
Exports all Azure Role Assignments from all subscriptions in which you have read access to.
Exports all Azure Role Assignments from all subscriptions in which you have read access to.
This will output a series of files...
* Separate CSV for each group and their Group Memberships
* Separate CSV for each Azure subscription and their Azure Role Assignments
* Single CSV that contains all subscriptions and all Azure ROle Assignments
* Single HTML that contains all subscriptions and all Azure ROle Assignments
Output of running this command will look something like this...
Skipping 'Access to Azure Active Directory'. This is not going to have Role Assignments.
Analyzing Subscription 'Pay-As-You-Go (Id:92aa81c9-af09-4ea2-ade0-72a1b4073dbe)'
Exported Group Memberships
 > C:\temp\GroupMembers--DynamicGroup.csv
Exported Subscription Role Assignments
 > C:\temp\Subscription--Pay-As-You-Go-Roles.csv
Analyzing Subscription 'Windows Azure MSDN - Visual Studio Ultimate (Id:955107ad-af96-475e-a9e9-0b0474e83982)'
Exported Group Memberships
 > C:\temp\GroupMembers--Application Access - 4.csv
Exported Group Memberships
 > C:\temp\GroupMembers--Group 1.csv
Exported Subscription Role Assignments
 > C:\temp\Subscription--Windows Azure MSDN - Visual Studio Ultimate-Roles.csv
Analyzing Subscription 'Microsoft Azure Internal Consumption (Id:ef8110a7-ab02-4b82-a4d1-4126dcda86e0)'
Exported Subscription Role Assignments
 > C:\temp\Subscription--Microsoft Azure Internal Consumption-Roles.csv
Exported All Role Assignments
 > C:\temp\Subscription--All-Roles.csv
Exported HTML
 > C:\temp\Subscription--All-Roles.html
Please verify the contents of the exported files.
You can use either the 'Subscription--All-Roles.csv' or one of the subscription files to import the Azure Role Assignments into another tenant or into another Azure subscription when running...

function Export-AadAzureRoleAssignments {
    $RoleAssignments = @()

    #Traverse through each Azure subscription user has access to
    $subscriptions = Invoke-AzureCommand -Command {
      Get-AzSubscription -TenantId $TenantId
    } -Parameters $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantId

    Foreach ($sub in $subscriptions) {
        $SubName = $sub.Name
        if ($sub.Name -ne "Access to Azure Active Directory") { # You can't assign roles in Access to Azure Active Directory subscriptions
            Write-Host "Analyzing Subscription '$($sub.Name) (Id:$($' "
            Invoke-AzureCommand -Command {
              Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId | Out-Null
            } -Parameters $ -SubscriptionId $

            Try {
                $SubRoleAssignments = Invoke-AzureCommand -Command { Get-AzRoleAssignment -IncludeClassicAdministrators } -SubscriptionId $
                $RoleAssignments += $SubRoleAssignments
            Catch {
                Write-Output "Failed to collect RBAC permissions for $subname"
            #Custom Roles do not display their Name in these results. We are forcing this behavior for improved reporting
            Foreach ($role in $RoleAssignments) {
              $ObjectId = $role.ObjectId
              $DisplayName = $role.DisplayName
              If (-not $role.RoleDefinitionName) {
                $role.RoleDefinitionName = Invoke-AzureCommand {
                  (Get-AzRoleDefinition -Id $RoleDefinition).Name
                } -Parameters $role.RoleDefinitionId -SubscriptionId $
              if ($role.ObjectType -eq "Group" -and !(Test-Path -path "GroupMembers--$DisplayName.csv")) {
                $Members = Invoke-AadCommand -Command {
                  Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $ObjectId
                } -Parameters $ObjectId
                $Path = Get-Location
                $FilePath = "$Path\GroupMembers--$DisplayName.csv"

                $Members | Export-CSV $FilePath -NoTypeInformation -Force
                Write-Host "Exported Group Memberships"
                Write-Host " > $FilePath"
            #Export the Role Assignments to a CSV file labeled by the subscription name

            $Path = Get-Location
            $FilePath = "$Path\Subscription--$SubName-Roles.csv"

            $SubRoleAssignments | Export-CSV $FilePath -NoTypeInformation -Force
            Write-Host "Exported Subscription Role Assignments"
            Write-Host " > $FilePath"

        else {
          Write-Host "Skipping 'Access to Azure Active Directory'. This is not going to have Role Assignments."

    #Export All Role Assignments in to a single CSV file
    $Path = Get-Location
    $FilePath = "$Path\Subscription--All-Roles.csv"

    $RoleAssignments | Export-CSV ".\Subscription--All-Roles.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force

    Write-Host "Exported All Role Assignments"
    Write-Host " > $FilePath"

    # HTML report
    $a = "<style>"
    $a = $a + "TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;font-family:arial}"
    $a = $a + "TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}"
    $a = $a + "TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}"
    $a = $a + "</style>"

    $Path = Get-Location
    $FilePath = "$Path\Subscription--All-Roles.html"

    $RoleAssignments | ConvertTo-Html -Head $a| Out-file $FilePath -Force
    Write-Host "Exported HTML"
    Write-Host " > $FilePath"