
Import Azure RBAC Role Assignments from a CSV exported using Export-AadAzureRoleAssignments
Import Azure RBAC Role Assignments from a CSV exported using Export-AadAzureRoleAssignments
We also try to map external guest accounts to accounts that exist in the tenant you are importing to.
When running this cmdlet, you may see the following messages...
* Assigning to scope '/' level not allowed
  > This is a Azure AD tenant setting where the user has enabled 'Access management for Azure resources'
* This is a Unknown Role Assignment.
  > This object probably does not exist anymore in the Azure AD tenant.
Provide the Azure subscription CSV file exported from 'Export-AadAzureRoleAssignments'
Provide the Azure subscription ID you want to import into.
Import-AadAzureRoleAssignments -SubId 'efb4bb0c-e454-4530-8753-753f22c8f901' -ImportCsv '.\Subscription--Pay-As-You-Go-Roles.csv'
General notes

function Import-AadAzureRoleAssignments {
# Ensure you are signed in to Az Account (Connect-AzAccount)
# Ensure you are signed in to AzureAD (Connect-AzureAD)

# $ImportCSV : Location of CSV file for role assignments
# $SubId : Azure subscription ID to re-apply permissions to
  param (

  # REQUIRE AadSupport Session
  $domains = Invoke-AadCommand -Command { Get-AzureADDomain }
  $InitialDomain = ($domains | where {$_.IsInitial -eq $true}).Name

  $HaveAccess = 0
  try {
    Invoke-AzureCommand {
      Set-AzContext -Subscription $Params.Subscription -Tenant Params.Tenant | Out-Null
    } -Parameters @{
      Subscription = $SubId
      Tenant = $Global:AadSupport.Session.TenantId 
    } -SubscriptionId $SubId

    $HaveAccess = $True
  } Catch {
    $HaveAccess = $False
    Write-Host "$SubId does not exist or You don't have access to it" -ForegroundColor Red

  If ($HaveAccess) {
      $roles = Import-CSV $ImportCsv
      if(-not $roles)

      # Start assigning roles
      foreach ($role in $roles) {
        $RoleDefinitionName = $role.RoleDefinitionName
        $RoleDisplayName = $role.DisplayName
        $RoleObjectId = $role.ObjectId
        $RoleScope = $role.scope
        $RoleSignInName = $role.SignInName
        $RoleDefId = $role.RoleDefinitionId

          Write-Host "Assigning role for '$RoleDisplayName' to '$RoleDefinitionName' @ '$RoleScope'"
          Write-Host "Assigning role for '$RoleObjectId' to '$RoleDefinitionName' @ '$RoleScope'"

        if($RoleDefinitionName -match "ServiceAdministrator" -or $RoleDefinitionName -match "AccountAdministrator")
          Write-Host " -- Skipping assignment for '$RoleDisplayName' to '$RoleDefinitionName'. Not possible with this script."

        if ($role.Scope -ne "/") { # Skip Azure AD scope assignments as it is not possible to assign to this scope
          # Unknown Role Assignments
          if($role.ObjectType -eq "Unknown")
            Write-Host " -- This is a Unknown Role Assignment. Most likely the Azure AD Object assigned to this was deleted."

          # Group Role Assignment
          elseif ($role.ObjectType -eq "Group") {

            $group = Invoke-AadCommand {
              Get-AzureAdGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$RoleDisplayName'"
            } -Parameters $role.DisplayName

            if ($group.count -eq 1) {
              $GroupId = $
                $assignment = $null
                $assignment = Invoke-AzureCommand -Command {
                  Get-AzRoleAssignment -scope $Params.Scope -ObjectId $Params.ObjectId -RoleDefinitionId $Params.RoleDefinitionId
                } -Parameters @{
                  Scope = $rolescope
                  ObjectId = $GroupId
                  RoleDefinitionId = $RoleDefId
                } -SubscriptionId $SubId

                if(-not $assignment)
                  Invoke-AzureCommand -Command {
                    New-AzRoleAssignment -scope $Params.Scope -ObjectId $Params.ObjectId -RoleDefinitionId $Params.RoleDefinitionId
                  } -Parameters @{
                    Scope = $rolescope
                    ObjectId = $GroupId
                    RoleDefinitionId = $RoleDefId
                  } -SubscriptionId $SubId
                Write-Host " -- The role assignment already exists." -ForegroundColor Yellow
            elseif ($group.count -gt 1) { 
              write-Host " -- Could not assign Access Control to Group $roleDisplayName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
              write-Host " -- Multiple groups exist with the same DisplayName; unable to identify which group to assign Access Control" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            else { 
              write-Host " -- Could not assign Access Control to Group '$roleDisplayName'" -ForegroundColor Yellow
              write-Host " -- No groups exist with that name" -ForegroundColor Yellow


          # User Role Assignment
          elseif ($role.ObjectType -eq "User") {
            $isExternal = $false # User is external and SignInName has underscore to be replaced by @
            #Modify SignInName if external user
            $i = $role.SignInName.indexOf("#EXT#")
            if ($i -eq -1) { $i = $role.SignInName.length }
            else {
              $isExternal = $true
            $role.SignInName = $role.SignInName.Substring(0,$i)

            if ($isExternal -eq $true) {
              $ati = $role.SignInName.lastindexOf("_")
              $part1 = $role.SignInName.Substring(0,$ati)
              $part2 = $role.SignInName.Substring(($ati+1))
              $role.SignInName = $part1 + "@" + $part2

            # Look for UPN suffix
            $ati = $role.SignInName.indexOf("@")
            $suffix = $role.SignInName.Substring(($ati+1))

            # Check if user domain is verified, If not then this user is still external user
            $domains = Invoke-AadCommand -Command { Get-AzureAdDomain }
            $DomainExists = ($domains | where {$suffix -match $_.Name}).Count
            if (!$DomainExists) {
                $role.SignInName = $role.SignInName.Replace("@","_")
                $role.SignInName = $role.SignInName + "#EXT#@" + $InitialDomain

            $SignInName = $role.SignInName
            $user = Invoke-AadCommand {
              Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $ObjectId
            } -Parameters $role.SignInName

            $UserObjectId = $user.ObjectId

            if ($RoleDefinitionName -eq "CoAdministrator") {
              $rolescope = "/subscriptions/$subid"
              $RoleDefId = "8e3af657-a8ff-443c-a75c-2fe8c4bcb635"

            if ($user.count -eq 1) {
              try {
                $assignment = $null
                $assignment = Invoke-AzureCommand -Command {
                  Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope $Params.Scope -ObjectId $Params.ObjectId -RoleDefinitionId $Params.RoleDefinitionId
                } -Parameters @{
                  Scope = $RoleScope
                  ObjectId = $UserObjectId
                  RoleDefinitionId = $RoleDefId
                } -SubscriptionId $SubId

                if(-not $assignment)
                  Invoke-AzureCommand -Command {
                    New-AzRoleAssignment -Scope $Params.Scope -ObjectId $Params.ObjectId -RoleDefinitionId $Params.RoleDefinitionId
                  } -Parameters @{
                    Scope = $RoleScope
                    ObjectId = $UserObjectId
                    RoleDefinitionId = $RoleDefId
                  } -SubscriptionId $SubId
                else {
                  Write-Host " -- Role Assignment already exists."

            } elseif ($user.count -eq 0) {
              write-Host " -- Could not assign Access Control to User $roleSignInName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
              write-Host " -- User does not exist or can not be found!"  -ForegroundColor Yellow


          # Service Principal Role Assignment
          elseif ($role.ObjectType -match "ServicePrincipal") 
            $sp = Invoke-AadCommand -Command {
              Get-AzureAdServicePrincipal -Filter "DisplayName eq '$RoleDisplayName'"
            } -Parameters $RoleDisplayName

              $assignment = $null
              $assignment = Invoke-AzureCommand -Command {
                Get-AzRoleAssignment -scope $Params.Scope -ObjectId $Params.ObjectId -RoleDefinitionId $Params.RoleDefinitionId
              } -Parameters @{
                Scope = $RoleScope
                ObjectId = $sp.ObjectId
                RoleDefinitionId = $RoleDefId
              } -SubscriptionId $SubId
              if(-not $assignment)
                Invoke-AzureCommand -Command {
                  New-AzRoleAssignment -scope $Params.Scope -ObjectId $Params.ObjectId -RoleDefinitionId $Params.RoleDefinitionId
                } -Parameters @{
                  Scope = $RoleScope
                  ObjectId = $sp.ObjectId
                  RoleDefinitionId = $RoleDefId
                } -SubscriptionId $SubId
                Write-Host " -- Role Assignment already exists."

                write-host " -- Did not find Service Principal: $RoleDisplayName" -ForegroundColor Yellow

        { write-host "Assigning to scope '/' level not allowed" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
