
$script:PriceListBaseUrl = ""

Function Get-AWSPriceListOffersIndexFile {
            Retrieves the contents of the offers index file.
            The cmdlet retrieves the base offer index file from It can be returned as a PSCustomObject or a JSON string.
        .PARAMETER AsJson
            Specifies that the content is returned as a JSON string instead of a PSCustomObject.
            Retrieves all of the available services.
            System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject, System.String
            AUTHOR: Michael Haken
            LAST UPDATE: 1/16/2019


    Begin {

    Process {
        [System.String]$OfferIndexUrl = "$script:PriceListBaseUrl/offers/v1.0/aws/index.json"
        [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebResponseObject]$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $OfferIndexUrl -Method Get

        if ($AsJson)
            Write-Output -InputObject ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8).GetString($Response.Content)
            Write-Output -InputObject (ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8).GetString($Response.Content))

    End {

Function Get-AWSPriceListCurrentOfferUrls {
            Retrieves a list of the offer index files for each available service.
            The cmdlet retrieves the base offer index file from It parses out the urls for the available services. These urls can be used to retrieve the specific pricing information for those services.
            Retrieves all of the offer index file urls.
            AUTHOR: Michael Haken
            LAST UPDATE: 1/16/2019


    Begin {

    Process {
        [PSCustomObject]$IndexFileContents = Get-AWSPriceListOffersIndexFile

        [System.String[]]$Results = @()

        $IndexFileContents.offers | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | ForEach-Object {
                $Name = $_.Name
                $Results += "$script:PriceListBaseUrl$($IndexFileContents.offers | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $_.Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty currentVersionUrl)"
                Write-Warning -Message "Error parsing $Name : $_.Exception.Message"

        Write-Output -InputObject $Results

    End {

Function Get-AWSPriceListServices {
            Retrieves a list of the available services in the price list api.
            The cmdlet retrieves the base offer index file from It parses out the the available services from the offer file.
            Retrieves all of the available services.
            AUTHOR: Michael Haken
            LAST UPDATE: 1/16/2019


    Begin {

    Process {
        [PSCustomObject]$IndexFileContents = Get-AWSPriceListOffersIndexFile

        [System.String[]]$Results = @()

        $IndexFileContents.offers | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | ForEach-Object {
                $Name = $_.Name
                $Results += $Name
                Write-Warning -Message "Error parsing $Name : $_.Exception.Message"

        Write-Output -InputObject $Results

    End {

Function Get-AWSPriceListProductInformation {
            This cmdlet evaluates the data in the AWS Price List API json and returns information about products that match the search criteria.
            The cmdlet parses the json in a specified file on disk retrieved from the price list API or downloads it directly from the provided Url. It matches products
            against the specified attributes. This is useful to find say all of the different SKUs and Operation codes for db.m4.large instances in US East (N. Virginia).
        .PARAMETER Path
            The path to the downloaded price list API file.
        .PARAMETER Url
            The Url containing the price list information for the product you want.
        .PARAMETER Product
            The product you want to download price list information for.
        .PARAMETER Filter
            The attributes used to match specific skus in the price list API. The filter will look like: @{"location" = "US East (N. Virginia)"; "instanceType" = "db.m4.large"; "databaseEngine" = "PostgreSQL"}. The key values will be matched against the product attribute key values.
            Get-AWSProductInformation -Product AmazonRDS -Filter @{"location" = "US East (N. Virginia)"; "instanceType" = "db.m4.large"; "databaseEngine" = "PostgreSQL"}
            Gets matching RDS skus for the attributes specified
            Get-AWSPriceListProductInformation -Url -Filter @{"location" = "US East (N. Virginia)"; "instanceType" = "db.m4.large"; "databaseEngine" = "PostgreSQL"}
            Gets matching RDS skus for the attributes specified
            Get-AWSPriceListProductInformation -Product AmazonEC2 -Filter @{"location" = "US East (N. Virginia)"; "instanceType" = "m4.large"}
            Gets matching EC2 skus for the attributes specified
            Get-AWSPriceListProductInformation -Path index.json -Filter @{"location" = "US East (N. Virginia)"; "instanceType" = "m4.large"}
            Gets matching EC2 skus for the attributes specified
            AUTHOR: Michael Haken
            LAST UPDATE: 1/16/2019

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Path")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Path")]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    DynamicParam {
        [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]$ParamDictionary = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary

        [PSCustomObject]$OfferIndexFile = Get-AWSPriceListOffersIndexFile

        [System.String[]]$Urls = @()
        [System.String[]]$Products = @()

        $OfferIndexFile.offers | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | ForEach-Object {
                $Products += $_.Name
                $Urls += "$script:PriceListBaseUrl$($OfferIndexFile.offers | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $_.Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty currentVersionUrl)"
                Write-Verbose -Message "Error parsing $Name : $_.Exception.Message"

        New-DynamicParameter -Name "Url" -Type ([System.Uri]) -ValidateSet $Urls -Mandatory -ParameterSets "Url" -ValidateNotNullOrEmpty -RuntimeParameterDictionary $ParamDictionary | Out-Null    

        New-DynamicParameter -Name "Product" -Type ([System.String]) -ValidateSet $Products -Mandatory -ParameterSets "Product" -ValidateNotNullOrEmpty -RuntimeParameterDictionary $ParamDictionary | Out-Null

        Write-Output -InputObject $ParamDictionary

    Begin {


        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)
            "Url" {
                [System.String]$private:Response = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $PSBoundParameters["Url"] -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content))
            "Product" {
                $private:Url = "$script:PriceListBaseUrl$($OfferIndexFile.offers | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $PSBoundParameters["Product"] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty currentVersionUrl)"
                [System.String]$private:Response = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $private:Url -Method Get | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content))
            "Path" {
                [System.String]$private:Response = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw
            default {
                throw "The parameter set $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) was not recognized."

            The converted Obj object will look like the following:
            formatVersion : v1.0
            disclaimer : This pricing list is for informational purposes only. All prices are subject to the additional terms included in the pricing pages on All Free Tier
                              prices are also subject to the terms included at
            offerCode : AmazonElastiCache
            version : 20170419194925
            publicationDate : 2017-04-19T19:49:25Z
            products : @{HBRQZSXXSY2DXJ77=; 3Y8QARGM5NXC9EBW=; ... }
            terms : @{OnDemand=; Reserved=}

        $private:ConvertedResponse = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $private:Response

        [PSCustomObject[]]$private:Results = @()

        # Expanding the products property gets us a single object with members like
        # RBW79EQZWRSDB85D : @{sku=RBW79EQZWRSDB85D; productFamily=Database Instance; attributes=}
        # W3PUKFKG7RDK3KA5 : @{sku=W3PUKFKG7RDK3KA5; productFamily=Data Transfer; attributes=}
        # We want to expand the property of the products object for each sku to access the hash table that has the data
            Products will look like
            8W42JWEZE64YAUET : @{sku=8W42JWEZE64YAUET; productFamily=Cache Instance; attributes=}
            T64VHYZ5FZP9JDEC : @{sku=T64VHYZ5FZP9JDEC; productFamily=Cache Instance; attributes=}

        [PSCustomObject]$private:Products = $private:ConvertedResponse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty products 

        # Getting the members of Products will get us all of the sku properties, we want to iterate each
        # one and select it, expanded from the products object, which will provide the hash table of data
        # which includes sku, productFamily, and attributes
        Get-Member -InputObject $private:Products -MemberType *Property | ForEach-Object {
            # The Get-Member results will have a name property, that is the sku data for each product
            # By expanding the name property, we get the values of the sku index, which are the properties
            # like attributes and productfamily
            [PSCustomObject]$private:ProductData = $private:Products | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $_.Name

            [System.Collections.Hashtable]$private:TempHashTable = @{}
            # Convert the PSCustomObject to a hash table
            $private:ProductData.attributes.psobject.Properties | ForEach-Object  {
                $private:TempHashTable[$_.Name] = $_.Value

            # Assume the product matches the filters, and prove it false
            $private:Matches = $true

            # Now that we have product object, we can filter based on the key value pairs provided
            foreach ($Key in $Filter.Keys)
                # If the hash table doesn't contain the key and the values are not alike, it doesn't match
                # Otherwise, keep going
                if (-not ($private:TempHashTable.ContainsKey($Key) -and $private:TempHashTable[$Key] -like $Filter[$Key]))
                    $private:Matches = $false

            if ($private:Matches -eq $true)
                $private:Results += [PSCustomObject]@{"Sku" = $private:ProductData.sku; "ProductFamily" = $private:ProductData.productFamily; "Attributes" = $TempHashTable}

        Write-Output -InputObject $private:Results

    End {        