
#Requires -Modules ActiveDirectory
#Requires -Version 3.0

Function Get-ADComputerBitLockerInfo () {   

 Get Computer BitLocker Recovery Information from Active Directory.
 Get BitLocker Recovery Information from Active Directory.
 ComputerName;PasswordID;RecoveryPassword;Date and Time
    - ActiveDirectory PowerShell Module
    - Needed rights to view AD BitLocker Recovery Info
    Get-ADComputerBitLockerInfo -ComputerName Computer1
    Get-ADComputerBitLockerInfo Computer1, Computer2
.PARAMETER ComputerName
    Optional parameter to view computer Bitlocker info
   Get-ADComputerBitLockerInfo -ComputerName Computer1
   Get BitLocker Recovery Info for computer
   Get-ADComputerBitLockerInfo Computer1, Computer2
   Get BitLocker Recovery Info for computers
   File Name : Get-ADComputerBitLockerInfo.ps1
   Version : 2.1912
   Author : Andriy Zarevych
   Find me on :
   * My Blog :
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   Change Log:
   V2.1912 : Initial version


        [String[]]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName


    Process {
        $Computers = $ComputerName

        ForEach ($Computer in $Computers) {

            $BitLockerInfo = @()

            try {
                $Computer = Get-ADComputer $Computer -Property * -ErrorAction Stop
            catch {
                #Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
                Write-Host $_.Exception.Message`n -ForegroundColor Red

            # Get BitLocker Info
            $BitLockerObjects=(Get-ADObject -Filter {objectclass -eq 'msFVE-RecoveryInformation'} -SearchBase $Computer.DistinguishedName -Properties whenCreated, msFVE-RecoveryPassword | Sort whenCreated -Descending)
            foreach ($BitLockerObject in $BitLockerObjects) {
            #The name of the BitLocker recovery object incorporates a globally unique identifier (GUID) and date and time information,
            #for a fixed length of 63 characters. The form is: <Object Creation Date and Time><Recovery GUID>
            #For example:
                $strComputerDate = $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(0,10)
                $strComputerTime = $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(11,8)
                $strComputerGMT = $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(19,6)
                $strComputerPasswordID = $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(26,36)
                $strComputerRecoveryPassword = $BitLockerObject.'msFVE-RecoveryPassword'
                #$strComputerDate = $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(0,10) + ' ' + $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(11,8) + ' ' + $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(19,6)
                $BitLockerInfo += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    Name = $Computer.Name
                    PasswordID = $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(26,36)
                    RecoveryPassword = $BitLockerObject.'msFVE-RecoveryPassword'
                    Date = $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(0,10) + ' ' + $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(11,8) + ' ' + $BitLockerObject.Name.Substring(19,6)


            # Return BitLocker data
