsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListCrossAccountAuthorizationsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckCmdlet">
            Gets details about a readiness check.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckCmdlet.ReadinessCheckName">
            <para>Name of a readiness check.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetReadinessCheckResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetReadinessCheckResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ReadinessCheckName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ReadinessCheckName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckListCmdlet">
            Lists the readiness checks for an account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ReadinessChecks'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListReadinessChecksResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListReadinessChecksResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckResourceStatusCmdlet">
            Gets individual readiness status for a readiness check. To see the overall readiness
            status for a recovery group, that considers the readiness status for all the readiness
            checks in the recovery group, use GetRecoveryGroupReadinessSummary.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckResourceStatusCmdlet.ReadinessCheckName">
            <para>Name of a readiness check.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckResourceStatusCmdlet.ResourceIdentifier">
            <para>The resource identifier, which is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or the identifier
            generated for the resource by Application Recovery Controller (for example, for a
            DNS target resource).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckResourceStatusCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckResourceStatusCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckResourceStatusCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetReadinessCheckResourceStatusResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetReadinessCheckResourceStatusResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckStatusCmdlet">
            Gets the readiness status for an individual readiness check. To see the overall readiness
            status for a recovery group, that considers the readiness status for all the readiness
            checks in a recovery group, use GetRecoveryGroupReadinessSummary.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckStatusCmdlet.ReadinessCheckName">
            <para>Name of a readiness check.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckStatusCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckStatusCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckStatusCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetReadinessCheckStatusResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetReadinessCheckStatusResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDReadinessCheckStatusCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ReadinessCheckName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ReadinessCheckName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet">
            Gets details about a recovery group, including a list of the cells that are included
            in it.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.RecoveryGroupName">
            <para>The name of a recovery group.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetRecoveryGroupResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetRecoveryGroupResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the RecoveryGroupName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^RecoveryGroupName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupListCmdlet">
            Lists the recovery groups in an account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'RecoveryGroups'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListRecoveryGroupsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListRecoveryGroupsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupReadinessSummaryCmdlet">
            Displays a summary of information about a recovery group's readiness status. Includes
            the readiness checks for resources in the recovery group and the readiness status
            of each one.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupReadinessSummaryCmdlet.RecoveryGroupName">
            <para>The name of a recovery group.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupReadinessSummaryCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupReadinessSummaryCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupReadinessSummaryCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetRecoveryGroupReadinessSummaryResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetRecoveryGroupReadinessSummaryResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRecoveryGroupReadinessSummaryCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the RecoveryGroupName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^RecoveryGroupName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDResourceSetCmdlet">
            Displays the details about a resource set, including a list of the resources in the
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDResourceSetCmdlet.ResourceSetName">
            <para>Name of a resource set.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDResourceSetCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetResourceSetResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.GetResourceSetResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDResourceSetCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceSetName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceSetName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDResourceSetListCmdlet">
            Lists the resource sets in an account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDResourceSetListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDResourceSetListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDResourceSetListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ResourceSets'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListResourceSetsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListResourceSetsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRuleListCmdlet">
            Lists all readiness rules, or lists the readiness rules for a specific resource type.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRuleListCmdlet.ResourceType">
            <para>The resource type that a readiness rule applies to.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRuleListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The number of objects that you want to return with this call.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRuleListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token that identifies which batch of results you want to see.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRuleListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Rules'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListRulesResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListRulesResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDRuleListCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceType parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceType' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDTagsForResourceListCmdlet">
            Lists the tags for a resource.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDTagsForResourceListCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a resource.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDTagsForResourceListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Tags'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListTagsForResourcesResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.ListTagsForResourcesResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.GetPDTagsForResourceListCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceArn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceArn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCellCmdlet">
            Creates a cell in an account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCellCmdlet.CellName">
            <para>The name of the cell to create.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCellCmdlet.Cell">
            <para>A list of cell Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) contained within this cell, for use in
            nested cells. For example, Availability Zones within specific Amazon Web Services
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCellCmdlet.Tag">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCellCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateCellResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateCellResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCellCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CellName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CellName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCellCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet">
            Creates a cross-account readiness authorization. This lets you authorize another account
            to work with Route 53 Application Recovery Controller, for example, to check the readiness
            status of resources in a separate account.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet.CrossAccountAuthorization">
            <para>The cross-account authorization.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'CrossAccountAuthorization'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateCrossAccountAuthorizationResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateCrossAccountAuthorizationResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CrossAccountAuthorization parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CrossAccountAuthorization' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDReadinessCheckCmdlet">
            Creates a readiness check in an account. A readiness check monitors a resource set
            in your application, such as a set of Amazon Aurora instances, that Application Recovery
            Controller is auditing recovery readiness for. The audits run once every minute on
            every resource that's associated with a readiness check.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDReadinessCheckCmdlet.ReadinessCheckName">
            <para>The name of the readiness check to create.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDReadinessCheckCmdlet.ResourceSetName">
            <para>The name of the resource set to check.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDReadinessCheckCmdlet.Tag">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDReadinessCheckCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateReadinessCheckResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateReadinessCheckResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDReadinessCheckCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet">
            Creates a recovery group in an account. A recovery group corresponds to an application
            and includes a list of the cells that make up the application.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Cell">
            <para>A list of the cell Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the recovery group.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.RecoveryGroupName">
            <para>The name of the recovery group to create.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Tag">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateRecoveryGroupResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateRecoveryGroupResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the RecoveryGroupName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^RecoveryGroupName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDResourceSetCmdlet">
            Creates a resource set. A resource set is a set of resources of one type that span
            multiple cells. You can associate a resource set with a readiness check to monitor
            the resources for failover readiness.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDResourceSetCmdlet.Resource">
            <para>A list of resource objects in the resource set.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDResourceSetCmdlet.ResourceSetName">
            <para>The name of the resource set to create.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDResourceSetCmdlet.ResourceSetType">
            <para>The resource type of the resources in the resource set. Enter one of the following
            values for resource type:</para><para>AWS::ApiGateway::Stage, AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage, AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup,
            AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm, AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway, AWS::DynamoDB::Table, AWS::EC2::Volume,
            AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer, AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer,
            AWS::Lambda::Function, AWS::MSK::Cluster, AWS::RDS::DBCluster, AWS::Route53::HealthCheck,
            AWS::SQS::Queue, AWS::SNS::Topic, AWS::SNS::Subscription, AWS::EC2::VPC, AWS::EC2::VPNConnection,
            AWS::EC2::VPNGateway, AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::DNSTargetResource</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDResourceSetCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>A tag to associate with the parameters for a resource set.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDResourceSetCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateResourceSetResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.CreateResourceSetResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.NewPDResourceSetCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCellCmdlet">
            Delete a cell. When successful, the response code is 204, with no response body.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCellCmdlet.CellName">
            <para>The name of the cell.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCellCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.DeleteCellResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCellCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CellName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CellName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCellCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet">
            Deletes cross account readiness authorization.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet.CrossAccountAuthorization">
            <para>The cross-account authorization.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.DeleteCrossAccountAuthorizationResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CrossAccountAuthorization parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CrossAccountAuthorization' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDCrossAccountAuthorizationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDReadinessCheckCmdlet">
            Deletes a readiness check.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDReadinessCheckCmdlet.ReadinessCheckName">
            <para>Name of a readiness check.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDReadinessCheckCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.DeleteReadinessCheckResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDReadinessCheckCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ReadinessCheckName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ReadinessCheckName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDReadinessCheckCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet">
            Deletes a recovery group.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.RecoveryGroupName">
            <para>The name of a recovery group.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.DeleteRecoveryGroupResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the RecoveryGroupName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^RecoveryGroupName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceSetCmdlet">
            Deletes a resource set.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceSetCmdlet.ResourceSetName">
            <para>Name of a resource set.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceSetCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.DeleteResourceSetResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceSetCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceSetName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceSetName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceSetCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceTagCmdlet">
            Removes a tag from a resource.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceTagCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a resource.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceTagCmdlet.TagKey">
            <para>The keys for tags you add to resources.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UntagResourceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceTagCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceArn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceArn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.RemovePDResourceTagCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDCellCmdlet">
            Updates a cell to replace the list of nested cells with a new list of nested cells.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDCellCmdlet.CellName">
            <para>The name of the cell.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDCellCmdlet.Cell">
            <para>A list of cell Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), which completely replaces the previous
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDCellCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UpdateCellResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UpdateCellResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDCellCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CellName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CellName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDCellCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDReadinessCheckCmdlet">
            Updates a readiness check.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDReadinessCheckCmdlet.ReadinessCheckName">
            <para>Name of a readiness check.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDReadinessCheckCmdlet.ResourceSetName">
            <para>The name of the resource set to be checked.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDReadinessCheckCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UpdateReadinessCheckResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UpdateReadinessCheckResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDReadinessCheckCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet">
            Updates a recovery group.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Cell">
            <para>A list of cell Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). This list completely replaces the previous
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.RecoveryGroupName">
            <para>The name of a recovery group.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UpdateRecoveryGroupResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UpdateRecoveryGroupResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the RecoveryGroupName parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^RecoveryGroupName' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDRecoveryGroupCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDResourceSetCmdlet">
            Updates a resource set.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDResourceSetCmdlet.Resource">
            <para>A list of resource objects.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDResourceSetCmdlet.ResourceSetName">
            <para>Name of a resource set.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDResourceSetCmdlet.ResourceSetType">
            <para>The resource type of the resources in the resource set. Enter one of the following
            values for resource type:</para><para>AWS::ApiGateway::Stage, AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage, AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup,
            AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm, AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway, AWS::DynamoDB::Table, AWS::EC2::Volume,
            AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer, AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer,
            AWS::Lambda::Function, AWS::MSK::Cluster, AWS::RDS::DBCluster, AWS::Route53::HealthCheck,
            AWS::SQS::Queue, AWS::SNS::Topic, AWS::SNS::Subscription, AWS::EC2::VPC, AWS::EC2::VPNConnection,
            AWS::EC2::VPNGateway, AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::DNSTargetResource</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDResourceSetCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UpdateResourceSetResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.Route53RecoveryReadiness.Model.UpdateResourceSetResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.PD.UpdatePDResourceSetCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.