
function Set-AWSMFAProfile {


Performs AWS STS authentication with MFA token for cross account.


The Set-AWSMFAProfile updates the local AWS crendential for cross account
by using the STS.

.PARAMETER ParentProfile
Specifies the central/master account that login to the AWS. Set the Default
profile with Access key/Secret key or set desired profile name and ensure that the desired profile
name is provided when using the ParentProfile parameter.

Specifies the MFA device ARN.
The ARN is located in IAM > My security credentials > Assigned MFA device.

.PARAMETER SessionName
Specifies the name when calling the STS authentication API.

Specifies the target AWS account to assume as cross account.

Specifies the assumed role ARN which has authorize to the target AWS account.

Specifies the one-time 6 digits code generated by the MFA device/authenticator.

Specifies the expiration time in seconds where the STS token can last.
Default is 4 hours but can be set longer duration depends on the IAM policy.


None. You cannot pipe objects to Set-AWSMFAProfile.ps1.


Set-AWSMFAProfile.ps1 output if the authentication is successed.


PS> Set-AWSCredential -AccessKey <YOURACCESSKEY> -SecretKey <YOURSECRETKEY>

PS> Set-AWSMFAProfile -DeviceARN "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:mfa/" -SessionName "john" -StoreAs "NorthWindTraders" -RoleARN "arn:aws:iam::9876543219876:role/CrossAccountRole" -MFAToken 123456

PS> Get-EC2Instance -ProfileName "NorthWindTraders" -Region "ap-southeast-2"

1. The defualt credential is defined.
2. Cross account access to "NorthWindTraders (9876543219876)" with "CrossAccountRole" assumed role and stored under "NorthWindTraders" profile name.
3. Retrieve EC2 instances from "NorthWindTraders" account.


PS> Set-AWSCredential -AccessKey <YOURACCESSKEY> -SecretKey <YOURSECRETKEY> -StoreAs "Contoso"

PS> Set-AWSMFAProfile -DeviceARN "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:mfa/" -SessionName "john" -StoreAs "NorthWindTraders" -RoleARN "arn:aws:iam::9876543219876:role/CrossAccountRole" -ParentProfile "Contoso" -Duration 25200 -MFAToken 123456

PS> Get-EC2Instance -ProfileName "NorthWindTraders" -Region "ap-southeast-2"

1. Set "Contoso" profile name as parent/master account which used to login to AWS.
2. Cross account access to "NorthWindTraders (9876543219876)" with "CrossAccountRole" assumed role and stored under "NorthWindTraders" profile name by using "Contoso" as parent/master profile where the session is expired after 7 hours.
3. Retrieve EC2 instances from "NorthWindTraders" account.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        $ParentProfile = "default",
        [int]$Duration = 14400
    begin {
        try {
            Import-Module -Name "AWSPowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Import-Module -Name "AWS.Tools.Common" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Import-Module -Name "AWS.Tools.SecurityToken" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Get-Command -Name Use-STSRole | Out-Null
            Get-Command -Name Set-AWSCredential | Out-Null
        catch {
            Write-Error $PSItem.ToString()
    process {
        try {
            $STSCred = Use-STSRole `
                -SerialNumber $DeviceARN `
                -RoleArn $RoleARN `
                -RoleSessionName $SessionName `
                -DurationInSeconds $Duration `
                -ProfileName $ParentProfile `
                -TokenCode $MFAToken
            Write-Output "Temporary session token for '$StoreAs'is generated successfully."

            Set-AWSCredential `
                -StoreAs $StoreAs `
                -AccessKey $STSCred.Credentials.AccessKeyId `
                -SecretKey $STSCred.Credentials.SecretAccessKey `
                -SessionToken $STSCred.Credentials.SessionToken
            Write-Output "Profile '$StoreAs' is successfully updated in local AWS Credential."
        catch {
            Write-Error $PSItem.ToString()
    end {

Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-AWSMFAProfile