
Connect to the Azure AD Support PowerShell module. This will use the same sign-in session to access different Microsoft resources.
Connect to the Azure AD Support PowerShell module. This will use the same sign-in session to access different Microsoft resources.
Provide the Tenant ID you want to authenticate to.
.PARAMETER AzureEnvironmentName
Provide the Azure AD Instance you want to connect to.
Specifies the log level. The accdeptable values for this parameter are:
        - Info
        - Error
        - Warning
        - None
The path where the log file for this PowerShell session is written to. Provide a value here if you need to
deviate from the default PowerShell log file location.
By default, when calling Connect-AadSupport will use a cached access token. To sign-in again, Use this switch.
Example 1: Log in with your admin account...
General notes

function Connect-AadSupport
    param (
        $TenantId = "Common",
        $AzureEnvironmentName = "AzureCloud",
        $LogLevel = "Info",
        $LogPath = "C:\AadExtensionLogs",

        $NewSession = $false

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AadInstance = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.MsGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.KeyVault = ""

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AadInstance = "" #
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.MsGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.KeyVault = ""

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AadInstance = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.MsGraph = "" #DOD
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.KeyVault = ""

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AadInstance = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.MsGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.KeyVault = ""

        $Global:AadSupport.Session.Active = $false
        $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantDomain = $null
        $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantId = $null
        $Global:AadSupport.Session.AccountId = $null

    # Connect to Azure AD PowerShell

        try {

            $AzureContext = Get-AzContext

            if(-not $Global:AadSupport.Session.Active)
                $Prompt = "Always"
                Write-Host ""
                Write-Host "Connecting to Azure AD PowerShell (Connect-AzureAD)"
                Write-Host "and Connecting to Azure PowerShell (Connect-AzAccount)"
                Write-Host ""
            else {
                $Prompt = "Auto"

            # Get Current Session Info
            $AccountId = $Global:AadSupport.Session.AccountId
            $TenantDomain = $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantDomain

            # Get Token for AAD Graph to be used for Azure AD PowerShell
            $token = Get-AadTokenUsingAdal `
            -ResourceId $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph `
            -ClientId $Global:AadSupport.Clients.AzurePowershell.ClientId `
            -Redirect $Global:AadSupport.Clients.AzurePowershell.RedirectUri `
            -Tenant $TenantDomain `
            -UserId $AccountId `
            -Prompt $Prompt `
            -SkipServicePrincipalSearch `
            $AadAccessToken = $token.AccessToken

            $AccountId = $token.IdTokenClaims.upn
            $TenantId = $token.IdTokenClaims.tid

            $Session = Connect-AzureAd `
            -TenantId $TenantId `
            -AzureEnvironmentName $AzureEnvironmentName `
            -LogLevel $LogLevel `
            -LogFilePath $LogPath `
            -AadAccessToken $AadAccessToken `
            -AccountId $AccountId

            # Determine if we need to reset Azure Context
            $TenantDomain = $Session.TenantDomain
            $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantDomain = $TenantDomain

            if($AzureContext `
            -and $Azure.Context.Tenants -contains -not "$($Session.TenantId)" `
            -and $Azure.Context.Id -ne "$($Session.Account)" )
                Write-Verbose "Running 'Disconnect-AzAccount'"
                Disconnect-AzAccount | Out-Null

            # Get Token for Azure to be used for Azure PowerShell
            $token = Get-AadTokenUsingAdal `
            -ResourceId $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi `
            -ClientId $Global:AadSupport.Clients.AzurePowershell.ClientId `
            -Redirect $Global:AadSupport.Clients.AzurePowershell.RedirectUri `
            -UserId $AccountId `
            -Tenant $TenantId `
            -Prompt Never `
            -SkipServicePrincipalSearch `

            $AzureRmApiAccessToken = $token.AccessToken

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AccountId = $Session.Account
            $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantId = $Session.TenantId

            $AzureSession = Connect-AzAccount `
            -AccessToken $AzureRmApiAccessToken `
            -GraphAccessToken $AadAccessToken `
            -AccountId $Global:AadSupport.Session.AccountId `
            -Tenant $TenantId
            $Global:AadSupport.Session.Active = $true
        catch {
            throw $_
