
#region Azure specific functions

function New-SBAZServicePrincipal {
  Function to create Azure AD Service Principal
  Function to create Azure AD Service Principal
  The use case intended for this function is to use the Service Principal to run PowerShell scripts against an Azure subscription
 .PARAMETER ServicePrincipalName
  One or more Service Principal Names
 .PARAMETER Environment
  Name of the Azure cloud. This parameter default to Azure Commercial cloud.
  As of 15 March 2018 that list is:
    To see an updated list, use:
  This parameter is used to assign Role/Permissions for te Service Principal in the current subscription.
  The default value is 'Owner' role.
  As of 16 March 2018 the following default roles are defined:
    API Management Service Contributor
    Application Insights Component Contributor
    Automation Operator
    BizTalk Contributor
    Classic Network Contributor
    Classic Storage Account Contributor
    Classic Storage Account Key Operator Service Role
    Classic Virtual Machine Contributor
    ClearDB MySQL DB Contributor
    Cosmos DB Account Reader Role
    Data Factory Contributor
    Data Lake Analytics Developer
    DevTest Labs User
    DNS Zone Contributor
    DocumentDB Account Contributor
    Intelligent Systems Account Contributor
    Log Analytics Contributor
    Log Analytics Reader
    Network Contributor
    New Relic APM Account Contributor
    Redis Cache Contributor
    Scheduler Job Collections Contributor
    Search Service Contributor
    Security Manager
    SQL DB Contributor
    SQL Security Manager
    SQL Server Contributor
    Storage Account Contributor
    Storage Account Key Operator Service Role
    Traffic Manager Contributor
    User Access Administrator
    Virtual Machine Contributor
    Web Plan Contributor
    Website Contributor
  For more details on roles, type in:
    Get-AzureRmRoleDefinition | select name,description,actions | Out-GridView
  $SPList = New-SBAZServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName samtest1,sam1demo
  $SPN = New-SBAZServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName PowerShell05 -Environment AzureUSGovernment
  # The above line creates the SPN and gives it 'Owner' permission/role in the current subscription
  $SPN | Export-Csv .\PowerShell05-SPN.csv -NoTypeInformation # This line saves the $SPN to CSV (not the password)
  # To use the SPN in future automations:
  # $SPN = Import-Csv .\PowerShell05-SPN.csv
  # Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential (Get-SBCredential $SPN.ServicePrincipalName) -ServicePrincipal -TenantId $SPN.TenantID -Environment $SPN.Environment
  The function returns a PS Object for each input Service Principal Name containing the following properties:
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 14 March 2018
  v0.2 - 15 March 2018 - Added 'Environment' parameter
  v0.3 - 16 March 2018 - Added 'Role' parameter, changed output to a custom PS Object

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('AzureCloud','AzureUSGovernment','AzureGermanCloud','AzureChinaCloud')][String]$Environment = 'AzureCloud',
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$Role = 'Owner'

    Begin { 
        $Subscription = Connect-AzureRmAccount -Environment $Environment  

    Process {
        if ($Subscription.Context.Subscription.Name) { 

            Write-Log 'Identified',$Subscription.Context.Subscription.Name,'subscription in the',$Subscription.Context.Environment.Name,'cloud' Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan,Green

            $SPList = foreach ($AppName in $ServicePrincipalName) {

                $AppCred = Get-SBCredential -UserName $AppName
                #region Create/Validate Azure AD App
                Remove-Variable App -EA 0 
                if ($App = Get-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName $AppName) {
                    Write-Log 'Validated app:',$App.Displayname Green,Cyan 
                } else {
                    $App = New-AzureRmADApplication -DisplayName $AppName -IdentifierUris $AppName
                    Write-Log 'Created app:',$App.Displayname Green,Cyan 

                #region Create/Validate Azure AD Service Principal
                Remove-Variable ServicePrincipal -EA 0 
                if ($ServicePrincipal = Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal | where { $PSItem.ApplicationId -eq $App.ApplicationId.Guid }) {
                    Write-Log 'Validated Service Principal:',($ServicePrincipal.SerVicePrincipalNames -join ', ') Green,Cyan 
                } else {
                    $ServicePrincipal = New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $App.ApplicationId.Guid -Password $AppCred.Password
                    Write-Log 'Created Service Principal:',($ServicePrincipal.SerVicePrincipalNames -join ', ') Green,Cyan 

                #region Assign Role (Permissions)
                Write-Log 'Assigning role',$Role Green,Cyan -NoNewLine
                $Result = try {
                    New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -ObjectId $ServicePrincipal.Id -RoleDefinitionName $Role -Scope "/subscriptions/$($Subscription.Context.Subscription.Id)" -EA 1
                    Write-Log 'done' Green
                } catch {
                    Write-Log $PSItem.Exception.Message Yellow

                    ServicePrincipalName = $AppName
                    TenantId             = (Get-AzureRmTenant).Id 
                    Environment          = $Environment
                    Role                 = $Role

        } else {
            Write-Log 'No subscriptions found for account',$Subscription.Context.Account.Id,'in the',$Subscription.Context.Environment.Name,'cloud' Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow,Magenta


    End {

function Deploy-AzureARMVM {
  Function to automate provisioning of Azure ARM VM(s)
  Function to automate provisioning of Azure ARM VM(s)
 .PARAMETER SubscriptionName
    Name of existing Azure subscription
 .PARAMETER Location
    Name of Azure Data center/Location
    Example: 'eastus'
    To see location list use:
        Get-AzureRmLocation | sort Location | Select Location
 .PARAMETER ResourceGroup
    Name of Resource Group.
    Example: 'VMGroup17'
    The script will create it if it does not exist
 .PARAMETER AvailabilitySetName
    Example: 'Availability17'
     The script will create it if it does not exist
 .PARAMETER ConfirmShutdown
    This switch accepts $true or $False, and defaaults to $False
    If adding existing VMs to Availaibility set, the script must shut down the VMs
 .PARAMETER StorageAccountPrefix
    Only lower case letters and numbers, must be Azure (globally) unique
    Example: 'myAdmin17'
    This will be the new VM local administrator
    Example: ('vm01','vm02')
    Name(s) of VM(s) to be created. Each is 15 characters maximum. If VMs exist, they will be added to Availability Set
    Example: 'Standard_A1_v2'
    To see available sizes in this Azure location use:
    This defaults to '2012-R2-Datacenter'
    Available options:
    To see current options in a given Azure Location use:
        (Get-AzureRMVMImageSku -Location usgovvirginia -Publisher MicrosoftWindowsServer -Offer WindowsServer).Skus
    For more information see
    Example: 'Seventeen'
    This will be the name of the virtual network to be created/updated if exist
 .PARAMETER vNetPrefix
    Example: ''
    To be created/updated
 .PARAMETER SubnetName
    Example: 'vmSubnet'
    This will be the name of the subnet to be created/updated
 .PARAMETER SubnetPrefix
    Example: ''
    Must be subset of vNetPrefix above - to be created/updated
    Path to log file where this scrit will log its commands and output
    Default is ".\Logs\Deploy-AzureARMVM-$($VMName -join '_')-$(Get-Date -Format 'ddMMMMyyyy_hh-mm-ss_tt').txt"
    Connect-AzureRmAccount -Environment AzureUSGovernment
    $myParamters = @{
        SubscriptionName = 'Azure Government T1'
        Location = 'usgovvirginia'
        ResourceGroup = 'EncryptionTest01'
        AvailabilitySetName = 'AvailabilityTest01'
        ConfirmShutdown = $false
        StorageAccountPrefix = 'sam150318a'
        AdminName = 'myAdmin150318a'
        VMName = @('vm01','vm02','vm03')
        VMSize = 'Standard_A0'
        WinOSImage = '2016-Datacenter'
        vNetName = 'EncryptionTest01VNet'
        vNetPrefix = ''
        SubnetName = 'vmSubnet'
        SubnetPrefix = ''
    Deploy-AzureARMVM @myParamters
  Function by Sam Boutros
    3 January 2017 - v0.1 - Initial release
    19 January 2017 - v0.2
        Updated parameters - set to mandatory
        Updated Storage Account creation region, create a separate storage account for each VM
        Updated Initialize region; removing subscription login, adding input echo, adding error handling
        Added functionality to configure VMs in availability set
    5 March 2018 - v0.3 Cosmetic updates

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$SubscriptionName         , # Example: 'Sam Test 1' # Name of existing Azure subscription
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Location                 , # Example: 'eastus' # Get-AzureRmLocation | sort Location | Select Location
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$ResourceGroup            , # Example: 'VMGroup17' # To be created if not exist
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$AvailabilitySetName     , # Example: 'Availability17' # To be created if not exist
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$ConfirmShutdown = $false, # If adding existing VMs to Availaibility set, the script must shut down the VMs
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$StorageAccountPrefix    , # To be created if not exist, only lower case letters and numbers, must be Azure unique
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$AdminName                , # Example: 'myAdmin17' # This will be the new VM local administrator
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String[]]$VMName                 , # Example: ('vm01','vm02') # Name(s) of VM(s) to be created. Each is 15 characters maximum. If VMs exist, they will be added to Availability Set
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$VMSize                   , # Example: 'Standard_A1_v2' # (Get-AzureRoleSize).RoleSizeLabel to see available sizes in this Azure location
            [String]$WinOSImage = '2012-R2-Datacenter'               , #
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$vNetName                 , # Example: 'Seventeen' # This will be the name of the virtual network to be created/updated if exist
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$vNetPrefix               , # Example: '' # To be created/updated
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$SubnetName               , # Example: 'vmSubnet' # This will be the name of the subnet to be created/updated
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$SubnetPrefix             , # Example: '' # Must be subset of vNetPrefix above - to be created/updated
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$LogFile = ".\Logs\Deploy-AzureARMVM-$($VMName -join '_')-$(Get-Date -Format 'ddMMMMyyyy_hh-mm-ss_tt').txt"

    Begin {

        #region Initialize
        if (!(Test-Path (Split-Path $LogFile))) { New-Item -Path (Split-Path $LogFile) -ItemType directory -Force | Out-Null }
        Write-Log 'Input received:' Green $LogFile
        write-log " SubscriptionName: $SubscriptionName" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " Location: $Location" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " ResourceGroup: $ResourceGroup" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " AvailabilitySetName: $AvailabilitySetName" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " ConfirmShutdown: $ConfirmShutdown" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " StorageAccountPrefix: $StorageAccountPrefix" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " AdminName: $AdminName" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " VMName(s): $($VMName -join ', ')" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " VMSize: $VMSize" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " vNetName: $vNetName" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " vNetPrefix: $vNetPrefix" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " SubnetName: $SubnetName" Cyan $LogFile
        write-log " SubnetPrefix: $SubnetPrefix"  Cyan $LogFile
        $Cred = Get-SBCredential -UserName $AdminName 

        #region Connect to Azure subscription
        Write-Log 'Connecting to Azure subscription',$SubscriptionName Green,Cyan $LogFile -NoNewLine
        try { 
            $Result = Get-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName -ErrorAction Stop | Select-AzureRmSubscription 
            Write-Log 'done' Green $LogFile    
            Write-Log ($Result | Out-String).Trim() Cyan $LogFile
        } catch {
            throw "unable to get Azure Subscription '$SubscriptionName'"

        #region Create/Update Resource group
        Write-Log 'Create/Update Resource group',$ResourceGroup Green,Cyan $LogFile -NoNewLine
        try {
            $Result = New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroup -Location $Location -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            Write-Log 'done' Green $LogFile    
            Write-Log ($Result | Out-String).Trim() Cyan $LogFile
        } catch {
            throw "Failed to create Resource Group '$ResourceGroup'"

        #region Create/Update Subnet and vNet
        Write-Log 'Creating/updating vNet',$vNetName,$vNetPrefix,'and subnet',$SubnetName,$SubnetPrefix Cyan,Green,DarkYellow,Cyan,Green,DarkYellow $LogFile -NoNewLine
        $Subnet = New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $SubnetName -AddressPrefix $SubnetPrefix
        $vNet = New-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -Name $vNetName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Location $Location -AddressPrefix $vNetPrefix -Subnet $Subnet -Force
        Write-Log 'done' Green


    Process {
        foreach ($Name in $VMName) { # Provision Azure VM(s)

            #region Create Storage Account if it does not exist
            $StorageAccountName = "stor$($StorageAccountPrefix.ToLower())$($Name.ToLower())"
            if ($StorageAccountName.Length -gt 20) { 
                Write-Log 'Storage account name',$StorageAccountName,'is too long, using first 20 characters only..' Green,Yellow,Green $LogFile
                $StorageAccountName = $StorageAccountName.Substring(0,19) 
            Write-Log 'Creating Storage Account',$StorageAccountName Green,Cyan $LogFile
            try {
                $StorageAccount = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -Name $StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Log 'Using existing storage account',$StorageAccountName Green,Cyan $LogFile
            } catch {
                $DesiredStorageAccountName = $StorageAccountName
                while (!(Get-AzureRmStorageAccountNameAvailability $StorageAccountName).NameAvailable) {
                    $StorageAccountName = "$StorageAccountName$i"
                if ($DesiredStorageAccountName -ne $StorageAccountName ) {
                    Write-Log 'Storage account',$DesiredStorageAccountName,'is taken, using',$StorageAccountName,'instead (available)' Greem,Yellow,Green,Cyan,Green $LogFile
                try {
                    $Splatt = @{
                        ResourceGroupName = $ResourceGroup
                        Name              = $StorageAccountName 
                        SkuName           = 'Standard_LRS' 
                        Kind              = 'Storage' 
                        Location          = $Location 
                        ErrorAction       = 'Stop'
                    $StorageAccount = New-AzureRmStorageAccount @Splatt
                    Write-Log 'Created storage account',$StorageAccountName Green,Cyan $LogFile
                } catch {
                    Write-Log 'Failed to create storage account',$StorageAccountName Magenta,Yellow $LogFile
                    throw $PSItem.exception.message

            #region Create/validate Availability Set
            if ($AvailabilitySetName) {
                Write-Log 'Creating/verifying Availability Set',$AvailabilitySetName Green,Cyan $LogFile
                try {
                    $AvailabilitySet = Get-AzureRmAvailabilitySet -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $AvailabilitySetName -ErrorAction Stop
                    Write-Log 'Availability Set',$AvailabilitySetName,'already exists' Green,Yellow,Green $LogFile
                    Write-Log ($AvailabilitySet | Out-String).Trim() Cyan $LogFile
                } catch {
                    try {
                        $AvailabilitySet = New-AzureRmAvailabilitySet -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $AvailabilitySetName -Location $Location -ErrorAction Stop
                        Write-Log 'Created Availability Set',$AvailabilitySetName Green,Cyan $LogFile
                    } catch {
                        Write-Log 'Failed to create Availability Set',$AvailabilitySetName Magenta,Yellow $LogFile
                        throw $PSItem.exception.message
                if ($AvailabilitySet.Location -ne $Location) {
                    Write-Log 'Unable to proceed, Availability set must be in the same location',$AvailabilitySet.Location,'as the desired VM location',$Location Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow $LogFile

            try {
                $ExistingVM = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop
                Write-Log 'VM',$ExistingVM.Name,'already exists' Green,Yellow,Gree $LogFile
                if ($AvailabilitySetName) {
                    if ($ConfirmShutdown) {
                        Write-Log 'Shutting down VM',$Name,'to add it to Availability set',$AvailabilitySetName Green,Cayn,Green,Cyan $LogFile
                        Stop-AzureRmVM -Name $Name -Force -StayProvisioned -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Confirm:$false

                        # Remove current VM
                        Remove-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $Name -Force -Confirm:$false

                        # Prepare to recreate VM
                        $VM = New-AzureRmVMConfig -VMName $ExistingVM.Name -VMSize $ExistingVM.HardwareProfile.VmSize -AvailabilitySetId $AvailabilitySet.Id
                        Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk -VM $VM -VhdUri $ExistingVM.StorageProfile.OsDisk.Vhd.Uri -Name $ExistingVM.Name -CreateOption Attach -Windows

                        #Add Data Disks
                        foreach ($Disk in $ExistingVM.StorageProfile.DataDisks) { 
                            Add-AzureRmVMDataDisk -VM $VM -Name $Disk.Name -VhdUri $Disk.Vhd.Uri -Caching $Disk.Caching -Lun $Disk.Lun -CreateOption Attach -DiskSizeInGB $Disk.DiskSizeGB

                        #Add NIC(s)
                        foreach ($NIC in $ExistingVM.NetworkInterfaceIDs) {
                            Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $VM -Id $NIC

                        # Recreate the VM as part of the Availability Set
                        New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Location $ExistingVM.Location -VM $VM -DisableBginfoExtension
                    } else {
                        Write-Log 'To add existing VM(s) to availability set, the VM(s) must be shut down. Use the','-ConfirmShutdown:$true','switch' Yellow,Cyan,Yellow $LogFile
            } catch {
                Write-Log 'Preparing to create new VM',$Name Green,Cyan $LogFile

                Write-Log 'Requesting/updating public IP address assignment',"$Name-PublicIP" Green,Cyan $LogFile 
                $PublicIp = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name "$Name-PublicIP" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Location $Location -AllocationMethod Dynamic -Force

                Write-Log 'Provisining/updating vNIC',"$Name-vNIC" Green,Cyan $LogFile
                $vNIC = New-AzureRmNetworkInterface -Name "$Name-vNIC" -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Location $Location -SubnetId $vNet.Subnets[0].Id -PublicIpAddressId $PublicIp.Id -Force

                Write-Log 'Provisioning VM configuration object for VM',$Name Green,Cyan $LogFile
                if ($AvailabilitySetName) {
                    $VM = New-AzureRmVMConfig -VMName $Name -VMSize $VMSize -AvailabilitySetId $AvailabilitySet.Id
                } else {
                    $VM = New-AzureRmVMConfig -VMName $Name -VMSize $VMSize 

                Write-Log 'Configuring VM OS (Windows),',$Cred.UserName,'local admin' Green,Cyan,Green $LogFile
                $VM = Set-AzureRmVMOperatingSystem -VM $VM -Windows -ComputerName $Name -Credential $Cred -ProvisionVMAgent -EnableAutoUpdate

                Write-Log 'Selecting VM image - Latest',$WinOSImage Green,Cyan $LogFile
                $VM = Set-AzureRmVMSourceImage -VM $VM -PublisherName "MicrosoftWindowsServer" -Offer "WindowsServer" -Skus $WinOSImage -Version "latest"

                Write-Log 'Adding vNIC' Green $LogFile
                $VM = Add-AzureRmVMNetworkInterface -VM $VM -Id $vNIC.Id 

                $VhdUri = "$($StorageAccount.PrimaryEndpoints.Blob.ToString())vhds/$($Name)-OsDisk1.vhd"
                Write-Log 'Configuring OS Disk',$VhdUri Green,Cyan $LogFile
                $VM = Set-AzureRmVMOSDisk -VM $VM -Name 'OSDisk' -VhdUri $VhdUri -CreateOption FromImage

                Write-Log 'Creating VM..' Green -NoNewLine
                New-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Location $Location -VM $VM 
                Write-Log 'done' Green $LogFile
                $DoneVM = Get-AzureRmVM | where { $_.Name -eq $Name } | FT -a 
                Write-Log ($DoneVM | Out-String).Trim() cyan $LogFile

    End {
        if ($AvailabilitySetName) {
            $AvailabilitySet = Get-AzureRmAvailabilitySet -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $AvailabilitySetName
            $VMDomains = $AvailabilitySet.VirtualMachinesReferences | foreach { 
                $VM = Get-AzureRMVM -Name (Get-AzureRmResource -Id $ -ResourceGroup $ResourceGroup -Status
                    Name         = $VM.Name
                    FaultDomain  = $VM.PlatformFaultDomain
                    UpdateDomain = $VM.PlatformUpdateDomain
            Write-Log ($VMDomains | sort Name | FT -a | Out-String).Trim() Cyan $LogFile


function Tag-AzureVM {

# Requires -Modules AzureRM
# Requires -Version 5

  Function to apply one or more Azure tags to one or more VM and its related objects
  Function to apply one or more Azure tags to one or more VM and its related objects including its:
  The username required to authenticate to Azure
 .PARAMETER SubscriptionName
  The Azure subscription name such as 'My Dev EA subscription'
 .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
  The name of the Azure Resource Group where the VM(s) reside
  The name(s) or one or more VMs
  One or more Azure tags to be applied.
  This is a hash table that takes key/value pairs in the format:
        COMPANY = 'MyCompany'
        OWNER = 'Sam.Boutros'
    $Splatt = @{
        LoginName = ''
        SubscriptionName = 'My Enterprise subscription'
        ResourceGroupName = 'My RG1'
        VMName = @(
        TagList = @{
            COMPANY = 'my company'
            OWNER = 'Sam.Boutros'
    Tag-AzureVM @Splatt
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 4 June 2018 - Initial release
  v0.2 - 14 June 2018 - Parameterized, added error handling and documentation

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][HashTable]$TagList = @{
                COMPANY = 'MyCompany'
                OWNER   = 'Sam.Boutros'

    Begin {
        Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential (Get-SBCredential $LoginName) | Out-Null # -Environment AzureCloud
        try {
            Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName -WA 0 -EA 1 | Set-AzureRmContext | Out-Null
            Write-Log 'Connected to Azure subscription',$SubscriptionName,'as',$LoginName Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
        } catch {
            Write-Log $PSItem.Exception.Message Magenta

    Process {
        foreach ($VM in $VMName) {
            Write-Log 'Processing VM',$VM Green,Cyan
            try { 
                $VMObj = Get-AzureRmVM -Name $VM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -WA 0 -EA 1
                Write-Log 'Found VM',$VM,'in resource group',$ResourceGroupName Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
            } catch {
                Write-Log 'VM',$VM,'not found in resource group',$ResourceGroupName Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow

            if ($VMObj) {
                $ObjList = @()
                $ObjList += $VMObj
                # Get VM NIC Objects
                foreach ($NicId in $VMObj.NetworkInterfaceIDs) {
                    $NICObj = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $NicId
                    $ObjList += $NICObj
                    Write-Log ' Identified VM NIC ',$NICObj.Name Green,Cyan

                # Get VM Disk Objects
                foreach ($DiskName in $VMObj.DataDiskNames) {
                    $DiskObj = Get-AzureRmDisk -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DiskName $DiskName
                    $ObjList += $DiskObj
                    Write-Log ' Identified VM disk',$DiskObj.Name Green,Cyan

                # Get VM Extension Objects
                foreach ($VMExtension in $VMObj.Extensions) {
                    $VMExtensionObj = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $VMExtension.Id
                    $ObjList += $VMExtensionObj
                    Write-Log ' Identified VM extension',$VMExtensionObj.Name Green,Cyan
            } # Get VM related objects

            foreach ($Resource in $ObjList) {
                # The Microsoft team is being inconsistent the way they make these objects
                # For example, the resource Id is called Id on some objects but called ResourceId on others
                if (! $Resource.ResourceId) {
                    $Resource | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ResourceId -Value $Resource.Id
                if (! $Resource.ResourceType) {
                    $Resource | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ResourceType -Value $Resource.Type

                Write-Log 'Processing resource',$Resource.Name,"($($Resource.ResourceType))" Green,Cyan,Green

                if ($ResourceTagList = (Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId).Tags) {
                    $OK2Save = $false
                    foreach ($key in $TagList.Keys) {
                        if (-not($ResourceTagList.ContainsKey($key))) {
                            Write-Log ' Tag',$key,'is not set for resource',$Resource.Name,'setting..' Green,Cyan,Yellow,Cyan,Green
                            $ResourceTagList.Add($key, $TagList[$key])
                            $OK2Save = $true
                        } elseif ($Resource.Tags[$key] -eq $TagList[$key]) {
                            Write-Log ' Tag',$key,'is already set for resource',$Resource.Name,'value:',$Resource.Tags[$key],'skipping..' Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan,Green
                        } else {
                            Write-Log ' Tag',$key,'is already set for resource',$Resource.Name,'value:',$Resource.Tags[$key],'updating..' Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan,Green,Yellow,Green
                            $Resource.Tags.$key = $TagList.$key # not working for some reason !?
                            $OK2Save = $true

                    if ($OK2Save) {
                        Write-Log 'saving tags to resource..' DarkYellow -NoNewLine
                        try {
                            Set-AzureRmResource -Tag $ResourceTagList -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -Force -EA 1 | Out-Null
                        } catch {
                            Write-Log 'failed' Magenta
                            Write-Log $PSItem.Exception.Message Yellow
                } else {
                    Write-Log ' No tags configured for resource',$Resource.Name,'adding tags',($TagList.Keys -join ',') Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
                    try {
                        Set-AzureRmResource -Tag $TagList -ResourceId $Resource.ResourceId -Force -EA 1 | Out-Null
                    } catch {
                        Write-Log 'failed' Magenta
                        Write-Log $PSItem.Exception.Message Yellow


    End {}

function Expand-Json {
  Function to expand a custom PowerShell object in a more readable format
  Function to expand a custom PowerShell object in a more readable format
  The ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet of the Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility module outputs
  a PS Custom Object that often contains sub objects and so on.
  This function expands all objects and displays the key/value pairs in a
  more humanly readable format - see the example
  PS Custom Object, typically the output of ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet - see the example
  This is optional parameter used to show sub-objects when using the function recursively
  Get-Content E:\Scripts\ARMTemplates\Storage1.json | ConvertFrom-Json | Expand-Json
  where the contents of Storage1.json file are:
      "$schema": "",
      "contentVersion": "",
      "parameters": {
        "storageAccountType": {
          "type": "string",
          "defaultValue": "Standard_LRS",
          "allowedValues": [
          "metadata": {
            "description": "Storage Account type"
      "variables": {
        "storageAccountName": "[concat(uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), 'standardsa')]"
      "resources": [
          "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
          "name": "[variables('storageAccountName')]",
          "apiVersion": "2016-01-01",
          "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
          "sku": {
              "name": "[parameters('storageAccountType')]"
          "kind": "Storage",
          "properties": {
      "outputs": {
          "storageAccountName": {
              "type": "string",
              "value": "[variables('storageAccountName')]"
  The output of Get-Content E:\Scripts\ARMTemplates\Storage1.json | ConvertFrom-Json would look like:
    $schema :
    contentVersion :
    parameters : @{storageAccountType=}
    variables : @{storageAccountName=[concat(uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), 'standardsa')]}
    resources : {@{type=Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts; name=[variables('storageAccountName')]; apiVersion=2016-01-01; location=[resourceGroup().location]; sku=; kind=Storage; properties=}}
    outputs : @{storageAccountName=}
  which does not show sub-objects such as parameters.storageAccountType.allowedValues, parameters.storageAccountType.defaultValue, ...
  However, the output of Get-Content E:\Scripts\ARMTemplates\Storage1.json | ConvertFrom-Json | Expand-Json
  shows all objects, sub-objects, and their key/pair values:
    outputs.storageAccountName.type: string
    outputs.storageAccountName.value: [variables('storageAccountName')]
    parameters.storageAccountType.allowedValues: Standard_LRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_ZRS, Premium_LRS
    parameters.storageAccountType.defaultValue: Standard_LRS
    parameters.storageAccountType.metadata.description: Storage Account type
    parameters.storageAccountType.type: string
    resources.apiVersion: 2016-01-01
    resources.kind: Storage
    resources.location: [resourceGroup().location] [variables('storageAccountName')] [parameters('storageAccountType')]
    resources.type: Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
    variables.storageAccountName: [concat(uniquestring(resourceGroup().id), 'standardsa')]
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 28 March 2018


    Begin {
        Write-Verbose "JSON: $($JSON | Out-String)"
        Write-Verbose "Parent: $($Parent -join '.')"

    Process {
        foreach ($NoteProperty in ($JSON | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty)) {
            if ($NoteProperty.Definition -match 'PSCustomObject') {
                Expand-Json -JSON $JSON.($NoteProperty.Name) -Parent ($Parent + $NoteProperty.Name)
            } else {
                if (($JSON.($NoteProperty.Name) -join '').Trim()) {
                    Write-Log "$(($Parent + $NoteProperty.Name) -join '.'):",($JSON.($NoteProperty.Name) -join ', ') Green,Cyan
                } else {
                    Expand-Json -JSON $JSON.($NoteProperty.Name) -Parent ($Parent + $NoteProperty.Name) -EA 0

    End { }

function Get-AzureRMDiskSpace {
  Function to obtain used disk space of one or more Azure VMs
  Function to obtain used disk space of one or more Azure VMs
  This function calculates disk space of unmanaged disks only
  Microsoft charges for the entire allocated space of a managed disk regardless
  of how much is used, so finding the actual used size is irrelevent
  One or more of type Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Compute.Models.PSVirtualMachineList
  which can be obtained from the output of the AzureRM cmdlet Get-AzureRmVM
 .PARAMETER RetryCount
  This is an optional number between 0 and 99
  The cmdlet will retry the disks that fail to get used disk space amount that many times
    Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential (Get-SBCredential '') | Out-Null # -Environment AzureCloud
    Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName 'my subscription anme' -WA 0 | Set-AzureRmContext | Out-Null
    $VMList = (Get-AzureRmVM -WA 0)[0..2]
    $DiskSpaceUsage = Get-AzureRMDiskSpace -AzureVM $VMList -RetryCount 1 -Verbose
    $DiskSpaceUsage | FT -a
  PSCustom object (one for each disk) containing the following properties/example:
    VMName DiskName StorageAccount BlobName TotalSizeGB UsedSizeGB Source DateReported RetryCount
    ------ -------- -------------- -------- ----------- ---------- ------ ------------ ----------
    MigrationAdmin1 MigrationAdmin1 devgdisks756 MigrationAdmin104435.vhd 127 ? AzureStorage 8/8/2018 11:04 AM 5
    DEBCSV01 DEBCSV01 debcssa DEBCSV0120180802110039.vhd 32 3.96 AzureStorage 8/8/2018 10:49 AM 0
    DECEX16VO1 DECEX16VO1 decsa DECEX16VO120180403203752.vhd 127 30.33 AzureStorage 8/8/2018 10:50 AM 0
    DECEX16VO1 DECEX16VO1-DD1 decsa DECEX16VO1-DD1.vhd 40 ? AzureStorage 8/8/2018 11:06 AM 5
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 20 July 2018 - Known issue: not able to get used space of some disks, getting:
    $Blob.ICloudBlob.GetPageRanges(): Exception calling "GetPageRanges" with "0" argument(s):
    "Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host."

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateRange(0,99)][Int16]$RetryCount = 0

    Begin { 
        $myOutput = @() 

        function Get-DiskBlobSize {

            Write-Log 'Processing disk:' Green
            Write-Log ($Disk | Out-String).Trim() Cyan
            $StorageAccount = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $VM.ResourceGroupName -Name $Disk.StorageAccount
            $Blob = Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container vhds -Context $StorageAccount.Context -Blob $Disk.BlobName
            $blobSize  = 124 + $Blob.Name.Length * 2
            $blobSize += ($Blob.ICloudBlob.Metadata.Keys.Length   | measure -Sum).Sum
            $blobSize += ($Blob.ICloudBlob.Metadata.Values.Length | measure -Sum).Sum
            $PageRanges = $Blob.ICloudBlob.GetPageRangesAsync() # $Blob.ICloudBlob.GetPageRanges()
            Write-Verbose ($PageRanges | Out-String) 
            if ($PageRanges.Result) {                          
                $PageRanges.Result | foreach { $blobSize += 12 + $_.EndOffset - $_.StartOffset }
            } else { 

    Process {
        #region First run
        foreach ($VM in $AzureVM) {
            #region Get list of unmanaged VM disks
            $DiskList = @()
            if ($VM.StorageProfile.OsDisk.ManagedDisk) {
                Write-Log 'Disk',$VM.StorageProfile.OsDisk.Name,'is a managed disk, skipping..' Yellow,Cyan,Yellow
            } else {
                $DiskList += @($VM.StorageProfile.OsDisk | select Name,DiskSizeGB,
            foreach ($VMDisk in $VM.StorageProfile.DataDisks) {
                if ($VMDisk.ManagedDisk) {
                    Write-Log 'Disk',$VMDisk.Name,'is a managed disk, skipping..' Yellow,Cyan,Yellow
                } else {
                    $DiskList += $VMDisk | select Name,DiskSizeGB,

            if ($DiskList) {
                Write-Log 'Calculating used disk space for',$DiskList.Count,'disk(s) of VM',$VM.Name Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
                foreach ($Disk in $DiskList) {
                    $myOutput += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                        VMName         = $VM.Name
                        DiskName       = $Disk.Name
                        StorageAccount = $Disk.StorageAccount
                        BlobName       = $Disk.BlobName
                        TotalSizeGB    = $Disk.DiskSizeGB
                        UsedSizeGB     = Get-DiskBlobSize -Disk $Disk -VM $VM
                        Source         = 'AzureStorage'
                        DateReported   = Get-Date -Format g
                        RetryCount     = 0


        #region Retries
        if ($RetryCount -gt 0) {
            foreach ($Retry in 1..$RetryCount) { 
                Write-Log 'Retry #',$Retry Cyan,Yellow
                foreach ($Disk in ($myOutput | where { $PSItem.UsedSizeGB -eq '?' })) {
                    $Disk.UsedSizeGB   = Get-DiskBlobSize -Disk $Disk -VM ($AzureVM | where { $Disk.VMName -eq $PSItem.Name })
                    $Disk.DateReported = Get-Date -Format g
                    $Disk.RetryCount   = $Retry

    End { $myOutput }

function Get-AzureRMVMBackup {
  Function to list backup recovery points of Azure VMs in one or more subscriptions
  Function to list backup recovery points of Azure VMs in one or more subscriptions
  The script provides interim output to the console indicating its progress through the hierarchy of:
      Recovery Services Vaults
        Registered AzureVM Backup containers
          Backup Items
            Recovery points
 .PARAMETER SubscriptionName
  Name of Azure subscription
  If not provided it will default to all accessible Azure subscriptions
    Login-AzureRmAccount -Credential (Get-SBCredential '') | Out-Null # -Environment AzureCloud
    $VMBackupList = Get-AzureRMVMBackup -SubscriptionName 'my subscription name'
    $VMBackupList | Format-Table -Auto # to display to the console
    $VMBackupList | Out-GridView # to display to ISE GridView
    $VMBackupList | Export-Csv .\VMBackupList1.csv -NoType # to export to CSV
  PSCustom object (one for each recovery point) containing the following properties/example:
    VMName VaultName ResourceGroup SubscriptionName RecoveryPointType RecoveryPointTime EncryptionEnabled
    ------ ------------ ------------- ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
    ab123xyzw01 xyz abc my subscription name CrashConsistent 8/9/2018 6:01:25 AM False
    ab123xyzw01 xyz abc my subscription name CrashConsistent 8/8/2018 6:08:09 AM False
    ab123xyzw01 xyz abc my subscription name CrashConsistent 8/7/2018 6:11:49 AM False
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 9 August 2018
  v0.2 - 24 September 2018 - Fixed bug with Get-AzureRmResource line
  v0.3 - 25 September 2018 - Added Vault Name in output


    Begin { 
        $myOutput = @() 

        # Validate AzureRM PowerShell module is available
        if(-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable AzureRM)) {
            Write-Log 'Required AzureRM PowerShell module not found. You can install it from the PowerShell Gallery by running:' Magenta
            Write-Log 'Install-Module AzureRM' Yellow

        # Validate that we're logged in to Azure
        try { Get-AzureRmSubscription -EA 1 -WA 0 | Out-Null  } catch { Write-Log $_.exception.message Yellow; break }

    Process {

        if (-not $SubscriptionName) { $SubscriptionName = (Get-AzureRmSubscription -WA 0).Name }

        foreach ($Subscription in $SubscriptionName) {
            Write-Log 'Processing subscription',$Subscription Green,Cyan
            try {
                Get-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName $Subscription -EA 1 -WA 0 | Set-AzureRmContext | Out-Null  
                $VaultList = Get-AzureRmResource | where ResourceType -EQ Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults | select Name,ResourceGroupName,Location
                if ($VaultList) {
                    Write-Log ' Identified',$VaultList.Count,'Recovery Services Vaults;',($VaultList.Name -join ', ') Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
                    foreach ($Vault in $VaultList) {
                        Write-Log ' Processing Recovery Services Vault',$Vault.Name Green,Cyan 
                        Set-AzureRmRecoveryServicesVaultContext -Vault $Vault
                        $ContainerList = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupContainer  -ContainerType 'AzureVM' -Status 'Registered' 
                        if ($ContainerList) {
                            Write-Log ' Identified',$ContainerList.Count,'Azure VM backup sets/containers;',($ContainerList.FriendlyName -join ', ') Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
                            foreach ($Container in $ContainerList) {
                                $backupitem = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupItem -Container $Container -WorkloadType 'AzureVM'
                                if ($backupitem) {
                                    $RecoveryPointList = Get-AzureRmRecoveryServicesBackupRecoveryPoint -Item $backupitem 
                                    if ($RecoveryPointList) {
                                        Write-Log ' Identified',$RecoveryPointList.Count,'recovery points for VM',$Container.FriendlyName Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
                                        foreach ($RecoveryPoint in $RecoveryPointList) {
                                            $myOutput += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
                                                VMName            = $RecoveryPoint.ItemName.Split(';')[2]
                                                ResourceGroup     = $RecoveryPoint.ItemName.Split(';')[1]
                                                VaultName         = $Vault.Name 
                                                SubscriptionName  = $Subscription
                                                RecoveryPointType = $RecoveryPoint.RecoveryPointType
                                                RecoveryPointTime = $RecoveryPoint.RecoveryPointTime
                                                EncryptionEnabled = $RecoveryPoint.EncryptionEnabled
                                    } else {
                                        Write-Log ' No recovery points found for VM',$Container.FriendlyName Green,yellow
                        } else {
                            Write-Log ' No registered VM backup containers found in Recovery Services Vault',$Vault.Name Green,Yellow
                } else {
                    Write-Log ' No Recovery Services Vaults found in subscription',$Subscription Green,Yellow
            } catch {
                Write-Log $_.exception.message Yellow

    End { $myOutput }


#region Core functions

function Write-Log {
  Function to log input string to file and display it to screen
  Function to log input string to file and display it to screen.
  Log entries in the log file are time stamped.
  Function allows for displaying text to screen in different colors.
  The string to be displayed to the screen and saved to the log file
  The color in which to display the input string on the screen
  Default is White
  16 valid options for [System.ConsoleColor] type are
  Path to the file where the input string should be saved.
  Example: c:\log.txt
  If absent, the input string will be displayed to the screen only and not saved to log file
  Write-Log -String "Hello World" -Color Yellow -LogFile c:\log.txt
  This example displays the "Hello World" string to the console in yellow, and adds it as a new line to the file c:\log.txt
  If c:\log.txt does not exist it will be created.
  Log entries in the log file are time stamped. Sample output:
    2014.08.06 06:52:17 AM: Hello World
  Write-Log "$((Get-Location).Path)" Cyan
  This example displays current path in Cyan, and does not log the displayed text to log file.
  "$((Get-Process | select -First 1).name) process ID is $((Get-Process | select -First 1).id)" | Write-Log -color DarkYellow
  Sample output of this example:
    "MDM process ID is 4492" in dark yellow
  Write-Log 'Found',(Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -File).Count,'files in folder',(Get-Item .\).FullName Green,Yellow,Green,Cyan .\mylog.txt
  Sample output will look like:
    Found 520 files in folder D:\Sandbox - and will have the listed foreground colors
  Write-Log (Get-Volume | sort DriveLetter | Out-String).Trim() Cyan .\mylog.txt
  Sample output will look like (in Cyan, and will also be written to .\mylog.txt):
    DriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining Size
    ----------- ------------ -------------- --------- ------------ ----------------- ------------- ----
                Recovery NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 101.98 MB 450 MB
    C NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 7.23 GB 39.45 GB
    D Unknown CD-ROM Healthy Unknown 0 B 0 B
    E Data NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 26.13 GB 49.87 GB
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v1.0 - 6 August 2014
  v1.1 - 1 December 2014 - added multi-color display in the same line
  v1.2 - 8 August 2016 - updated date time stamp format, protect against bad LogFile name
  v1.3 - 22 September 2017 - Re-write: Error handling for no -String parameter, bad color(s), and bad -LogFile without errors
                                        Add Verbose messages


    if ($String) {
        $ConsoleColor = @('Black','Blue','Cyan','DarkBlue','DarkCyan','DarkGray','DarkGreen','DarkMagenta',
        $ColorList = $Color | % { if ($_ -in $ConsoleColor) { $_ } else { 'White' } }
        if (!$ColorList) { $ColorList = 'Green' }

        if ($String.Count -gt 1) {
            foreach ($item in $String) { 
                if ($ColorList.Count -gt 1) {
                    if ($ColorList[$i]) { $col = $ColorList[$i] } else { $col = 'White' }
                } else {
                    if ($i -eq 0) { $col = $ColorList } else { $col = 'White' }
                Write-Host "$item " -ForegroundColor $col -NoNewline
        } else { # 1 String
            if ($ColorList.Count -gt 1) { $col = $ColorList[0] } else { $col = $ColorList }
            Write-Host "$String " -ForegroundColor $col -NoNewline

        if (!$NoNewLine) { Write-Host ' ' }

        try {
            "$(Get-Date -format 'dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss tt'): $($String -join ' ')" | Out-File -Filepath $Logfile -Append -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-Verbose 'Write-Log: Missing -LogFile parameter or bad LogFile name. Will not save input string(s) to log file..'
    } else {
        Write-Verbose 'Write-Log: Missing -String parameter - nothing to write or log..'

function Get-SBCredential {
  Function to get AD credential, save encrypted password to file for future automation
  Function to get AD credential, save encrypted password to file for future automation
  The function will use saved password if the password file exists
  The function will prompt for the password if the password file does not exist,
    or the -Refresh switch is used
  Note that the function does not validate whether the UserName exists in any directory,
  or that the password entered is valid. It merely creates a Credential object to be used
  securely for future automation, eleminating the need to type in the password everytime
  the function is needed, or the need to type in password in clear text in scripts.
  This can be in the format 'myusername' or 'domain\username'
  If not provided, the function assumes username under which the function is executed
  This switch will force the function to prompt for the password and over-write the password file
  The function returns a PSCredential object that can be used with other cmdlets that use the -Credential parameter
  $MyCred = Get-SBCredential
  $Cred2 = Get-SBCredential -UserName 'sboutros' -Verbose -Refresh
  $Cred3 = 'domain2\ADSuperUser' | Get-SBCredential
  Disable-ADAccount -Identity 'Someone' -Server 'MyDomainController' -Credential $Cred3
  This example obtains and saves credential of 'domain2\ADSuperUser' in $Cred3 varialble
  Second line uses that credential to disable an AD account of 'Someone'
  Sam Boutros
  5 August 2016 - v1.0
  For more information see

            [String]$UserName = "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME", 
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=1)][Switch]$Refresh = $false 

    $CredPath = "$env:Temp\$($UserName.Replace('\','_')).txt"
    if ($Refresh) { Remove-Item -Path $CredPath -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } 
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $CredPath)) {
        Read-Host "Enter the pwd for $UserName" -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $CredPath            
    $Pwd = Get-Content $CredPath | ConvertTo-SecureString 
    New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $UserName, $Pwd 

function ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML {
Provides an enhanced version of the ConvertTo-HTML command that includes
inserting an embedded CSS style sheet, JQuery, and JQuery Data Tables for
interactivity. Intended to be used with HTML fragments that are produced
by ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment. This command does not accept pipeline
A Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) pointing to the location of the
jQuery script file. You can download jQuery from; you should
host the script file on a local intranet Web server and provide a URI
that starts with http:// or https://. Alternately, you can also provide
a file system path to the script file, although this may create security
issues for the Web browser in some configurations.
Tested with v1.8.2.
Defaults to, which
will pull the file from Microsoft's ASP.NET Content Delivery Network.
A Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) pointing to the location of the
jQuery Data Table script file. You can download this from;
you should host the script file on a local intranet Web server and provide a URI
that starts with http:// or https://. Alternately, you can also provide
a file system path to the script file, although this may create security
issues for the Web browser in some configurations.
Tested with jQuery DataTable v1.9.4
Defaults to,
which will pull the file from Microsoft's ASP.NET Content Delivery Network.
.PARAMETER CssStyleSheet
The CSS style sheet content - not a file name. If you have a CSS file,
you can load it into this parameter as follows:
    -CSSStyleSheet (Get-Content MyCSSFile.css)
Alternately, you may link to a Web server-hosted CSS file by using the
-CssUri parameter.
A Uniform Resource Indicator (URI) to a Web server-hosted CSS file.
Must start with either http:// or https://. If you omit this, you
can still provide an embedded style sheet, which makes the resulting
HTML page more standalone. To provide an embedded style sheet, use
the -CSSStyleSheet parameter.
A plain-text title that will be displayed in the Web browser's window
title bar. Note that not all browsers will display this.
Raw HTML to insert before all HTML fragments. Use this to specify a main
title for the report:
    -PreContent "<H1>My HTML Report</H1>"
.PARAMETER PostContent
Raw HTML to insert after all HTML fragments. Use this to specify a
report footer:
    -PostContent "Created on $(Get-Date)"
One or more HTML fragments, as produced by ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment.
    -HTMLFragments $part1,$part2,$part3
The following is a complete example script showing how to use
ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment and ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML. The
example queries 6 pieces of information from the local computer
and produces a report in C:\. This example uses most of the
avaiable options. It relies on Internet connectivity to retrieve
JavaScript from Microsoft's Content Delivery Network. This
example uses an embedded stylesheet, which is defined as a here-string
at the top of the script.
$computername = 'localhost'
$path = 'c:\'
$style = @"
body {
    font-size: 10pt;
h1 {
h2 {
    border-top:1px solid #666666;
th {
.odd { background-color:#ffffff; }
.even { background-color:#dddddd; }
.paginate_enabled_next, .paginate_enabled_previous {
    border:1px solid #222222;
.paginate_disabled_previous, .paginate_disabled_next {
.dataTables_info { margin-bottom:4px; }
.sectionheader { cursor:pointer; }
.sectionheader:hover { color:red; }
.grid { width:100% }
.red {
function Get-InfoOS {
    $os = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName
    $props = @{'OSVersion'=$os.version;
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
function Get-InfoCompSystem {
    $cs = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName
    $props = @{'Model'=$cs.model;
               'RAM (GB)'="{0:N2}" -f ($cs.totalphysicalmemory / 1GB);
    New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
function Get-InfoBadService {
    $svcs = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Service -ComputerName $ComputerName `
           -Filter "StartMode='Auto' AND State<>'Running'"
    foreach ($svc in $svcs) {
        $props = @{'ServiceName'=$;
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
function Get-InfoProc {
    $procs = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Process -ComputerName $ComputerName
    foreach ($proc in $procs) {
        $props = @{'ProcName'=$;
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
function Get-InfoNIC {
    $nics = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_NetworkAdapter -ComputerName $ComputerName `
           -Filter "PhysicalAdapter=True"
    foreach ($nic in $nics) {
        $props = @{'NICName'=$nic.servicename;
                   'Speed'=$nic.speed / 1MB -as [int];
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
function Get-InfoDisk {
    $drives = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $ComputerName `
           -Filter "DriveType=3"
    foreach ($drive in $drives) {
        $props = @{'Drive'=$drive.DeviceID;
                   'Size'=$drive.size / 1GB -as [int];
                   'Free'="{0:N2}" -f ($drive.freespace / 1GB);
                   'FreePct'=$drive.freespace / $drive.size * 100 -as [int]}
        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $props
foreach ($computer in $computername) {
    try {
        $everything_ok = $true
        Write-Verbose "Checking connectivity to $computer"
        Get-WmiObject -class Win32_BIOS -ComputerName $Computer -EA Stop | Out-Null
    } catch {
        Write-Warning "$computer failed"
        $everything_ok = $false
    if ($everything_ok) {
        $filepath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath "$computer.html"
        $params = @{'As'='List';
        $html_os = Get-InfoOS -ComputerName $computer |
                   ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment @params
        $params = @{'As'='List';
                    'PreContent'='<h2>Computer System</h2>'}
        $html_cs = Get-InfoCompSystem -ComputerName $computer |
                   ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment @params
        $params = @{'As'='Table';
                    'PreContent'='<h2>&diams; Local Disks</h2>';
                                 @{n='Free(GB)';e={$_.Free};css={if ($_.FreePct -lt 80) { 'red' }}},
                                 @{n='Free(%)';e={$_.FreePct};css={if ($_.FreeePct -lt 80) { 'red' }}}}
        $html_dr = Get-InfoDisk -ComputerName $computer |
                   ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment @params
        $params = @{'As'='Table';
                    'PreContent'='<h2>&diams; Processes</h2>';
        $html_pr = Get-InfoProc -ComputerName $computer |
                   ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment @params
        $params = @{'As'='Table';
                    'PreContent'='<h2>&diams; Services to Check</h2>';
        $html_sv = Get-InfoBadService -ComputerName $computer |
                   ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment @params
        $params = @{'As'='Table';
                    'PreContent'='<h2>&diams; NICs</h2>';
        $html_na = Get-InfoNIC -ComputerName $Computer |
                   ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment @params
        $params = @{'CssStyleSheet'=$style;
                    'Title'="System Report for $computer";
                    'PreContent'="<h1>System Report for $computer</h1>";
        ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML @params |
        Out-File -FilePath $filepath
  Function by Don Jones
  Generated on: 9/10/2013
  For more information see
  included in AZSBTools module with permission by Don Jones

        [string]$jQueryURI = '',
        [string]$jQueryDataTableURI = '',
        [string]$Title = 'Report',

        Add CSS style sheet. If provided in -CssUri, add a <link> element.
        If provided in -CssStyleSheet, embed in the <head> section.
        Note that BOTH may be supplied - this is legitimate in HTML.

    Write-Verbose "Making CSS style sheet"
    $stylesheet = ""
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CssUri')) {
        $stylesheet = "<link rel=`"stylesheet`" href=`"$CssUri`" type=`"text/css`" />"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('CssStyleSheet')) {
        $stylesheet = "<style>$CssStyleSheet</style>" | Out-String

        Create the HTML tags for the page title, and for
        our main javascripts.

    Write-Verbose "Creating <TITLE> and <SCRIPT> tags"
    $titletag = ""
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('title')) {
        $titletag = "<title>$title</title>"
    $script += "<script type=`"text/javascript`" src=`"$jQueryURI`"></script>`n<script type=`"text/javascript`" src=`"$jQueryDataTableURI`"></script>"

        Render supplied HTML fragments as one giant string

    Write-Verbose "Combining HTML fragments"
    $body = $HTMLFragments | Out-String

        If supplied, add pre- and post-content strings

    Write-Verbose "Adding Pre and Post content"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('precontent')) {
        $body = "$PreContent`n$body"
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('postcontent')) {
        $body = "$body`n$PostContent"

        Add a final script that calls the datatable code
        We dynamic-ize all tables with the .enhancedhtml-dynamic-table
        class, which is added by ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment.

    Write-Verbose "Adding interactivity calls"
    $datatable = ""
    $datatable = "<script type=`"text/javascript`">"
    $datatable += '$(document).ready(function () {'
    $datatable += "`$('.enhancedhtml-dynamic-table').dataTable();"
    $datatable += '} );'
    $datatable += "</script>"

        Datatables expect a <thead> section containing the
        table header row; ConvertTo-HTML doesn't produce that
        so we have to fix it.

    Write-Verbose "Fixing table HTML"
    $body = $body -replace '<tr><th>','<thead><tr><th>'
    $body = $body -replace '</th></tr>','</th></tr></thead>'

        Produce the final HTML. We've more or less hand-made
        the <head> amd <body> sections, but we let ConvertTo-HTML
        produce the other bits of the page.

    Write-Verbose "Producing final HTML"
    ConvertTo-HTML -Head "$stylesheet`n$titletag`n$script`n$datatable" -Body $body  
    Write-Debug "Finished producing final HTML"


function ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment {
Creates an HTML fragment (much like ConvertTo-HTML with the -Fragment switch
that includes CSS class names for table rows, CSS class and ID names for the
table, and wraps the table in a <DIV> tag that has a CSS class and ID name.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The object to be converted to HTML. You cannot select properties using this
command; precede this command with Select-Object if you need a subset of
the objects' properties.
.PARAMETER EvenRowCssClass
The CSS class name applied to even-numbered <TR> tags. Optional, but if you
use it you must also include -OddRowCssClass.
The CSS class name applied to odd-numbered <TR> tags. Optional, but if you
use it you must also include -EvenRowCssClass.
Optional. The CSS ID name applied to the <TABLE> tag.
Optional. The CSS ID name applied to the <DIV> tag which is wrapped around the table.
.PARAMETER TableCssClass
Optional. The CSS class name to apply to the <TABLE> tag.
Optional. The CSS class name to apply to the wrapping <DIV> tag.
Must be 'List' or 'Table.' Defaults to Table. Actually produces an HTML
table either way; with Table the output is a grid-like display. With
List the output is a two-column table with properties in the left column
and values in the right column.
.PARAMETER Properties
A comma-separated list of properties to include in the HTML fragment.
This can be * (which is the default) to include all properties of the
piped-in object(s). In addition to property names, you can also use a
hashtable similar to that used with Select-Object. For example:
 Get-Process | ConvertTo-EnhancedHTMLFragment -As Table `
               -Properties Name,ID,@{n='VM';
                                     css={if ($_.VM -gt 100) { 'red' }
                                          else { 'green' }}}
This will create table cell rows with the calculated CSS class names.
E.g., for a process with a VM greater than 100, you'd get:
  <TD class="red">475858</TD>
You can use this feature to specify a CSS class for each table cell
based upon the contents of that cell. Valid keys in the hashtable are:
  n, name, l, or label: The table column header
  e or expression: The table cell contents
  css or csslcass: The CSS class name to apply to the <TD> tag
Another example:
    e={$_.FreeSpace / 1MB -as [int]};
    css={ if ($_.FreeSpace -lt 100) { 'red' } else { 'blue' }}
This example creates a column titled "Free(MB)". It will contain
the input object's FreeSpace property, divided by 1MB and cast
as a whole number (integer). If the value is less than 100, the
table cell will be given the CSS class "red." If not, the table
cell will be given the CSS class "blue." The supplied cascading
style sheet must define ".red" and ".blue" for those to have any
Raw HTML content to be placed before the wrapping <DIV> tag.
For example:
    -PreContent "<h2>Section A</h2>"
.PARAMETER PostContent
Raw HTML content to be placed after the wrapping <DIV> tag.
For example:
    -PostContent "<hr />"
.PARAMETER MakeHiddenSection
Used in conjunction with -PreContent. Adding this switch, which
needs no value, turns your -PreContent into clickable report
section header. The section will be hidden by default, and clicking
the header will toggle its visibility.
When using this parameter, consider adding a symbol to your -PreContent
that helps indicate this is an expandable section. For example:
    -PreContent '<h2>&diams; My Section</h2>'
If you use -MakeHiddenSection, you MUST provide -PreContent also, or
the hidden section will not have a section header and will not be
.PARAMETER MakeTableDynamic
When using "-As Table", makes the table dynamic. Will be ignored
if you use "-As List". Dynamic tables are sortable, searchable, and
are paginated.
You should not use even/odd styling with tables that are made
dynamic. Dynamic tables automatically have their own even/odd
styling. You can apply CSS classes named ".odd" and ".even" in
your CSS to style the even/odd in a dynamic table.
 $fragment = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
             Select-Object -Property PSComputerName,DeviceID,FreeSpace,Size |
             ConvertTo-HTMLFragment -EvenRowClass 'even' `
                                    -OddRowClass 'odd' `
                                    -PreContent '<h2>Disk Report</h2>' `
                                    -MakeHiddenSection `
 You will usually save fragments to a variable, so that multiple fragments
 (each in its own variable) can be passed to ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML.
Consider adding the following to your CSS when using dynamic tables:
    .paginate_enabled_next, .paginate_enabled_previous {
        border:1px solid #222222;
    .paginate_disabled_previous, .paginate_disabled_next {
    .dataTables_info { margin-bottom:4px; }
This applies appropriate coloring to the next/previous buttons,
and applies a small amount of space after the dynamic table.
If you choose to make sections hidden (meaning they can be shown
and hidden by clicking on the section header), consider adding
the following to your CSS:
    .sectionheader { cursor:pointer; }
    .sectionheader:hover { color:red; }
This will apply a hover-over color, and change the cursor icon,
to help visually indicate that the section can be toggled.
  Function by Don Jones
  Generated on: 9/10/2013
  For more information see
  included in AZSBTools module with permission by Don Jones

        [string]$As = 'Table',
        [object[]]$Properties = '*',
    BEGIN {
            Accumulate output in a variable so that we don't
            produce an array of strings to the pipeline, but
            instead produce a single string.

        $out = ''
            Add the section header (pre-content). If asked to
            make this section of the report hidden, set the
            appropriate code on the section header to toggle
            the underlying table. Note that we generate a GUID
            to use as an additional ID on the <div>, so that
            we can uniquely refer to it without relying on the
            user supplying us with a unique ID.

        Write-Verbose "Precontent"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PreContent')) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MakeHiddenSection')) {
               [string]$tempid = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
               $out += "<span class=`"sectionheader`" onclick=`"`$('#$tempid').toggle(500);`">$PreContent</span>`n"
            } else {
                $out += $PreContent
                $tempid = ''
            The table will be wrapped in a <div> tag for styling
            purposes. Note that THIS, not the table per se, is what
            we hide for -MakeHiddenSection. So we will hide the section
            if asked to do so.

        Write-Verbose "DIV"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DivCSSClass')) {
            $temp = " class=`"$DivCSSClass`""
        } else {
            $temp = ""
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MakeHiddenSection')) {
            $temp += " id=`"$tempid`" style=`"display:none;`""
        } else {
            $tempid = ''
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DivCSSID')) {
            $temp += " id=`"$DivCSSID`""
        $out += "<div $temp>"
            Create the table header. If asked to make the table dynamic,
            we add the CSS style that ConvertTo-EnhancedHTML will look for
            to dynamic-ize tables.

        Write-Verbose "TABLE"
        $_TableCssClass = ''
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MakeTableDynamic') -and $As -eq 'Table') {
            $_TableCssClass += 'enhancedhtml-dynamic-table '
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TableCssClass')) {
            $_TableCssClass += $TableCssClass
        if ($_TableCssClass -ne '') {
            $css = "class=`"$_TableCSSClass`""
        } else {
            $css = ""
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TableCSSID')) {
            $css += "id=`"$TableCSSID`""
        } else {
            if ($tempid -ne '') {
                $css += "id=`"$tempid`""
        $out += "<table $css>"
            We're now setting up to run through our input objects
            and create the table rows

        $fragment = ''
        $wrote_first_line = $false
        $even_row = $false

        if ($properties -eq '*') {
            $all_properties = $true
        } else {
            $all_properties = $false


        foreach ($object in $inputobject) {
            Write-Verbose "Processing object"
            $datarow = ''
            $headerrow = ''

                Apply even/odd row class. Note that this will mess up the output
                if the table is made dynamic. That's noted in the help.

            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('EvenRowCSSClass') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('OddRowCssClass')) {
                if ($even_row) {
                    $row_css = $OddRowCSSClass
                    $even_row = $false
                    Write-Verbose "Even row"
                } else {
                    $row_css = $EvenRowCSSClass
                    $even_row = $true
                    Write-Verbose "Odd row"
            } else {
                $row_css = ''
                Write-Verbose "No row CSS class"

                If asked to include all object properties, get them.

            if ($all_properties) {
                $properties = $object | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select -ExpandProperty Name

                We either have a list of all properties, or a hashtable of
                properties to play with. Process the list.

            foreach ($prop in $properties) {
                Write-Verbose "Processing property"
                $name = $null
                $value = $null
                $cell_css = ''

                    $prop is a simple string if we are doing "all properties,"
                    otherwise it is a hashtable. If it's a string, then we
                    can easily get the name (it's the string) and the value.

                if ($prop -is [string]) {
                    Write-Verbose "Property $prop"
                    $name = $Prop
                    $value = $object.($prop)
                } elseif ($prop -is [hashtable]) {
                    Write-Verbose "Property hashtable"
                        For key "css" or "cssclass," execute the supplied script block.
                        It's expected to output a class name; we embed that in the "class"
                        attribute later.

                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('cssclass')) { $cell_css = $Object | ForEach $prop['cssclass'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('css')) { $cell_css = $Object | ForEach $prop['css'] }

                        Get the current property name.

                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('n')) { $name = $prop['n'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('name')) { $name = $prop['name'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('label')) { $name = $prop['label'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('l')) { $name = $prop['l'] }

                        Execute the "expression" or "e" key to get the value of the property.

                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('e')) { $value = $Object | ForEach $prop['e'] }
                    if ($prop.ContainsKey('expression')) { $value = $tObject | ForEach $prop['expression'] }

                        Make sure we have a name and a value at this point.

                    if ($name -eq $null -or $value -eq $null) {
                        Write-Error "Hashtable missing Name and/or Expression key"
                } else {
                        We got a property list that wasn't strings and
                        wasn't hashtables. Bad input.

                    Write-Warning "Unhandled property $prop"

                    When constructing a table, we have to remember the
                    property names so that we can build the table header.
                    In a list, it's easier - we output the property name
                    and the value at the same time, since they both live
                    on the same row of the output.

                if ($As -eq 'table') {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding $name to header and $value to row"
                    $headerrow += "<th>$name</th>"
                    $datarow += "<td$(if ($cell_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$cell_css+'"' })>$value</td>"
                } else {
                    $wrote_first_line = $true
                    $headerrow = ""
                    $datarow = "<td$(if ($cell_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$cell_css+'"' })>$name :</td><td$(if ($cell_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$cell_css+'"' })>$value</td>"
                    $out += "<tr$(if ($row_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$row_css+'"' })>$datarow</tr>"

                Write the table header, if we're doing a table.

            if (-not $wrote_first_line -and $as -eq 'Table') {
                Write-Verbose "Writing header row"
                $out += "<tr>$headerrow</tr><tbody>"
                $wrote_first_line = $true

                In table mode, write the data row.

            if ($as -eq 'table') {
                Write-Verbose "Writing data row"
                $out += "<tr$(if ($row_css -ne '') { ' class="'+$row_css+'"' })>$datarow</tr>"
    END {
            Finally, post-content code, the end of the table,
            the end of the <div>, and write the final string.

        Write-Verbose "PostContent"
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PostContent')) {
            $out += "`n$PostContent"
        Write-Verbose "Done"
        $out += "</tbody></table></div>"
        Write-Output $out

Function Get-SBWMI {
  Function query WMI with Timeout
  Function query WMI with Timeout
  Class name such as 'Win32_computerSystem'
 .PARAMETER Property
  Property name such as 'NumberofLogicalProcessors'
  In the format Property=Value such as DriveLetter=G:
 .PARAMETER ComputerName
  Computer name
  Default is 'root\cimv2'
  To see name spaces type:
    (Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root' -Class '__Namespace').Name
  PS Credential object
  In seconds
  Get-SBWMI -Class Win32_computerSystem -Property NumberofLogicalProcessors
  Get-SBWMI -Class Win32_Volume -Filter 'DriveType=3'
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 20 September 2017
  v0.2 - 29 September 2017 - Added parameter to use a different credential other than the one running the script
                             Added error checking for failure to WMI connect

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String[]]$Property = '*',
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$NameSpace = 'root\cimv2',
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Cred = (Get-SBCredential -UserName "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME"),

    Begin {
        if ($Filter) {
            if ($Filter -match '=') {
                $FilterProperty = $Filter.Split('=')[0].Trim()
                $FilterValue    = $Filter.Split('=')[1].Trim()
            } else {
                Write-Log 'Get-SBWMI Input Error:','Filter',', supported syntax is','Property=Value','such as','DriveLetter=G' Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow
                Write-Log ' ignoring filter',$Filter Magenta,Yellow 

        $ConnOpt = New-Object System.Management.ConnectionOptions 
        if ($ComputerName -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) { # User credentials cannot be used for local connections
            $ConnOpt.EnablePrivileges = $true
            $ConnOpt.Username = $Cred.UserName
            $ConnOpt.SecurePassword = $Cred.Password
        $Scope = New-Object System.Management.ManagementScope “\\$ComputerName\$NameSpace", $ConnOpt
        try { 
        } catch {
            $Message = $_.Exception.InnerException
        if ($Scope.IsConnected) {
            $EnumOptions = New-Object System.Management.EnumerationOptions
            $EnumOptions.set_timeout((New-TimeSpan -seconds $TimeOut))
            $Search = New-Object System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher 
            $Search.Query = “SELECT $Property FROM $Class” 
            $Search.Scope = $Scope
            $Result = $Search.get()
        } else {
            Write-Warning "Get-SBWMI: Error: $(($Message|Out-String).Trim())"

    End {
        if ($Result){
            if ($Filter) {
                if ($FilterProperty -in ($Result | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name) {
                    $Result | where { $_.$FilterProperty -eq $FilterValue }
                } else {
                    Write-Log 'Class',$Class,'doesn''t contain filter property',$FilterProperty Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow
                    Write-Log 'Class',$Class,'has the following properties:' Cyan,Yellow,Cyan
                    Write-Log (($Result | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name | ? { $_ -notmatch '__' } | Out-String).Trim() Cyan
            } else {
function Test-SBNetConnection {
  Function to test open TCP ports
  Function to test open TCP ports
  Compared to the Test-NetConnection native function of the NetTCPIP module,
  this command is much faster particularly when it comes across closed ports.
  In addition, the timeout value is adjustable by using the TimeoutSec parameter.
 .PARAMETER ComputerName
  This parameter accepts a computer name or IPv4 Address.
  If a computer name is provided, the function attempts to resolve it to an IP address
 .PARAMETER PortNumber
  This is one or more TCP port number(s) with valid values from 1 to 65535
  It defaults to 111,135,22,3389,25,80,5985,5986
  Ports 111,135 help identify the system as a Linux or Windows system respectively
  Ports 22,3389 are Linux/SSH and Windows/RDP ports
  Ports 25,80 are SMTP and HTTP ports
  Ports 5895,5986 are PowerShell/WinRM ports over HTTP and HTTPS respectively
 .PARAMETER TimeoutSec
  Time out in seconds
  This defaults to 1, and accepts valid values from 1 to 300 seconds.
  The script outputs a PS array of objects, one for each open port including the following properties/example:
    ComputerName RemotePort TcpTestSucceeded
    ------------ ---------- ---------------- 53 True 135 True 389 True 443 False 5723 False 5985 True 5986 True
  Test-SBNetConnection -ComputerName
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 18 October 2017
  v0.2 - 5 January 2018 - Fixed bug to account for computers that resolve to more than 1 IP

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][uInt16[]]$PortNumber = @(111,135,22,3389,25,80,5985,5986),
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateRange(1,300)][Int16]$TimeoutSec = 1

    Begin { }

        if (!($IPv4Address = $Computername -as 'IPAddress')) {
            try {
                [IPAddress[]]$IPv4Address = (Resolve-DnsName -Name $ComputerName -EA 1).IPAddress
            } catch {
                Write-Warning "Unable to resolve computer name '$ComputerName'"
        if ($IPv4Address) {
            foreach ($IP in $IPv4Address.IPAddressToString) {
                foreach ($Item in $PortNumber) {
                    $TCP = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
                    $AsyncResult = $TCP.BeginConnect("$IP","$Item",$null,$null)
                    $PortOpen = $false
                    if ($AsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($TimeoutSec*1000,$false)) {
                        try {
                            $PortOpen = $true
                        } catch {
                            Write-Warning $_.Exception.InnerException 
                    } else {
                        Write-Warning "TCP connect to $($IP):$Item timed out ($TimeoutSec sec)"
                    } # if $AsyncResult
                        ComputerName     = $IP
                        RemotePort       = $Item
                        TcpTestSucceeded = $PortOpen
                    } # PSCustomObject
                } # foreach port
            } # foreach IP
        } # if $IPv4Address
    } # Process

    End { }

function Get-SBDisk {
  Function to get disk information including block (allocation unit) size
  Function to get disk information including block (allocation unit) size
  Function returns information on all fixed disks (Type 3)
  Function will fail to return computer disk information if:
    - Target computer is offline or name is misspelled
    - Function/script is run under an account with no read permission on the target computer
    - WMI services not running on the target computer
    - Target computer firewall or AntiVirus blocks WMI or RPC calls
 .PARAMETER ComputerName
  The name or IP address of computer(s) to collect disk information on
  Default value is local computer name
  Timeout in seconds. The default value is 20
  PS Credential object
 .PARAMETER IncludeRecoveryVolume
  This parameter takes a $true or $false value, and is set to $false by default
  When set to $true the script will return information on Recovery Volume
  Returns fixed disk information of local computer
  Get-SBDisk computer1,, computer3 -Verbose
  Returns fixed disk information of the 3 listed computers
  The 'verbose' parameter will display a message if the target computer cannot be reached
  The script returns a PS Object with the following properties:
  Function by Sam Boutros - v1.0 - 9 January 2017
    v2.0 - 24 January 2017
        Used WMI object Win32_Volume instead of Win32_LogicalDisk to capture mount points as well
        Added parameter to skip Recovery Volume
        Updated output object properties
    v3.0 - 12 July 2017
        Updated output object to change data types to Int32 instead of the default String for BlockSizeKB,SizeGB,FreeGB,'Free%'
    v4.0 - 20 September 2017 - Used Get-SBWMI instead to take advanrage of the default 20 sec Timeout
    v4.1 - 22 September 2017 - Added WMITimeout parameter,
        removed -Filter parameter from Get-SBWMI call and filtered via updated if statement to speed processing by 200%

            [String[]]$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][Int32]$WMITimeOut = 20,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Cred = (Get-SBCredential -UserName "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME"),

    foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
        try {
            Get-SBWMI -ComputerName $Computer -Class Win32_Volume -TimeOut $WMITimeOut -Cred $Cred -ErrorAction Stop | % {
                if ($_.DriveType -eq 3 -and ($_.Label-notlike'Recovery' -or $IncludeRecoveryVolume)) {
                        ComputerName    = $Computer
                        VolumeName      = $_.Label
                        DriveLetterOrMountPoint = $(if ($_.Name.Contains(':')) {$_.Name} else {'<Not mounted>'})
                        BlockSizeKB     = [Int32]($_.Blocksize/1KB)
                        SizeGB          = [Math]::Round($_.Capacity/1GB,1)
                        FreeGB          = [Math]::Round($_.FreeSpace/1GB,1)
                        'Free%'         = [Math]::Round($_.FreeSpace/$_.Capacity*100,1)
                        FileSystem      = $_.FileSystem
                        Compressed      = $_.Compressed
                        Indexed         = $_.IndexingEnabled
                        Automount       = $_.Automount
                        QuotasEnabled   = $_.QuotasEnabled
                        PageFilePresent = $_.PageFilePresent
                        BootVolume      = $_.BootVolume
                        SystemVolume    = $_.SystemVolume
                    } # PSCustomObject
                } # if
            } # Get-SBWMI
        } catch {
            Write-Verbose "Unable to read disk information from computer $Computer"

function Validate-NameResolution {
  Function to validate that a given computer name resolves to the same IP address by all domain controllers
  Function to validate that a given computer name resolves to the same IP address by all domain controllers
 .PARAMETER ComputerName
  One or more computer names
  Validate-NameResolution -ComputerName 'myTestPC'
  $DNSValidationResult = Validate-NameResolution @('comp1','comp2','comp3')
  This cmdlet returns PSCustom Objects, one for each resolved IP address with the following properties/example:
    ComputerName ResolvesTo DNSServer
    ------------ ---------- ---------
    devtestaaav47 {,, tstCJRDCRWV01.tst.local, tstJUNDCRWV01.tst.local...}
    devtestaaav47 {, tstaaaDCRWV03.tst.local}
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 20 July 2018


    Begin { $DCList = Get-DCList }

    Process {       
        $myOutput = foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            $NameResolutionList = foreach ($DC in ($DCList | where { $_.Forest })) { Resolve-DnsName -Name $Computer -Server $DC.Name | 
                select @{n='ComputerName';e={$_.Name}},Type,TTL,IPAddress,@{n='DNSServer';e={$DC.Name}} | sort IPAddress

            if (($Groups = $NameResolutionList | group IPAddress).Count.Count -gt 1) { # Yes .Count twice, not a typo :)
                Write-Log 'Identified name resolution inconsistency:',$Computer,'resolves to',(($NameResolutionList.IPAddress | select -Unique) -join ', ') Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow
            } else {
                Write-Log 'All DNS servers resolved',$Computer,'to the same IP address',($NameResolutionList.IPAddress | select -Unique) Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
            $Groups | foreach {
                    ComputerName = $Computer
                    ResolvesTo   = $_.Name
                    DNSServer    = $_.Group.DNSServer

    End { $myOutput }


#region Remoting

Function Export-SessionCommand {
  Function to export one or more session commands
  Function to export one or more session commands
  This function takes one or more Powershell script functions/commands from current session
  and exports them to a remote PS session
  This function will ignore and not export binary functions
  Exported functions will persist on the remote computer for the user profile used with the PS remote session
  This is one or more script commands available in the current PS session
  For example Update-SmbMultichannelConnection cmdlet/function of the SmbShare PS module
  To see available script commands, you can use:
    Get-Command | ? { $_.CommandType -eq 'function' }
 .PARAMETER ModuleName
  This is the name of the module that this function will create on the remote computer
  under the user profile of the remote PS session
  This will over-write prior existing module with the same name
  PSSession object usually obtained by using New-PSSession cmdlet.
  Export-SessionCommand get-saervice,get-sbdisk,bla,get-bitlockerstatus,get-service -Session $Session -Verbose
  The function returns a list of successfully exported commands/functions, or $false if it fails
    CommandType Name ModuleName
    ----------- ---- ----------
    Function Get-BitLockerStatus SBjr
    Function Get-SBDisk SBjr
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 12 July 2018

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$ModuleName = 'SBjr',

    Begin { 
        if ($Session.State -ne 'Opened') {
            Write-Log 'Export-SessionCommand: Error: Session State is not ''opened''' Magenta
            Write-Log ($Session|Out-String).Trim() Yellow

        $FunctionList = foreach ($Name in $Command) {
            try { 
                Get-Command $Name -EA 1 | Out-Null
                if ((Get-Command $Name).ScriptBlock) {
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "Command '$Name' is not a script command, ignoring"
            } catch {
                Write-Warning "Command '$Name' not found, ignoring"
        $FunctionList = $FunctionList | select -Unique 
        Write-Log 'Exporting function(s):',($FunctionList -join ', ') Green,Cyan 

        $FirstCommand = $true
        $FunctionList | % {
            $myCommand = Get-Command $_
            Write-Verbose "Exporting command '$($myCommand.Name)' to module '$ModuleName'"
            Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { 
                $ModPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$Using:ModuleName"
                $PSM     = "$ModPath\$Using:ModuleName.psm1"
                if ($Using:FirstCommand) {
                    New-Item -Path $ModPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null 
                    "Function $($Using:myCommand.Name) {" | Out-File $PSM                        
                } else {
                    "Function $($Using:myCommand.Name) {" | Out-File $PSM -Append
                $Using:myCommand.ScriptBlock,'}',' ' | % { $_ | Out-File $PSM -Append }
            $FirstCommand = $false 

    } # Process

    End {         
        Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { 
            ' ','Export-ModuleMember -Function *' | % { $_ | Out-File $PSM -Append }
            Remove-Module $Using:ModuleName -Force -Confirm:$false -EA 0
            Import-Module $Using:ModuleName
            try { Get-Command -Module $Using:ModuleName -EA 1 | FT -a } catch { $false }


function Import-SessionCommands {
  Function to import commands from another computer
  Function will import commands from remote computer from the module(s) listed.
 .PARAMETER ModuleName
  Name(s) of the module(s) that we want to import their commands into the current
  PS console.
  Note that session commands will not be available in other PS instances.
 .PARAMETER ComputerName
  Computer name that has the module(s) that we need to import their commands.
  This is a switch. When selected, the function will export the imported module(s)
  locally under "C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" if it's in the PSModulePath,
  otherwise, it will export it to the default path "$home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules"
  - Note 1: Exported modules and their commands can be used directly from any PS instance
            after a module has been exported with the -keep switch
  - Note 2: Even though a module has been exported locally, everytime you try to use one of
            its commands, PS will start an implicit remoting session to the server where the
            module was imported from.
  Import-SessionCommands -ModuleName ActiveDirectory -ComputerName DC01
  This example imports all the commands from the ActiveDirectory module from the DC01 server
  So, in this PS console instance we can use AD commands like Get-ADComputer without the need
  to install AD features, tools, or PS modules on this computer!
  Import-SessionCommands SQLPS,Storage V-2012R2-SQL1 -Verbose
  This example imports all the commands from the PSSQL and Storage modules from the MySQLServer
  server into the current PS instance
  Import-SessionCommands WebAdministration,BestPractices,MMAgent CM01 -keep
  This example imports all the commands from the WebAdministration, BestPractices, and MMAgent
  modules from the CM01 server into the current PS instance, and exports them locally.
  Function by Sam Boutros
  Requires PS 3.0
  v1.0 - 08/17/2014
    Although we need to eventually run:
    Remove-PSSession -Session $Session
    We cannot do that in the function as we'll lose the imported session commands
    Two things to consider:
    1. The session will be automatically removed when the PS console is closed
    2. If in the parent script that's using this function a blanket Remove-PSSession
    command is run, like:
    Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
    We'll lose this session and its commands, which could cripple the parent script

    # Get a random session name:
    Do { $SessionName = "Import" + (Get-Random -Minimum 10000000 -Maximum 99999999) }
        While (Get-PSSession -Name $SessionName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) 
    Write-Verbose "New PSSession name: $SessionName"
    if ($Env:PSModulePath.Split(';') -contains 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules') {
        $ExportTo = 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules'
    } else {
        $ExportTo = "$home\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules"
    try { 
        Write-Log 'Connecting to computer', $ComputerName Green,Cyan
        $CurrentSessions = Get-PSSession -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ComputerName $ComputerName
        if ($CurrentSessions.ComputerName -Contains $ComputerName) {
            $Session = $CurrentSessions[0]
        } else {
            $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -Name $SessionName -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Verbose "Current PSSessions: $(Get-PSSession)"
        $RemoteModules = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Get-Module -ListAvailable | Select Name } -Session $Session 
        $LocalModules = Get-Module -ListAvailable | Select Name
        foreach ($Module in $ModuleName) {
            if ($LocalModules.Name -Contains $Module -or $LocalModules.Name -Contains "Imported-$Module") {
                Write-Log 'Module', $Module, 'exists locally, not importing..' Yellow,Cyan,Yellow
            } else {
                if ($RemoteModules.Name -Contains $Module) {
                    Write-Log 'Found module', $Module, 'on computer', $ComputerName, 'importing its commands..' Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan,Green
                    Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ArgumentList $Module -ScriptBlock { 
                        Import-Module $Module 
                    try { 
                        $ImportedModule = Import-PSSession -Session $Session -Module $Module -DisableNameChecking -ErrorAction Stop 
                        if ($Keep) {
                            Write-Log 'Keeping module', $Module, 'locally..' Green,Cyan,Green
                            Remove-Module -Name $ImportedModule.Name
                            Export-PSSession -Module $Module -OutputModule "$ExportTo\Imported-$Module" -Session $Session -Force
                            Import-Module -Name "Imported-$Module"
                    } catch { 
                        Write-Log 'Module', $Module, 'already imported, skipping..' Yellow,Cyan,Yellow
                } else {
                    Write-Log 'Error: module', $Module, 'not found on server', $ComputerName Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow
    } catch {
        Write-Log 'Error: unable to connect to server', $ComputerName Magenta,Yellow
        Write-Log ' Check if', $ComputerName, 'exists, is online, ' Magenta,Yellow,Magenta
        Write-Log ' has WinRM enabled and configured, and ' Magenta
        Write-Log ' you have sufficient permissions to it' Magenta


#region PageFile

function Get-PageFile {
  List the drives that have page file(s) and their configuration
  List the drives that have page file(s) and their configuration
  Note that 0 value for Initial or Maximum size indicate a system-managed page file
  This function does not require or accept any parameters
  This function returns a PS object for each drive that has a page file on it,
  each having the following 3 properties/example:
    DriveLetter InitialSizeMB MaximumSizeMB
    ----------- ------------- -------------
              C 0 0
              D 1024 4096
  Function by Sam Boutros
  18 September 2018 - v0.1


    Begin { }

    Process {
        Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PageFileSetting | 
            select  @{n='DriveLetter';  e={$_.Name[0]}},
        Write-Verbose '0 value for Initial or Maximum size indicate a system-managed page file'

    End { }


function Set-PageFile {
  Function to set page file to be on a given drive
  Function to set page file to be on a given drive
  Function will create page file if it does not exist on the provided drive
  This is a PS Custom Object containing the following 3 properties:
    DriveLetter such as c
    InitialSizeMB such as 1024 (0 value indicate system managed page file)
    MaximumSizeMB such as 4096 (0 value indicate system managed page file)
  This object can be constructed manually as in:
  $PageFile = [PSCustomObject]@{
    DriveLetter = 'c'
    InitialSizeMB = 0
    MaximumSizeMB = 0
  or obtained from the Get-PageFile function of this PS module
  Set-PageFile -PageFile ([PSCustomObject]@{
    DriveLetter = 'c'
    InitialSizeMB = 0
    MaximumSizeMB = 0
  This example configures a system-managed page file on drive c
  Get-PageFile | foreach { $_.InitialSizeMB = 0; $_.MaximumSizeMB = 0; $_ } | Set-PageFile
  This example sets every page file to system-managed size
  Function by Sam Boutros
  20 September 2018 - v0.1

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][PSCustomObject]$PageFile = [PSCustomObject]@{
            DriveLetter   = ((Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | where PageFilePresent).DriveLetter | foreach { $_[0] } | select -First 1)
            InitialSizeMB = 0 # 0 = System Managed Size
            MaximumSizeMB = 0 # 0 = System Managed Size

    Begin { 
        Write-Verbose 'Input received:'
        Write-Verbose ($PageFile | Out-String)
        $DriveletterList = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | where PageFilePresent).DriveLetter | foreach { $_[0] } 
        if ($PageFile.DriveLetter -notin $DriveletterList) {
            Write-Log 'Set-PageFile error:','Provided drive letter',$PageFile.DriveLetter,
                'does not exist on this computer, available drive letters are',($DriveletterList -join ', ') Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow,Magenta 
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Validated that provided drive letter '$($PageFile.DriveLetter)' exists on this computer '$($env:COMPUTERNAME)'"

    Process {

        $CurrentPageFile = Get-PageFile | where { $_.DriveLetter -match $PageFile.DriveLetter }
        if ($CurrentPageFile.InitialSizeMB -eq $PageFile.InitialSizeMB -and $CurrentPageFile.MaximumSizeMB -eq $PageFile.MaximumSizeMB) {
            Write-Log 'Existing page file',($CurrentPageFile | Out-String),'already matches provided parameters' Green,Yellow,Green
        } else {
            Write-Log 'Updating page file',($CurrentPageFile | Out-String) Green,Cyan

            #region Disable AutomaticManagedPagefile feature
            $compObj = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -EnableAllPrivileges
            if ($compObj.AutomaticManagedPagefile) {
                $compObj.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $false
                $compObj.Put() | Out-Null
                $compObj = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_compObj -EnableAllPrivileges
                if ($compObj.AutomaticManagedPagefile) { 
                    Write-Log 'Set-PageFile:','Unable to Disable AutomaticManagedPagefile feature','Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_compObj' Magenta,Yellow,Magenta
                } else {
                    Write-Log 'Disabled','AutomaticManagedPagefile','feature on',$compObj.Name Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan
            } else {
                Write-Log 'Computer',$compObj.Name,'AutomaticManagedPagefile','feature is already disabled' Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan

            # Change/Create Page File
            $pageFileSetting = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PageFileSetting | where { $_.Name.StartsWith($PageFile.DriveLetter) }
            if (-not $pageFileSetting) {
                Set-WmiInstance -Class Win32_PageFileSetting -Arguments @{
                    Name        = "$($PageFile.DriveLetter):\pagefile.sys"
                    InitialSize = 0
                    MaximumSize = 0
                } -EnableAllPrivileges | Out-Null
                $pageFileSetting = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PageFileSetting | where { $_.Name.StartsWith($PageFile.DriveLetter) }
            $pageFileSetting.InitialSize = $PageFile.InitialSizeMB
            $pageFileSetting.MaximumSize = $PageFile.MaximumSizeMB
            $pageFileSetting.Put() | Out-Null
            $CurrentPageFile = Get-PageFile | where { $_.DriveLetter -match $PageFile.DriveLetter }
            Write-Verbose 'PageFile setting:'
            Write-Verbose ($PageFile | Out-String)
            Write-Verbose 'CurrentPageFile setting:'
            Write-Verbose ($CurrentPageFile | Out-String)
            if ($CurrentPageFile.InitialSizeMB -eq $PageFile.InitialSizeMB -and $CurrentPageFile.MaximumSizeMB -eq $PageFile.MaximumSizeMB) {
                Write-Log 'Successfully updated page file settings to',($CurrentPageFile | Out-String) Green,Cyan
                Write-Log 'Remember that a reboot is required to complete this process' Yellow
            } else {
                Write-log 'Unable to change Page File setting',($CurrentPageFile | Out-String) Magenta,Yellow


    End { }


function Remove-PageFile {
  Function to remove page file from a given drive
  Function to remove page file from a given drive
 .PARAMETER DriveLetter
  Drive such as 'c' or 'e' that has a page file to be removed
  Remove-PageFile 'c'
  Function by Sam Boutros
  20 September 2018 - v0.1

            [String]$DriveLetter = ((Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | where PageFilePresent).DriveLetter | foreach { $_[0] } | select -First 1)

    Begin { 
        Write-Verbose "Input received: DriveLetter $DriveLetter"
        $DriveletterList = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Volume | where PageFilePresent).DriveLetter | foreach { $_[0] } 
        if ($DriveLetter -notin $DriveletterList) {
            Write-Log 'Remove-PageFile error:','Provided drive letter',$DriveLetter,
                'does not exist on this computer, available drive letters are',($DriveletterList -join ', ') Magenta,Yellow,Magenta,Yellow,Magenta 
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Validated that provided drive letter '$($DriveLetter)' exists on this computer '$($env:COMPUTERNAME)'"

    Process { 
        Write-Log 'Current page file(s):', (Get-PageFile|Out-String) Green,Cyan 

        if ($DriveLetter -in (Get-PageFile).DriveLetter) {
            (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_PageFileSetting | where { $_.Name.StartsWith($DriveLetter) }).Delete()
            Write-Log 'Removed page file from drive',$DriveLetter Green,Cyan
            Write-Log 'Current page file(s):', (Get-PageFile|Out-String) Green,Cyan 
            Write-Log 'Remember that a reboot is required to complete this process' Yellow
        } else {
            Write-Log 'No page file found on drive',$DriveLetter Yellow,Cyan

    End { }



#region Active Directory

function Get-DCList {
  Function to provide domain controller information for the current AD forest
  Function to provide domain controller information for the current AD forest
  This function will take several minutes for each unreachable domain controllers
  This cmdlet returns PCSutom Objects, one for each DC containing the following properties/example:
    Forest Name CurrentTime OSVersion Roles Domain IPAddress SiteName
    ------ ---- ----------- --------- ----- ------ --------- --------
    tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:07 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {PdcRole, RidRole, InfrastructureRole} dev.tst.local DExxxx
    tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:07 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {} dev.tst.local DExxxx
    tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:08 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {} dev.tst.local DExxxx
    tst.local tstCJRDCRWV01.tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:09 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {} tst.local AAA
    tst.local tstJUNDCRWV01.tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:09 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {} tst.local AAA
    tst.local tstNPBDCRWV01.tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:09 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {} tst.local SSS
    tst.local tstTPADCRWV01.tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:10 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {} tst.local DDD
    tst.local tstMIADCRWV01.tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:10 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {SchemaRole, NamingRole, PdcRole, RidRole...} tst.local FFF
    tst.local tstCJRDCRWV02.tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:11 PM Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard {} tst.local GGG
    tst.local tstAZRDCRWV01.tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:12 PM Windows Server 2016 Datacenter {} tst.local RRR-tst
    tst.local tstMIADCRWV03.tst.local 7/20/2018 10:57:12 PM Windows Server 2016 Datacenter {} tst.local WWW
    tst.local DMxxxxxODCV02.tst.local 7/20/2018 11:00:27 PM Windows Server 2016 Datacenter {} tst.local EEE-tst
  Function by Sam Boutros
  v0.1 - 20 July 2018


    Begin {
        if (-not (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).PartOfDomain) {
            Write-Log 'Validate-TimeSync error: This cmdlet is designed to run from a domain joined computer' Magenta

    Process {
        Write-log 'Identifying AD forest, domains, domain controllers...' Green
        $DCList = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest().domains.domaincontrollers | 
            select Forest,Name,CurrentTime,OSVersion,Roles,Domain,IPAddress,SiteName
        Write-Log 'Identified',$DCList.Count,'domain controllers in the',(($DCList.Domain.Name | select -Unique) -join ', '),
            'domain(s), in the',(($DCList | select -First 1).Forest),'forest' Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan,Green

    End { $DCList }

function Get-SBADComputer {
 Function to get all computer objects' information from Active Directory
 Function to get all computer objects' information from Active Directory using LDAP
 Does not need ActiveDirectory PowerShell module
 Must be run from a domain joined computer
 Returns enabled computer information in the current AD domain
 Returns a PowerShell object containing the following properties:
    OSName ==> For example: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
    DN ==> Distinguished name, for example: CN=Server10V,OU=Domain Computer,DC=mydomain,DC=com
    AD_OU ==> Active Directory Organization Unit where the computer object is located
    LastLogon ==> Date of last time the computer object logged on to AD
    ADCreated ==> Date the computer object was created in AD
 Returns nothing if the computer name is not found or a matching computer object is found but disabled
 Function by Sam Boutros
 v0.1 - 10 September 2018

    Begin {
        if (! (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).PartOfDomain) {
            Write-Log 'This function','Get-SBADComputer','must be run from a domain joined computer' Magenta, Yellow, Magenta
        Write-Log 'Processing computer objects in the AD domain', $env:USERDNSDOMAIN Green, Cyan
        $adsi = [adsisearcher]"objectcategory=computer"
        $adsi.PageSize = 1000000 
        $adsi.filter = "(&(objectClass=Computer)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))" # To return only the enabled computer objects
        $adsi.FindAll() | foreach {
            $obj = $_.Properties
                ComputerName = [string]$
                OSName       = [string]$obj.operatingsystem
                DN           = [string]$obj.distinguishedname
                AD_OU        = [string](($obj.distinguishedname) -replace '^CN=[\w\d-_]+,\w\w=','' -replace ',OU=','/' -replace ',DC=.*')
                LastLogon    = (([datetime]::FromFileTime([string]$obj.lastlogon)).ToShortDateString())
                ADCreated    = ($obj.whencreated).ToShortDateString()
    End { }


Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Variable *