
  "manifestVersion": 1,
  "blueprints": [
      "name": "Basic",
      "description": "Bare bones script",
      "content": [
            "source": "basic.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "CloudFormationCustomResource",
      "description": "PowerShell handler base for use with CloudFormation custom resource events",
      "content": [
            "source": "cloudformationcustomresource.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "CodeCommitTrigger",
      "description": "Script to process AWS CodeCommit Triggers",
      "content": [
            "source": "codecommittrigger.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "DetectLabels",
      "description": "Use Amazon Rekognition service to tag image files in S3 with detected labels.",
      "content": [
            "source": "detectlabels.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "KinesisStreamProcessor",
      "description": "Script to be process a Kinesis Stream",
      "content": [
            "source": "kinesisstreamprocessor.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "S3Event",
      "description": "Script to process S3 events",
      "content": [
            "source": "s3event.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "S3EventToSNS",
      "description": "Script to process SNS Records triggered by S3 events",
      "content": [
            "source": "s3tosns.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "S3EventToSNSToSQS",
      "description": "Script to process SQS Messages, subscribed to an SNS Topic that is triggered by S3 events",
      "content": [
            "source": "s3tosnstosqs.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "S3EventToSQS",
      "description": "Script to process SQS Messages triggered by S3 events",
      "content": [
            "source": "s3tosqs.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "SNSSubscription",
      "description": "Script to be subscribed to an SNS Topic",
      "content": [
            "source": "snssubscription.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "SNSToSQS",
      "description": "Script to be subscribed to an SQS Queue, that is subscribed to an SNS Topic",
      "content": [
            "source": "snstosqs.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"
      "name": "SQSQueueProcessor",
      "description": "Script to be subscribed to an SQS Queue",
      "content": [
            "source": "sqsprocessor.ps1.txt",
            "output": "{basename}.ps1",
            "filetype": "lambdaFunction"
            "source": "readme.txt",
            "output": "readme.txt"