
Connect to the Azure AD Support PowerShell module. This will use the same sign-in session to access different Microsoft resources.
Connect to the Azure AD Support PowerShell module. This will use the same sign-in session to access different Microsoft resources.
Example 1: Log in with your admin account...
Example 2: Log in with a new session...
Connect-AadSupport -NewSession
Example 3: Log in to a specific tenant...
Connect-AadSupport -TenantId
Example 4: Log in to a specific instance...
Connect-AadSupport -AzureEnvironmentName AzureCloud
Connect-AadSupport -AzureEnvironmentName AzureGermanyCloud
Connect-AadSupport -AzureEnvironmentName AzureChinaCloud
Connect-AadSupport -AzureEnvironmentName AzureUSGovernment
Provide the Tenant ID you want to authenticate to.
.PARAMETER AzureEnvironmentName
Specifies the name of the Azure environment. The acceptable values for this parameter are:
        - AzureCloud
        - AzureChinaCloud
        - AzureUSGovernment
        - AzureGermanyCloud
        The default value is AzureCloud.
Specifies the log level. The accdeptable values for this parameter are:
        - Info
        - Error
        - Warning
        - None
The path where the log file for this PowerShell session is written to. Provide a value here if you need to
deviate from the default PowerShell log file location.
By default, when calling Connect-AadSupport will use a cached access token. To sign-in again, Use this switch.
General notes

function Connect-AadSupport
    param (
        $TenantId = "Common",

        $AzureEnvironmentName = "AzureCloud",

        $LogLevel = "Info",
        $LogPath = "C:\AadExtensionLogs",

        $NewSession = $false

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AadInstance = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.MsGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.KeyVault = ""

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AadInstance = "" #
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.MsGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.KeyVault = ""

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AadInstance = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.MsGraph = "" #DOD
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.KeyVault = ""

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AadInstance = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.MsGraph = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureServiceApi = ""
            $Global:AadSupport.Resources.KeyVault = ""


    # Connect to Azure AD PowerShell

        try {

            $AzureContext = Get-AzContext

            if(-not $Global:AadSupport.Session.Active)
                $Prompt = "Always"
                Write-Host ""
                Write-Host "Connecting to Azure AD PowerShell (Connect-AzureAD)"
                Write-Host "and Connecting to Azure PowerShell (Connect-AzAccount)"
                Write-Host ""
            else {
                $Prompt = "Auto"

            # Get Current Session Info
            $AccountId = $Global:AadSupport.Session.AccountId
            $TenantDomain = $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantDomain

            # Get Token for AAD Graph to be used for Azure AD PowerShell
            $token = Get-AadTokenUsingAdal `
              -ResourceId $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AadGraph `
              -ClientId $Global:AadSupport.Clients.AzureAdPowershell.ClientId `
              -Redirect $Global:AadSupport.Clients.AzureAdPowershell.RedirectUri `
              -Tenant $TenantDomain `
              -UserId $AccountId `
              -Prompt $Prompt `
              -SkipServicePrincipalSearch `
            $AadAccessToken = $token.AccessToken

            $AccountId = $token.IdTokenClaims.upn
            $TenantId = $token.IdTokenClaims.tid

            $Session = Connect-AzureAd `
            -TenantId $TenantId `
            -AzureEnvironmentName $AzureEnvironmentName `
            -LogLevel $LogLevel `
            -LogFilePath $LogPath `
            -AadAccessToken $AadAccessToken `
            -AccountId $AccountId

            # Determine if we need to reset Azure Context
            $TenantDomain = $Session.TenantDomain
            $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantDomain = $TenantDomain

            if($AzureContext `
            -and $Azure.Context.Tenants -contains -not "$($Session.TenantId)" `
            -and $Azure.Context.Id -ne "$($Session.Account)" )
                Write-Verbose "Running 'Disconnect-AzAccount'"
                Disconnect-AzAccount | Out-Null

            # Get Token for Azure to be used for Azure PowerShell
            $token = Get-AadTokenUsingAdal `
            -ResourceId $Global:AadSupport.Resources.AzureRmApi `
            -ClientId $Global:AadSupport.Clients.AzurePowershell.ClientId `
            -Redirect $Global:AadSupport.Clients.AzurePowershell.RedirectUri `
            -UserId $AccountId `
            -Tenant $TenantId `
            -Prompt Never `
            -SkipServicePrincipalSearch `

            $AzureRmApiAccessToken = $token.AccessToken

            $Global:AadSupport.Session.AccountId = $Session.Account
            $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantId = $Session.TenantId

            $AzureSession = Connect-AzAccount `
            -AccessToken $AzureRmApiAccessToken `
            -GraphAccessToken $AadAccessToken `
            -AccountId $Global:AadSupport.Session.AccountId `
            -Tenant $TenantId
            $Global:AadSupport.Session.Active = $true
        catch {
            throw $_
